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Resolution - 2014-R0173 - Order Of Unopposed Candidate Declare Elected - Glen C. Robertson, Mayor - 05/08/2014
Resolution No. 2014-80173 ORDER OF UNOPPOSED CANDIDATE DECLARED ELECTED ORDEN DE CANDiDATO ONICO - DECLARADO ELEGlDO The City of Lubbock, Texas hereby declares the following candidate has been certified as unopposed and elected as follows: La culdad de Lubbock, Texas par la presente declara el sigulente candidata ha side certif Gado coma candidata Jnlco y par la presents queda elegido carne se haya indicado a continuacidn: Candidate (Candidato) Office Sought (Cargo of que presenia candidatura) Glen C. Robertson Mayor (Alcalde) A copy of this order will be posted on Election Day at each polling place that would have been used in the election. (El Dlo de las Elecciones se exhlbW una capia de esta arden en todas las mesas electorates que se hubleron utilizado en to eleccldn.) AND IT 1S SO ORDERED. (YASISE ORDENA.) Passed by the City Council on this 8th day of May, 2014. (Aprobado por el Conceja Municipat este dia Rth, , de mayo de C: ROBERTSON, MAYOR (Alcalde) r; (seal) (sella) ATTEST: (DOY FE:) top Re ecca Garza, City Secre ry (S cretarlo Municpal) APPROVED AS TO CONTE T: GADO EN LO QUE SE REFIERE AL CONTENIDO.) Rebe a Garza, City Secreta (Se retaria Municpal) E APPROVED AS TO FORM: (APROBADO EN CUANTO A FORMA:) 1!05 s irns, As461ft City Attorney (Asesor Legal Municipal Adjunto) Aw12.1 Resolution No. 2014-RO173 Prescribed by Secretary or state Section 2,051 - 2.053. Texas Election Cade 7/07 CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS CiUDAD DE LUBBOCK, TEX 4S CERTIFICATION OF UNOPPOSED CANDIDATES CERTmcAa6N DE CANDIDATUS UNdC©S To: Mayor & City Council Members Al: Alcalde y Miembros del Concejo Municipal As the authority responsible for having the official ballot prepared, I hereby certify that the following candidate was unopposed for election to office for the election scheduled to be held on May 10, 2014. Coma aettoridad a cargo de la preporacidrr de la boleta de votacidn official, por la presente cert y1co que el siguiente candidato es candidate rinico para eleccicin para ren cargo en la eleccider que se Ilevara a cabo el 10 de mayo, 2014. List offices and names of candidates: Lista de cargos y nombres de los candirlatos: OificeLSl Camels) Candidates Candidate s Mayor Glen C. Robertson Aign tune (Firma) Rebecca Garza Printed name (Nombre err letra de nrolde) City Secreta Secretario Munki al Title (Puesto) (Seal) (sella) .C3 14 'Dat �gning-(Feclra de firma)