HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 013129-1 - Appropriating Funds From GF To Pay Interest On 3 Improvements Bonds - 01_31_1929 Best Available Scan
'J='fi0::I- r O,GOO.GO
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'OL I 'I-'Y: _.,C7ILI ': '07 ''Fi . 1, "N. CC� _.__10•, �C' ;�
1J' 'IC IT1`: xt 'C LY _L li 2 2 ''_' !_,.J C_:D i I Df^C C:
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LN i.:.:ii�`C110:. r . i _F _.; I'_^. C.' a
�orrimI ct,er ,.uur„rton iov thLt the or"ii, ie. lswc . LE
ECOl ded i,y �0"tCti.; Un. - pied uy Lhe i0 0:,
Y�.3: or .food 3, Co-in-1 ..air r,c ; t,e v . , HLn .i 1;.'., Lc cn _.:,3 -C-Lvorton.
NAY 3:
CLrried; ordiry n a e 1Lcci oil .'i r.,- ret
CO.7Il113a1U11t Y :(e1Vb1' GO t, tht• thu -rainunce FL•3., :1r. rBLdiL7
aeectideA uy COrrMIa 3tOt,ur t1Ln._1i.u, Lud C4;_16 t,y the fol.cwi -7 -�Ote:
Y EL3: 11%vor Jcods, Commi83ict,er3 let_r--r, ,1L1i�it.o, ' Lett. Lt.d ,.EtrLrLon.
17'v3: Tone.
Curried; Or•inLllce Tasae'i 'tr.;t ret.din;-.
Cormii,;siouer Ht.nl li s mo-ed th t the roles Le auorei,de'i the, u e
fordin nce be Flucad o1; aecend re dire b; c .rtIon• :,..-or,da' b, ommi3.11cn- '
er yet ver uon, Lt,d cur.ied b; r.e follc-:iin? vote:
Y::'.3: M-.-or .!coda, Con:ii:3iont_.3 ,e•_v r, :Itl;i.'l.s, _,.toll ..r-a :.eLr,;rLon.
Y 3: :Tolle.
Curriei; ordint-nce rlLced or, Lc:ccrd c TLicn.
Comr.J,;jic..or 3Lcon morc,i th t tho ordirlLrCo Taas ;ct,d r., uiu?•
aecciidad by Co:artissiouor ieuver, Lnd CL :i d ' ;; the fo::o'ai.,� rote:
Y:_',3: I.,Lyor ''7ILods, Commissioners ,e<.r.r, Tit•t,i:ins, i'tcon Lrd :-e�rerton.
1;_.Y-3: hone
CLrriad; ordi.,uuce rusaaa s.ccnd reLdii,2.
,:0M: 15-101,er ..eLVeruoll moved thLL the ordint.t,cu be pllee:, cl, ,, ;rd mild
titlL1 re2.diria by cLptict,; ,;eccuded Ly Co:imis..ion r ,eLrur , c 1,d c.-t•ried
by the Pc11cV1lllp rota:
Y7L3: M.--or Jooda. C,,mmid.3iQnert.; •-OL- HLn::111S, icon =.1,C. Le.-reruGn.
!`.Y3 : Noi!0.
CLr_-1 od; uhe or dinl.tic e wL,i t, et d 0.7 cLFtIo11.
Ce::.':133iot_er Bz.coll movod thLt ,he 0_ ,il.Lnce rtlsu third L-ud iinL-I ret-d-
1na: seconded by Co;nciis.lioner Hun::ins. Li,d et.rri,�d by the iollowin� row
Y:::_3: T.'.Lyor 'ico5a, Coae,1asioiiers er.rer , ittn L iti i�LCOt7 LI,d Lr, rbrL0n.
ILLY3: None. '
Lfaver Jootl,l then deelt:red the crdii.-nea Cii,Llly TLssc:d.
the ordinLnce follows:
C " 0 C - 31 t1` C'.:DIi,__ C� BY `H-: I i r':.:_I33I0. 0 _ i' Y 0 ' L:,"0:.i-, .:.:r_•j, .
U,'$C:;I'IIT '�I: I��L4":TC_ 0? '_O"D3 10:. -2H. .F' "ITCIj •T J' C:- �'111,0( 0.00,
-'H7 FIT''_'_n . (1:' 71H . CCi?3'1:. ..2I0:! C' I i 2:;:,.JC'I?i:: iIr I::
_103 3'.ET" ^I^Y P'07IDUr" .'0� '=1 D-r1, n3i_. . Z :-_' ^CII ... rl.' C? n
-,(, ' Y '_'H `'' '':.iC O:I ;'.ID "G'L3 ._ : '0 ^:: :_ A
SIT_.IN, :Lr:1-L ''20 1• _':.'_'. =' L:. "U!;,,I''Y:
:D DUCT ACCC11;'_ C ,F:: U-;
I BY 'H CIYY 'C:-: 13 .10:1 0 ' 'IT-` 01'_'Y C-' LU EC1L:', ,3,
3".., 'ICIi::'' _,U:Z: _':."L: '-'H :_1.'__;'I. _'LT:`D 0= a_-I:, --IY ..'(' _ Y "`J{� I!'^_:._._ST
:,U- AU; �Y 11Lh 1! 9 :'i: -j:300.000.00 C? 130:,D3 :?� IiC:if BY
D-r'— C ::3 :JOPT:,,D BY�2.4:. C I"'Y 3I0:` 0.' _'ii:. %1_'Y 0_' =.U:;'C'C'c:, i:_:L 3,
"no Ci% CO:X7li3diUt, C- --he lilt Ui ..GUt,O::L, 'ta:,. CUnr,t,c:'' 11, r0Ct;.%;SUd
r6'Uicr ZeJal Ull lii 1u r ?U 1L: C;E=L i21=_? rl' .. 11, t[.e C;L', Ft 11, Oil tills
the J1au dL-- ci Jt.ni:Lry, . .D. 1^�^ . 11 m,.rbera ci .Li9� Ci• tom; �D;C.lodlUn
beit, rr ..:eut. Ltld LAcptel the fO11UlVin:7 ieaolUtiULI:
r L.L n: J, on JtuLry 51S',, IO=:n, ;ham i,.y Oc7,:-,,13.11C1, CI ;,he Lty �..f
:Uuoce'.. 2ex"-a' i-ULI ur1Oe t file 13.;UE.t1,;J Ui ;.31e - .0110 ", 11" au,SO: ibed
bcndi, t, -.mel;�. �13� , ;J0.00 trae� � :Iro•,•C .:;l,t , o:,3a. .:tie., .. o.' 1^��.
)25. 0.00 Je r tenai_ n ads. 'vriea _ of 1129, ad 40,000.00 -terworks
Uonda. Series of 1929, uzwre • - the .um � ''wo Huddr ua�nd Dollars
( e- .000.00), all of sail bond i '.bru ry .lth, 1929. -nd bearine
interest -t tie r .to of five e. c tum (5;0) per annum. - able semi-annually;
TH3R3AS, on Au t 11th9 I929. here ill bu due le '. t he National
-il of Cc erce, 1. jor$ City, &or!:. six ha' interest, ,0 0.00 on
suld 3200,000.90 of bonds, n , the taxes l=vi-- - ' , 'he e r 1929
will not be due and collectible until aft - s' Id Au.-ust llth, 19-9:
N0.7, -2H31r3-A0_ 3, BE IT R33OLVED ' 7H3 CI^_- 001", 133I017 OF ",,HE CIYY OF LUBBOCL.
T3SA3, that there shall a Lnd t ere is ereby r.ppropriatea from the 3eneral Fund
Of said City the sum of �5,012.50 to pay the inter at due &ugust llth, 1929. on
said 11200,000.00 of bonds, plus the banks charge of 12.50.
The above resolution bean- read, it was moved by Commissioner '.,&con, and
seconded by Lommissioner riankins, the' he same do phsa. Thereupon, the
question being called for. the followinv me fiber. ' "e City Commission voted
AYE: Mayor -oods, Commissio era ear = , HanLins, --aeon and Leuverton. and NONE
voted ITO.
r 133ED AND . _--�D=, this -he 31st d of January,4.D. 1929.
H.D. Woods
Mayor. City of Lubbock.
T^_;ST: exas.
1-R. HodRere
City eore cry, City o
Lubbock, i exas.
16ity seal)
OF Br_IiD 3AL3.
Before me, the under3ianed authority, on this day perso . -lly Gppeared H.
Guinn, who, after being by me dull, sworn, delo::es and says th-t he is the
.ousiness laeuager of The Lubbock ' ornin avalanche, a newspaper of general
circulation which has been continuously and regularly published in the
City of Lubbock. Texas, for a period of more than one year Frior to the
1st day of December, j,.D. 1928, and that 4 true copy of the attached notice
advertising the sale of $350.000.00 City of ubbock Bonds was published in
said raper on the following dates: December 23rd and 301b, 1?28, and
January 61h, 13th -nd 20th, 1929, the date of first publio�tion beinl- not less
than thirty lays before the date of the sale.
L.E. Quinn
Business Manager, The Zubbook
L;orning ..valanahe.
70EN TO 317BSC3IBED before me, ahl� he 8uh day f `ebr' Lrg, L.D. 1929.
2rank Jones
otary Public in Lad fur Lubbock
County, 'exas.
I!H.. ST _L 0 r T i )
CUN1Y 0? LU'2 Cg)
I, 'lora 3reen mtchiscn, ler� of t ''atric' urt of Lub' oc. -ou ty, :exas,
do here ; certi-- that since the Alectl a : held in he City of Lubbp0if, (exas,
to authorize Lae isou ace of r2Z59000.00 of bonds for e r-pose of the
con truetior. of stre t improvements. �85,000.00 of orid. o: he urlose of the
constructbn of J,wer a tensions, and A0,006.00 of uond. -ur u. - as e of
the construction of raterworka ex'u r .ions, in i. for .-id ity, !.o .ui.a have
beer filed and uo .uits are now rennin a in tF.is Oourt to s t e.aide said aleetio
or o orevent the issuance of said bon ds nd there ar. to uits of 4ny rand fit
in ny affeltine either s id eleet;or or • e ce Q said - onds.
I v ND S L ' ' 0 "IC this the 318t day of J-iuvary, .D. 1929.
(3 U� �) 1 1Si j�a,.w +, —o.0 r 4 u_U uIL