HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 404-1928 - Defining The Term Signal System - 02/09/1928... ORIHN t "'TCE NO o 404 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS, D'RFTNING THE TERM irsIGNAL SYSTEM"; DESCRIBING THE OFFICIAL "SIGNAL SYSTEM" UNIT; REGULATING '.l'HE PLACING, INSTALLATION AND OPERATION OF SAME; REGULATIUG VEHICUIAR AND P BDESTRIAN 'rRAFFIC' ON THE STREETS OF SAID CITY OF LUBBOCK AT S'.1.'RE'ET INTERSECTIONS WHERE SIGNAL SYSTEM: UNITS ~E INSTALLED; REGULATING •~IGHT't AND "T:li!FT"" TURNS; PROVIDING-FOR RIGHT }<l'J'D LEFT lt:LAJ.n?Slt" OF TRAFFIC AN!' DEFINING sAMEi :PROVIDING A PENALTY; EXEMPTmG POLICE AND PIRE Qli' FICIALS, PHYSICIANS AND AMBUV_'J'C'ES RESPONDING TO EMERGENCY C~LLS; AND ~GLARING AN EMERGENCYo 'BE IT ORDAINED BY 'l'HE CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXASt Section 1: By the term n-s1gnal Systemw as used herein means a. system o f contz,olling traffic~ both vehicular and pedestrian, by the use of signal _units consisting of Red Lights~ Green Lightsp and Yellow Lighta, u~ed in connection with a Bello S~ c ·t,i on 2; .lierea.ft er "d ,,.hen directed so to do by the Ci ty C ommi s si on of the City of Lubbock, the City :Manager of the City of Lubbock shall cause to be installed at street intersections designated by the City vommisai~n, a ""Signal System" unit which shall be di aplayed near the center of said street intersection, by ~ausing same to be suspended ~rom wires over such str~et intersections~ and in connection with said installation the ~1ty :Manager shall~ cause to be erected an electric bell at or near such street intereectinnm~ which shall be operated in connection with sai~ PSignal System"" and shall be a pa:rt thereof o s ction 3: All persons driving or operating automobiles or other vehiclea9 and all pedeatrians 9 approaching any street intersection where suoh signa l units have been installed~ shall observe such signal unit ~ and (a) When a red light is exhibited in said signal system unit which is visible to approaching vehicular and pedestrian traffic, all such traffic shall come to a stop and remain staticnary outside the street intersecticn until a green·light ia exhioited to such traffic in said unitv (b} No t.r~ffic~ vehicular or pedestrian, shall enter a street inter= section when a yellow light is exhibited in said signal system unito All such traffic that is within such street intersection at the time a yellow light is exhi"bited in sa·id signal system unit shall continue, and. promptly clear saj_ d intersectiono (c} All traffic, both vehicular and pedestrian 0 when halted by a red light exhibited in said signal system unitg shall remain stationary during the time the red and yellow lights are visible to such traffic and during the time the electric bell is bang operrlted in connection ... i th such unit system, and shall prepa:re to move promptly for, ard rhen a green light 1 s exhibited in said unit systemo .. (d) When a green light is e ~hibit d and becomes visible, both vehicular and pedestrian traffic shall move promptly forwardo Section 4o 'v'.'h.en a. green light ie visible to approaching vehicular traffic such vehicular traffic shall be permitted to make~ right hand turn, but in so doing shall have regard for pedestrian traffic cross ing at and near such street intersections, and such vehicle shall -not exceed 8 miles per hour while making such right hand turno Section 5o Whenever there is placed on such signal units, under the dir~ction of the City Uommiaaion or City Manager, a sign visible to appz-oa.ching traffic which rea.ds "No Left •rurn" 9 it shall be unla\··ful for any person driving or operating anautomobile 9 or other vehicle0 to make a left hand turn at that pointo Section 60 All vehicular traffie is permitted to make a left turn at any street intersections where a signal system unit has been installedj except where a sign has been placed on said signal unit system reading "Na Left 1·urn "o Se-:tion 7 No vehicular traffic shall make a complete or 11U_. tu 3. any st:reet intersection where a signal system uni. t has been installedo Section 80 In approaching a street intersection where a signal system unit has been installed, there shall be two lanes of vehicular traffieo All vehicles approaching such street interaection 9 with the intention of making a right tum., shall approach within the right lane of tra.ffi~; vehicles approaching said street intersection, with the intention of -aking a left turn 9 shall approach same ""1.t hin t h e le ft lane of traffico A ~Right Lane of traffic" is that lane of traffic near est the curb or the line of vehicles parked against the curb ; a ~left l ane of traffic" is that lane of traffic which is nearest the center of the street Section 9o No vehicular tra.ffic shall drive through any adjacent drive-, '!18.Y used in connection with a filling station or other businesa for the purpoae of ~voiding coming to a atop under the preceding par~graphs of this ordina.noeo Section lOo All pedestrians using the streets of Lubbock where such units have been installed, shall cross the streets promptly and on cross walks at :ruch intersections, and shall not wal k across such streets in a diagonal directiono Section llo In case of emergencyi '.llly policeman or traffic officer of the City of Lubbock shall have the right to direct traffic in such manner as to prevent acc i dents or stopping of such traffic~ Section 120 All pers ons driving and o p erating automobiles and other vehicles,. and all ped e a t ri ans using the streets of the li i ty-of Lubboclci are hereby required to observe the rules and traffic regulations pres~ oribed in this ordinance~ and any person violating any of the provisions herein shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, upon convic- tion, be fined in any sum not to exceed $1000000 .., "" ~ <-v ,-, ., • J r l ~, Ordo # 404, cont 'dB Section 130 In resp onding to emergency calls~ the provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to fire patrols~ or motor vehicles operated by the fire department of the 1Jity of Lubbock; nor to police officers. or police patrols; nor to ambulances or physicians., Section 14::, It i a not ir1tended by this ordinance to repeal any of the ordinances of the City of Lubbock except such ordin~ncea as may be in conflict herewith and all ordinance3 in conflict herewith are hereby expressly repealedo Passed l''irst reading this 25th day of Jgnuary, A.Do 19280 Passed second reading 9th dqy of February, AoDo 1928. Pink L Parrish _,_,_ ____ ~~:caa,,--,,. Mayor ATTZST: