HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 412-1928 - Granting Ft Worth And Denver S Plains Railway Co - 04/26/1928... _. -, _ .. -, _ ....... ~· .. ~/;;>~-- ', ORDINANCE NO. 412 AN ORDilfANCE granting the FORT WOR.TH AND DENVER SOUTH PLAINS RAILWAY COMPANY and any other person, firm o.r corporation operating same., or who may operate said .li'o:rt Worth and Denver So.uth Plains Rail.way Com.9any, the right, ease- ment and franchise to construct, maintain and operate certain rai:J.way tracks over, uponand ac::ross certa,in• stre:et.s and c.ertain alleys within the c'ity limits of the City o.f Lllbb.o.ck,, l!exaa; c1·~ clos.ing perpetually certain streets and a·11eys, a.nd pEi'rts of certain streets and alleys in said ciJy, f.or the use o·f s~id Fort Worth and Denver S.outh Plains Railway Company., or any per- son, firm or corporation operating or who may ope.rate said company: BE IT ORDAINED by the City Comm:hss-ion of the City of Lubbock: Sec. l: That the Fort \!forth and De·nver South Pl.sins Railway Company, ,-:lnd any person, firm or corpor:ut ion operating said Fort Worth and Denver South Plai.ns Rail~ way Company, or which may operate said Fort.Worth Sind Denver South Plains Railway Company, are he~e:by grant- ed the permanent and continuing right, power, privileg~, easement and franchise to construct, own and maintain railroad tracks over, upon and across the hereinafter named streets and alleys as herein described, includ- ing the right to operate engines, cars and trains over such tracks, towit: Two tracks across 20th street between the East and West lines of Block 37, Merrill's Addition. Two tracts across 19th Street, between the East and West lines of ~lock 238, original town of Lubbock, Texas. Two tracks across 26th Street approximately 70 feet west of the East line of Section 7, Bl6ck B, T~ T~ R.R. Co., provided this street is open at this point. The street between Block 1, •orningside Addition and :Block 6, of the Henry Smith subdivision of Blocks l, 6 and 7, of Usleman's Addition from the South line of said .:Jlocks l and 6 to a point 133 feet South of the South line of 26th Street. 24th Street in ~errill'a Addition from the East line of Avenue 11 G11 (Chestnut Street) to the West line of Avenue ''F" l,\'1alnut Street). SEC. 2: That the following streets a,nd alleys, or parts thereof as herei.nafter describ~d., are -he~eby closed perpetually for the exclusive use by S'ald Fort Worth and ~enver So,uth Plains Railway o·o.mpany, and, any person, firm or corporati.on operat i.ng. or ·who ma11 o:per.- at e said Railway vompa·-ny or its pro,pe•rt'ie.s: The street betwe.en Blocks l and 2, Morn-ing.,side· -l¼idition from a po-int 86 feet· S.outh of the South line of 26th Street, to the S·outh line o.f sa.iq. 26th Stf-eet ~ The street' between Block.a 2 and 3, M.o:rningsid:e Addition froma point 100 feet s·outh of the South l~ne, of 26th Street to the South line of s~id 26th Str·e,et • ... 26th Street between Merrill' a Addition a.nd l-lorningside Addi ti on from the East line of Avenue "H 11 to the East . line of Avenue. 11 E 11 · (Hi clcory Street). Avenue "G" (Chestnut Street) in Merrill's Additinn from the ~orth line of 26th Street to the South line of 25th Street. Avenue "i"· (Walnut Street) in Merrill's. Addition from the North line of 26th Street to the South line of 25th Street. · 25th Street in Merrill's Addition from the East line o·f Avenue II G" ('Chestnut Street) to the East line of Avenue 11 F 11 (Walnut Street}. · 23rd Street in .M.errill' s Addition from the East line of Avenue "G" (Chestnut Street) to the W'est line of Avenue 11 F 11 (Walnut Street). ' _ 21st Street i.n ~errill's Addition from the .l!:1:1st line of Avenue "G" (Chestnut Street) to the West line of Avenue 11 F 0 ( \Valnut Street) 20th_Jtreet from the East line of Avenue "G" (Chestnut) Street to the West line of Avenue 11 F 11 (Walnut Street). 19th Street from the East line of Avenue "G" to the West line of Avenue "F11 • The East and West Alley through Block 1, of the Morning- side Addition from a point 238 feet West from the East line of said ~lock 1, to said East line of .t,lock l. t'he North and South Alley through .Hlock 3 of the Morning- side Addition from a point 150 feet North from the Souith line of said ~lock 3, to the North line of said Block 3. The North and South Alley between avenue "F" and Avenue "G 11 from the South line of 18th Street to the North line of 26th Street. This alley extends South from the Nor th line of .clock 232 of the Original town of Lubbock, Texar;, through said ~lock 232, along the west side of Puckett's Addition; thence South to and through Blocks 44, 5, 6, 8 and 9 of the Merrill Addition t.o the South 1 line of said Block 9, o~ the Merrill Addition. ~ The ~orth and South alley through Block4, Mer:rill' s Addition, from a point 40 fe.et North of the North line of 26th Street to~said.North line of said 26th Street. The North and :3outh alley throu-gh :Slock 13, Merrill's Addition from a point 150 feet 1Jo·rth of the North line of 26th Street to saidN·orth line of 26th Stre.et. Section 3: 1'he Ui ty of Lub.bock here by r:es.erves the right, unimpaired, to construct, maintain ~-nd operate any e:as, water, sewer, elecitric, t el.egrpph, t el.ephone · or other public service liners upon, across, over or und~r any railroad right of way, olo.'ling, crossing or trave-rau:ig any of suid streets or alleys, provided said lines shall not interfere with the reasonable u.se ther-~.of by the ,railroad, and provided fu:;t'ther the city sha·l:l have right to grant similar rights to construct, ma,inta-in and operaee such lines to other public utility concerns• Section 4 : '!he provisions of this ordinance s h a ll be in f orce from a nd af t e r its pa ssage . r e ading on re <"-l ding o n the Z b day o f · , 1 9 28 • Passed , approve~d at f irst Pass~, a p p roved a nd a d9pted a t second the & day of ~928 . 'M a y o r ~~ Se creal' __ _