HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 060955I - Paving Improvements - West Texas Construction - Utica - 06/09/1955x 1. - J1.. • r' RESOLUTION RESOLUTION ACCEPTING 32TROVE@WTS ON PORTIONS OF STREETS, AND/OR AVENUES AS LISTED BELMI. WHEREAS, The City of Lubbock passed a resolution on May 12, 1955s authorizing the construction by West Texas Construction, Incorporated, of street improvements in portions of various street and/or avenues in said city including among others the following: Utica Avenue from its intersection with the South Property Line of 37th Street to its intersection with the South Property Lines of the alleys east and west of Utica and between 37th and 38th Streets, known and designated as Unit Number 1785. AND WHEREAS, the improvements upon the said portions of the above- mentioned streets and/or avenues, have been inspected and found to have been constructed according to the approved plans and specifications. THEREFORE.. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS: I. That the improvements on said portions of -the abovementioned streets and avenues be, and the same are hereby accepted and the City Engineer be and is hereby authorized to direct the pa3rment of the City's portion of cost. passage. II. This resolution shall take effect and be in force from and after its PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 9TH DAY OF JUNE. 1955. ATT lG LaAenia Lowe, City Secretary APPROVED: W. B. Holmes, !City &gineer AbfEQ_VED-. Vaughn E. Wilson, City Attorney CITY OF LUBBOCK O�aa95S= TEXAS June 9, 1955 Honorable Mayor and City Commission Lubbock, Texas Gentlemen: I have examined the paving Improvements constructed by West Texas Construction, Inc., paving contractor, as authorized by resolution of the City Camrnission passed on May 3.2, 1955, and find the improvements as listed on the attached final estimate sheet on Unit 1755, Utica from 37th to alley South of 37th to have been completed in accordance with the plane and specifications and recommend that you accept the improvements on said avenue, paying the contractor the amount shown on the attached estimate sheet the amount of $501.93 after December 1% 1955. Yours very truly, foi4:.s HOAtwm Director of Public Works u FINAL ESTIMATE FCR PAVING CONSTRUCTED BY WEST TUM CONSTRUCTION, INC. AS AUTHORIZED BY RESOLUTION MAY 12, 1955 ON UTICA AVENUE FROM 37TH TO ALLEY SOUTH, UNIT NO. 1785, ACCEPTED JUNE 99 1955 SWAAR.Y OF QUANTITIES OtoO9 SUT Unit Location S.Y. of Paving S.Y. of Subgrade L.F. Curb & S.Y. Alley Prep, Gutter Slab 1785 Utica 37th South 585.83 691.79 313.50 18.88 to alley COST ESTIMATE 585.83 S.Y. Paving 6 1.12 656.13 691.79 S.Y. Subgr. Prep. @ 0.20 138.36 313.50 L.F. Curb & Gutter C 1.47 460.84 18.88 S.Y. Conc. Alley Slab 0 3.25 61.36 Total Contract Cost 1316.69 5% Engr. 65.83 Total Cost 1382.52 COST DISTRIBUTION Unit Total Cost Cityls Cost P.O. to Contractor City to Contractor Total Credit Engr. Con t. Cost 1785 1382.52 Note to Contractor 567.76 814.76 501.93 1316.69 65.83 Lot 1, Block 16, Hillcrest Re -sub. owes as follows: 112.5 x 3.359815 = $377.98 Lot 6, Block 11, College Heights owes as follows: 130 x 3.359815 = 0436.77 Note to Auditor and Contractor: City's portion due after December 15, 1955 0(o095SJ CONTRACTORoS AFFIDAVIT ON COMPLETION OF RESOLUT ION PAVING '"TATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF LDBBOCK � Before me,, a Notaxy Public in and for Lubbock County,, Texas,, on this day personally appeared s _D;p_Turner g who being by me duly sworn,, upon oath saysa is, W. D. Turner fl do represent to the City of Lubbock and solemnly swear that I contracted with the owners of the property abutting., UtJQ,a, Alon3la o for constructing paving improvements in accordance with city standard plans and specifications on said portion of Utica Avenue ,, which wont,, designated Knit 1.785 ,, was duly approved and authorized by resolution of the City Commission passed day of a'.Y 19 55 ,, and that the work has been mmpl.eted according to the plans and specifications pertaining to the project and that all labor., material,, supplies and other cost including equipment,, rental and hire,, and all expense items incurred in connection with said project have been paid In full; that all liens and rights to fix liens against any part of said project or the moneys,, bonds,, or warrants due the Contractor,, have been satisfied by payment to the claimant,, his authorized agent or attorney,, and full release of an recorded liens or claims have been secured by settlement and duly filed of record with the County Clerk of Lubbock County. I further represent and affirm that.all Federal., State and Municipal Laws were substantially complied with by me in doing and carrying out the job amd project herein referred to and that I paid applicable scale of wages, and this affidavit is made to secure acceptance of these improvements by the City Commission and therefore cause the first payment of the property owner portion of the cost as set forth in the property owner contracts to become due and payable within ten days of such acceptance, and this affidavit is also made to secure payment of the City's portion due the contractor upon the date of city payment as set forth in the resolution of authorization. John J. Cumbie Not Phb is in and for Lubbock County,, Texas