HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 431-1929 - Authorizing Issuance of $135,000 Street Improvement Bonds - 01/31/1929!
tlZ& 1000 • ()0 STIIU'l' IMPnoVBMJm~ BOrms •
OI'l'f or LUB~OK J
COUl'l'Y or LUB.BOOK )
Oa tnll ib.• $lat 4a7 of JatmArt, A. l>. 1929, th• Cly Oomm11elon of \he 01,,
of llU'boot, 'leaa, OOD'fene4 iA no••"4 r-,ular •••len 1A tile 01v Hall, 1n the Ci\f' of
Lubbock, 'l'aaa, au •••r• tnueot, to-YU 1
H. D. Wood•,
A. Y. WeaYer, J
J • H. J:lanklra•, }
J. ,. Baoon, )
D. B. l,eaYerton)
an4 W. H • .Roclgerl•
beiltg preeeat, and, uaoa, a,he.r 'bu1ae1e tl'Maacte4, \be following ol'd.inanoe ••• paa1oda
··AN OR'DllL\IfClil IT !RB (Jl'ft OOJOUSSIOK or 'PHJS Oar 01 WBJOCK, !BXAS, A~ll0&-
1Z110 '?118 l ~AICJi. OP JOE>S FOB 'fllE l'RllC IPAL SUK OJ' Glat>,000.00 1 JOR !Im ?tmlX>SB or '!'Ha
COI STfflJCTlOB 01 ST ~ l.14POOViM11 BrS IB AID JIOR SAID -Olfta PliOVIDl!IG JtOR 'l'llE tffl, ASSESS-
.MEI'? AI D CQL.1.EC7ll01 or A SUft'IC IDT 'lil TO PAY 'ffl:& ll'rEJIEST OU SAID DOUDS AND '.00 OR!Ull!B
A SlBKlBO PUii) ttO REDKfJal TH E» AT JIATO'Rl!T1 PB!'.$CnUXJIG '?HS W mt 01 1011Da ANJ> DECLAJl Ul6
AN W BROl3CT o• ACCOUJl!f or TU URGIN'f RBCBSStff o• STmllfl' Il'IPROf&ID'l'S. ft
. 0omm1•11oa.er. ••T•r mo.,ed that '1\e ord.tna.noe be placed on ita tir•l rea41ng;
HC:Ond.ed. 'b,r 00mmi11dour .Baakllla, ao.d oarr1«l 'b., th• follow.lag Yote,
tEAS1 ..,or W004a, COmh•lour, W•T•r• llaaktn1, Daoon 8114 Leavenon. •
. IAYS1 lone.
Oarrie0.1 or41DAno• plaoed on tirn reading.'
0ommiealonu .Leavenoa lllOYed. thAt the o1'4lllam• pu1 tint readtaa; nconded
'b,r Oommhalon.er Jtaaoa, aa4 oarr1t4 ll,r t.ne tollo•1D6 vanes
mss llltJO.r w0049 1 COllllllla•lonera wea,er, Bankliw, laoon and Loa•erton.
IAts1 lou.
OarrS.41 ori.uanc• pa11.i t1r1t , .. ,uQS.
0omm111ioner l&ooa ••• \ha' \ho Nlu n 1u»en494 u.d \hal Uie omluaao•
1>e plaoe4 OA ••cond read.1.Dc ).r a»Uo.n; 1eoond.o4 by Colla1aaioner WeaYer, ant carried -
b.Y the followt.ac Tote,
T.IASa -.ror Woocle, 00111111•110.ner• ••Yer, llankSAa, JJt.oon and 1.eayenon.
IAf'.S• lone.
Carrie4J 01,Umno• place4 on ••coDCl Hadin, b7 oap\lon.
Comm1111oner· Hankla• mDTad. •ut '110 or41Juulce paH aecoD4 raa41D11 aooon4e4
b.r C011&1111oaer L•••rton. anl1 oarrie4 b.r the toUowlag 1ro\e1
tEASa ._,or Wood•, Oamm1Hionera W•T•r, lfanklna, llaoon AD4 i-ea•onon.
IAtSs •one.
Garr1e4; ord.1.Dame pa11ac1 aeoom l"llld.ln,,s.
0omm1Hion•r Lea'for\on JIIOYed. that the orcU.aanc• be placed on third. am tinal
readln& by cap,loAJ eeooaded. l>T Oomm1H1onor YleATer, and oarr1c4 b.r the 1bllcnr1ng vo\ea
YEASa »-,or Wood.a, Coai•lloJMtr1 We&YH'; ffanklne, Bacon U4 Le&Ye.noa.
BA?S1 lone.
Oarrled.J the ord.1Duoe wu aaain .reacl b¥ cap\1on.
C.'o1111l•1toaer Baoon ••ed. 11.bat tb• ord1Dana• pa•• t.blrct aa4 tlnal rea41DSJ
•eaoa4.0. • OOmaiallODU' Jfallk:lna, IUlel OU'r1~ "' the tollowiQg yo••·
?BAS, ..,or Woode, COmalnionera Weaver, BuklA•. Bacon an4 LeaYeno1i. /
an,aou. (
lfalOr Woo4e than cleolared the ol'Cllnance tlnall.r paa1e4.
!he 01'41.uAoe follOWII
Al OHDlllAIOS ll? '111B cm COIIYISSIOB OF 91IE om OJ
TUE PBIIC.IPAL D 0~ tw.000.00, JOR '1'1IB l'lJm'IOSE OF
i'HB OOJISTmJOflOI or S!ltEIH' IJatltOYIUN'l'S m Am> POU
COLl,ECJ.1101 -Oi' A SUffiOIBl'l' 'lilt 'l.'0 ?AT IJ!HR lll'BltBSt' OJI
SAD> BOil>$ AUD fO 0RiA.1'B A SIBIHG l1'UJID to mmBBII 'lltllt
llG Alf BHIRGUCl 01 ACCOUll11 or 'lHR URflED'l' UBOBSSil?Y OJ
S'IRBK'l WB>VEilEl'l'S.
,up••• ot U• 01'7 ot .Lu.blH>olt, .,o,1ag &i u14 election aa.nataed ,h• prup0eltilo».
lo 11111.e t.be 'bom.1 ot aai4 ou, :IA ,-.. prlnoipal na ot t 221 tooo.oo tor the pvpo••
of the ooaa11ra.o,1on ot e,ne, llll,roTemen1;1 in &ad tor eai4 01v. 'b7 a Tate ot 417
affil'lla,in T01ie1, all4 •blob. carri.O. v a .-Jor1y -.ote ot 417 Sa tawr 11heraot,
'bot.a, •JU:a TU lSSUABClil OJ .BOlllS Uf TJra SUM 07 022&,000.00 IOfl 'l'HE 'fURPOSE OIi' THB
OOllm'ROO'llOJI ON S'l'lmE'l' l MPROYiramftS, AID fflE LBVY 01' A fAX IH i'ADml'l' ll'HBB!l>r" J am,
WllBUAS, it ap.Pear• attµma,1••1' io tile Oly Com18•lon '11&1 ea14 eleo\ion
••• t.-alarl7 ordeJ"ed., lha\ aoiloe turaot waa resuJ.&.rl-1 B1Ya tD.r th• ,s.. and 1n "1e
YOti.Aa th•eon. an4 that, the1ratore, thie Comm11•lon le aathorhe4 ta 11111111• ea14 'bollll1 ••
to lav a tu 1a pa,menil thereof &n4 oau•e \.b.e eam• lo be aHeaN4 and celleotecl 1 and,
WH.KIUr.AS, '1:le 01,,. ao1111l••lo11 4eem• 1t a4Yhable an4 to the beeti intareet of ,
at this time
the 01'.r to l•u.•}»1111 t 1~1 00Q.00 ot •14 to"'1 ot f ~6,ooo.oo ot 'b0114• aut.horlaed to
be i1.w14 tor the pu.rpo1e of the oon•tra.o111on ot nreet improYanent•s
BO W, TSBRlWOBJil, ,. l1f OllD.4IDJ) IT~ Olff or LUBBOCK, 1'EXAS1
sec,1on 1. That tho bond• ot aaid. C1tr, to be oaUeO. "Oiff Oi' LUBBOCK S'lffim'f t.
Dli'BOVDitEIT BOlm, smus A OF 1929", be lslR\tl4 wider and by •lnue ot the Specs1al Obaner (
ot tbe aa14 Cly, &dopte4 :DeoulHtl' ~7th, 1917, b7 YOte at th• qualified. voter• ot •14
CUT, aa4 ~ti ~here\so, &D4 tM ConstUutloa aa4 la•• ot the State ot Taa1, for
tui• pupoN of 11he coutruotlon of nre•t improffmeate 1n and tor ea14 01t7, 1n tbe pr1.n-
oipal nm ot One Ha.n4re4 ThirlJ' Fl•• Tho11.and Dollu• (Ou1,ooo.oo).
SOOtion 2. That eai4 bomta •ball 'be namberc coxu,ecut1 ••11' tro111 one l l} to
OM AUd.NA ,a1n1 ti•• (135), lnolue1Ye, aa4 ah&U. be ln the d.enominatlon of One tfho11unA
Dollar• (.1,000.00) aacb., ._rcga,iQS the aua ot Ou Bu4rtl4 'fh1rV 11Ye Tho11&Gd Dollar•
du.• 111'14 P'-Y•ble •erlall.y u tollo••1
1 ,o ::,, inc. ' ,o ,. ff
7 to 9, "
10 to :u, ..
UI to 16, tt
18 to 18, "
19 to 21, "
22 to 2', "
25 ,o 2?, "
28 to 11, •
a.e to 3D, "
a1 to 19, .. ,o to U, "
44 to •1, " ,a ,o 61, "
52 to &6, n
66 to e9, ..
60 to as, "
6' to 6?, "
68 io 71, "
72 ,o '°• "
JIAl1tJR1ft D.ACJES. _......, ............... _
h'bruar, Uth, 19M,
Jeb.raar, lltll, 1935,
•a)naq 11th, 1916,
fe'bnar1 11,n, 198'1,
·nbna.17 11th., 1938,
lel)ru&rl' 11th, 1989,
hl>raar, 11th, 19'0,
fe'bnar., 11th, 19'1,
hbna~ llt1', 19'2,
h'bl'Url' ll tit, 19'8,
Jebr11&q lllh, 19",
hbraa17 11th, 1 if,6,
lebna.ar.1 11th, U-6,
i'el>rWll"T 1111.1>., 19'7,
febru.ar., 11th, 1968,
1ebnaq 11'.b., 19'91
.re l)raa17 U. •• 1960,
P•bmaq 11th, 1961,
hbl'IIAl'T 11th, 1962,
lebraa17 11th, 1961,
hbnaq 11th, 19M,
,, ,
o a,000.00
ll)JD .llw:BERS.
?6 to 79, i.ao.
eo ,o aa., "
84 to a,. "
88 to 91, "
92 ,o 96, "
96 to ,,. "
100 to 101, "
106 to 107 • "
108 ,o 111; "
112 ,, 116, "
116 ,o 119, "
120 '° 1n, "
lR4 ,o 127, •
ue to u1, "
W to J.H, ,.
hbl'l:lal7 lUh, 1966,
hltna.r7 Uth, 1966•
rebru.q 11th, 195'1,
hbrut.17 11th, 1968 1
Jebraa17 11 U, 1909 •
Je'bruaq llilh, 19IO,
h'braar, 11th, 1961,
J'ebruaq lltk, 1962,
Jaffll&Z7 11'11, 19&8,
Jtt)lW.17 11th, 1911-,
Jab~¥ llilh, 1965,
Mrua17 11'1l, 1966,
hbnar7 Utb, l96t',
l'ebru-:, Utll, 1968,
rebnaq 11th, 1919,
t ,,000.00
s,ction 6. 'I.bat ,11.., uall ~ 1m1ne• at \.be •• ot t1•• per c&tam
(6$) per UJU111, p-,a'ble •emi-unaU,, oa tile 11\A 4A6 ot AU&\la\ and 11be 11"' 4a, ot
Senion 6. 'fhat the priJloipal am imtr••' of •14 aerie• ot 1'oD4a eball
Je.nk ot COll!aroe, Bew Tork C1'1, lew torlt.
•eal ot the cu, of Lubbock aball 1>• 1mpn8Be4 l\pon each of •14 l1Dn41.
Seotton 'I. That ~• taca1a11• alpatu.r•• ot the ~r fUl4 Oitr Seoret,u7
Sllq' be Ut.b04rra»lw4 011. \he 0011.,om aUaobad 'to aal4 boma, and lllall haTe the ....
etf'eot •• 1t tbe., had lr••• •icne4 1>1 thell.
Seotlon 8. 'l'he tom ot •SA bOml• eball be •ubetllllt1alll u tollaw•,
OOT.mfl' 0~ Lt7UOClC
SERI.ES A or 1929.
DOW AJ;l, MD JJ 'l'JtBSB 'PBISBJRSs Tb&~ t.he 01\, of Lul)'bOOk, a mmiolpal eor-
por&UOJl 4ul¥ lnoorpora,u Wider lh• 1&w1 ot ,he Si;ale ot '-•• 1 tor Yalue rece1Ye4,
ot lebru.17, 19 ___ • the pd.ncl~ •• ot
(t 1,ooo.oo), 111 lawful •-.rot tu Um.te4 Stat•• ot .am.rs.ca., wS.th lll11ere1111 theeon. tra111
4a11e Jaereot at '11• rat• of fiYe pv oentum (5~) pff anaWD, Sateren ~'bl• .. 1-umaau.,
OIL ~-lUh Gay of •usu•t an4 th• llUl 4q ot J'ebraar., ot oao.b ,ear; prlno1pal ao4 f.n..
\ene, s-,.-1. u.,on 1r•••taUon and eurn.ml•r ot boll4 or p.roper coupoA at 11he lattonal
._ ot eo...roe, lew tork OitT, •• York, aa4 the Cit, ot Lubock la here1>7 b.X.4 u4
111111¥ '°"114,. ant 1,1 taUn anct or.a1,1 am all rea.1. aA4 peraoaa1 pzopert.r 111 •14 CltJ',
are he•'b.r lrreTOe&'bl., pleclp4 tor tihe J)J'Ollpt pa,ya•t ot ~• principal of ,b.1a b0n4 11114
tllS .BOID 11 OM of a aeri•• ot OAt hlmllr.O. tihl.nT tiYe (l.UJ b0n41, 111111bencl
oon1eouU,Yel., troll one (1) to one lu:Lllllrld. ttllr-17 tlT• (135 I, 1ao1 u•i••• of ihe 4aomlna11lo.a.
-1n an4 tor •14 01,,, WJ.O.er am. by Yirtu ot , •• coutUo.Uon all1 101 ot the state or
mno• 4111¥ aa4 lepU., &d.oP'l4 'Dr tile au,. oom1a1to11. et aa14 01,¥ u4 or l'•ODrd la 'Ml•
U1Aa.\e1 ot u.14 01,., Oolllllee1on.
rel>ruaq lllJl, 1929.
AD l'I IS IIDD? Oll'B'.fll'lm All) lmCI'lBD that the UIWIIIDe of thi• bom, aa4
tied pl"Open7 taxp..,lDB wt•r• ot Ul• ca.,,. ot IAl.lboek, 'lexas, vot1Da at • el4i0'1on hel.4
tor '-t pvpo•• in •14 cur 0.11 the '4~ ~ ot s.p,epaber, A. ». li21s Ula\ all aot•,
of 'bond•, and. ot thi• bond, ha.ff been propwl,y done an4 pertome4 11114 baTa bappaed ln
ff8U).ar and due tilla, foa and. -.naer a1 nqu1ra4 'b7 1.Mt; that ntt1c1en11 an4 pt'OpV
proY:S.eion tor t.he l•T a.ad. oolleoUon oft~a• haa l»aan aa4• wlllal'l wmn oollect.i aball
" ap»ropr1atie4 uolu.•1"•1.r to the pa.,..n, of thlo bom M4 ot ,he •t-1•• ot •hich it
1a a pan, a.a4 to ,be pa,mem ot t.be tat•r•a~ O!Ml)Oftl .hereto amazed. a• the ... lball
become iiu•1 aa4 t.tiu tJ:t• wtal 1114ebtecl4e1• or th• •M cu~, ot Lu.bbaok, lnalWU,126 the
en.Ure aerie• ot bon4• of w.tLic.b thie 1• ou, 4ooe mti •xo•ed u., oonet1 '-'Uonal or
II Wl'l!fHSS WJIKBEOJ, U. C1117 ot Lubbock, b¥ l~• <av COllll1aa1oA, baa oaua4
S.te oorpo.rate N&l. to 'be herno aff1ze41 u4 tb1• 'bond to be 1ipel l>7 U • -,or, aounter-
csoupou b.erno atit&Ob-1 1;0 be enoatld '1' the lltib.ogn.phecl tacaillll• •t.annua• ot th• (
~r &114 ou, Seoreur,-, aa ot the 1111h 4a, ot robnaq, A.». 1929.
01y Seonta.r1, ou, of
IAl.)'book, ~--··
lo, __
11.iir II d 1i.1 ot Lv.Woai, fu.aa.
OJI '!BJ ll'IR DA! OJ ____ , 19 ___ ,
toJ'k cn,1 • •• l'ork, lhe 11U1 of '.l'Wmit.r 1'1•• Dolw• (f 2&.oo), ln lawful .,__. ot the
section 9. the tollowlaa cenltioate e.ball he prm,.t on ilhe baok of NGh of oa14
onw:s or OOJIP'l'll)ld£R)
S'l'Aft OJ DIAS )
I lWtBBY omm •.bat th_. 1' OA tlh an4 ot record IA rq ottloe a oenU'i•
••• ot tbe .At.tonMIT General ot \be 8k a ot !••• \o th• dten that 11h11 boll4 baa 'been
tormltr wUll th• coaatuu.tl4A am l•• ot 1lbe sta\e of feza• and the cur Chatter ot
the Oi'3 of Lubbock, Texao, an4 ,ha, it 1t a TaU.4 all£ 'btmtq o'bUS1tion upon ••14
... .
-. ) --'
1'11'11:S SS IIT WD AUI> S&l, or OJJIOB, a'I. .Au.attn. Tezaa, thi• tho ---
or , A.». 1929. --------
'aomitroller of Pa.'6Uo Aoaoun,, ot
the Sta '8 et fexae •
Seotloa 10. I~ IS mm11m OBJ>ASJDm BY TU Clff o, LUBBOCK, 'l'BIAS, flba11 to
~ the ·1ntare1t on ea.14 bond• &Oil onale a 11Dt1Dg tan4 Wlth whlab 110 pq th• pr1ncl»al
•• 1\ .,vea, \here uall 'be &114 11 11 mn)7 ordal.1184 ••" there be .lev1e4, a11ea•ed
Mil colleo\e4 1A O.u u ... , tona u4 IIUD8r aa4 at ,u ame ,i. otl\er tu•• are levied,
.. ••••• u4 c:ollenect 1n eaeb. TOA~ lD ea14 Ott.,, a nlt1o1aat t;az upon all the ,anble
prOperv 1a ealcl Cit, of Lubboot to ,,_, the ow-rat llltoreet on ea14 'bond1 a.nd to P8I
the pr1ao1pa.l t.bereot •• the tame aataraea and to pay '118 lntere,t on. said. \load• and
to or•'-a alnklna tWICl to Pi¥ th• ps-1nc1J>6l •• 1t -.,u-ea, there 1• .bel'e'b,-. leYled
a tu of five cent• (5¢) on the t 100.oo n.laa11ioa ot all tuabla _propert., in aa14 cu,-
tor \he ,ear 1929 alJ4 tor cacb aucceecU.GB 7ear while •14 'bon4a, or aD3 of tllom, are
011.t•t&AdiDB, Nld eame enall be aaaoeaecl Mid collected, o.r 110 muh tbe.ruot" a• ma, be
DGOHar.r for aid ilU'JO••• and appl184. to tho purpoao named.
SeoUon 11, l'l IS rumrum Om>AIRE1> '9t ~he ~~r of aa14 01V at Lu.bbodt
'be and. .be 11 lLereb,r aathorl.aed to take and .baYe cJarge of all uceear.1 nee, rd1 pending
1AYett!ca111oA ,, '11• Attome.r Geural dil aball take an4 haTe cwup 11114 control ot
the 1tom1 !lereiA authorlae4 pealln4 the it-appro•al b,-the Alto~., Gemral and resl•
lra$1on bT the OOJDJtrolle ot Pllbl1o Aoooun\a,
SeotioA 12. '?Jut taot ti.at; the Ott., ot LU.b'boos. hue, 111 111 urgent n.ec ..
of etlJ"eet im»l'OYcant• 1n ol'4er to HrTe ,11e "•' intornt ot Ue oltlaena, croatea
aa ••rs9n07 aD4 an lllperatlve pal>llo •o•••ttz tlla1 \he .rule 1'8Cla.1rlng ordinance• to
lte r-.4 at •r• than one •nlng ot $he 01,., 0omm1H1on before tt..i paeeace 'be 1111~
-. '
PASSBI>, filS the a1,1; u,, of Janu1117, A. D. 1929.
APP:OOVID, TBIS the 31811 41ltl' of Janur,, A. ». 1929.
-.,or, c1G of i.w,'6odt, fme.
(0111 SBALJ