HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 330-1926 - Lawful For Plumbers To Do Contract Work Without Obtaining A License - 01/19/1925P. ORDrNANCE~tr; ~30. AN ORDnTANCE MAKING IT LAWFUL FOR PLUMBER S TO DO CONTRACT ff ORK ~T!IOUT OBTAINING A LICENSE OR PAYING A LICENSE FEE ABOLISHING THE EXAMINING AND SUPERVISING BOARD OF PWMB~S REQ.UIRING A BlND OF .ALL PWMBERS FOR THE FAITBJ'Ul. PERFORMANCE OF THEIR DUTIES AS DEFINED BY ORDINAtTCE REPEALING ALL ORDINl~'Cl£8 OB PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY ACCOUNT OF RETARDmG THE MAKING OF SEWER CONNECTIONS, WHICH lS A MENACE TO PUBLIC HEALTS. BE . IT ~ ORDAINED BY THE CITY C0111MISSION ( COUNCIL) OF ~ crrY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAI1. section 1. That hereafter no perS>n, ttrm or corporation shall be required to ob~a1n a ltoense or pay a 11oenee fee tc do contract plumbing in the c1t1 ot Lubbock. · section a.. That the Ezaa1n1ng and supervising Board ot Plumbers tor the City ot LUbbock, be and the same ts hereb7 abol1ahe4. Sect ion s. Tha-t each pers an, fil'Jil or corporation carrJins on a plumbing bus1ness1 shall1 before anr work is done• make end deliver a bond 1n the sum ot • .,,ooo.oo to the use and benet1' ot the City ot Lubbock• Texas. con• d1,1o ned for the faithful pe»tor.mance ot the dUties or plumbers in the o1ty ·of Iu.bboolc as 4et1ne4 b7 the ol'd1nanoee ot sa1d o1t7• Section '• All ordinances and parts ot ordinances 1n ooDrl1ct herewith are ezpresslJ repealed. section 5. The tact tha~ the present laW$ retard the making of oonneot1ona w1 th sewers. wh1oh is a lll8Jl81le to public health, creates an emergener a D4 public neoessi tr that the rule ot the Charter requiring an ord1nanee t9 be read at two several meetings before passage be• and tbe sane 1s, herebr suspended and this Ordinance enacted at the Meeting ot its introduction, and 1 t 1s so enae.te4, and th1e ord1ncmoe shall be 1n force c-om and atter 1 ts i passage. , Passed t1rst reading regula~ meeting 19th day of JeD., 1926. P a ssed second ~ead1ng resular meeting 19th day ot J'an. • 1926. F.R. Friend, Mayor.