HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 407-1928 - Fixing Uniform License Fees Of 20 Dollars - 03/08/1928__ J ORD I U.A11CE HO . 4,0 J ' ORDINANCE ...,Ixnm UNIFORJ.I LICE ~\TSE FEE3 OF F1red"I-' T':BNTY ($20 .oo) D0LLA"qS/vTO BE p.,;.ID A}IllTUALLY BY PLU:LIBERS, ELEC'i'RICIANS AUD GAS FITT"ERS: DECLARDIG IT UNLA 'IFUL TO OPERATE ·:rTHOUT SUCH PA"Y'MEUT, Al-ID i'i'IXING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY cm.r:H3 S I0H OF nm CITY OF L UE .JOCK, TEXA3 : S~CTION ONE: That from and after the passage of this ordinance, every person, firm or corporation desiring • to enter or engage in the business of plumber, electrician, or gas fitter in the City of Lubbock, Texas, shall, b~fore entering into or engaging in the business of plumber,electrictn, or gas fitter, pay to the City of Lubbock, Texa s, a n annual license fee of 0 20.00 for each and every year tha t he engages or desires to eng8ge in such business. SECTI ON T ''lO: The payment of the license fee herein stipulated, s hall be made to the City Ta x Collector, and he shall issue therefor a receipt showing the period which said sum of money covers. SECTIOM THREE: It sha 11 be unlar1ful for any person, firm or corporation to e nter into or engage in such business before making the payment of the license fee in the time a nd manner herein designated. SECTION FOUR: Any person, firm or corpora- tion who shall enter into or engage in such business without h aving made such payment, or who shall othendse violate this ordinance,shall,upon complaint, be fined in a ny sum not exceeding $200.00 for euch and every offense. ..J:· SECTI OU Ji'ITI: The $20.00 license fe e herein c~lled for shall be paid annually in advance on or before the first_ day of .Tanuary to cover the right to enter into or enga g e in such bu s ines s for the following year. No re- fund will be made to any one ·who ceases to dobusiness during the year. But if a ny per s on, firm or corporation desires to enter into or enga g e in s uch business after the first of .Tanuary of a ny y ea r for the remainder of the year he shall be permitted to do so by making payment to the City Tax Collector of the porportional part of said 0 20.00 fee for the remainder of the year, provided he has otherwise complied with a ll other laws not in conflict herewith. PASSED, APPROVED All'D 100:P TED,at first reading this the _3__aay of :March, 1928. PASSED, .e1.PPROV-ti'!D .AND AD OPTED at sec and reading, this the 4 t, day of March, 1928. Mayor ;, .