HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 2019-R0036 - Market Lubbock Expenditure - Charles Adams Studio Project - 02/12/2019Resolution No. 2019-R0036 Item No. 8.18 February 12, 2019 RESOLUTION WHEREAS, pursuant to Article IV, Section 5 of the Amended and Restated Bylaws of the Market Lubbock Economic Development Corporation (the "Corporation"), the City Council of the City of Lubbock (the "City Council"), as the Corporation's authorizing unit, has the authority to approve all programs and expenditures of the Corporation; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that it is in the best interest of the public to approve the program or expenditure, as proposed to the City Council by the Corporation, as set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference; NOW THEREFORE: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the Downtown Facade and Permittable Grant program or expenditure of the Corporation, in the amount set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, to be provided to the Charles Adams Studio Project, is hereby approved pursuant to Section 5 of the Amended and Restated Bylaws of the Corporation. Passed by the City Council on February 12, 2019 DANIEL M. POPE, MAYOR ATTEST: Reb cca Garza, City Setty APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: 1-4 Ate" Justin I�ruitt. buSin s Develo m nt Director APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kelli Leisure, Assistant City Attorney ccdocs/RES. Market Lubbock Expenditure — Charles Adams Studio Project — Downtown Fapade and Permittable Grant Program January 19, 2019 MARKET LUBBOCK, INC. — DOWNTOWN GRANT PROGRAM 5w IF r.. ��.► .tom � �.• #., .«. � '�'. �: k 4�`e sr , y � r. V l m. w w t _. it 408 Ave J (The Charles Adams Studio Project) TOTAL SCOPE OF PERMIT WORK = $315,000 PERMITTABLE GRANT = $31,500 TOTAL SCOPE OF FACADE WORK = $50,000 FACADE GRANT = $25,000 M A R K E T IIIIIIIII?Z1 Downtown Grant Program Presented to MLI Board January 23, 2019 Project 408 Ave J (The Charles Adams Studio Project) The Charles Adams Studio Project (CASP) is a non-profit arts organization that was founded by Charles Adams, with the help of Margaret Talkington, in October of 2009. The CASP mission is to serve as the cornerstone in the Lubbock Arts District through developing and sustaining a working artists' community that actively engages the public with arts. CASP is building four new 800 square foot climate -controlled artist work studios at 408 Ave J, located within the Downtown TIF. The scope of work will include new building construction with site grading, concrete, plumbing, HVAC and electrical work totaling $365,000 in expenses. The MLI Board is being asked to consider a Downtown Permittable Grant totaling $31,500 and a Downtown Facade Grant for $25,000 for The Charles Adams Studio Project at 408 Ave J. M A R K E T LUBB*CK. Project Profile - Downtown The information requested on this form will be used by Market Lubbock, Inc. for analysis of your project. MLI CONTACT INFORMATION Jorge Quirino - Special Projects Phone: 806.723.8241 Market Lubbock, Inc. 1500 Broadway, Sixth Floor, Lubbock, TX 79401 Email: jorge.quirino@lubbockeda.org "Applications must be received by MLI prior to pulling a City permit or starting construction *Scope of work must be approved by the City of Lubbock (more detail on page 3) Project Property Address 408 Avenue J, Lubbock, Texas, 79401 GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE COMPANY Company Name Street Address City, State, Zip Federal Tax ID # The Charles Adams Studio Project 602 Avenue J Lubbock, Texas, 79401 27-1238391 r+C 61C�A1 161C/1�1111ATIA\I AOAI IT TIJC f�A11AAA\IV l�r141TAl�T Name Title Phone Number Email Chad Plunket Director 806-928-4529 chadPcasp-arts.org Date 11 /10/18 COMPANY BACKGROUND List any person or entity that has at least 5% ownership in the Applicant Company: Name Percent Name Percent Is the firm registered with the Secretary of State's Office to do business in Texas? Yes 4Fw Are you in good standing with the State of Texas? Yes If you answered "No" to either of the above two questions, please explain Is the firm and/or principals delinquent on any federal, state or local tax obligations? No Has the company or principals of the company had prior bankruptcies or lawsuits? No If you answered "Yes" to either of the above two questions, please explain 1 MLI 2/5/18 INFORMATION ABOUT THE PROJECT Project Name (MLI Use) 1408 Ave J LCAD R#'s (MLI Use) JR88800 Grant Type (Check One): Permittable Fagade 0 uetauea rrolect summary ana uescripuon of vvorK: Permittable and Fagade construction project including four new 800 sq. ft. climate controlled artist work studios, landscaping Project's NAICS Code (North American Industry Classification System) 1541430 NAICS Description JArt Studios City Permit Total Amount (if applicable) $740 Summary of Itemized Expenses: Projected MLI Approved Reimbursement (MLI USE) Construction of CASP Work Studios Fagade l $50,000 1 $25,000 Permittablel $315,000 1 $31,500 TOTAL Final bids will be used to calculate the project cost and grant amount. 2 MLI 2/5/18 Scope of work must be approved by the City of Lubbock The link below includes the City documents used to determine compliance: https://www.ci.Iubbock.tx. us/departmental-websites/departments/planning/area-redevelopment ■ 1999 Design Standards for Central Business District ■ Central Business District — CB-2 • Central Business District — CB-3 ■ Central Business District — CB-4 ■ Central Business District — CB-5 ■ Central Business District — CB-6 ■ Downtown Public Improvements Design Standards The property owner or leasee is responsible for communicating directly with the City of Lubbock to determine if any aspects of the scope of work require permits as well as determining if public improvements will be required. DOCUMENTS FROM THE APPLICANT Required at the time of application: [21 Project Profile 0 City Approval Permits 7 Required ❑ Not Required Public Improvements El Required ❑ Not Required 0 Detailed & Itemized Construction Bids and/or 0 Schedule of Values w/Architectural Plans 0 Before Picture (prior to construction beginning) ❑ Architectural Renderings (if applicable) Required after completion of construction: ❑ Certificate of Occupancy or Similar City Document (Permit) ❑ City Written Verification of Guideline Compliance (Non -Permit) Proof of Payment: ❑ Paid Invoices ❑ Canceled Checks, Bank or Credit Card Statement (Please mark out identifying account numbers) 3 MLI 2/5/18 408 Ave J — Before Pictures Looking southwest to Buddy Holly Hall Looking south to back of CASP. 51h and Ave J Looking north to Marsha Sharp Freeway Looking east to existing studios No Text CASP City Permit TEXAS APN: DATE ISSUED: 18-Ja1-2019 PERMIT: CONINI-065504-2018 SCOPE: Commercial Building Addition SITE ADDRESS: 408 Avc I SUBDIVISION: ORIGINALTOWN LUBB( CITY: Lubbock nt c Comnanv CHAD HL•`NTIIORN 'iI;INFRTCOMMERCIAL ALA Fee Name Fee Notes Gov-2018 Advanced Building Pennit Plan Review Fee (50.00) an-2019 Building Permit Plan Revicu Fee 25%of Pcrmit Fes !ov-2018 Comm - Nc�v Additions to Floor Area PERMIT RECEIPT PARCELOWNFR; ADDRESS: CITYrSTATE,LiP: R—`'le Hitline Contact Contractor YeS Paid 'lb Date Balance C $50.00 SO, S 110,00 so. 5640.00 S0 Total s0 nent Number Pavment Date Payment Tvne Payment Note Transaetion'F4'pe Billing Contact payment -080247-19-11-2018 11/19/2018 Visa (Wells Fee Payment CHAD HENTHO Fargo) S` Fee name CREDIT DLBI I v�tt ACCOC\T AC'(0IxI !•+ Advanced Building Permit Plan 100,6222 1001548 Review Fee (50 00) tnt Number Pavment Date Payment Tvp Payment Not Transaction Tvne Billing Contact Payment 83939-18-01-2019 01/18/2019 Visa (Wells Fee Payment CHAD HENTHO 5 Fargo) Fee Name CREDIT DEBIT ACCOUNT ACCOUNT Comm - New Additions to Floor 100.6222 100 1548 Area Building Permit Plan Review Fee 1006222 100A W Proj: CASP Minimalist Studios # 2 Bldg Area: 3,260 sf Loc. Lubbock, TX Site Area: 3,260 sf 0 Acres TEINERT Owner. CASP Schedule: 4 mo Ecr. ienz � Arch: Jeff Sutherland Subcontractor Estimator: JK Date: 14-Aug-18 Bond Rate: 1.50% Code Description Subcontractor/Vendor Subs Mati's Labor Total $/Sf 1 General Conditions Teinert 20,060 13,500 33,560 10.29 2 Design Fees Sutherland Design 14,000 14,000 4.29 3 Permit Fees Teinert 740 740 0.23 4 SWPPP VTECH 3,250 3,250 1.00 5 Testing Laboratory Teinert 2,000 2,000 0.61 6 Professional Survey & Layout Teinert 1,500 1,500 0.46 7 Temp. Barricades & Fences Teinert 1,200 1,200 0.37 0 0.00 0 0.00 2200 Site Grading Rentfro w/ building 0 0.00 0 0.00 03300 Slab on Grade w/ Footings Rentfro w/ building 0 0.00 Sealed Concrete Floors Padgett w/ paint 0 0.00 0 0.00 05500 Misc. Metal Fabrications Teinert 1,500 1,500 0.46 0 0.00 06100 OSB Wall Panels Rentfro w/ building 0 0.00 0 0.00 08100 Hollow Metal Doors/Frames RSM 12,099 4,200 16,299 5.00 Glass Overhead Doors Rentfro w/ building 0 0.00 0 0.00 09900 Paint Padgett 27,500 27,500 8.44 Fire Retardent Paint Padgett w/ paint 0 0.00 Paint Deck Padgett w/ paint 0 0.00 0 0.00 10522 Fire Extinguishers (4) Teinert 700 400 1,100 0.34 0 0.00 13000 Pre -Engineered Building Rentfro 159,300 159,300 48.87 Metal wall Panels Rentfro w/ building 0 0.00 Metal Roof Rentfro w/ building 0 0.00 Spray Foam Walls & Roof Rentfro w/ building 0 0.00 0 0.00 15000 Plumbing Earl's 24,503 24,503 7.52 HVAC Earl's w/ plumbing _ 0 0.00 0 0.00 16000 Electrical Larcon 42,500 42,500 13.04 0 0.00 Page 1 LHUCA Phase 2 Recap REVISED Proj: CASP Minimalist Studios # 2 Bldg Area: 3,260 sf Loc: Lubbock, TX Site Area. 3,260 sf 0 Acres T E 1 N E RT Owner: CASP Schedule. 4 mo EST. 19A2 Arch: Jeff Sutherland Subcontractor Estimator: JK Date: 14-Aug-18 Bond Rate: 1.50% .. ..Labor 0 0.00 Fee/Mo.: $6,765 tPercent 277,993 32,859 18,100 328,952 100.91 General Conditions 9.19% Cost: 84.5% 10.0% 5.5% Approx Cost Breakdown cost / sf) LAB BURDEN 38.00% 38.00% 6,878 2.11 Bldrs. Risk $201 Sales Tax 0.00% 0 0.00 Site $293,155 $89.92 Gen. Liab. $2,216 Sub Total 335,830 103.02 OPL $0 B.R./G.L./OPL 2,418 0.74 Building $72,153 $22.13 P&P Bond #REF! Fee 8.0% 27,060 8.30 Total 365,308 112.06 Total With Out Bond 365,308 Bid Amount 365,000 1 Add Concrete Retaining Wall and Grade Parking Lot $7,236 Concrete & Site Work 6,700 Subtotal 6,700 OH&P $536 Total $7,236 Page 2 LHUCA Phase 2 Recap REVISED