HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 1652-1955 - Annexing An Area Extending The City Limit Of The City Of Lubbock - 02/10/1955-\ ~ ) ! t:-~11 "_1 -. ;, , This Ordinance ,,NEVER FINALtY FASSED . ~-~~See Ordinance H l683o __.,_.....,,. I OOl "10 · }..955 ORDmANCE NO. 1652 ~ . I .I II .t 0 AN ORDINANCE ANNUING AN AREA AND TERRITORY ABUTTING AND v"> ADJACENT TO THE EXISTING CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF LUB- BOCK, BEING APPROXIM..>\.TELY O. 5802 SQUARE MILES, MORE OR LESS, LYING SUBSTANTIALLY SOUTHEAST OF THE INTERSECTION OF 42ND STREET AND SLIDE ROAD. WITH ELONGATIONS NORTH TO 26TH STREET AND EAST 1'0 ELGIN A VENUE; AND ALSO EXTENDING WEST OF SLIDE ROAD AS DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS IN THE BODY OF THIS OR- DINANCE; P.NeVIDING FOR EXTENSION OF THE CITY LIMITS AND CORPOR- ATE BOUNDARIES TO ANNEX THE AREA~ PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION AND FINAL PASSAGE UNDER PROVISIONS OF SECTION 3-A, ARTICLE I, CHAPTER ONE OF THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK~ AND EX- TENDING THE CITY LIMITS TO INCLUDE SAID AREA. WHEREAS, the Commission finds that the area hereinafter described is in line of development, growth and expansion being experienced by the City of Lubbock, that its annexation bas been reque.-ted, and the Commission further finds that annexation of the described area will be in the best interest of public -health, morals, safety and general welfare, and the Commission is authorized to annex the same under those Charter provisions; THEREFORE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LUBBOGK: SECTION 1. That the following described area abutting and adjacent to the corporate limits of the City of Lubbock, in Lubbock County, Texas, des- cribed by metes and bounds, to-wit: BEGINNING at a point on the present City Limits line and being 300 feet West of the Southeast corner of the Northeast 1/4 of Survey 5, Block E-2, Lubbock County, Texas; THENCE South parallel to and 300 feet West of and measured at right angles to the East lines of Surveys 5, 6 and 28 of Block E-2, Lubbock County. Texas, a distance of 8424.3 feet, ml'>re or less, to a point 500 feet South and 300 feet West of the Northeast corner of said Survey 28; THENCE East parallel to and 500 feet South of and measured at right angles to the North lines of Surveys 28, 9, 8 and 7 of Block E-2, Lubbock County, Texas, a distance of 13 .. 503. 2. feet, more or less, to the centerline of Elgin Avenue and being 500 feet South of the North line of said Survey 7, Block E-2i THENCE North along the center line of Elgin Avenue a distance of 150 feet, more or le-to t~e present City Limits line; THENCE West along the present City Limits line 350 feet South of the North lines of Surveys 7, 8 and 9, Block E-2, a distance of 8580 feet, more or less.,. to the center line of Raleigh Avenue; THENCE North along the present City Limits line a distance of 1340 feet along a line parallel to the East line of Survey 9, Block E6Z and Survey 18, Block B; THENCE West .ta,J.ong the present City Limits line a distance of 924 feet to a point; '[ II ~II P. 2 THENCE North 1650 feet, more or less, to a point, said point being in the North line of the Southeast 1/4 of Survey 18, Block B; THENCE West alon~ the present City Limits line and bemg the North lines of the South 1/2. of Survey 18, Block B and Survey 6, Block E•l., a distance of 3846 feet, more or less, to a point 150 feet West of the East line of said Survey 6, Block E-Z; THENCE North along the present Clty Limits Line and being 150 feet West of the East lines of Survey 6 and St Block E-Z, a distance of 2.840 feet, more or less, to a point on the North line of the Santa Fe Railway right·of•way; THENCE Northeasterly along the present City Limits Line and being the North line of the Santfl Fe Railway right ... of-way. a distance of lll feet, more or less, to a point 60 feet West of and at right angles to the Ea•t line of Survey 5, Block E-Z; THENCE North along the present City Limits Line 60 feet West of and parallel to the East line of Survey 5, Block E-Z, a distance of Z305 feet, more or less to a point on the North line of the Southeast 1/4 of Survey 5, Block E-Z; THENCE West along the present City Limits Line, a distance of Z4'0 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 0. 580Z square miles, more or less. . ' ...,1 i'-, I BE, and the same is hereby annexed to and included within the corporate limits ~- of the City of Lubbock. ~ SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be forthwith published in a daily news- paper published in the City of Lubbock, Texas, one {1) time, and shall not be thereafter finally acted upon until at least thirty (30) days have elapsed after such publication, and if finally passed in its present form, the boundary limits of the City of Lubbock shall thereby be fixed to include the area, territory and extension described in Section 1 (One} of this ordinance. AND IT IS SO ORDERED. On motion of Commissioner _ __.P: .... 2...,r...,r .... e..,.s .... t ____ ___,, seconded by Com:m.is- sioner ____ C_arp-:;._en_t_e_r ___ ., and carried by the following vote: Commissioners voting 11 YEAu: Baker, Carpenter, Forrest arJd Mayor Tripp Commissioners voting ttNA Y11 : None this Ordinance was-ordered to be published at a regular meeting of the City ' Commission this 23rd day of December ATTES~T· ,~ -------~~ ~----------~-~-------Laven Lowe, c· y Secretary-Treasurer . I '"· 3 II The foregoing O:rdinance having been duly published as provided therein on the ___ day of _______ ., 1954, in a daily newspaper published in the City of Lubbock, Texas. to-wit; the. __________________ _ , and thirty (30) days having elapsed since ~-------------------------.----~ said publication, on motion of Commissioner , seconded ---------------------by Com·rnissioner ____________ , the foregoing O:rdinance was passed on first reading this ___ day of. _______ • 1954, by the following vote: CommJ.ssioners voting 11 YEA": Commissioners voting ttNAY": On motion of Commissioner , seconded by Commis-------------------sioner ____________ • the foregoing qrdinance was passed on second reading this ___ . day of ______ , 1954, by the following vote: Commissioners voting "YEA": Commissioners voting ttNAYn: .- / .;j '"" ~. Dtrimter: "JfP'f;~w, crr ATTEST: Lavenla Lowe, cit}r Secre&:ry .. freasurer I Description Checked and Approved: • A. .uti .-· . /Vl- ~·,. . l .. I _.).. 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