HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 1094-1951 - Regulating The Use Of Property Within The City Of Lubbock As Depository Of - 06/14/1951No Text C. W � � tle !t .. a � 6b $S � ',". i4 + ffi *» :: ffi ✓' w :. *,. 4:.tt: � & • ffi. ffi �., ffi tll ffi oil 4 •. ffi a . » .@ .ffi 6 « .R •^.. «. 'ffi . ffi ffi S E ;: ° "' t : 4 ', 8 :. ffi W S 6 6 m ffi Si..:. ffi:a;s a # �Ijtrt o it"'.ffi. ffitr � w # 8 ` �. ,, 5 #1 ':: Ad. �.,� 8 @;". ffi«•. q � ffi ^` _. .ffi ffi ffi ti s � s a ffi � s : • +� .. .. � � � ~ s W �. s s a s ak * «� ray affi . � s µ a• • _ � w .ffi _ � �:. # _ � '"ffi 6 Q p 4R ffi d.. ♦ + ��ffi ffi ffi Y 0 :..ffi • .ffi q "" ffi: 9rR:, i w ffi N • W :. W ffi ! &� 96 � ..ffi "^" • ffi ,.. to a � a � ^ � a � v - r �► E tE ARTICLE II ., w..Y y � A 3 a � «: ¢� a tl A 2 m A r BF :#: A ,« • a A r ..... A a A A M r A A4 A r A .. a�..Y -. T "".i9 A at A .. ,. « �.• w' a � ®+ ik. .. � "r. a „ w 6 pH a � ti a* r ! "' a °' '" 9i «. r A * : • a «. A«.:Q , r A A ., t .v A. • e�. to r: r: .. *- • •• s - - r • � a :' , M - � s ,. • _ •- to • A Ipspector when the work is ready for final inspection,, and before anyunder- 0 und portions are covered. The inspection shall be made within forty-eight 0)hours of the receipt of notice by the Inspector. SECTION 304, The type,; eapaeitiee, loeation.. and layout of a private sewage disposal:systea shall coinply with all recommendations of the Department of Public health of the Mate of T s. , SECTION 305. ,At such time as a public sever becomes available to a property served by a private sewage disposal system, as provided in Section 204, a direct connection on shall be made to the public sewer. in com- pliance with tbis,ordinance., anca, any septic tazxs,, cesspoolss,.and similar private sowage disposal facilities shall be abandoned and filled with suit- able material. SECTION 306. The owner sha..l i operate and maintain the private sewage disposal facilities in a sanitary `manner at all times, at no expense to the City. SECTION 307. No statement contained in this article shall be -eonstrued`to interfere with any additional requirements that My be imposed by t4fs Health officer. ARTICLE IV Building Sewers and Connect ins SECTION 401• No'unauthorized person shall uncover,, make any connections with or opening into, use., alter, or distxwb,_�aay public sever or appurtenances thereof without first obtaining a written permit t the inspector. SECTION 402. A peridt and inspection fee of four ($/+.00) dol- lars for a residential,, es earci.a;L and industrial building sewer permit shall be paid to the City of Lubbock SECTION 403. costs and expense incident to e installation d connection of the b.ilding sever shall -be borneby the Owner. The owner shall indemnify the City of Lubbock ftom any lass or damage that may directly or indirectly be occasioned by the installation of the building sewer. The owner of the property shall be responsible for the maintenance of the building sewer. SECTION 404. A separate and ependent building ser shall be provided for every ding; except where - one bwilding,stands at the rear of another private sewer is av < able .or can be constructed to the rear building through -an adjoining alley.. court,, yard, or driveway, the building sewer from the front building may be extended to the rear building and the whole considered as one building sewer. SECTION 405 Md building savors may be used in correction with sow buildings only when they are found., on eZamination and test by the I*- spector, to meet all requirements of this ordinance, SECTION 406 The building sewer shall be mat --iron soilpipe., ASTM speeo,Meation (A?A, ) or eequal; vitrified elay sewer pipe, AM speci- 4dati.en (013-44T) or see ;1.; or other suitable material approved by the In- spector. Joints shall bee tight and _wat"root. If installed in filled or unstable a groand,, the building serer shall be of mwt-iron soilpipe except that non-aeta3.lic material wy be meted It laid on a suitAble concrete bed or cradle as approved by the Ineeatear. SECTION 407. ` The sib and slope of the building seww oball be sutb j scat to the approval of the Inspectors, but in to event shah. the dia- *eeterr be less than four (4)'4aches. The slope of such 4-inek pipe all be not less than one-fourth (%/.) l per feet. SECTION 408 Whe sever possible, the built eg air shall be brought to the building at an elevation below the basement floor. No buil.d- iag se vo r shall be laid psraLUel to or within. tie (Y) feet o *W bearing gall., which night thereby be weakened. The: dep* *baal be sUfaciesst to Ford protection from freest. The building sever, shall be laid at uniform de and in straight alignment insofar as possible. Changes in direetiou U be made only with properly eurved piper and fitti , SECTION 409 In all bail.d ngs in which any baildiag drain is too low to permit Xmvity flow to the public sewer., " sanitary to y sewage carried i such drain shall lifted by approved ax-aticie X s and discharged to the building°;aewerr. SECTION 420. All excavations rogaired ter the installation of -*.Vailding sewer shallbe open trench weak unless otherwise approved by the spoctor. Pipe laying and backfill shall be performed in aae r cei � eecificat can (C1�--19) entcept that no backfi3 3. 'small be p] aced tti1 a has been inspected* SECTION 411.. All ; juts and connections WWI be made gasp tight acid watertight, Cast iro Vi per joints shall be firmly paeke d with O`Or hemp and filled with ffialtei lead, Peederal. Specification (QQ-L-156)p tot less than one (1) inch deep. Lead shall be run ' in one pa=riag and calked tight, No paint, varnish, or ether coatings shall be permitted can the jointing material until, after the joint has been tested and approved, All joints in vitrified clay pipe or between such pipe and metals shall be made with approved hot -poured jointing material or cement mortar as specified below. No Text No Text ARTICLE VI Protection from Damage SECTION 601, No unauthorized person shall maliciously, will:ftaly,. or negligently break, d ge,: destroy, uncover, deface or tamper with any Structure., appurtenance.. or equipment which is a part of the municipal sewage works. Any person violating this provision shall be subject to immediate arrest under'oharge of disorderly conduct. ARTICLE VII Powers and Authority of Inspectors SECTION 701W The inspector and other duly authorized employees of the City, bearing propcredentials and identification shall be per- mitted to enter upon all properties for the purposes of inspection, ob- se tion$ measurement and sampling, and testing in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance., ARTICLE- VIII Penalties, SECTION 801. Any person found to be violating any provision of this ordinance except Section 601 shall be served `by* the City of Lubbock with written notice stating the nature of the violation and providing a reasonable time limit for the satisfactory correction thereof. The offen- der Shall.. within the period of time stated in such notice, pamanentlyL cease all. violations. SECTION 802. Any person who shall -continue any violation beyond the time 1 t 'provided for in Section 801 shall be guilty of a misd " near, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in an amount not exceeding Two Hundred Dollars ( 00.00) for each violation* Each day in whicaa any such violation shall continue shall be deemed a separate offense, SECTION 803. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance ` shall become liable to the City of Lubbock for any expense,, 10 ss or damage occasioned the City of Lubbock by reason of such violation. ARTICLE TX Validity SECTION 90T# All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repea,;l.ed. SECTION 902. The invalidity of any section.. clause$, sentence, or provision of this ordinance shall not affect the validity of say other part of this s ordinance which can be ga"ven effect without such invalid part or parts. B No Text ARTICLE S $ffective Date SECTION 1001. This ordinance shallbe in full force and of ftet from and after October It 1951. ARTICLE %I ftblieation SECTION 1101. 11he City Secretary is hereby directed to cause publi— cation of,the descriptive caption of this ordinance, together with the pewaty clauses (being Section ) as an alternative provided by lay. AND IT IS SO ©HDVM bn motion of Commissioner Davis, seconded by Coaemi.ssioner Thomas,, this ordinance was passed on first reading by unanizous vote of the Gity Comissionl this the 1. th day of June, 1951. On motion of Commissioner As , seconded by Com ssioner .. ]Y... ......r.. this, ordinance eras passed on second reading by unwni— mous vote of the City commissjon, this the t day- of `dune , 1951. ` ATTEST: r . City Iseore Approved: City Attorney PUR,CHASEEQUISY�TION M arenia Lowy DATE �'uly 2� CITY OF.L.USBDM CHASING DEPTr—Purchase the Following Goods to be Delivered (Date) 3 � Chg. A +$� NTITY an Need DESCRIPTION: (Brand, Cat. No., Size, Wt., etc.) Publish Caption and OpAinan t Cp+ �: wC�"���y§ ������� �N�` , O @ i?�3m0"�' {7aw+Q"'m,��� f�"����+��'�GO`l�S`�u � �"33'm'Sm✓ m "�w ,•. �������� �;C}"; C,.1 +...fa i 0���0,�Yr.'�`A �zl?�G�.�'`���'''�j �F'..�r''k���'��yr9mk� G=1a �� p,+r"a r 't„�.u�'+,�Si i3 sd� � #� st�z �"rC �' � • A� �„ ��: � u +� z �.,�.�' t,,'tl}�' '�in � `�`. ny�� �.`1t �a�`� :� t +` '= +z "�.�+ + ma � ix `.�' r "$°+, � ��t� +; Ki' � �rakr: }tj;�"�� • Mf ..kk"'�,Q �,C'`.-`x.� �"�-`� Q � �'�yr'+ �l'�-i`�Tl' k�,��C� ,`�`'�;S Cs,"�c +Yf�.� '� m �' r t . h'+ �� ,,�� .a a ;�,� 'r"` ^r-1 .,yea t+ #:.�s>,.. ,�'°�tS ,,;�'"�q .'�,;',,�i' .M+� a ..�� �.,. :,s.� � x, �, 'k, ���. m.;� ��•�"�Nrra ,.���w., v +°�, �. w°^°�.? ir�as't.;: �,j•„"< rt 'v.�, .. � $tx '� �"�.�<+ b �sTK�rs 7+ s ry'a�{°t�}�"�,�..v��';U�!�rtd C,}'„•Q,,m , Y ..<, +.. '.i�C,1n+i CY ,,.i::�. `� f��^ ,�'�`"u`` �C1rcP,i� f�+,{�, , s �4;, w�:,.. iv,,,;t�, Y., �`g=mi:� sJ €� ,"e?%d :t:r. •+'o `�U'1N �210 "���, C+S *���ratd y�,ar'�fS��?�. Xdby` r 0 i�,"`;�.^, f � y�..�n�S m�� �i.�.,�.�',� � zaa ��` 'm '•`��'' �,a:� � °�,y�a` �m�+ N:�r�,��4�`j'�ab�,'1 �,g5, � �'A, O m �Yh ..r `�y ���?3�.+`�'m ��'r�e� ,��'�m�`�ja+vr �. � r =, � ,;�'..' r ":,� f ^+'+` sc i°,,'i�ya+xia o mtr ¢.•°r r�,C+� t r ,y,�+%,ti N�'+7 c5.7<'r+,. +�}eie74..ao�,�d-,`�4a, a"Sr''e� `` , �81'fiYS� sr. ,., � # r ,+eo,✓�' ni ".R'F��` 0+,�,�,i�g�n.<, F �€p" A �� �" ��'"��� �s 2 Delive P. O. ;n®. BID NO. O. K. BUDGETS `' . 6 2 ` No Text No Text