HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 1090-1951 - Amending And Supplementing Section 2 Of Ordinance No. 1027 - 05/24/1951ORDINANCE NO. 1090_ 0(0 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND SUPPLESNTING SECTION 2`OF ORDINANCE NO. 1027 OF THE CITY.CF LUBBOCK,.TEXAS BY PROVIDING FOR THE SURFACING OF NEW DRIVEWAYS fr ` INCIDENTAL TO COI,SiERCIAL USE OF PROPERTY- PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SIIEWALKS ACROSS Nam' DRICT.EWAYS- PROVIDING AT EXISTING DRIVEWAYS GIVING ACCESS f ' . TO, THE SZ E PROPERTY AS, THE NEW DRIVElfAYS THAT DO NOT =1FORI TO THE REQUIRE_. 11ENTS SHALL EE CLOSED, AND PROVIDDZ A PENALTY NOW THEREFORE, BE 'TT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COI11IISSION OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK; 'p Section 1 That, Section 2 of Ordinance No. 1027 is'hereby amended and supple— '` mented to provide that any, permit for the removal of an existing curb for the '.- purpose of providing driveway access to commercial property shall stipulate and require that the.portion of said new driveway lying between the curb line and the property line shall have the same type surfacing as the adjacent street, or it may be concrete paving,at the option of the applicant for the permit. Section 2. That, a sidewalk shall be shown on the plan for any new driveway requiring a curb breakout and said sidewalk shall be constructed across the new driveway at a grade'ap7roved by the City Engineer and to conform to City speci— fications for sidewalk construction. Section 3 That, existing driveways giving access to the same property for which a new driveway is proposed that do not conform to the provisions of Ordinance No. 1027ofthe City of Lubbock, and to these requirements, shall be closed or revised to meet City requirements. °Section 4. That, any person who violates any provision of this ordinance, shall, upon conviction, be fined in any sum not exceeding two hundred ($200.00) dollars. AND IT IS 30 ORDERED. On motion of Commissioner Hufstedler seconded by Commissioner Thomas this Ordinance was unanimously passed on first reading by the City Commission this , _ day of may 1951. On motion•of Commissioner Thomas seconded by Commissioner Morris this Ordinance was unanimously passed on second reading by the City Commission this L ti-day of June , 1951, Mayor ATTEST: cre ar No Text W SE REQUISITION 19.91 r ,x+7s 345 5 THE`STATE 'OF TEXAS COUNTY OF LU"BBdCK' F1 Erle Marie Brown � i BeforE' me W' a Nato Publit Terms Chas. A 1y this d4y-°personaHy appeared Delivery Avalanche,46jirnal . Publishing CornpQny, publishers ,,..; Lubbock: ,Evening_;,Jclurnal—Sur+d.'oy ;AValanche"-�owrn P. fS. No. d+d- elepose ;.ond. say that said ,newspaper has been,, fifty-two weeks prior to the first insertion of this Lubbock County, Texas, .and that' the attached printE is a' true copy of the original and was printed in the on the following dates: Jie 23 and 28+ Aval 13t�'S1 Subscribed and sworn to before. me this 12th`