HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 2019-O0117 - Reviewing Classifications For The Methods Of Assessing Special Benefits - 08/27/2019First Reading
August27, 2019
Item No. 7.3
ORDINANCE NO. 20 19-QO 1 1 7
Second Reading
September 10,2019
Item No. 6.5
WHEREAS, Chapter 372 of the Texas Local Goverrunent Code (the "Act") allows for
the creation of public improvement districts; and
WHEREAS, On October 28, 2004 the City Council passed Resolution No.2004-R0543,
attached hereto as "Exhibit A," which made certain findings concerning the advisability
of creating the North Point Public Improvement District (the "District"), authorized and
created the District as ll public improvement district under the Act, WJd designated the
Lubbock City Council as the entity responsible for the management of and provision of
services and improvements to the District; and
WHEREAS, On November 18, 2004 the Lubbock City Council passed Resolution 2004-
R0564, approving the Service and Assessment Plan (the "Plan") for the District, which
has been reviewed and revised each year when necessary. Exhibh B, lltlllched hereto,
contains an updated Plan for the District; and
WHEREAS, the Act requires that the Ci1y Council review tbe Plan; prepare a proposed
assessment roll and file it with the City Secretary; and, schedule a public hearing to
consider the proposed assessments and receive public comment on an annual basis; and
WHEREAS, after published and mailed notice of the hearing, pursuant to the Act, a
public hearing was held August 27, 2019, to consider objections to the proposed
assessments. The City Council closed tlle public hearing after receiving property owner's
concerns and comments (both oral and written) on proposed 20 I 9 assessments within the
District and acted on any objections to proposed assessments for particular parcels; and
WHEREAS, the City desired by the calling and holding of such public hearing to
provide a reasonable opportunity for any owner of property located in tlle District to
speak for or against tbe 2019 assessment rate for a special assessment against real
property and real property improvements exclusive of public rights-of-way. to provide
funding for the District for the purpose of supplemental services and improvements; and
WHEREAS, the City Council desires to review classifications and formulas for the
apportionment of the costs for services and improvements of the property in the District,
Nor1b Po)nt PlO AtstStrntnl Ordi.cwnce ZOJY (JIV ZOJY-10) P•e• I
and approve, adopt and file with the City Secretary an updated Assessment Roll (the
"Roll" which is attached hereto as Exhibit C; and
WHEREAS, the City Council finds after review that the Plan and Roll are feasible and
sound and will serve the needs and desires of the property owners and that the assessment
rate of $.1 4 per $I 00.00 of net taxable value through year 2023, as detennined by the
Lubbock Central Appraisal District, of the property or improvements to the property
located in the District; are reasonable and adequate.
SECTION I : That the fact s and recitations contained in the preamble of this
ordinance are hereby found and declared to be true and correct
SECTION 2: That the City Council, after review of the Plan, approves the method of
assessing special benefits of services and improvements set forth in the Plan. Tenns
relating to property taxes in this ordinance shall be used as defined in Section I .04 of
the Texas Property Tax Code. In accordance with the Plan, each property owner in
the District identified for assessments in 20 19 receives the same amount of service for
the assessment provided. The proposed method of assessment, which speci fies
included or excluded classes of assessable property, is based on the net taxable value
of the real property and real property improvements as detennincd by the Lubbock
Central Appraisal District in accordance with Chapter 25 of the Texas Property Tax
Code. Public rights-of-way are exempt from assessment. All property has been
assessed on an annual basis beginning January I, 2005.
SECTION 3: The City Council hereby approves, adopts and files with the City
Secretary the RoiL The Roll states an estimate of the assessment again~'! each parcel
of land in the District, as determined by the method of assessment set forth in the Plan
and this Ordinance. The City Secretary shall file the Roll in the official City records.
The Roll shall be subject to public inspection.
SECTION 4: 'lhat the City Council fi nds that the notice of the City Council's
intention to consider the proposed assessments at a public hearing on August 27, 2019
at 4:30 p.m. in the City Council Chamber, 1625 131h Street, Lubbock, Texas was
published in the official newspaper of the City of Lubbock, Texas before the IO'h day
before the date of the hearing. The notice stated: (I) the date, time and place of the
hearing; (2) the general nature of the services and improvements; (3) the cost or the
services and improvements; (4) the botmdaries of the District; and, (5) that written or
oral objections will be considered at the hearing.
SECTION 5: That the City Council finds that City staff mailed to the owners of
property liable for assessment notice of the hearing as the ownership appears on the
City tax roll. The notice contained the infonnation required by the Act. The notice
was mailed before the I O"' day before the date of the bearing to the last known
North Po41!1 PIO AsSC"ssmcat Ordinlnc-t 20i~ (F\1 20t9~10)
address of the property owner on the City tax roll. The failure of the property owner
to receive notice does not invalidate the proceeding.
SECTION 6: That the City Council finds that the assessments should be made and
levied against the respective parcels of property within the District and against the
owners thereof, and are substantially in proportion to the benefits to the respective
parcels of property by means of the services and improvements in the District for
which such assessments are levied, and further finds that in each case the property
assessed is specially benefited by means of the said services and improvements of the
District, and further finds that the apportionment of costs of the services and
improvements is in accordance with the law in force in this City and the State and in
the proceedings of the city heretofore had with reference to the formation of the
District and the imposition of assessments for said services and improvements are in
all respects valid and regular.
SECTION 7: That there shall be and is hereby levied and assessed against the parcels
of property within the District, and against the real and true owners thereof (whether
such owners be correctly named or not), the sums of money calculated by applying
the assessment rate to the final 2019 city net taxable value in the manner described in
the assessment attached hereto in Exhibits B and C shown opposite the description of
the respective parcels of prop~rty, and the several amounts assessed against the same,
and the owners thereof.
SECTION 8: That the several sums above mentioned and assessed against the said
parcels or property and the owners thereof, and interest thereon at the rate per annum
established in Section 9 together with reasonable attorney's fees and costs of
collection, if incurred, are hereby declared to be and are made a li rst and prior lien
against the property assessed, ~uperior to all other liens and claims except liens and
claims for ad valorem taxes and is a personal liability of and charge against the
owners of the property regardless of whether the owners are named. The lien shall
attach on January I of each year to the property to secure the payment of all
assessments, penalties, and interest ultimately imposed for the year on the property,
whether or not the assessments are imposed in the year the lien attaches and shall be
effective until the assessment is paid. The lien is perfected on attachment and
perfection requires no further action by the governing body.
SECTION 9: That the assessments levied herein shall be due and payable in full on
receipt of the assessment bill and are delinquent if not paid by January 31, 2020
except as provided in Sections 31.02(b), 31.03, and 31.04 of the Texas Property Tax
Code. A delinquent assessment incurs a penalty of six percent of the amount of the
assessment tor the first calendar month it is delinquent plus one percent for each
additional month or portion of a month the asseSlmlent remains unpaid prior to July I
of the year in which it becomes delinquent. However, an assessment delinquent on
July l incurs a total penalty of twelve percent of the amount of the delinquent
assessment without regard to the number of months the assessment has been
delinquent. A delinquent assessment continues to incur the penalty provided by this
Nurth l'niru flO 1\ssusmtnt Ordlnuct 2019 tF'\" l0Jg~20)
section as l<>ng as the assessment remains unpaid, regardless of whether a judgment
for the delinquent assessment has been rendered. That if default be made in the
payment of any of the said sums hereby assessed against said property owners and
their property, collection thereof, including costs and attorney's fees, shall be
enforced by the governing body in the same manner that an ad valorem tax lien
against real property may be enforced by the governing body under Chapters 31, 32,
and 33 of the Texas Property Tax Code. The owner<>fthe asse~sed property may pay
at any time the entire assessment on any lot or parcel, along with any interest and
penalty that has accrued on the assessment.
SECTION I 0: That all assessments levied are a personal liability and charge against
the real and true owners of the premises described, notwithstanding such owners may
not be named, or may be incorrectly named .
SECTION 11 : That the assessments herein levied are made and levied under and by
virtue or the terms powers and provisions of the Act, as amended.
SECTION 12: That the City may contract with the Lubbock Central Appraisal
District and any competent attorney to collect the assessments and to represent the
District to enforce the collection of delinquent assessments. The attorney's
compensation shall be set in the contract, but the total amount of compensation
provided may not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the amount of delinquent
assessment, penalty, and interest collected, as required in Section 6 .03 of the Texas
Property Tax Code.
Passed by the City Council on first reading on,__,A-"u~g..,u"'s"-'t 2"'7,_,,-=2~0.!.19~-------·
Passed by the City Council on second reading on September 10. 201 9
Norlh Potl\l PID As:nssmcnt Ordioftnt't 20l9tFV l0J9~l(l)
j~~A e ' eosure, sststant tty ttomey
Ord NQf'th l>tlmt PIO ASS(j:Sment Ordi1\lll'l<:t: 2019
Aut:.uJl tl . 20l9
Norlh Point PJD ASKSSmc-ol Ordi~n(e 2019 (f"Y 2019·10)
.c1..t111D liD. 2004-tOS4S
Octotlft 21. 2004
I~ llo • .52
WHEREAS, a petiti011 lw .,_ m:eivccl hm tba record ownen of tauble real
property rcpmentiDJ more thaD '0 pcn:ent of the appraised value (u defennined by tbe
moat recent certified appraisal roll !or Lubbock County) of ID uu within die City of
Lubbock, generally c:overii)i tbe area bctwllm Erskine aDd Ul'lll!ine, ud between North
QuW:r to aline eua ofFnuldord ID.d QODtainilla approximalely S4J acres. AND ownoa
of not less thiD fiftypem:nt{SO%) of die azeaofall taxable real property that islilhJo Cor
uaessmeot UDder the proposal; requ.estinJ esllblisbmetlt of a Nortb Point Publi.c
lmprovemr:at District under Secti011 372.005 of the Public lmprovemoat District
Aueasment Act for lhe purpose of ma!Dtaining tbo common ueu on Nortb Slide and
acljiCellt ria,bt or way, crealiJI& and roaintain~s lhc COil\IIIOI1 areas on NOrth Slide lllld
alljace~~t ri&ht of way, creatina and tnalntaining a green space loe~tcd UIJdor a utlllty
euement, uul .... h•nciaa and 1111iDtainiaJ IIIICZiities in the eutry 1tation& on North Slido
Road , all in BCCIJidQce witlllhe Act; aDd
WHEREAS, tbe petitiOCI, a copy of which bu been •tta<iJccl u l!xbiblt "A," waa
~incd, verified, fowul to meet tbe requiremcn~~ of Section Jn.oo~(b) of the Texu
LocaJ Oovcrument Code, and ICCepted by lhe City Council of the City of Lubbock,
Texas, (the "City"); llld
WHEREAS, the bolllldarics of the proposed North Point Public Improvement
Dillrict widliD the city lilllill of the City or Lubboc:k are described in the attacbment
desipatod • Exhibit "'B" llld shown on the map atW:bed h~ as Exhibit "C"; aad
WHEREAS, the City lw called a public beuiug to hear public comments on lhe
advisability of dla proposed public improvement district aud its benefits to the City and
the property in the propOICd Tlllt Increment F"UIIIldng ReinVCitmcot Zone; and
WBEUAS, notice or such public hearia& was publi1hed in the Lublp;k
Anhnphe-JQ)!mal. a daily paper of pncral cin:nlatioo in the City, such publicatiOD date
being befonl !be l5• dly before the date of the public bcving ilatiog the titne mel plJ<:e
of the he.ring, die aancralaature of the propo~ccl imptovanent, tbe Cltimatcd cost of tbe
Improve~• IIDts, the bolllldariel of the proposed IIIOSSIJJenl dis1rict. the prop<IICCI metbocl
or IIII&CISJ1Ient, and the proposed IJ'I)Oitionmeat of c:osc between the improvcme111 district
IJid lbe city as a wbole; and
WID.REAS, written nodce c:on1aiaing the Information in the publiahed notice
-mailed ware tbe ~~ day ~ tho date of lbc bearing to the Clllmlt ~ of
tbo owners, u reflected on the tax mils, of property subject to asscsiiiUIIlt UDder tbe
proposccl ()lihUe impovemem district; llld
WBREAS, tudl belriD& was caovcned at the time and place mentioaed hi the
published notice, on tile 28tb day of October, 2004, at 10:45 o'clock a.m., ill the Council
Chamber oflbc City of'JA.Jbboc:k, Texas; ud
WHEREAS, the City, at IUCh bearil:la, illvitocl any interested pe!liOD, M his/Iter
repm rn1afivo, to appear llld speak for or again• the alllhorbation of the North Point
Public lmprovmiC!It Dislrict, tbo bouDdllries of tbc proposed Public: Jmpmvemeot
Dill&rict, wballaar all or part of tbc tenitory which ill described ill Exhibit "lr aaacbocl
hereto aDCI depicleclon the llliiP amebcd hereto u Exhibit "C" •bould be includcclln IIUCb
proposed North Point Public Improvement District, the advlaabUity of the propo.ed
~ lhc: n~ of the impmvementa, 1he estlm.tcd costs of the impnwemeats;
the methocl of wessmant, 81111 the lflllOdiOII.Ql(lllt of the coats between the dilltric;t lad the
city IS I whok; ud
WHEREAS. aU owners of property located within the propoled Public
Improvement Dislrict ud all other tiiXiDa \lllits ud other irltcrelted per&ONI wae jivcn a
reuonable opportunity 11 such public bearina to psotcsalhe authorization of the propaecd
North Point Public hnprovement District and/or tbe inclusion of their property ia sucb
Pablic Improvement District; IU1d
WBEUAS, tho proponents of dJe Nm1h Point Public: Iraprovemeat Ditmct
otrcml evidellc:e, both oral 111d docwneatary, ill favor of aU of the foreaoina matters
~lltiaa to tbe cnlltioa of 1be North Point Public hnprowment District, and oppommta of
the North Point Public Improvement District were given the opportan.ity tc ippcar to
oonteSt autborizllion of the dilllriet. after whicb the bearing wu cloecd; NOW
SECI'ION 1: THAT the 1ilctJ aad recitations eoutained in tbe preamble of this
ordinaoec are hereby fouad 111d dcclaml to b~:~ true aad eo~
SECTION 1: 'mAT the City COWlCil, after conductina such hearins aad baYing
hcanl sacb evidclu:e aad teaiiDOJI)', bas made the followills fiodiup 8Dd detenuinltioDJ
based oo tbc evidau:c 8Dd ~a~timony presutecl to it
a) Tllllt the public hl:llriua on lbe edvilllbility of aatboriziDS 1he North Point
Public Improwtunt Dillrict bas been properly called, held l.ll.d coaducm!IIIICI
1!111 notice of IIICb bc1rinJ bu beeD publilbed and mailed as required by law
l.ll.d deJivaed 110 the <:Wmll addn:JI of 1he OWDell of propelty nbject to
assessmem under tbc proposed public improvmlcnt district.
b) Tbat llllborization of 1he propolld North Point Public Improvemaat Distriet
with boundaries as described in Exlu'bitl "8" ud "C'' foJ: the purpose of
J!llintaining tile COlDlSIOD 111a1 on North Slide 1IDd adjiCCDt riJ}d of way,
crea&a and maintaining a gzeen spaee locatod UDder a lllility eiiSell'leot, m1
enbanc:ina md maiaWDinl amenities in tbe eauy Illations of North SlidD Road
ia advisable 8lld will rault in benefits to the City, ita mridi!Ois, and property
owuet&, in ganenl, and to 1he 1Jf0PC1tY, reaideuts and property owners In !be
North PoiDt Public Improvement District.
c) 'lbat the total estimated cost of secvices ud improvements pcopo1cd to be
provicled by the District is ~ly $430,352.00 over the Deltt five (S)
years, and that !be estimated WIU!il coat rlset &om SI!5,4S6.00 in lhe second
yar to $209,489.00 in year five (5).
d) lbllthe eosls are basccl on a propoaed assesamellt rate of SO.l4 per SlOO.OO
of VJlullioo duou&h )~*" 2010, docreuiug In S0.04 per $100.00 or vatu.tion
in year 2011. Alsessml!llts to cover estimated COlts of enhanced services and
improvemeals are proposed to be &pplied to DOWly developed areas Wring the
early years aDd durin& tbe Iller yan will be applied to curready exilliDg
propemes as e.nbanccd semcet and improvements are ClORIPlcted jq the bloc:b
colllainin.s lbo10 properties.
e) 1bat u to appcmioiiDJCIU of coat between lbe proposed Diatriet and tbe city,
all COib for PfOPOJcd improvement~ will be paid by the Oi.urict lhrouab
SECTION 3. That the City h~by authorizes. under Sectiou 372.006, 372.010,
and 372.04 J of 1hc Nit, a public iii!Prov~ dialrict om-dle ARa described in Exhibit
"B" attached hemo md depicted in the map auacbecl heRto aa Euibtt ''C" and such
publie improvemon1 dislrict sbaD bereaftcr be ideDtified aa lbc North Point Public
Improvement District, City ofLubbodc. Texas.
SECliON 4: 'Ibid dle City Couacil sba.ll be the aovernQ!s board for the North
Point Public Improvement District
SECTION 5: That notice of thil authorlation for lhc North Point Public
l'mpnlvement District aball be publidled in a aew&pap« of paenl circulation in the city.
SECI'ION 4i: That if any section, parasrapb, oliNSe or provision of tbia
RaolutioD ahall for any reascm be held to be invalid or llllllnfoR:cable, the inv.lidity or
wCD!on:eabitity of auch section, p1111paph. clause or provisloo shall not affect lillY of the
ramailling proviliona of this Jlesolutioo.
PASSED by the City Cowu:il this 2ltJa day of Oetobu, 2004.
PETITION TO CREATE =':~::X,. 2004-Ros.c
The un:tl •• ("Pallllai11AI") wbo .. lltl 0111111a of 1811 ~rty In U. hlnlllllller decillled DI!Jirld
l'ltl lltMw tla till PllliGn (Wie "PIIIIUI&, ,.qtl ?! iU tie 011 Clluncl d L.ullbclct, T.,_ID lnd thll the
folcMIIIQ Dlllltalll ....,.. 8lld '* ' and would promclllllllel--. of tilt Cllf and to ... ..._.,
1111 JKA!IIa I~ cll8llld In IOUDidlnoe will! Clllpl8r 372 ofth& TIDIII Local G_,..nt COde Olle
_...... G#I*IGII iiii*iii fOr-
Pifntecl-. of CIWI!Ir
OWn ... pme.j ..... , ..... fnln'lllg,..
8lglil(s ral*n ID __.,If not_,..
Signen mJitlii -.:~-
llliSGUte 111e P uaon an bel!llf of the PfGPIItY owner ~ lbcM. 1be piQPI!t)(._ of U. -• ..
loclled .tllle tolliM!..a ldcli {81) Wlthlll lie Dlllttd or .t till lddi'IUII ..W.ID till Dillltd llll.t on IIIII
Locateoht: S2AO ITASCA ST, LUBBOCJC. TX 79416
7170 W WIND DR. STB 101, BL PASO, TX 79912·1144
. .
Proposed North Pointe Public Improvement Dlltrtct
October 2004
{) EXHIBIT A ta.{'JS-llo. 2004....,._,
n. JMCPC rad Ncdl Point~ biiPIO••••• Dlnlcl (PlO) 081*11J cow .. h .. belwaan &akht
end U,.._, and '*--" North Ql.,_ to • Ina _. ~ R•ilcbld. lblit .. Ia BPJlfllllh*ly 643
eae.. 'Ole prcpoled bOundaiiBI .. .,_.. Cl'l the lltlllchld map. Tha fUPOIII al the PID II to mM1tUI
118 CCAilrdi -on Norb Side n a~ rlgH. fl way; CRating and n .. , ... ,ng • graen IP8C8
locelld IRier I ulllly I fl JIMIII; and ...... ICilg and ii .. Diiilng MMnllielln 118 .nlry ....... on Slide
A PID Ia fmdid by a 111'11111 --...nt bleed on the vt~lue at each 1lfOPidJ wltt1fn the PID. 11'111
II 1 tllllllnt Wll glfli1818 tMJtlldlr4 Uldl to pay the pnljiw tad expelllll flthe PID. Aa lf1 exarl1lfe, with
an 111 a •wnt fit .._14 per $100 wlullfOf\ an OIMIII' wllh a property V7llued at 1100,000 wale! pay
an ••a• mertfloaly $141 .... ,..,for n•Uals*III._PIMC lmproJaa161t-.ltll eocpectld 111M
h 111ment ..W wauld be no !IIDnl t.1 10.14 per $100.,.....,., Md ll1l!Y be II•.
A PID 18 lnlll8d by praperty ownen wlhln the prq!OIId PI) bolndlry, lndlcal8d by thals' liiiiN1g a
......,, I"''J m 11ng that the City CNIIIe lh8 PID. 11w jlillllkwt II IUftcla11 ff It 18 -'Gnad by the OM! .. fit at
11ut SO'Ift of lha t~ppl'llllld value~ PfOPIIty within 1M PID baund.ay, and own1n of elttw ot the
folbMng: at lust 50IJ4, ~the.,. of all ptOperty within the pcopo led PID bau1dll.y, gr. at Mit 60'11. al
1M r.~mberal jllopMiaa wllhlft ._ pnapo1id PID bculdacy.
In 8dcllloi1 to a ptlllllan llgned by 1he aulllclant runbllr of CMI..., a five.~ ln&ll ServiDI Plln must be
Pf'll*1ld IAitlk:t1 Clllllnt (amDIIIO CJIIer 1*1gi) Ill pn1p011d _..,leN to be prcMdld and tha pJOpCIIad
m.e.act of =nnrreclt reqund lD LWld 11oM ...._ R*wlng Umla.lan althe petition and five.
,_,. SeNICe Plln. the City Ccxncll hokll • pubic tlealtilll to clscu11 and racelwe CCAIIIIIIID i6jjii .. IIIJ
Htsllllhrnert of the Pll. Each PIClfHWtY owner Witt*~ the papoli8d PID wll tWleiYe IMIIl8n riOtllk:allon
of thla pWIIc 1-'ng.
At • w"'requa1l meeting, lhe Cly Council then .......,... a R8101t.dion ~ astlllliJihes IIlii PIO. ttw
~aad MMc:ee and cot~~, and lhe melhod a1 u rail Nannally, an~,.-fl Ccud Ia
wlllfiCtoly. How.wr, I there Ia a W»ID&ii pi'OIIII19*1 by 2Cl'llo oflhe ~ approvll will nlqllire a
211 valil al ... Ccud.
The PID app~u¥111 J1101 ~ ...._ 8l)c)W 46 monlhe llllirlllbmllllon ale. palllon to tt. City.
Balid Cl'l this tme ~ It II e~ t.al app~Oted. lhe North Paint PID would taU elfed
JlnUiry 1, 2DIIL Tile ••••wnem -uld be..,....._ fat ..wew on 0..._1,-...
Raolution No. 2004-ROS43
October 28, 2004
NDRTH PCINTE I'IJ Item No. 52 ---"-·-· -=::: ·---== ...... == --
-..... ----·-.... --.... -... ·-..... -... -....
UD ..., - --.. ... -----·---.... ...... -..... ---· -·
Exblblt "B" ~ulion No. 2004 R0$43
October 21, 2004
Item No. S2
UnuliDe, and betwcm Nonh Quaker to a llDe eut ofFnmkford and ~ining
iiPJII o <imetcly 543 .:rea, 111 ahown iD Exhllrit C.
0 EXHIBIT A Exlalblt "C" 0
Proposed North Pointe Public Improvement Dis1rict
October 2004 (Revised Boundary)
Metbod of Aneumeat
Clly of Lubootk, TX
Fioaacc Dtparunent
Nortb Poi•t PID Propooed :WI9 Asltum<Dt a•d S.rvl<t Plo•
• Properties will be es:;essed besod on the City's 2019 "nt!W<able value" as established by the LubboCk Central Appraisal
District and submibed to !be Ci(}' un<ler Tax Code Section 26.04.
' Assessment rate will be $0.14/SJOO valuation.
• All property will be assessod based on the flnal 2019 •neccaxable 111luc".
Service Plan
Cwlrodu Yur
Propmy Va!.uct• rr-..blc)
OiJCO*Iltkd P'Nptf')' VIIIICs
Fbcal Yu r Reveoc&~
Atee"cnenl ~ S0.14
(Moinlcn4!1ct o{rl8}1/"'lf...ay. mtJttm, und •tdhng
·~ Repair at~d ~pl-.cm~:n of Public lmpC~Wcmcnt~
Public Impru¥C~Uenc: Projcet9
Waltdna T11tt lmpro~cmcfl1ll
Ann~a&l Opc~o Coart
(Ntlfk~l. fl'llbl~ HrDriflt•· Cnll«1kttr ('o.rls.
ArhiiWJI G~ mttlll\~ ~Mu, pt~.'dUgt, C'ff/QC
""""'"· ....... p T)
Copoal Oudoy
c .... IU:Mrn
Asscss111ent fnfornllti011
AliiCMGnl1 pe:r !100.000
16<,11 6,74]
301 .....
1?6.106.671 180,)-12,8114 18:!,949~\
l6l.Ol?.IS6 162,10$,Jl4 I IIS5S4.694
ztl~ 101~1 Wl:J...ZZ
MH 9.3<1 9,9Z9
22U24 227,2l2 2)1.777
Jl6,NI 1J'.s?9 2-<1,706
• 51.900 60,01$ 61.280
7,000 7.lt0 7.<t26
100,000 101,000 106,090
. . .
7,.100 1,m 7.9'7
6,.100 6,15111 6.896
11.4~ 12,S69 13.2S5
12.1•1 ll,S6l 12.931
. .
104-:<iO ~10.138 115.!<1
4U.176 .. 1.)1$ 477,J8Z
T ... b
187,6li,6S4 101,:111).27 $ 191.381,22'1
161,161,781 11l.l41.104 172..243.10o1
:zon.u :10~ T ... IJ"
10..91 II,Ol3 $ 51,169
2J6, .. 1 141,140 1.338,718
'"""" ~l.m s 1,)8$,187
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111,104 ll7.7J() s 1,2%,?19
54)1,.. $16,1151 s !U,&SI
R301980 NIZAM & ABU-HUI£H RICARDO jCHELSEA E FREI MASOOD & ROO HIM ALEXIS LLC WBBOCI(, TX 79464 City of Lubbock, lX Finance Dep.11rtment North Point PID P~imlnary Asse$$ment Roll EXHIIIITC RAYMOND 0 & KIMBERLY R 2309 REMUOA 11AMAR1ll0, TX 79124 -,..,.,.~ I' 1s114 iTASCA ST ...,. . -·· . _ .. FAI:HREOOINE A !LUBBOCK, TX.79416 \LUBBOCI(, TX 79416 POINTEL 170 AQUINO, THEODEUNDE C POINTEL368 &THOMASC S8S Pase 1 253 319 278 277 226
~R31*14 R311037 11301989 R310883 R301S99 R311022 AWAJ., MOHAMMAD AYCOO<, <;AYLA BASB FRANKLYN ROBERT & JENNIFER JEAN BAKER OAVIO E & EVELYN L LUBBOCK, 1X 79416 aty of lubbodl, TX finance Department Nonfl Point PIO Preliminary Assessment Roll EXHIBIT C POIIIITE L 287 POIIIITE l442 POIIIITE l 78 NORTH POINTE l686 ITASCAST, LUBBOCK, I NORTH POINTE L 179 79416 245 3SS 186,434 261 4922 JAII\IlS ST 114922 JARVIS ST, LUBBOCI(, INORTH POINTE L 412 I 228,8631 22U631 320 I LUBBOCK, 1X 79416-7401 I I I I I I I R310891 ' BALDERAS DAVID Ill & NICOLE ·1203 N VALE 1203 N VALE AVE, i NORTH POINTE l419 212,257 200,257' 280. • WBBOCI(, TX 79416 POINTELS95 POINTE l280 189 Page2
I BARRERA JOSE & ANA 1\301927 F &JEANNIE L ELLENE OOOYR Oty ofLubboc:k, TX Finance ~artment North Point PID Preliminary Assessment Roll EXHIBITC POINTE l117 POINT£L666 I R311124 ;BEDNOliZ. sCOTT ls220 KEMPfR sr 115220 KEMPER sT. I NoRTH POINTEL648-=--.--' LUBBOCK, TX ?9416 DANA 5016 ITASCA ST. LUBBOCK,' NORTH POINTE L 92 1TX 79416 lOSE BIR LOWANOE POINTELS69 L_ Page 3 220 213 330 181,003 253 256 246 201,411 282 261
&I.ACKWI:lL, JONATHAN E STEVE GERALD & CLAIRE BOHN PATRICK & STI:PHANIE BOYD BRADlEY 0 & SHANNON A I 8 Clty ofLubbock, TX Finance Del)attment North Point PID Preliminary Assessment Roll El<HIBITC 4801 HARVARO ST '4801 HARVARD ST. --I NORTH POINTEl301 -.r LUBBOCK, lX 79416 47~ COUNTY ROAO A4301 ACKERlY, lX 79713 5017 JARVIS ST •LUBBOCK. TX 79416 80X33S ~Km, TX 76828 80)( 1635 lX79408 'LUBBOCK, lX 79416·1200 5210 KEMPER ST LUBBOCK, TX 79416 S220 MARSHALl ST, i NORTH POINTE L S44 -' TX 79416 4805 GRINNELl ST, NORTH POINT( L 289 LU880CI(, lX 79416 li4910 JAAVIS ST, LUilBOCI(, NORlli POINTE L 34l POINTE L 166 174.046 ~-174.046 244 178,2801 178.2801 2SO 229 245 31S IR31093S &RIGGS,MICHAEL /4932KEMPERST II4932KEMPEIIST, INORTHPOINTEl463 I 203,1391 203,1391 2841 ILVBBOO<, lX 79416 Page4
lR30: 8088Y G&JAN l 14911 JARVIS ST LUBBOCK, TX 79416 ~OCK, TX 79416 JOSEPH W & JESICA L 5012 GRINNELL ST WBBOCK, lX 79416 MPERST WBBOCK. TX 79416 IGHST City of Lubbock, TX Finance Department Nord~ Point PID Preliminary Assessment RoU EXHIIJIT C 4911 JARVIS ST,LUBBOCK, rOI{TH POINTE L3Sl Tl( 79416 POINTE POINTE L600 (LUBBOCK, TX 79416 5012 GRINNElL ST, . [NORTHPOINTH200 --52281(fMPER ST, NORTH POINTE L652 liJBBOO(. TX 79416 'S222 LEHIGH ST, NOR1l4 POINT£ L 598 MARKWARDT ~lUBBOCI(, TX 7941.0-2341 !LUBBOCK, TX 79416 I . . ... -r NORTH POINTE L 461 HEETHE 5002 KEMPER ST 1[5002 KEMPEl\ ST. 1LU8BOCK, TX 79416 ..J__ -BURNS I(EVIN & DE80MH WUI LUBBOCK, TX79416-1256 ;:.....;.. ' JORDAN SEAN 5005 JARVIS ST BEVERLY A 5308 KEMPER ST, POI/fTEL 661 • LUBBOCK, TX 79416 POINTEl162 POINTEL221 VILlANUEVA l'<lSe 5 180,867 180,867 2S3 I -· 278,730 278,730, 390 -e•• -180.302 180,302 252
City of Lubbotk, TX Finance ~ent North Point PID Pr~lmlnary Assessment Roll El<HIBITC JESSE Ill & MARGARET 149071TASCA ST !4907 ITASCA ST, LUBBOCK, NORTH POINT£ L 178 ' ~ :LUBBOCK, TX 79416-U24 TX 79416 f\301725 CAPGROW HOlDINGS lV SU81llC 11320 W OHIO ST 5215 ITASCAST, lU880CK, NORTH POINT£ l 34 #SH650N 1TX 79416 CHICAGO, IL60&S4 5022 HANOVER ST, NORl'H POINTE l137 • LUBBOCK, TX 79416 ST,W880CK. NO~TH POINTE l 3!l4 -=O~K, TX 79411> jTX 7!l416 lJ~&AlMAD KEMPERST jrs306KEMPER ST, I NORTH POINT£ L 660 LUBBOCK, TX 79416 tlU88()()(. TX 79416 ZACHERY & ANNA & 5023 ITASCA ST lUBBOCK, TX 79416·1226 AUSTIN I4803GRlNNEllST . 4803 GRINNEll ST, . !NORTH POINT£ L290 TX79416 IR311061 -ICATINOOY, ERVIENETH JORDAN '5247 MARSHAll ST -Jts247 MARSHAll ST, I NORTH POINTE L 564 •LUBBOCK. TX 79416 JESSICA V & MANUEL POINTEL501 1\328112 ,LUBBOCK, TX 79416 Page6 206,878 206,8781 290 I I I I I ,-182,4521 22,494 31 I 220,646 I --·· 152,1571 152,1571 213
atv of l..ubbo(l<. TX Fina~ Department Nonh Point PID Pr~llmlnary A$$e$$ment Roll [)(HI lifT c I 11310949 lcHAVARRIA AARON & D£snNv I lAOS N VINTON AVE '1 lAOS N VINTON AVE, !NoRTH POINTE L 477 -+-YOUNGKOOD BlAKE R3020S6 MEUNOA FAMILY LP AMARILLO, lX 79159 f:R::-30;:::2:;;:09;:::S:---f.C::IAP=P;;:E;:-R:;:TH::::O::M71>S=R:-:&::-A::M:::Y:;---/:;2S:;;:;8SODUNTY ROAD 156 CHRisnAN-O.APPER GEORGETOWN, lX 78626-2470 'lUBBOCK. TX 79416 C~UNCH, ELISABETH L 5203 HARVARD . 5203 HAAVARO ST, NORTH POINTE L 83 160,5&9 160,5&91 225 1 WBBOCK. TX 79416 WBBOCI(, I NORTH POINTE L 385 188,163 263 [R311112 lcoGHLANOANIEllE&CHERYL S223lEHIGHST jls22HEHIGHST, ·jNoRTHPOINTEL627 I 191,oo! 191,190! 268j ........... ODHORN ARTHUR lAMES JR & &NICKI E COLON ANGEL M & FRANCES F SPURLOCK ST [wBBOCI(, lX 79416 iSHAilOWATER, lX 79363 WBBOCK. lX 79416 2220 OlD ORCHARD COURT POINTE l530 5214 'WB80CK, TX 79416 ST, WBBOCK. NORTH POINTE l356 ST, 1(WBBOCK, lX 79416 P•ge7 POINTE l418
IW0812 R301740 oty of l.ubbodt, nc Flnanoe Department Nanlt Poinl PID Preliminary Assessment Roll EXHIBITC COlQUETT ASHTON lfo TRISTON S S2lS KEMPER 5T Br. BRITTON l COI.QU£TT LUBBOCI(. lX 79416 COLWEll MATTHEW & IWIA CONDEOUC !CONNER 1\ICkEY & HISHIAJ • 600 ASPEIH\0 530lLEHIGlf ST, NORTH POirm: 1609 GAINESVILLf, lX 76240-3701 o WBBOCX. lX 79416 3410 91!TH ST ISTEH18 50177 JARVIS ST, ll!BIIOO(, NORTH POINTE 1376 oTX 79416 WBIIOC~ lX 7\M:U . SZ16 HARVARD ST '15216 HARVARD ST, lNOIITH POINTE 149 -R302069 CONTR£1\AZ VALfRIE & CRUZ D ILUIIBOCI(. 1J( 79416 ~LUBBOCK, 1J( 79416 l 602 N VICkSBURG AVE 602 N VICkSBURG AVE, NORTH POINTE L 259 1 .. R310BS9 R310986 R301950 R301729 R311116 ~ ~ RICHART£ WBBOCIC, lX 79416 o WBBOCIC, lX 79416 , COOK CALEB JOHN & HUONG I THANH 14910 ITASCA 5T -4-:-:9'"'10""""1T'"'AS"""CA:-:-ST=-, l-U""B""'BO""'"""'"CK..,-.,N"'O"'RT=H"""PO=INTE=-l.,.36._2 W8BOCK, lX 79416 .!LTX 79416 COOPER COLUN & CHLOE '9177 MARSHALL ST 4907 MAI\SHAllST, NORTH POINTE 1514 COOP!R, TOMMY E COPPEDGE CHRISTOPHER l & ELIZABETHT LUBIIOCJ<, lX 79416 5028 HANOVER ST lUBBOCK, TX 79416 ~7~~E~HA~M~D=R-----AMARIUO, lX 79109 CORREA Gl!MERCINDO JR & MARY I SUS I.£ HIGH ST G W880C~, lX 79416-2342 oLUBBOCl(. lX 79416 ilX 79416 ru 8800(. 1J( 79416 COT A, DAHms 3908 LfWWAllACE OR 4805 HAIIVAI\0 sr:-ClOVIS, NM 81101-2740 •WB80CK, TX 79416 ....,.CO"'U""'L"'TE""R-, -BRA ...... N_OO __ N_M_A_I\S.,.HAL_l __ ""ls'"'2"'30~MARS"" HAll 5T lls:uo MARSHAll ST, lUBBOCK, TX 79416 IW8BOCIC, TX 79416 .l --'-=~ NORTH POINTE 1299 POINTELS49 J R301698 CRABBJESSICAM& GA8RIELJ 5llo41TASCAST 5214 ITASCAST, WBBOCIC, NORTH POINTH 7 R3U019 R301981 WII80Ck, lX 79416 !CREECH TERRY RAY & MYRNA 4105 KINGWOOD CT CHERIE MIDLAND, lX 79707·2000 CIIUZ, AlfREDO REGALADO '921 IIMIOVtR DR lU890CIC, TX 79416 -----oTX 79416 ~~S202LEHIGH ST, NORTII POINTE 1583 1 lUBBOCK, 1J( 79416 I 49l1HAHOVER DR, . NOf{IH POINTE 1171 iUU880C~ TX 79416 PageS 183,412 1.83,412 187,728 1117,728 207.l33I 181,958 _......,..,. ----1 179,911 154,704 216,165 205,451 179,911 154,704 216,165 20SAS1 265 278 252 217 224 303 288
DAMRON, JOEL CAMPBEll R302035 I liANG ANOY & HUONG THI THU R£NEE 11311004 , DAVIS JOHN & SHERREE LEON EVELYN & FREDERICK R302070 DE LOS REVES, BENILDO R301706 loEIA CRUZ. AIMEE AO.UINO OAVIO&JUDY Clty of Lubbock, lX Finance Department North Point PI I> Preliminary Assessment Roll EXHIBITC POINTEL2SO POINTE L22S ·4930 MARSIW.l "4930 MARSHAll ST. . -·· IN01014 POINTE L532 . NM88220 Ill)( 79416 I NM88220 l•.WBBOCK, TX 79416 . koRTH POINTEl48~ 14909U:HIGH ST -T" 4909U:HIGH ST, lLU880CK, TX 79416 . 604 N VIO<SBURG AVE. -!NORTH POINTE L 260 . 604 N VICKSBURG LUBBOCK, TX 79416 • WBIIOCK, TX 79416 lS230 ITASCA ST 11.!;230 ITASCA ST. LUBBOCK.INOI014 POINTE LlS POINTE L S33A I W8BOCK, TX 79416 JTASCAST, ~"ie9 I 186.443 1.86.4431 261 279 I I I 206,.545 289 I 239.3811 I 239,3811 335 ' ' 131.1671 181.167i 2S4 251 253
R3110?3 DESIRE PROPERTIES LLC AMBERO ROBERT A & SAI.LY A Clty oflubbock, TX Finance Department North Point PID Preliminary Assessment Roll EKHIBITC DEWARTUVlNG-riWs_r___ louANEA& ·KAIIENOOEWART II4920KEMPERST, INORTHPOINTEL469 ·1 209,7481 209,748, 2941 •W860CI(, TX 79416 246 BRIGHTON lN ·I C:OPPEU. TX 75019-2128 ··~---'--~ . --· --... & KAIIAOI ASEEL 5019 JARVIS ST 5019 JARVIS ST, LUBBOCK,. NORTH POINTE l382 191,448 191,4481 268 W880Ck. TX 79416 11TX 79416 I A& MARIANZ 603 N WltiSTON AVE tl603 N WINSTON AVE. NO!ITH POINTE l208 TX 79416 I DIA2 STEVEN & DEAN IE RAE PO 80)( 1137 5223 MARSHAll ST, TX 79363 • LU880CK. TX 79416 ~ULEHIGHST -MICHAEL ANTHONY lJ( 79416 <--..--r 49191TASCA ST, WBBOCK, NORTH POINTE l370 191.117 191.117 268 TX79416 NANETli & RICHARD LIM 4805 FORDHAM ST ... I NORTH POINTE l279 I -·· .. 155,139 155.139: 480S FORDHAM ST, 217 LUBBOCK, TX 79416 !LU890CI<_ TX 79416 !! OR, INO!ITH POINTE L 234 I 198.487! 198.4871 2?8 MALAGA YO P~e10
DORTON JAMES l & AMANDA R R08EIIT &LAKE &MARV & DEBRAS MARJE ELAOIA. EMElYN 01y of 1-llbb~ TX Ffnanoe Department Nol'lfl Point PID Pnlllmlnary Assess;ment Roll EXHI81TC WBBOCK, lX 79416 -52031(EMPER ST S203KEMPER ST, WBBOCI(, lX 79416 LU880Cf(, lX 7~ SOU HANOVER ST SOU HANOVER ST, jNOJO'H POifllTE 1164 I LU&&OCK. TX n-116 14919 MARSHAll ST ,14919 MARSHAll ST. rORTH POINTE L 508 1 79416-2317 LUBBOCI(, lX 79416 ST S0191TASCAST, W880CK. NOIITH POINTE l120 . •TX 79416 .....-..--1404 ZEPHYR f916 MARSHALL ST, I PLAINI/IEW, lX 79072 l LU8800(, lX 79416 POifllTE 1380 '-='--POJNTEl176 TX 79416 jjTX 79416 15235 KEMPER ST -' 5235 KEMPER ST, . NOIITH POINTE l668 ll( 79416 (WB&OCI(, TK 79416 F & STEPHANIE M 1408 N VINTON AVE 'LU8&0CK, TX n-116 ENRIO.UEZ. JOE ANGEl 79416-2333 Page 11 195,9721 195,9721 274 188.8501 188.850 264
I FERNANDEZ ERIA DIANE & IMICHAELC K SUSAN 1\302068 R)10984 l fRENCH CARI\OLL & ENOLA City ofl .. bbock.. TX Finance ~artment North Point PID Preltmlnary Assessment Roll EKHIBITC S0071TASCA ST LUBBOCK, TX 79416 ST lweeocl(. '!)( 79416 L N VICKS&URG AVE lUBBOCK, TX 79416 SHWY18) LU8BOCI(, TX 79416 4923 MAI\SHAl.L ST -----'..-1 LU&BOCI(, TX 79461 I •TX 79416 POitml2S7& POINTEL512 L342 PageU 197,430 276 235,260 266,90) 350 265 292
t R3020S0 'GAFFORD P~PERnES LLC R311072 !r.ADriA RICK¥ &ANGElA &VERONICA 1\301710 GARCIA, MICHAEL SUlEMA & BECKY IGARIANO, CATHERINE A 11\301750 GARRm JfSSICA & JOSEPH P080X6062 lUBBOCK, TX 79493 TX7!M16 City of Lub~lc, TX Finance Department Nof1tl Point PID Preliminary Assessment Roll EXHIBITC POINTE L97 POIN'TEl113 POitmL575 POINTE L340 POJNTH548 ST, o WBBOCK, TX 79416 Page 14 311 185,380 260 256 275 238 232
R302039 City of Lubbock, TX Finan«' Department North Point PID Preliminary Assessment Roll EXHIBITC POitrn: l281 POINTE l611 .ll~VBBOCK, 1X 79416 r ~00(, 1X 79416-2348 GEWDO WENC£SIAO MONTOYA & 80X 16163 . I'4901KEMPEIIST, I NORTH POINTE L332 LYOIAB BOCK, 1X 79490 IWBBOCK. 1X 79416 BJ JOSHUA --RENEE l HUtrn:R HUSSAM & IWDE ' IWSBOCI(, 1X 79416 S004 KEMPER ST. .. !NORTH POitrn: l460 • lUBBOCK, 1X 79416 I GooDE MEUSSA & ROeVN .. r --· 4921 HAIIVARD OR 4921 HARVARD OR, NORTH PO INTI: L 229 LUBBOCK, 1X 79416 LUBBOCI<, 1X 79416 :AST 1 S111 ITASCA ST, LUBBOCI(, NORTH POitrn: l109 1J( 79416 -AVE LUBBOCK, 1X 79416 1434 I 5201KEMPER ST, . NORTH POINTE L 685 WBBOCK, 1X 79416 PRJSCIUA LYNN ls2031TASCA ST · ::s203 ITASCA sr. wssocK.INoRTH POINTE l40 lUBBOCK, 1X 79416 -P"ie lS I 123,277 ---123.277 173 ' -"'--.~. 214.754 214,754 301 201,432 201.432' 282 I I 141,4391 141,439, 19&
fGRESSETT LEIGH & UNCSEY REUTA A a GARFIElD GRIFFIN, WILLIE ST lliiBBOCI<. 'IX 7941~ ST IWBBOCI(, TX 79416 City of lubbodt,. TX Flna-Department Nol'ltl Point PID Preflmlnary Assessment Roll EXHIBfTC ST, I,WBBOCI(, TX 79416 MARSHALLST, I lUBBOCK. TX 79416 5208 JARVIS ST, LUBBOCK, •TX 79416 POINTEl659 POINTHS1S POINTEL689 203,397 ZSS. 269 222,029 311 IU110S4 GRIGRY, VANESSA JONES 5246 MARSHAll ST 5246 MARSHALL ST, NORTH POINTE l 557 200,0061 200,006 280 lUBBOCK, TX 79416 l POINTE l74 GILBERT a BRENDA POINTEll58 11'\302028 ~~:GUERRERO ISMAEL & ICATlfY WBBOCK, TX 79423·U76 ARlO 15217 HARVARD ST IIS217HARVAROST, I NORTH POINTE l 76 'IX 79416 5233 KEMPER ST, NORTH POINTE l669 • WBBOCK. TX 79416 f\311023 HANNERS, JENNIFER 5210 LEHIGH ST 5210 LEHII i lUBBOCK, TX 79416 twm5 IHAOS. JENNIFER ADMEI\ c __JJ ----5206 HARVARD ST 5206 HARVARD ST, INORTH POINTE l44 159,472 WBBOCI(, TX 79416 f~LUBBOO<. TX 79416 I Page 16
------1\311195 STEPHEN BATES & HARVEST RESERVE llC HASELEY, ASHLEY N HELMS ELLA & WHITNEY 1500 S ERIC A \I£ City of Lubbock, TX Fln;wu:e Dep;lrtment North Point PID Pr4!11mtnary AssiiSSmant RoU EXHIIIITC POINTE L400 POINTELSSl iTX 79416 I r 5219 JAAVlS ST,LUBBOCIC. -I NORTH POINTE L 116 •'IX 79416 j ~5233 HARVARD ST, jNOIITH POINTE l68 MONAHANS, lX 79756 14914 MARSHAll-Sf ll4914 MARSHALL ST, I NORTH POINTE L 524 IWBBOCk. lX 79416 CAlDER & CERf L . 1156W COUNTY ROAD 1830 !14SOS GRINNELL ST, •LUBB()CK,TX 79416 -~HENZLER DAVID & CYNTHIA - -!1800 HIGHLAND SPRINGs !HASLET. TX 760$2 I 'l 5219 KEMPER ST', MARY 5219 KEMPER ST LUBBOCK, 'IX 79416 LU&BOO<, 'IX 79416 ----. ABEL & CY'ITHIA 0 608 N VINTON AVE 608 N VINTON AVE, NORTH POINTE l256 'IX 79416 Page 17 24S ---166,670i I 166,6701 l33 I 168.9271 168.9271 236
DAVU> KIM& RICKY HERSHEY WHITNEY l & ANDREW JAMES & RA8A8 MOHAMED HILTON PHILIP & ROSSIE LLC HOBBS, MICHAEL P ST jwBBOCK, TX 79416 LUBBOCK, TX 79416 ST aty ofLubbock, TX Finance Oeilarttneftt North Point PID Preliminary Assessment Roll EXHIBITe POitm:l13S POINTEL199 4801 JARVIS ST, LUBBOCK, I NORTH POINTE l 321 ITX 79416 DR, NORTH POINTE l231 TX 79416 ST, INQI{l'H POINT£ L439 TX 79416 4915 KEMPER ST, I LUBBOCK, TX 79416 -ST, <'!X 79416 1407 N VALE AVE, NORTH POINTE l426 lUBBOCI(, TX 79416 --Page 18 20l,SSS 1S9,668 169,668 238 174,577 174.!;77, 2A4 209,327 209,327 293
MICHAEL TODD 'PAMPA, TX 7906S City of Lubbock, TX Finance Dep.wtment North Point PID Pre41mlnary Assessment Roll EXHIBITC POitrn: LlS POINTElS9 IR311033 ·!HOPE RICHARD & ICAIUA 19303 RAI£1GH All£ J IS208 KEMPER ST, INORlli POINTEL 642-=-1-~ MAYX RONALD T & JANET iwBBOCK, TX 79416 IR3019S9 I•NVIERNO ELMER o & veRoNiCA R·-Jsiu HANOV£R IVY, RUSSELL STOV£R JR llC LUBBOCK, TX 79416 48021TASCAST LUBBOO<, TX 79416 I WOlFfORTH, TJ( 79382 POINTE l 572 I NORTH POINTE L 2 POINTEL411 POINTE L ?3 •TX 79416 Page 19 165,090 231 222 277 294 231
KATHRYN J & CKAIIU:S Oty of ~ul)l)od<, TX Finance ~artment Nor1h Point PID Prellmlt'l8fY A$$GSsmGnt Roll EXHIBITC ITASCA ST. (TX 79416 POINTE L314 IR31111U. :JIANGXIAOBIN&SHANSHAN • uu um-5233"JAAviSST,lUBBOCK, 'NORTH POINTEL709 I 219.2281 219,2281 3071 KYLE & CATHERINE R311177 MAC ANDREW & DENISE GEORGE 1\311091 CHRISTOPHER S & JAMES & ROSAliE SALTC£0AA FT SUMNEI\. NM 88119 ITX 79416 ST, LUIIBOO(. TX 79416 ST. TX 79416 llX 79416 ST, • WBBOCK, TX 79416 Page 20 NORTH POINTE ll97 199,131 199.131 279 189,110 POINTEL3S8 POINTE l602 260 304
• KAI'OSHKO OLGA M & SERGEY City of Lubbock, TX Flnante Dej;l;lrtment Nortll Polrot PID Pr81mlnary Assassmant Roll EXHIBrrC SHkURATOV 'wsBOCI(, TX 79416 ·:wBBOCK, TX 79416 IU1109S , KAAIAMPIJZHA RANCH lLC 2114 DUEUNG OAKS OR 5304 lEHIGH ST, POINTELS10 POINTHS09 CHASITY POINTE l429 KERNIZAN, MICHEL 493li(EMPER ST. NORTM POINTE L 444 1LU880C((, TX 79416 1 253 297 KEUER SHANNON & MICHAEl 's2o1 JARVIS sT. tu&BOCK. 1NORTH POINTE L ns I -1s~A88i 189.4881 2651 AMNISH K & NEERU POINTH157 286 KillOUGH, MARSHA JON ICE POINTE l 105 261 S0221TASCA ST, WBBOCK, NORTH oTX 79416 I IU11129 'KIRK AUBREY AlLISON & DECLANW j5230 W.1PER ST •• 5230 KEMPER ST. I NORTH POINTE l653 WBBOCk, TX 79416 ,!WBBOCK, TX 79416 POINTEL496 R310903 POINTE l431 P~ee21
Al-LISON City of Lubbodl, lX finance OefMrtment Nattb Point PID Pl'ellmlnary Assessment Roll fJOtiiHTC POINTE L 309 R301771 KOn'APAW KAWESWARA II & 6811\0N CREEK OJ APT iiifi"--5209 HARVARD ST, I NORTH POINTE l80 i --PRAT1BHAKOTTAPAL11 OOU.IERVIUf. TN 38017-7000 oLUBBOCIC, TX 79416 220 172,206 241 -· -)'stoa JAAvts sr. weeocl(, IN'OirrH I'CiiNTt t. 39s i 179.9841 ti9.9841 ~21 POINT£ 278 l624 IR302072 I lAMBERT JONATHAN T & NORMAl 608 N VICKSBURG AVE 608 N VICKSBURG AVE, I NORTH POINTE L 262 224,539 224,539 314 JANE LUBSOQ(. TX 79416 oWBBOCK.. TX ?9416 ILU880CK, TX 79416 5011 HANOVER 5T LUBBOCK. TX 79416 NWAYNEAVE WBBOC~, TX 79416 ILUBBOCI(, TX 79416-1248 \WBSOCI(, TX 79416 '!lU880CI(, TX 79416 P•ge22 166,118 233
Oty oflubbO<:k, TX Finance ~a-. NOf1h Point PID Prelfmh*Y ~m0nt Roll EXHIBITC ' I ...L II ' I I I I t R311143 LE CHRISTOPHER&. NGUY(N KIM=" -11 C:.'l2 C',....D nD c.~1 "n ... Ds:o C.T I -..nDTl.l Dnlt.f'Tr: J .:;,, 170 t:l:n7 170 Ql\'7 .,c,, ruYEN NVALEAVE, [NORTH POINTE L424 I 175,094 iW8BOCK. TX 79416 5225LEHIGH ST ''5225 LEHIGHST, 'NORTH POINTE L 626 W880CK. TX 79416 4908 GRINNELL ST 114908 GRINNELL ST. I NORTH POINTE l243 LUBBOCK, TX 79416 POINTE L350 POINTE L 71 lX 79416 4929 KEMPER ST, • WBBOCK, TX 79416 LIUEBLA!> EILEEN & KJELL S224LEHIGH ST, I NORTH POINTE L599 . I 171,S3t!' 154,831 1LU880CI(, TX 79416 LITUANIA, ANALISE Q 51061TASCAST, WBBOCI(, •TX 79416 14919 JARVIS ST .. LUSBOCK. TX 79416 IR310937 ·1LLAPITAN MA CONCEPOON 14!12ll KEMPER ST 1149211 KEMPER ST, l,m""" OMIT< ' •~• I '"" 7t ,j ""' 71 ,j '"" I LUBBOCI(, lX 79416 AVE ILUBBOCI(, lX 79416 HARVARD Oil, •LUBBOCK, TX 79416 Page23 NORTH POINTE L430 268
cttv of Lubbock. lX Rna nee Department Nol'lfl Point PID Prehmlnary Assessment Roll ElCHI81T C
LINDSEY PAIGE & RENE City of Lubbodc, TX Rna nee Department Nonh Point PID PreUmlnary Assessment Roll EXHllllf( 216 235 IR3n1oS I MAGNESS KATliERINE-& JOSE s216 JARVIS sr s216 JARVIS ST,LueeocK. NOIUH POINTE L693 208.939 208.939 293 MAHABlR-HERRERA NICOLE MARTINA& 802 N VINTON AVE, rW880CK. TX 79416 GRINNELL ST, • lUBBOCK, TX 79416 POINTEL253 338 NORTli POINTE l264 316 I jWBBOCK, TX 79416 R3l1020 MAHENORU, LISAK 8010 MUifY DR -'----f!j-;:S2:;;04;;-;:L£;:;H;;:IG;:;H;-;ST;:;-, ---J:,N;;;O,_.R;;T;;;H-;;PO:;;I;;:NT;:;E~l;-;S8=9-+---2;;-:1;;:5-;;,2~06;'----;;2:;:16;:c,2:;;0;;:6j-1 ----:;30;;:);:1 RAC!iELLYNN I I R302045 MALONE BILLY & SYLVIA AU5nN, TX 78759 OR ILU880CK, TX 79416 sr, IILU880CK, TX 79416 OR, /!LUBBOCK, TX 79416 HARVAROOR, IWBBOCK, TX 79416 Page 25 POINTH23S POINTE l436 171,293 198,389 POINT£l18$
No Text
MURREY, DfWAYNE E ST 79416 WBBOCK, TX 79416 City of lubbock, TX finanee Department North Point PID Preliminary Assessment Roll ElCHIDITC POINTE L462 R301743 -jMCBAAY£RAU.ISON MICHELE & 5222 HARVARD ST ,5222 HARVARD ST, iNoR'IM POINTE LS2 !- . 158,760~ 158,760: 222j MICIWL R3lD998 MCClURE MIIIULYN A & MICHAELK,717 GOLF CREST LN 114918 MARSHAll ST, INORTli POINTEL S26 I .. 168,9271 168,9271 2361 I 11\310874 169,519 237 245 FARAH & YEHIA & REDA 2S3 AAFEI POINTE L 707 fl\310942-· ·IMENDEZCHR~TOPHER& RUBY · 11201 NVINTONAVE !it2o1 NVINTON AVE, I NORTH POINTH470 1-zoe,oooJ·· 209,0001 293 j LUBBOCK, TX 79416 IR311040 IMENDEZDONNA&iJMMIE ~~218MAf!SiiALlST lls218MARSHAUST, INoRTHPOINTEl543 I 207,398i -! .j tUBBOCK, TX 79416 IMESCHAT LIVING TRUST P&MARYE 1"':0. oo::,..;,.,, f.:R301="'9471,.--.,M=es=-=a""u'"'IT"'E7R07A7D'"'I"-'NV'"'E:::STM'::::-:-:::ENC::T:=:-S . BOX 270 LLC SOCK, TX 79408 •TX 79416 LUBBOCK, ST, 79416 Pa.ge 27 POINTE l319 206
I.AMPHONE& ST LUBBOC~, 11( 79416 City ofLubbodt, TX Finance Department North Point PID Preliminary As~sment Roll EXHIBITC POINTE LS17 ST, LUBBOCK, I NORTH POINTE 1713 32 248 I R310963 ii/IIKESKA; ANDREW N~ISON 14905 LEHIGH I !4905lEHIGH ST. I NORTH POINTE 1491 i 204,0171 204,0171 286 j IR301749 lMILLERKENNETHW&JANtcEL lsl34HARVAROST 11s234HARVARDST, INoRTHPOJNTELS8 I 16UD41 ·;:44,8041 203'1 IR301914 I MILLS, KYLE lswatTASCAST R302102 BlAKE A & JASON BRIAN ' i LUBBOCK, 11( 79416 llUBBOO:, 11( 79416 I LUBBOCK, 11( 79416 4915 HARVARD DR lUBBOCK, 11( 79416 ST !LUBBOCK, lX 79416 Page 28 1n,o2o 248 182 POINTE 1378 234 POINTEL 720 201; POINTEL96 363 257 215,664
MORJN ERNESTO & NICKlE City of Lui!Oock, TX Finance Depart:n'le«< North Point PID Prallmln;wy Assessment Roll EXHIBITC o WBBOCK. 1X 7!1416 11130t916 i MORRis TERRI Jo & DEBORAH v lsuwASCA sr _, 1st12.troo Sr,LuesocK. I NoRTH POINTE uo6 I 180,983j 164,2ll31 -·230 j Inc 79416 Page 29
Oty of Lubbock, TX Finance Oe,artment North Point PID Preliminary Assessment Roll £XHIBITC R311092 MORTON, R£BECCA LYNN 5240 LEHIGH ST LUBBOCk, TX 19416 ' R301n6 MOUOYJAMESROBEIITJR& 5213 rrASCA 5T LUBSOCX. TX 79416 COURTNEYD R301695 MOYERS, J(IMIIERlY::A---~ S2081TASCA ST ----R301747 MUNOZ AAICEU & ltiCHAIID & GRACE LUBBOCK. TX 79416 5230 HARVARD ST LUSBOCK. TX 79416 IR301752 )MURPHY JAMESD&TAMMY D 18500 FM 236 . VICTORIA, TX 77995 IR301944 , NAIMAOU NICODEMUS W & FAITII 5016 t!ANOVER ST . S SAPrr LUBBOCK. TX 79416 ':R30=1790:::8:--~T.N~E:'::BA":"':'PAM=E:::LA-:-:& MARnN lS0281TASCA ST----TEFORLACK LUBBOCK, TX 79416 I R310805 NEEL OIRISTOPHER N & SARAH _, 4917 rrASCA ST R311089 'R310912 R310979 R30WS8 R301712 R310930 . I LUBBOCK. TX 79416-1224 NEElYCYN'IIiiA&LEWIS ~EiiiGiiST LUBBOCX. TX 79416 ----NElSON BRENT & JESSICA 4923 KEMPER ST LUBBOCK, TX 79416 NGUYEN THINH & PHAM TERESIA 4921 MARSHALL ST LUBIIOCK. TX 19416 NGUYEN, lAY VAN [NICCUM RONNIE L & 51! EllA K ----METO,ICIM8E1\I.Y 6512 71STST LUB80CX. TX 79424-1943 UlWALNUTOR PAMPA, TX 79065 5102 KEMPER ST W880Cl, TX 79416 ~ 5240 LEHIGH ST, NORTII POINTt L607 175,956 ILUBBOCX. TX 19416 S2131TASCA ST,LLJBBOCI(, NORT1l POINTEL3S 169,860 •TX 79416 5208 ITASCA ST, LUBBOCK, NORTii POINTE l 4 ITX 79416 5230 HARVARD ST. NORTH POINTE l56 • LUIIBOCK, TX 79416 5240 HARVARD ST, NORTH POINTE L 61 LUBBOCK, TX 79416 5016 HANOVER ST, NORTH POl NTE L134 • LUBBOCK, TX 79416 S0281TASCA ST, LUBBOCK. ~ORTH POINTE 198 ~TX 79416 4917 rrASCA ST, LUBBOCK, NORTH POINTE L 369 I TX 7!M11; S234 LEHIGH ST, NORTII POl NTE L 604 LUBBOCK, TX 79416 4923 KEMPER ST, NORTH POIIfTE L 440 •LUBBOCK, TX 79416 --[ ~921 MARSHALL ST, NORTH POINTt L 507 LU BSOCK, TX 79416 4807 G AAN NEll ST, NORTII POINTt L 288 •LU880CX. TX 79416 lls2411TASCA ST,LUSBOCK, 1NORTII POINTE L21 -----.-5102 KEMP£R ST, •LUB80Cit, TX 19416 Page 30 NOimi POINTE L 4.53 [ 163,2311 153,502 160,070 J~ 233,50J -.208,9111 -212,074 • 166,003 -171,1121-! 177,029 155,139 --169,387' I 178,101 246 163,231 229 153,$02, :us 160,0701 224 233,504 327 I --208,911 292 I 212,074 29'71 I -149,303 209 171,182 249 177,029 2481 • I 1SS,139 2171 169,3871 237 178,101___ 2491
MARK PASSAGE JOINT VENTURE -. HUNTER & MEliSSA ANITA MARIE 11302016 ONG '1701 SUNSET RO ' at.y ofLubbock, TX Fin ante Deilarunem Non.h Point PID Preliminary Assessm~t Roll EXHIBITC ROBINSON, TX 79706 ----Attn: JOHN CULLERS 7170 WESIWIND DR IISTE 101 -523l> MAASHAU. ST MARSHAll ST, LUBBOCK. lX 79416 5201 HARVARD ST POINT(L622 • WBBOCK, TX 79416 P:>$e 31 220 312 20,160 245 180,872 253
I PAAAJUlEE, SWAGAT --ALENE ANN ' ··--R311126 PARRAS, MARIO MANUEl 1!311057 -i PARSONS DYLAN & ---1!311186 PATEl SHREE & SHRUTI HTD .. ... llll) & EWC FAMILY LID lliD& EWC FAMILY LID R75299 -IPCOI.Lro City ofLubflock, lX Finance Department rfonh Point PID Pre11mln.111'Y Assessment Roll EKHIBIT(; 14907 JARVIS ST "4907 JARVISST, lUBBOCK. ;NORTli POINlE L349 -I ----I 1:05 N WINSTON AVE 805 N WINSTON AVE. NORTH POINTE 1201 lUBBOCK. TX 79416 LUBBOCK, TX 79416 5228 LEHIGH ST S228LEHIGH ST. NORTH POINTE L 601 WBBOCII. TX 79416 •lUBBOCK, TX 79416 ls224 KEMPER sT -115224 KEMPER ST. NORTli POINTE L650 lUBBOCK. TX 79416 liT)( 79416--liSlE 101 JfWBBOCK. TX 79416 TR 2 & N10'0F 3 STACY El PASO, TX 79912 ACS:.358 7170 W£STW1ND OR ,4403 URSULINE ST, IBLKJSSECS AB 346 4ISTE 101 i lUBBOCK, TX 79416 W7S'OF TR 1 & N/2 OF El PASO, TX 79912 TR 2 STACY ACS:.2S8 7170 WESTWINO OR STE 101 1801 N QUAKER AVE, BLK JS SEC 5 AB 346 £L PASO, TX 79912-1744 lUBBOCK, TX 79416 SlOOTR 12 STACY ACS: 17170WESTWIND DRSTE 101 .ssn .. 1911 OUAKEI\ AVE.. BU< JS SEC S AB 346 E/l't . .. -1X 79407 17170 W£STW1ND OR I' ,I l li .1707 OUAI(l'R AVE. IBl~ JS SfC S Ae ~44'0 I Page 32 187.519 187.519. 263 215,987 215,987 302 205,587 188,887 264 I -284 3 I ~ 1,2201 1.220 2 3,401 3.4011 5 3 .. 280; 3,280j 5 16SOI 1fiSOI 2
TX79416 IPENA. AAVl-,..-··. ,5102 JARVIS ST IU10869 TX79416 EOOAROO J & NOAA I 12600FM307 MIDLAND, TX 79706 lUBBOCK, TX 79416 PEROS MARY R & MA VICTORIA 4902 JARVIS ST ROSAlES LUBBOCI(. TX 79416 LETITIA H 2205 ClARINDA ONOY LUBBOCK, TX 79416 TRENT & KIMBERLY 5105 ITASCA ST LUBBOCK. TX 79416 LUBBOCK, 'IX 79416 LE, kHANH 5010 JARVIS ST Oty ofLubbock, TX Finance Dejlartn'lent North Point PID Preliminary As~nt Roll EXHIBITC 51041TASCA ST, LUBBOCK.INORTH POINTE L 102 ITX 79416 ST. I'LUBBOO<, TX 79416 , I I 5209 KEMPER ST, • LUBBOCK. TX 79416 4804 HAR' • 'LUBBOCK, TX 79416 -~~LUBBOCK. TX 79416 "'4902 JARVIS ST, LUBBOCK, NORTH POINTE 1345 •TX 79416 5003LEHIGH ST, NORTH POINT£ L 4S3 (LUBBOCK, TX 79416 J!603 NVINTON AVE, NORTH POINTE 1251 \LUBBOCK. TX 79416 IRSHALLST, NORTH POINTE L 583 !LUBBOCK, TX 79416 5010 JARVIS ST, lUBBOCK, I NORTH POINTE L406 Page 33 I 276 298 I 185,621 185,621! 260 217,348' 217,3481 --·-304 ' -189,788 189,7881 266 199,878
City ofLubbodc, lX Finance Deparunent North Point PID Preliminary Assessmeftt RoiP EXHIBIT(; !MIDlAND. TX 79707 I LUBBOCK, TX 79416 ' I ' 183 POOlE RAlPH e • & KA"TliLEEN s 14908 OAK VALLEY Of\ --'1~5~2~33~1~TA~.su=4.~ST=-, "'tu':":a"'so=cK,.,-~-:-N"'o""'Rr=-H"'PO=INT=e.,..L72S::----I-~..__,==i---==:i-...... ---:-:-:-l iPoOLERAlPHE&KATHLEENS -49080AKVA1lEYDR IIS241HARVARDST. INOf\THPOINTH64 --I 1SS.SSS--1SS.SS8. 218 i R301736 !POOl£ RAlPH E & KATHLEEN S 14908 OAK VAU.EY DR 115208 HAR\IARD ST. I NORTH POINTEL4S 166.5551 166.5551 233 POOLE RAlPH E & KA"TliLEfl\i S 14906 OAK VALJ.EY DR 5243 HARVARD ST, I NORTH POINTE l63 . I -157,910 157,9101 221 MIDlAND, TX 79707 1 WBBOCI(, 1X 79416 POOlE RALPH E & KATHLEEN S49os OAK \lALLEY OR 4809 JARVIS ST, W880CK, 'NORTH POINTE L317 157,962 157,962 221 I MIDLAND, TX 79707 1X 79416 I R310845 1POOI£ RAlPH E & KATHLEEN S 4908 OAK VAllEY OR 490S JARVIS ST, LUBBOCK, MIDlAND, 1X 79707 R310844 ipooLE RALPH E & KATHLEEN S 49080AKVAU.EY OR MIDlAND, TX 79707 R310813 iPORTERKOLTON&BAILEEMIKLES 5009JAIIVISST . S009JARVISSJ:,LUBBOCI(, INORTHPOINTEL3n--;----· . 180,06Sj---180,06Sj 252 WBBOCK, 1X 79416 R311028 I POTTER JASON & CAALY 5203LEHIGH ST IIS203l£HIGH ST, NORTH POINTEL637 I 186.0641 186,0641 260 lUBSOCK. TX 79416 I,-P..,.OY"'NO=R~-M-A'"'II_LI_N'""&-CA,.......R071A"""-:-. --ii,-52:-:06..,..-:LEHIGH ST . IIS206LEHIGH ST, JNOIITH POINTE L590 193,092 176,392 247 LUBBOCK, 1X 79416-2341 HOOSE LP b09 ALOABA CIRCLE NE 1!4807 JARVIS ST, lU880CI(, JNORTH POINTE L RANCHO,NM87U4 Page34
(R302064 I 8310938 PRIC£, WilliAM PRI£1'0 GUADALUPE RACHEL & RICARDO R311159 1PRONOS, MARGARET I R310894 1PUPO ANDRES R & MARISTER COLQUICHAGUA R3109!13 PUPO, ANDRES R 8302056 QIAN,NING 604 N VINTON AVE LUB8CX:I(, TX 79416 4926 KEMPER ST LU880CIC. TX 79U6 5204 JARVIS 5T LUBBOCK, TX 79416 4908 MARSHAll ST LU~SOCI(, nc 79416 ~ MAASHAU. ST CCI(, TX 79416 4914 GRINNELL ST Oty of l.ubbodt, TX nnant:e Department Nonll Point PID Preliminary Assessment Roll EXHIBITC 604 N VINTON AVE, !NORTH POINTE L254 IWBIIOC)(, TX 19416 -4926 ICEMPEk ST, NORTl! POIIfTt L46ti o LUUOOI. 1)( 79416 p 5204 JARVIS ST. lU8800(, I NORTH PO I NTH 687 1lX 79416 1 1209 N VALE AVE, NORTH POINTE L 422 oWBBOCI(, nc 79416 -]NORTH PO/I•ITE L 521 4908111\ARSIIALLST, IUJBBOC!t, nc 19416 4914 GRINNEU. ST, 1'/0RTH POINTE L2.46 WBBOCK, lX 79 41&-1204 1 LUSBOCl(, TX 79416 8301758 R30211.5 OST '9416 QIN JINQIU & XIUSHENG ZHANG 5235 HARVAR' lUBBOCK, TX 194 QIN WEN LING & JINQIU & XIUSHENG ZHANG )Sf '941.6 LUBBOCI<, TX 794 R301592 QUILANT AN 111\ARY ANN & JOSEPH : ! R & REYNAlDO C & ERSlLIA R310927 QUILANTAN, JOSEPH R 5108 KEMPER WBBOCK, 1)( 794 16 L6 R311059 . 'VE RALSTON MATTHEW & CHEYNE 5251 MARSHAL! R310900 8302073 MOORE LU BBOCI(, TX 794 RAMIREZ JOSE R & BRENDA £ 1406 N VINTON LU880Cl(. TX 794 16 16 ~RAMIREZ LAURA & CHRISTOPHER ·-4909GRINNH weaooc. lX 79· -5235 HARVARD ST, NORTH POINTE L67 LUBBOCI(, TX 79416 4808 HARVARD ST, NORTH POINT£ l30S •WBBOCI(, TX 79416 ... ~ 52021TASCA ST, WBBOCI(, NORTH POINTE L 1 ,\nc 79416 5108 KEMPER ST, NORTH POINTE 1455 •LUBBOCK. TX 79416 -5251 MARSHAU. ST. NORTH POINTE 1562 LUBBOCI\. TX 79416 1406 N VINTON AVE, NORTH POINTE 1428 • WBBOCI(, TX 79416 ·-..................... _ '··-. -.-···--. ---I 196,250[ 196,250 275 -__._ 1.11,298 1.11,298 254 -158,9111 158,9811 223 26,511 26,511 31 I 214,()831 . ' 214,0S3 300 273,978 257,278 360 -r ~6,132i 176,132 247 r-169.180 169,180 237 ' 166,893 156,8931 220 -200,002 200,002 280 183,626 183,6261 257 -l 181.103 181,103 254 T ...... -... ! .. : ..... _ .. I -·-R3U099 -RAMIR£2.1SMAU S S309lfHIGH ST WBBOCit,TX79416 5309 LEHIGti ST, •W880CK. TX 1'9416 NORTH POIIfTt 1614 21.573 21,573 30 I P.>ee35
A311173 I RAMOS GilBERT & BV.TRICE MORAlES !130198S -JRAMOS JULIAN C & KAI\ISSA l R301933 RAMOS MINA JOY F & JULIO K f\301931 RAMOS, EODIS R310S70 RAMOS. JONATHAN MANUEL RANEY BRYAN A SR & YESENIA INC &MONICA 81LLG I ~ '5232 JARVIS ST lUBBOCK, 11( 79414 4913 HANOVER DR .. I soH ITASCA ST <S0171TASCA ST LUBBOCK, TX 79416 S0241ARVIS ST LUBBOCK, TX 79416 aty oflubb~ TX Finance Department North Point PID Preliminary Ass.ssment Roll EXHIBITC IIS232 JARVIS ST, LUBBOCK, INDfm1 POINTE l 701 'LUBBOCK, Tll 79416 5013 ITASCA ST, LUBBOCK, (Tll 79416 ---'IS0171TASCAST, WBBOCK,INOI\TH POINTE l121-•Tll 79416 -5024 JARVIS ST, LUBBOCK, NOfmi POINTE L 399 Tll 79416 216,654 --I 189,286 60& N WINSTON AVE -606 N WINSTON AVE, NORTH POINTEL212 . T 220,137 < WBBOCK. Tll 79416 ----I " 1S6~3SI POINTEl307 162,990 -· J POINTE 1328 130.612 lUBBOCI(, Tll 79416 S301LEHIGH ST, 'NORTH POINTE 1618 • LUBBOCK, lX 79416 ---···-~ ' 3000 NE 63RO ST fS026 ERSKINE ST, NORTH POINTE TR E OKlAHOMA CITY, OK 73121 LUBBOCK. Tll 79416 5309 KEMPER ST 5309 ICfMPER ST, NORTH POINTE 1663 LUBBOCK. TX 79424 607 N VINTON AVE 1!607 N VINTON AVf., I NORTH POINTE 1249 I 188,0411 LUBBOCK, Tll79416 . LUBBOCK, Tll 79416 Page 36 216,654' 303 189,286 26S 194,426 .. 272 156,235: ~19 162.990 228 130,612 183 171.3411 240
Ot.y ofLubbock, TX Flnante Department North Point PID Prellmlowy ~ent Roll EXHIBITC
City ofLubbock, TX Finance Department Notltl Point PID Preliminary Assessment Roll EXHIBIT(; GARRETT & KAILEY l5307l.EHIGH ST W8BOCK. lX 7941~2358 • ""1130=19S=7:-~--1~i::SA"'.L"'a-=.z."'AR:-MAR11==N:-:-::&-:M":"A:-:R::-:GA=Rl:::T::-A-7Sl"'lA'"'"HANOVER ST IR311164 ISAlTER. DEMETI\IUS l£ANNE 1403 N VINTON AVE, ;WBBOCI(. lX 79416 5307LEHIGH ST. ltUBBOCK, lX 79416 NORTli POINTE L 476 NORTH POINTE L 615 198,843 278 287 ·;S1lA HANOVER ST. _,NORTH POIN'TH 147 l 226,71WI • 198,040! 277 j jlU8BOCK, TX 79416 JARVIS ST,LUBBOCI(. 79416 JARVIS ST, W880CI(. 1NORTH POINTE L 352 •lX 79416 4 I ·1 1149041TASCA ST, LUBBOCK. NORTH POINTE L 365 I 189,655 189,6ssl 266 tl)( 79416 11311193 · I sAN JuAN Jesus o & EUZAIIETH s209 JARVIs STREET 5209 JARVIS ST, weeoci(.[NoflTH POINTH 121 I 182A22l 182.422' 2ssl WIS, EKINGl BRANDON & MISTY BRENT & KANDIS LU81l0CK, lX 79416 DR 79705 ST, ST. 79416 Page38 POINTELS94 POINTEL NORTH POINTE L 510
R301734 R301756 11311017 11302020 !R3l115B R311042 R311120 R301954 11311182 R302075 IR301977 11311160 R302001 R311147 11311171 SAIIGENTGHIIIMAI & KRISTA S204 HARVARD ST LU~I!OO(, TX 79416 ISAWYI:It KEHOAI. B 15239 HARVARD ST liJBBOO<. TX 7941& SCHACHT SPENCER & KAMERIN ls203 MARSHALL ST WBBOCIC, TX 79416 City of lubbock, TX finance Department North Point PID l'n!llmlnary Assas$ment Roll EXHIBITC 520' HARVARD ST, NORTII POINTE L43 oWBBOCK, TX 79416 -~239 HARVARD ST, ' NORTII POINTE L 65 0\LUBBOCK, TX 79416 -INORTH POINTE L 586 5203 MARSHAll ST, LUBBOCK. TX 79416 .,SCHARF JUSTIN & DELORES STROH-602 N WINSTON 602 N WINSTON AVE, NORTH POINTE 1210 SCHARF lU ~BOCK. TX 79416 LUBBOCK, TX 79416 -SCHLOTTER8l0: APRIL PAIGE & 5207 KEMPER ST 5207 KEMPER ST, . NORTH POIIITE 1682 ROBERT OAII1ES WeBOO<. TX 79416 o WBBOCIC, TX 79416 -SCHOEPf. JOHN 5222 MARSHAll ST 5222 MARSHALL ST, NORTH POINTE l 545 lUBBOCK, TX 79416 llU~BOCK, TX 79416 l -SCHURR, RYAN NICHOLAS 5212 KEMPER ST S2U KEMP£1\ ST, NORTH POINTE L 644 WIIBOCK, TX 79416 lUBBOCK. TX 79416 !SCIFRES JODY L & AMY A -·----5108 HANOVER ST SlOB HANOVER ST. NORTH POINTE L 144 lUB80CK, TX 79416 LUBBOCK, TX 79411>-SCOTT CLARENCE A & RHEA S IS231JARVIS ST S231 JARII1S ST, WBBOCK, I NORTH POINTE l 710 WBBOCK, TX 79416-7207 oTX 79416 I SCOTT KEVIN c & LORI w 618 W LOUISIANA ST 4905 GRINNEll ST. NORTH POINTE L 265 MCKINNEY, TX 75069-4528 LUBBOCK. TX 79416 SCOTT PAUL & REBECCA 5007 HANOVER ST 5007 HANOVER ST,----NORTH POINTE L-167 LUB80CK, TX 79416-123li ;lUBBOCK, TX 79416 SEllS, DEORON 15206 JARVIS ST 5206 JARVIS ST, WBBOQ(, NO!m! POIIfTE l688 LUBBOCK, TX 79416 rTX 79416 ----SENA KAREN S fT VIR JERRY D 4920 HARVARD OR 4920 HARVARD 011, NORTH POINTE L 191 WSBOCK, TX 79416 • LUSBOCK, TX 79416 lsENOEJO, AUDREY ANN -3429 FORDHAM ST ~EMPERST, NORTH POINTE 1671 lUBBOCK. TX 79415 OCK, TX 79416 -SERVIN, AI.EJAHDRO IS22S JARVIS ST 5228 JARVIS ST, W8BOCK, NO!m! POII'ITE l699 LU880CIC, TX 79416 •TX 79416 I Page 39 2ll,S34 211.534 296 I -m.s601 172-560 242 I 176,513 . -176.513 247 I 176,844\ 176,844 248 110,743 210,743 295 I ' 214,9571 214,9571 301 213,450' 19&,750 275 172,7951 I 172,795! 242 173,944 203,!<151 203,9151 285 i I 174,999 174,999 2.45 I·---195,7941 195.794 274 d 167,0161 167,016 234 I I
City of Lubbock, TX Finance Depanment Nor1h Point PID Pn!Rmlnary Assessment Roll Eli"I81TC R3110U R311130 R3020S7 IR302029 1!301900 R82513 R74929 1!302023 SH~RRill KADEN R & WAYNE L WARSHAWSKY ----SHIPP NEIL OEAN & WALDOW WILSON SHIWRATOV,SEAGEYI SHOCK JAM E'S E & BECKY 0 5002JARVIS I LUBBOCK, TX 79416 5212 MARSHAll ST L\18800<. TX 79416 5232 KEMP~R ST LUBBOCK, TX 79416 611 N VINTON AVE LUBBOCK, TX 79416 [6()7WAYNEAVE LU BBOCIC, TX 79416 SIDES KEITH ClAY & MAKTI AUSTIN SOU ITASCA ST 1SIERRA PLATEAU LTD SIERRA PLATEAU LTD L1U880CK, TX 79416 7170 WESTWIND DR liST£ 101 ----. +=IE:.:.L.:,:PAS..::::::O,, TX79912·1744 7170 WESTWI'ID 00 IISTE 101 EL PASO, TX 79912·1744 SILlER ABEliR & MARTHII 0 608 N WINSTON AV£ LUBBOCK, TX 79416 R310897 SIMMONS ABNER ROBERT & 1405 tl VAlE AVE LUBBOCK, TX 79416 ' HEATHER R301728 . 'sKIPPER, BLAKE I 100 KILLINGSWORTH BOOKER. TX 79005 • R3020S2 SMITHANTWAIN &AlAURA IWDTZ '4906GRINNEllST WBBOCK, TX 79416 R3110S3 ISMITH BRADLY & CATHARitiE ~-~-.. -· 5244 MARSHALL ST ILUII90CI(, TX 79416 14912 GRINNEll ST LUBBOCK. TX 79416 5212 MARSHALL ST. 207,436 • LUBBOCK, TX 79416 5232 KEMP£51\-ST-.---· ·-!-IN_O_I\_TH_PO_I_NTE_L_654_···--·-il"'"'==-"-20-9,-09-8-l~~-LU BBOOC. TX 79416 611 t1 VltiTON AVE, •LUBBOCK, TX 79416 NOfffit POl NTEl247 290 209,098 293 207.AOO 290 \NORTH POINTE L 219 I. 202,300: 202,3001 283 i 607 N WAYNE AVE, 1 LUBBOCK. TX 79416 SOU ITASCAST, UJB80CI(. NOJm1 POINTE L 90 ITX 79416 )s202 ERSKINE ST, IBLK IS SEC 6 AB 687 TR c r ltUBBOCK, TX 79416 lACS: 17.138 • 5000 ERSKINE ST, BLKJS SEC 5 AI!>346TR D •LUBBOCK, TX 79416 ACS: 10.155 NORTH POINTE L 213 608 N WINSTON AVf, [I LUBBOCK. TX 79416 1405 N VALE AVE. ·!NORTH POINTE L425 •LU880CK, TX 79416 I 220,174 220,17~ 308. 2,986,124 4,181 I 1.575,0951 l.$7S,o9S z.zos 194,0261 194,026 272 "":'"---... -200,S28 281 s2091roo sr. Luesooc.[NoRTH POINTE L37 16t,409f 16~1 226 ITX 79416 4906 GRJ-LL ST, •LUaaoo:, TX 79416 5244 MARSHALL ST, lUBBOCK, TX 79416 4912 GRINNELLST, I LUBBOCK, TX 79416 Page40 NOJm1 POIHTEl142 NORTH POINTE L 556 I tiORTH POINT! L 24S I I 220,189 220,189 l08 ' ;J .~J 192,296 192,296 269 i __ ml '204,722j 2871 '
t 1\310&50 I SMITH JEFFREY CAGLE & GUADALUPE( City of Lubbod<, TX Finance Department Nortl\ Point PID Pn!nmln;ory Assessment Roll ElCHIBfTC 2213.2 ROSE GRASS LN SPICEWOOD, TX 78669 4915 JARVIS ST. W880CK. I NORTH POINTE ll53 ;TJ( 79416 254 --. RAYMOND& USA Ism HARVARD ST WBBOCI:, TX 79416 ]s219 HARVARDST, ~UBBOO<, TX 79416 NORTH POINTE l7S I 170,2001 170,200! U81 BLAIC! 4906JARVIS 4906 JARVIS ST, LU880Cl(, !NORTH POi NY£ LUBBOCK, TX 79416 •TX 79416 I I R301 n4 SMITH, KYLE [909 WLEE ST FlDYDAOA, TX 79235-2018 ' 5217 ITASCA ST, W880CK. NORTH POINTE l3l oTX 79416 ... 1!310810 SMIDi, TRDIT 5003 JARVIS ST 5003 JARVIS ST, LU880CK; NOII.TH POINTE l374 W880CI:, TX 79416 oT)( 79416 1002036 'SMOUSE EARL C & ClARICE M 608 N WAYNE AVE '608 N WAYNE AVE. LUBBOCK, TX79416 I LUBBOCK, TX 79416 NORTH POINTE l226 IMU~ 7 l559 l371 ElU3 NORTH POl NTI SNEDECOR COLT"'O"'N-::&-:sco==rr::--.l.::-P0::-=80X 1663 15250 MARSHALL ST, (REDERIO<SBURG, lX 78624-o LUBBOCI:, TX 79416 SNIEGOWSKI cOLTON M & !!:! ITASCAST -49211TASCA ST, WB80CK,11NORTH POINT1 QUINNTITA 0 WBBOCI;. TX 79416 ill< 79416 --I~ -:-:=~~ 1001993 SOUS NORMA RUEOO & PRISCILLA 2513109TH ST f 4904 HARVARD ST, . . NORTH POINTE -. ---M MADRID LU BBOC~ lX 79423 olU 8900<, TX 79416 !R302002 °SOLYNIN, AL£XANDER YU 14922 HARVARD DR 114922 HARVARD OR, I NORTH POINT LU8800<, lX 79416 ILU880CK. TX 79416 I 160,818! 160.818r--2251 183,(174 Ul,074 256 I ---156,446 149,U6 210 -.. 175,2211 . 17S,221 · 245 . --194,6U 194,612 272 ' 156,340 155,340 2191 ------------233 _._ 1!301971 S~ONYl ERIN & JAN£T 5019 HAHCNER ST LU880CIC, T)( 79416 S019 IWIOVEIIST, NORTH POINTE l161 198,U1 198,121 2n R310913 ]soro.JUAN R3W876. SPARW-'SSEII. ICA YLA 512 N HYDEN AVE I LUBBOCK. TX 79415 5012 JARVIS ST LV880CI(. TX 79416 15103 HANOVER ST WB80CK. lX 79415 11!3019&3 ]SPliCHAl. JOHN PAT_R_IC_K ______ _ • UJII80CI(, T)( 79416 4925 1(£ MPE.R ST, LUBBOCK, TX 79416 NORTH POINTE l441 5012 JARVIS ST, LU880CI:, NORTH POINTE L405 olX 79416 ~5103 HANOVER 5T, 'NORTH POINTE l153 IW880CX, TX 79416 Page41 179,680 179,680 2.52 17M72 173,972 244 I 215.3231 ' 215,323! 301
City of lubbo(k, TX Finance Department Nordl Point PID Preliminary Assessment Roll EXHfBITC R310802 ISPSM LTD I300398THST IIS202ERSKINEST. lt.IORllHOINTHRC I 111B841 R1B841 1.139 200,993 . -281 RJR&TORl 1207 N VALE AVE lO&I!OCK. TX 79416-7208 --~ --POINTELSS POINTEL632 I LUBBOCK, TX 19416 •WBBOCK. TX 79416 I -R311191 STRAIN, COLE WllUAM lwssock, TX 79416 ITX 79416 IOHN ' 15308 LEHIGHST i I 5308 LEHIGH ST, jNORTH POINTE LUBBOCK, TX 79416 TONYW&KINE 14924 HARI " lJ( 79416 SlllJARVISST, WBBOCK,1NORTl4 POINTE L390 •TX 79416 5207 HARVARD ST, I NORTH POINT~ 181 I -163.2531 .1S3.ml 229 •lUBIIOCK. TX 79416 V,Jr S1031ARVIS ST 4S1031ARVIS ST, LUIIBOO(, \NORTH POINTE L 386 189,9SS; 189,9SS~ 266 LUBBOCK, TX 79416-7206 1TX 79416 FUNDllC R302112 1$\'STEM FUND LLC . IPO SOX 30206 4802 HARVAROST, I NORTl4 POINTE L 302 I 167,680j 167,680 235 • WBBOCK. TX 79416 --Page42
R302132 R302133 ' rR302114 R302085 11311065 IR31W13 R310985 R302043 R310887 R301702 11310952 iR311170 E City of Lubbock, TX Flnall(e Dep;a11ment Nor1h Point PID Pl"ellminary Assessment Roll OOIIBITC I SYSTEM fUND U.C PO&OX30206 JARVIS ST. LU8&0CI(, I NORTH POl NTE L322 : 170.301! AMARILLO, TX 79120 --SYSTEM FUND llC POBOX30206 AMARILLO. TX 79120 I ··[mTEM FUNO U.C POBOX30206 AMARILLO, TX 79120 SYSTEM FUND LL.C PO BOX30206 AMARILLO, TX 79120 TAI«A HOlDINGS LLC 1715 CACl\JS BWFF SAN AHTONIO, TX 71251 --lS211 MARSHALLST TANUI VINCENT K & DORIS C KOMEN LUBBOCK, TX 79416 TAT, JENNIFER . 4909 MARSHALL ST LUSBOCK. TX 79416 'TATES EDDIE& DORSITA --149l~ HARVARD OR LUBBOC1(, TX 79416 TAYLOR. LYNDA DUTTON 4918 KEMPER ST LUBBOCK, TX 79416 TAYLOR, RICK 5222 ITAScA 5T WB&OCK, TX 79416 TAYONG EVAHGEUHE C l OEEPAK 5009 lEHlGI! ST YADAV LUilliOCI(,. TX 794Ui TEJANI, SH IRA2AU A 2708 CHAPEL SPRINGS DR lEWISVILLE, TX 75077-3202 1TEROY, AMALIA 5234 rr AScA ST W8&0CK, TX 79416 ITHE BANE DESCENDENTS GST liSA HAILES TRUSTEE [TRUST 14400 E COUNTY ROAD 60 MIDLAND, TX 79705 •TX 79416 4804 JARVIS ST.LUSBOCK. !NORTH POINTE L 323 IITX 79416 4806 HARVARD ST, 'lUBBOCK, TX 79416 602 NVALEAVE, ! LUBBOCK, TX 79416 5239 MARSHALL ST. • LUII&OC:K, TX 79416 NOR'IH POINTE L804 r NOR'IH POINTE L275 NORTH POINTE l 561 NTEL582 5211 MARSHALL ST, NORTH POll ll_LUBBOCK, TX 79416 <1909 MARSHAll ST, !LUBBOCK, TX 79416 4913 HARVARD OR, LUBBOCK, TX 79416 l NORniPOII NT£ LS13 NORTH POl ~TH233 4918 KEMPER ST, --li"'No"'RT""H POIN HEL4LS o LUBBOCK, TX 79416 --lll 15222 ITASCA ST, LUB&OCK.INORTH POIN TX 79416 5009LEHIGH ST. NOimi POINTE 1480 • LUBBOCI(, TX 79416 S226JARVlS ST. LUBBOCK, NOR'IH POIH rE L6!l8 oTX 79416 S234 ITASCAST, WB&OCK, NORTll POINTE L 17 lTX 79416 4915 LEHIGH ST, NORTH POINTE L 486 LUBBOCK, TX 79416 Pase43 165,9361 165,936 I ! 1AA ,,;,,! ' 168,674,. 168,674[ 2361 181,876 1!1,876 255 -l 223,581 223,581 313 J. -I 176,579 176,579 247 f 224,1>56 224,856 315 I -187,632 187,632 263! I 232,194 232,194 325 168,900 168,900 236 159,6S31 159,653] 224 -...... 159,096 159,096 223 ' !-u ~1S,45t __ 215,4511 302
11!311082 11302130 R310966 R302104 11302006 R301742 R301954 11301979 R301991 R310904 1\311090 R301960 R302008 R311154 I THOMAS, GRAZYNA M ~THOMAS. WilLIAM lEWIS [THOMPSON, CAROLYN KAY THOMPSON. KELlY S TICl{l.f SAMUEl M & USA C TIONGSON PRISClLLA M & ---TO, OONALOT TOBIAS FREDRICK & V!;RONICA D ITOMBA CHARLES & BETH TORRES IESUS & LoRI ---TORRES JOE & 11111\RJA FERRER TOMES JOE L & OONNA A -ITORRES MARK A & REBECCA M City oflubbod<, TX Fln~nce Department No"h Point PID Preliminary~-Roll EXHIBITC MANSFIELD, TX 76063 •TX 79416 lsnOU:HIGHST t moieiflGH ST. !NORTH POINTI: L S97 WBBOCK. TX 79416 -114803 JARVIS ST. LU88oa<.INORTH POINT£ L320 41!03 JARVIS LU8BOCK. TX 79416 14902LEHIGH 5T II4902LEHIGH ST, ]NORTH POINTE L494 •LUBBOCK, TX 79416 o W880CK, TX 79416 -I I ---------'4806 GRINNEll ST 4806 GIUNNEll ST,. ·-NORTH POINTE ll94 W880CJ(, TJ( 79416 'lUBeoCIC, lX 79416 5004 GI!INEU ST SOOl GRINNELl ST. NORTH POINTE L196 I WBBOC:K. TX 79416 tuaeocx, TX 79416 !NORTH POINT£ L 51----20SIMO l AGIUMOR 5220 HARVARD ST, 5220 HARVARD ST • LU 8800<. lX 79416 l!J8800<. TJ( 79416-1217 is101 HANOVER ST u ..;::;.....-·--·-j5101 HANOVER ST, NORTH POl NTE ll54 LUBBOCK. TX 79416 LUBBOCK. TX 79416 15003 HANOVER ST 5003 HANOVER ST, NORTH POINTE L169 W880CIC, lX 79416 lUBBOCK. lX 79416 ~ -4901 ITASCA AVJ; 49011TASCA ST, lUBBOCK. NORTH POINTE 1181 I I LUBBOCK. lX 79416 lX 79416 -1210 N VINTON AVE 1210 N VINTON AVE. NORTH POINT£ L432 WB800(,. TX 79416 oLU880CK, TX 79416 IS236LEHIGH ST 5236LEHIGH ST. NORTH POINT( L 60S I WBBOCI(, TX 79'16 !lUBBOCK. TX 79416 -5109 HANOVfR ST 5109 HANOVER ST, NOR.TI4 POINTI: LtSO lUBBOCK, TX 79416 olU880CI<. lX 79416 15008 GRINNEll ST 5008 GRINNEll ST. NOftTH POINTE l 198 ' LU~BOCI(. TX 79416 LU BROCK, TX 79416 189.822' 173.122' 161.3451 t6t:i451 276,644] 276,6441 152,1119 152,819 234,612 234,612 161,935 161.!115 228.119 228.1191 226:741 226,741 234,1791 234,1791 • ---213,038 --- -213.038 182,673l 182.6731 228,245 228,245 197.598 197,598 TORRES, GUADALUPE ERNESTO JR IS21S KEMPER ST 5215 KEMPER ST, .~~"n"n~ 176.1991 LUBBOCK, TX 79416 • WBBOCI(, TX 79416 Pale44 242 226 387 214 ' 328 227 319 ~-317 328 298 ·-"·" 256 320 277 247
113111111 R3W983 R30198l 1130lS78 . R302080 R311102 ~~1W30 11311168 'R3WB85 11301921 11311189 R301704 R310S08 City oflubbodc, TX Finance Department Nof1h Point PID PreUmln;wy Ass<Ksment Roll £XHIBITC ---~ M & LYNNE E 2933 MOSS CIIEEK CT 5006 LEHIGH ST, !NORTH POINTe L 502 MCKINNEY, 1X 75070 LUBBOCK. Tl( 79416 --. ·-·--tNo«ili' POINT£ l633 lllU\1'1. SINH 5211lfHIGH ST 5211 LEHIGH ST, LUBBOCK. lX 79416·2342 LUBBOCK, lX 79416 TREADWELL TONY & MARY PO BOX228 4913 MARSHALL ST, 'NORTH POINTE L Sll GROOM, lX 79039 • WBBOCI(, lX 79416 I 4919 HANOVER OR -TREE, CATHERINE L 4919 HANOVER OR, NORTH POINTe L L 72 LUBBOCk, lX 79416 .I LUBBOCK. lX 79416 ---TREVINO GUS & SAM 5005 HANOVER ST SODS H.ANO'V'ER ST, NORTH POINlt 1168 lliBBOCK, lX 79416-1236 LU8800(, lX 79416 TRIPLETT G DOUG & JOSIE 605 N VAL£ AVE 605 NVALEAVE, tORTH POINTE L 270 LUBBOCK, lX 79415 tW880CK, lX 79416 TROWNGE R. All k 1530 CRAIG RIDGE liD 5303 lfHIGH ST, -NORTH POINTEl617 SULPHER SPRINGS, lX 7S482 1W8BOCK, lX 79416 rRUIILLO DEVIN & MARISSA . ·s202 KEMPER ST LUBBOCK, 1X 79416 TU PROPERTIES INVESTMENT INC 7411 ASHLAND DR II 5222JARVIS ST, LU 8B00<. NORTH POINTe 1696 AMARJLLO, 1X 79119 •TX 79416 I491S JARVIS ST -OOJARVIS ST. LUBBOCK, fNORTH POINTE L414 TUCKER OERRII'l & SARA LU88CCK, Tl< 79416 ITl< 79416 -. TUNGATE, LYNDA KNOLL--5W7 ITASCA ST 51071TASCA ST, U 1II80CI(, NOI!TH POINTE Ll11 LUBBOCK, 1X 79416 •lX 79416 rRNIPSE~D. KATIE 5217 JARVIS ST 5217 JARVIS ST. LUBBOCl(.INORnl POINTe L 717 lUBBOCK. TX 79416 -jlX 79416 URIVE CYNTHIA & JERRY 5226 ITASCA ST 52261TASCA ST,lUSeoa<, NORTH POINTE L 13 LUBBOCk, lX 79416 ill( 79416 -VALADEZ, CRISTOBAl 49231TASCA '49231TASCA ST,lUBBOCK, NORTH POINTE 1372 LUBBOCK, Tl< 79416 ITX 79416 I I --Page4S I 179,031 179,031 251 I 224,856' 208,156 291 223,134 223,134 . ---nz 162,679i 145,9791 204 I. 220,131 220,131 184.6391 184.8391 259 183,961 183,961 258 I 170,396 170.396 239 I 162.159° -162,159 227 214,504 214,504 300 I
City of Lubbock. TX Fln~n~e Department North Point PID Prellmlnery Assessment Roll EXHIBITC R310965 R310947 R3109SO R3()2021 VAlENCIA ROBERT 0 & ANA M 4901 LEHIGH ST LUBBOCK, TX 79416 VAlENZUELA JOEFRIE & AMYlYN 8 11401 N VINTON AVE LUBBOCK, TX 79416 VALENZUElA, JESUS 1407 N VINTON AVE LUBBOCK, TX 79416 VAN OSOAlE STE=-Pc-H-:Ec-N-cB-c&,.-M-A"'"Ra,-£.,+60&,-,..---N~WINSTON AVE lU680CI(, TX 7'9416 R3U062 VANCE, JESSICA 5245 MARSHAU ST lUBBOCK, TX 79416 1\301.969 VARGAS RENE J & JACQUIE I( 5023 HANOVER ST LUBBOCK, TX 79416 R310843 lVARMM, RAHUL 4901 JARVIS ST 745 1VASQUEZJAMES & PEGGY 5226 HAVARD ST ~ lUBBOCK, TX 7'9416 !LuBBOCK. TX 79416 R311172 VASQUEZ,JOE ---'-t.ls'"'z730~J~ARVISST~--~ r301714 R311003 R310824 R311140 1\302082 VERffi, COUTON WAYNE VICK£RS, BRISTYN VICTOR, ROCICI' VILLAMIL ALEJANDRO & CEUA CARACOOLI LUBBOCK, TX 79416 '2304 l3'11l ST SE RIO RANCHO, NM 87124 JS307 KEMPER ST WBBOCK, TX 7'9416 VILLANUEVA RICHARD & FELIDEN 60t N VALE LUBBOCK, TX 79416 4901LEiifGH ST. lUBBOCK, TX 79416 1401 N VINTON AVE, <LUB!IOCI(, TX 7'9416 NORTH POINTE 1493 NORTH POINTE 1475 206.6831 289 210,3741 295 1407 NVINTON AVE, 'NORTH POINTE L478 I 175,4411 175,441 :I LUBBOCK, TX 79416 i I I 604 N WINSTON AVE, NORTH POINTE Llll 278,854 278,854 "AA •LU8800<. TX 79416 '5145 MARSKAU ST, 'NORTH POINn l 565 • W880CI(, TX 79416 I w,1sol 5023 HANOVER ST, NORTH POINTE l159 198.1U 198,121 • LUIIBOCK, TX 79416 186,735 186,735 4901 JARVIS ST, LUBBOCK, NORTH POINTE 1346 I TX 79416 _ ' ···---NORTHPOINTH5•;---I.---:-1S8=,40~1f------:1=ss,40/ JS226HARv"""'"'• LU880CIC. TX 79416 I 1'5230JARVISST,WII80CK. 'NORTHPOINTEL700 I 1TX 79416 5237 ITASCA ST, LUB80CK,1NOIITH POINTE l23 •TX 79416 4928 MARSHAll ST, ILUBBOCI(, TX 19416 'NORTH POINTE l 531 190,284 184,523 186,822 5107 JAIII/IS ST, WBBO~C;;:;K,~N"'O"'RTH""" POINTH 3118 1114,868 •TX 79416 190,284 184,5,23 186,8121 184,168 28 2n 261 122 266 258 262 259 5307 K£ MPE.R ST, NORTH POINTE L 654 liLUBBOO<, TX 79416 601 N I/ ALE AVE, NORTH POINTE 1272 I_ 180,1481 180,14111 J I 216,9821 216,981 304 252 ,,LUBBOCK, TX 79416 •. P•c~46
R311141 R310964 R31a909 1010969 11301719 JR301973 iR30206S R310857 R302140 R302084. 1\301929 R310888 IR3111S5 A ... VILLEGAS SHEIBA l II JOSE N 5223 ITASCA ST WllBOCK. TX 79416 !VILlEGAS YASMIN L & JED M 5305 KEMPER ST DtoLOlA LUB80CK, TX 79416 VOTAM&TRIHUU OOAN 4903lEHIGH ST LUBBOCK. TX 79416 IVOIGT, KAR!N 4917 KEMPER ST LUBBOCK, TX 79416 City ofLubllock, TX Finance Department North Poil'lt PI D Preliminary Assessment Rail EXHIBIT( 5223 ITASCA ST, LUBBOCK. I NORTH POIHTE L 30 !TX 79416 ns305 W>'lPER ST, !NORTH POINTE L 665 I LUBBOCK. TX n416 4903 U:HIGH ST, NORTH POIN'n L 492 I LU8BOCI(. TX 79416 ~4917 I<EMPEK ST, . lUBBOQ(. TX 79416 ~NORTH PClltm L 437 V\J PHAT MINH & NG\JYfN THO THI 1120 W 15TH AV£ 4908 lEHIGH ST, NOR1li POINTE L 497 AMARILlO, TX 79102 V'IAVfiARE SIJHAS & PRAliKSHA 5227 ITASCA ST LUBBOCK. TX 7941&-U30 ------WAI.XEK BARIX ESTATE OF ·5015 HANOVER ST LUBBOCK. TX 79416 WALI<ER JOSEPH N & CAROlYN J 606 N VINTON AVE LU880CK. TX 79416 WANG SHUQING & WEI ZHANG U61MPALA TRACE SAN ANTONIO, TX 78258 •LUBBOCK, TX 79416 L28 52271TASCA ST,lUBBOCK.!NORTH POINTE ITX 79416 SOlS HANOVER ST, o lUIIBOCK, TX 79416 61l6 N VINTON AVE, LUBBOCK, TX 79416 NORTH POINTE l163 EL2SS NORTH POINTE El31i0 49141TASCAST, LUBBOCK,' NORTH POitm •TX 79416 184,056 191,.350 I 180,227 L 170,8l8l 185,380. r-To9)sz I 15S,OS3 WANG lUAOMAO &JIAWEI GOI'IG l3206105TH ST LUBBOCK, TX 79423·1i02S <4803 KEMPER ST, 1lUBBOCIC, TX 79416 NORTH POINT ~ 131.5991 WAJW DAV10 C & ClARA 8 60111 UtiCA AVE LU61100(, TX 79416 -WARD TR.OY & OANIELLE 150211TASCA ST LU880CK, TX 79416·1226 WARREN ANGElA J (TOO) & GARY PO BOX 53493 (TOO) LUBBOCK. TX 79453-3493 'WARREN JEREMY & AMY 15213 kEMPERST LUBBOCK. TX 79416 li01 N UTICA A~ lU 1800<, TX 79416 HORTH POINTE 50211TASCA ST, LUBBOCK, ]NORTH POINTE 1rx 79415 ' 4916 KEMPER ST, •LUBBOCK, TX 79416 NORTH POINTI ' 5213 KEMPER ST,l'NORTH POINTI LU~BOCK, TX 79416 PaJe47 l274 166,(166 Lll9 237.682 L.16 243,752 I L679 t . 171,3241 134.056 174,6501 --245 180,227 252 170,1281 239 185,380 260 209,252 293 1SS,OS3 217 131.5991 184 166,(166 232 237,6821 333 227,052 318 I 171,324 240 I
R301763 R3111S3 R311196 WARII.EN MARSHALL L I. I LIANA CINEST WEBB JEREMY I W & IENNIFER L WELCH LARitY & REBECCA 15225 HARVARD S'T LUI!I!OCK, TX 79416 ls217 KEMPERST LUBBOCK, TX 79416 11243 VIRGINIA AVE 6 Oty of Lubbock, TX Finance Department Nortll Polftt PID Preliminary Assessment Rail EXHIBIT( 5225 HARVARD ST, LUBBOCK, TX 79416 NORTH POINTE L 72 ---'"=s~u7 ~EMPER sT, !NORTH POINTE L &n I 18o.9llll 180,919 ILUOBOCK, TX 79416 183,688 GLEN DALE, CA 9 UOl 253 257 IWEUS, KATHERINE M R31lll5 Wl:ST KEVIN A & JORDAN B 5217 LEHIGH AVE -·-5203 JARVIS ST, lUBBOCK. 1.NORTH POINTE L 724 ITX 79416 _j 5217 LEIIIGH ST, NORTH POINTt=""L-:630::-:------..,194=.=-83"'5 194,835 273 R310962 WHIPPLE DAVID & JANICE R301.948 WHITE AROIIE LJR I. MAltY J ~ESTOFKENNETHO IT£ WHIT£ KEITH & EUZABETH R311026 R31116e W880Cl(. TX 79416 14907 LEHIGH ST ILUSBOCIC, TX 79416 5024 HANOVER AVE LUBBOCK, TX 79416 5207 LEHIGH ST LUI!I!OCK, TX 79416 752 JOHNS WELL CT oLUBIIOCJ(, TX 79416 4907lEHIGH ST, NORTH POINTE L490 o LUBBOCK, TX 79416 ------~ 502.4 HANOVER ST, NORTH POINTE L 138 t LUIIBOCK, TX 7941.6 5207 LEHIGH ST, LUB~, TX 79416 NORTH POitm: L 63S 5224JARVIS ST. LUBBOCK. lt~ORTH POINTE 1697 ARGYLE, TX 76226 tTl( 79416 R311123 1 WHITE MICHAfL ROYCE & TAMMIE 15218 ~EM PER ST -.. 5218 KEMPER ST, NORTH POINTEL 647 DENISE LUBBOCK, TX 79416 o WIIBOCK, TX 79416 [R302l23 WHITE, UONNIE G 4804 ITASCA AVE --J ":48c:c04=JT~AS"'CA"""'ST="', LU=s=-eo=-c::K,..~,, NORTH POINTE L 313 199,7 214,591 197,891 2771 202,191 185,491 260 I 206,1821 206,182 289 I 174,7481 158,0481 221 148,382 131,682 184 I_ LUIII!OCK, TX 79416 1 TX 79416 R302047 WILBAN~S ROI!ERT MONTGOMERY !4905 HARVARD S'T ___, 4905 HARVARD S'T, !NORTH POINT£~ 237 ° 214,1!25 214,825l 3011 & SHEliA LUBBOOC. TX 79416 --~OCK. TX 79416 I I '"::R30-::-::c:1=72"'3--WILEYKEVIN R&CINDYA 52191TASCAS'T S2191TASCAST, LUBBOCK, NORTH POINTEL32 157,769 157,76$ 221 LUBBOCK, TX 79416 oTX 79416 -. -"""·""" """""~ II"' LUBBOCK, TX 79416 TX 520 ' :LUB !0 JARVIS ST, LUBBOCK. NORTH POINTE ~ 695 ' 180,328J 180,328 252 19416 i -! MARSHALL ST, NORTH POINTE L 53 SA 218,6981 218,6981 306 BOCK, TX 79416 I -I I 1\311007 WILKINS !!RYAN &JESSICA jS202 MARSHALL ST ~UBBOCJ<, TX 79416 ' -R311167 Pa&e48
~11038 ANN 'WILSON MICHAiil & PRISCiu.E BOSQUEZ SUA MARSHAll ST W880CK, TX 79416 City of Lubbodl, TX Finance Department North Point PID Preliminary Assessment Roll EXHIBIT( S214 MARSHALL ST, ILU880CI(, TX 79416 --R310875 WINTER BRADLEY & NANNETTE MARIE I<AAEN HOUUSTON 5014 JARVIS ST LU8BOCI(. TX 79416 5014 JARVISST,LUBBOCI(. NORTH POINTEL404 178,535 178,535 250 111311000 WOOLEYWILUS&MEUNOA 11310872 f WOOTEN TERRY R & SHARLA I--1!310919 WOOTON RIOiARD C & LISA .___ R302077 WORLEY, DONNA YVONNE ,__ R3020S8 WWINVESTME NT'S lLC I R310928 .------YAKHNJTSA VADIM & Mji.RIA J MANCZAK -R302037 YAQOOB FEROZ a ZAUREZ !CHAN ~01940 't8AHEZ BIEN\IENIDO A JR & WILMAM '-R310835 YBARAA BREN4N & RAFAEL ARROYO 11310864 YBARRA JOSE M & JOANN 8 101 TAHGI.EWOOD LN STEPHENVIlLE, TX 76401 I SOlO JARVIS ST LUSBOOI. TX 7'9416 5001 KEMP£R ST LUBBOCI(. TX 79416 14901 GRINNELL AVE WBBOCI(. TX 79416 10500 AVERY CWB DR #UNIT9 AUSTIN, TX 78717 . 5106 KEMPER ST LU8BOCI(. TX 79416 939 NIGHTIN6"LE OR ALLEN, TX 75013 -~ 5008 HANOVER ST LUBBOCK. TK 79416 _,13 KEMPER LUBSOCI(. TX 79416 jTX 19416 4922 MARSHALLST, 1 LUBI!OCI<, TX 79416 I NORTH POINTE L 521 5020 JARVIS ST, LU8BOCK, NORTH POINTE 1401 1TX 79416 5001 KEMPER ST, NORTH POINTE L 447 o LUBBOCK, TX 79416 4901 GRINNELL ST, NORTH POINTE l267 I LUBBOCK, TX 79416 . I IJ' 609 N VINTON AVE, NORTH POINTE L248 . lUBBOCI(, TK 79416 I ----nsi06 KEMPER ST, Uwssocl(. TX 79416 610 N WA'I'l'IE AVE, o LUBBOCK, TX 79416 S008 HANOVER ST, !LUBBOCK, 1X 79416 4913 KEMI'ER ST, •LUBBOCK. TX 79416 NORTH POINTE l456 NORTH POINTE l 227 NORTH POINTE ll30 NORTH POINTE L 338 11108 2ND Pl 'su2 JARVIS ST, LUBBOCK. 'NORTH POINTEL 393 LUBBOCK, TX 79401 1 TX 79416 168,927 168,927 193,371 193,371 I 182,788i 182,788 212,351 212,351 181,202 197,.389 171,723 226,951 163,8081 181,202 197,389 l-. 171,723 226,951 NORTH POINTE L 504 167,S13 167,513 j ; 1[R310976 YE ZHIPENG & Ml NG X lA 5010 LEHIGH ST SOlO LEHIGH ST, ----------'--'-'W'"'-880CK, TK 79416 1: LUIIBOCK, TK 79416 Poee49 236 248 zn 256 297 229 254 276 240 318 235
LLC l rR310960 lvosr JAMES G & JANE C City of lubbodc, TX FinanCI! Department Norlll Point ptD Pn!limlnary Assessment Roll EXHIBITC MEMBER 1680 AN11llEY STE 110 ABILENE, TX 79601> 7401 MANOEVIllA A!!llENE, TX 79606 II 5005 LEHIGH ST, JlUBBOCK, TX 79416 NORTH POINTl! l482 R311044 YOST JAMES G~&""""JAN=e-=c---~740"""""'1 MAI'IOEVIUA A8JI.£i'l E. TX 79606 1 WBI!OCK, TX 79416 5226 MARSHALlST, olUBeocl(. TX 79416 NORTH POINTl! l S. 7 R310924 YOUNG, KARISSA R301961 'ZAMORA EMILIO A & BETTY A lR302015 ZHAO WEI PING & JIHG ll FlZUBERI NADIA A & HAFSAZ 1zu 81.1\, ADRIAN --R301697 I 5105 K.EMPER ST LU 880CK, TX 79416 5107 HANOVER ST LU880CI(. TX 79416 1609 N WINSTON W81!0CK. TX 79416 -POBOX 1000 DECATUR, TX 76234 '5105 KEMPER ST, E_"BOCI(, TX 79416 S 107 HAtfOVER ST. 1 LUBI!OCIC, TX 79416 609 N WINSTON AVf, ,,LUBBOCK, TX 79416 490S KEMPER ST, olU880C1(, TX 79416 'i'IORlll POINTl! 1452 NORTH POINTE l151 NORTH POINTE 1205 I NORTH PO INTI! l 334 S2121TASCAST -----p-52121TASCAST,lU980Cl<,INORlll POINTE L6 lUBBOCI(. TX 79416-1229 iTX 79416 --Page SO 161,749 161,749 226 I 202,0471 202.047! 186,549 16"'9,149-:-:-::<1----.,.238~ 283 I 202,8~3: 188,749 264 19,8001 -19,1100 28 ~I 160,6251 I 225 1U,!IW,!W. 11&,106,671 $ 247,5291