HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 9687-1994 - Establishing The Date Of The 1994 Regular Municipal Election Of The City - 01/27/1994First Reading January 27, 1994 Item 1129 Second Reading February 10, 1994 Item #10 ORDINANCE NO. 9687 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISIDNG THE DATE OF THE 1994 REGULAR MUNICIPAL ELECTION OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO ORDER THE 1994 REGULAR MUNICIPAL ELECTION OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Lubbock deems it to be in the best interest of the citizens of the City ofLubbock to establish the date of the regular municipal election for the year of 1994 as May 7, 1994; NOW THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: SECTION 1. THAT the Regular Municipal Election for the City ofLubbock shall be held on May 7, 1994, under the applicable provisions of the Texas Election Code, the Lubbock City Charter and City Ordinances. SECTION 2. THAT the election shall be held at the voting places set forth in an appropriate election order to be issued by the Mayor hereafter and that all persons qualified to vote in the City of Lubbock under the election laws of the State of Texas shall be allowed to vote therein. SECTION 3. THAT this Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force immediately from and after its final approval and passage. AND IT IS SO ORDERED. Passed by the City Council on first rea Passed by the City Council on second r APPROVED AS TO FORM: Donald G. Vandiver, First Assistant City Attorney ddord/elecdate.doc ORDER AND NOTICE OF GENERAL CITY ELECTION THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF LUBBOCK CITY OF LUBBOCK § § § ELECTION ORDER I, DAVID R LANGSTON, Mayor of the City ofLubbock, Texas, by virtue of the authority vested in me by law, and according to the Charter of the City of Lubbock and the Texas Election Code, do hereby order that an election be held in the City ofLubbock, Texas, on the 7th day of May, 1994, such day being the first Saturday of said month, for the purpose of electing the following officers of the City ofLubbock, Texas: MAYOR (AT LARGE) COUNCIL MEMBER DISTRICf NO. 1 COUNCIL MEMBER DISTRICf NO. 3 COUNCIL MEMBER DISTRICT NO. 5 MUNICIPAL JUDGE DIVISION 1 (AT LARGE) (TWO YEAR TERM) (FOUR YEAR TERM) (FOUR YEAR TERM) (FOUR YEAR TERM) (TWO YEAR TERM) Said election shall be held at the places in the City ofLubbock hereinafter designated as voting precincts and voting places on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof for all intents and purposes. Voting places shall be open from 7:00AM. to 7:00P.M. and all voters shall vote in the district of their residence and in the precinct of their residence unless such precinct shall be consolidated with another precinct for voting as provided by ordinance or as provided herein by Exlu'bit A An electronic voting system shall be used for this general city election. Said election shall be conducted as a joint election with Lubbock Independent School District. The persons set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto and made a part hereof for all intents and purposes are hereby appointed 1udges and Alternate 1udges to hold said general city election on May 7, 1994. Each presidingjud~e so named is authorized to appoint the number of clerks authorized by the Election Admmistrator, which number shall not be less than two clerks nor more than six clerks. The alternate judges shall serve as presiding judges in the event that the regularly appointed presiding judge is unable to serve. The alternate judge shall be appointed by the presiding judge to serve as one of the clerks in the event that the election is conducted by the regularly appointed presiding judge. Early voting shall be conducted AprillB, 1994, to May 3, 1994, at the office of the City Secretary, 1625 13th Street, on weekdays, other than City holidays, during the regular hours ofbusiness of the office of the City Secretary, which are from 8:00AM. to 5:00P.M. Early voting by personal appearance will be conducted at the following branch early voting locations: South Plains Mall, 6002 Slide Road; Texas Tech University Center on the Texas Tech University campus; Alderson 1unior High School, 219 Walnut; Albertsons Supermarket No. 4102,302 University; United Supermarket No. 505,401 Slide Road; United Supermarket No. 543, 8201 Quaker Avenue; Pioneer Retirement Hote~ 1204 Broadway; Frontier Living Center, 2101 Avenue Q; Carillon, 1717 Norfolk Avenue; Lubbock Village, 4601 71st Street; and Lubbock Senior Citizen Center, 2001 19th Street. The hours and days of voting at the branch early voting locations are as follows: South Plains Mall: April18, 1994 -April22, 1994, 8:00AM.-6:00P.M. April23, 1994, 10:00 AM.-6:00P.M. April24, 1994, 1:00 P.M.-6:00P.M. April25, 1994 -April29, 1994, 8:00A.M. -6:00P.M. April30, 1994, 10:00 AM. -6:00P.M. May 1, 1994, 1:00 P.M. -6:00P.M. May 2, 1994 -May 3, 1994, 8:00 AM. -8:00P.M. Texas Tech University Center: April18, 1994-April22, 1994, 8:00AM. -5:00P.M April25, 1994-April29, 1994, 8:00AM. -5:00P.M. May 2, 1994-May 3, 1994, 8:00AM. -5:00P.M. Alderson Junior High School: April18, 1994-April22, 1994, 8:00AM. -5:00P.M. April25, 1994-April29, 1994, 8:00AM. -5:00P.M. May 2, 1994-May 3, 1994, 8:00AM. -5:00P.M. Albertsons Supermarket No. 4102: April18, 1994-April22, 1994, 10:00 AM. -6:00P.M. April25, 1994-April29, 1994, 10:00 AM. -6:00P.M. May 2, 1994-May 3, 1994, 10:00 AM. -6:00P.M. United Supermarket No. 505: April18, 1994-April22, 1994, 10:00 AM. -6:00P.M. United Supermarket No. 543: April25, 1994-April29, 1994, 10:00 AM. -6:90P.M. May 2, 1994-May 3, 1994, 10:00 AM. -6:00P.M. Pioneer Retirement Hotel: April19, 1994,9:00 AM.-1:00 P.M. Frontier Living Center: April20, 1994, 9:00A.M. -1:00 P.M. Carillon: April21, 1994, 9:00A.M. -4:00P.M. ORDER AND NO'IlCE OF GENERAL CITY ELBCI'ION-Page 2 Lubbock Village: April22, 1994, 9:00AM. ·4:00P.M. Lubbock Senior Citizen Center: April2S, 1994-April29, 1994, 10:00 AM. -3:00P.M. ELECTION NOTICE The City Secretary of the City ofLubbock is hereby ordered to cause publication of this Order and Notice of General City Election at least one time in a daily newspaper published in the City of Lubbock not more than thirty (30) days nor less than ten ( 1 0) days prior to the General City Election as required by law. The City Secretary shall serve a duly Certified copy of this Election Order and Notice upon each of the presiding judges named m Exhibit B hereto not later than the seventh day after the signing of this Election Order and Notice of General City Election or the 1 Sth day before the General City Election, whichever is later. SIGNED AND EXECtiTED in the Municipal Building at Lubbock, Texas, this 24th day of February 4 . .. ~· ~ """' .ATTEST~ BifkJJ~~ · APPROVED AS TO FORM: ... w .... ' f OOV:da/ccdocsiMAY7ELC.ORD Fcbnwy 16, 1994 ORDER AND NOTICE OF GENERAL CITY ELECOON ·Page 3 . -·· THE STATE OF 1'&.!\.AS COUNTY OF-LUB OCK -\ Before me ·-·.. -·_ -.:.. "-• I N tary rb!ic in and for Lubbock County, Texas on this day personally appea t I ' I \ ' (..' ( r f the Southwestern Newspa- pers Corporation, publishers of the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal-Morning, and Sunday, who being by me duly sworn did depose and say that ~aid new a ba been published continuously for more than fifty-two weeks pri- or to the first insertion of this _.::...:::ll.:::"' \-t.f:...lo..l:....__,yJ~1r-i-C-~:-.:',.;;c...;..~;;;,· ~~-,c-----------------­U • to LUBBOCK AVALANCHE-JOURNAL Southwestern Newspaper Corporation ;:} t4 1 h C-j t 1 Subscribed and sworn to before me thi .... s -----'--'-day o._f _--.~.f\.A...;;;_.:;;_·_a;;....--_1 ...;;{.;/_) ____ 19:...._ ____ _ FORl\1 58-10 l . • -II!COND .W.Crico-; I GRDtNAJICEI ' ' t •. CRDINAIIICe NO:Wa Alii OAOJN.UICE ABANDON-ING AND CLOSIMO'PORTICHI ')F A ORAINAGI! I!ASEMENT l ;.OCATEDJNIECTION·U, 1 tLOCIC E•2;.LUIIOCKo LUI• ' tOCK COUNTY,·TI!XAS, AND ' IUI.RE PARTICULAIIU.Y DE· i JCRIIIED IN THE IOfN OF ntiS : ,_DINAIIICEs DIRECTING ntl! CITY lfNOINEER TO MARK THE OFFICIAL MAPS OF THI!! CITY t TO REFLECT lAID ABANDON-. MENT AND CL0$1NOJ I'ROYIO. i lNG A IAYINCS CLAUII!I AND ' J~~~~~"~O .~~~·t,~~LICA• ' ._ ''ORDtMANcE NO.taC , · _--~ -. ' ~ ,.. ' ~·· iN'o~toiNAHCE ABANDoN· lNG AND CLOSING A PORTION . OF NTH STREET, LOCATED IN ··seCTION t, ILOCIC £, IICI!N• TENNIAI. ESTATES, ADDITION .. :ro-Y HE CITY OF LUI IOCIC, t"·k~~~:<i~ec:::i~ilc:'Jtt\= DESI:IUIED IN TtiE &COY OF THII ORDINANCE I DIRECTING f Ttft! CITY ENGINEER TO MARK ~c:THE OFFICIAL MAl'S OF THE • ~"JM':~~~g't.e\'i~~:=~~ : \'IDt'NG A SAYINGS CLAUSE I t ,AND PROVIDING POR PUILICA- : 'T~:, : ·: .• ·~~ ). . 6. '"''! ORDINANCE NO.f416 •; . -. . ' • ......... ORDINANCE.AIANDON• l • tNQ,-ANo CLOSING' A PORTION J OF-A STREET, IN SECTION 1, ~ ILOCIC D ... LOCATED IN"tHE · : CITY OF I.VBIOCK, LUIIOC:K ' COUNTY, TEXAS. AND MORE : PART\CULARLY OESI:RIIED IN I .·THE IODVOF:THII ORDI· · • NANCE# DIRECT\NG THE CITY I • ENGINEER TO MARK THE Of'. • FICIAL MAl'S OF THE CITY TO • REFLECT·SAID AlAN DON• . • MI!NT AND CLOSING! PROYIO. • lNG A SAVINGS CLAUIEI AND • PROVIDING FOR PUILIC:A- :TION. : .. ORDINANCE NO.NI2 -~· . N ORDINANCE AMEND· : f 'ZONING ORDINANCE NO • ., AND THE OFFICIAL MAP •OF THE CITY OF LUIIBOCIC •MAKING THE FOLLOWI_.G , .. CHANG£1: ZON&'·CASE 110.272111 .. A ZOffiNG'CHANGI! FROM R·l 1 S. TOW ZONING, FOR A CHURCH WI.NO CHURCH RELATED USES '• 'Oil LOT A. TRAVIS TUBBS -'l)DI· c. 'fiCIN AND A PORT\ON OF SEC• TION t, BLOCIC JS, LUIIIOC:K. TEJCAStiUaJECT TO CONDI· _:t!QH$1 PROVIDING A PENAL•. ,.n:~ PROVIDING A IAVINGS ·,.Q.AUSE AND f'ROVIDING FOR ,,_;PUILICATION. •· · .;· · ~· . r : ,. ORDINANCE NO. NIT · ...... -~ .... ," .... ....... ., ...... ORDINANCE EST All-'' hmttNG THE DATE OF THE 19M ! ·a~·i~ULAR M. UNICIPAL ELEC· .i . T 01' THE CITY OF"LUI· K1 AUTHORIZING THE; ~~~TO ORDER THE ltf<l' '-.UCUtAR MUNICIPAL ELEC:·1 • ~.&ON OF· THE CITY OF LUll· ~· .. OCI<1 AND PROVIDING AN EF· ,.~IVE DATE.. . . "''"""'"· . . . . it -·<'ORDINANCE NO.Hn ..... A:.~_g''_ • ,•' / • i.· "· 'AN ORDINANCE ABANDON· ~ING'1l.ND CLOSING PORTIONS t OF CHICAGO AVENUE LOCAT·l '1001N SECT\ON 27, BLOCK E·t. tpJBIIOCIC. LU880CK COUNTY,! • TEXAS, AND MORE PARTICU·I j"':t..I(LY DESCRIBED IN THE! • BODYOFTMISOROINANCE;DI·i .. ·liECTING THE CITY ENGINEER· TO MARK THE OFFICIAL MAPS ' OF· THE CITY 'i'O RI!FLI!CT . SAID ABANDONMENT AND '"'1lli.OSINGI PROVIDING A SAY· ':;''1NGSCLAUSE1 AND PROVIDING f!'OR I'USLICA~ON. · · it-au · V\