HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 2017-R0444 - Market Lubbock Expenditure - RDM7 - 11/16/2017Resolution No. 2017-RO444 Item No. 6.29 November 16, 2017 RESOLUTION WHEREAS, pursuant to Article IV, Section 5 of the Amended and Restated Bylaws of the Market Lubbock Economic Development Corporation (the "Corporation"), the City Council of the City of Lubbock (the "City Council"), as the Corporation's authorizing unit, has the authority to approve all programs and expenditures of the Corporation; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that it is in the best interest of the public to approve the program or expenditure, as proposed to the City Council by the Corporation, as set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference; NOW THEREFORE: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the program or expenditure of the Corporation, in the amount set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, to be provided to RDM7, LLC, is hereby approved pursuant to Section 5 of the Amended and Restated Bylaws of the Corporation. Passed by the City Council on November 16, 2017 DANIEL M. POPE, MAYOR ATTEST: Reb¢cca Garza, City Secrtn APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: W. Jarret Atkinson, City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: JuQnittAss stant City Attorney ccdarket Lubbock Expenditure — RDM7, LLC — Downtown Grant Program November 2, 2017 MARKET LUBBOCK, INC. - DOWNTOWN GRANT PROGRAM 1212 Ave J (RDM7, LLC — Hemphill Wells Offices) TOTAL SCOPE OF WORK = $340,464 PERMITTABLE GRANT = $34,046 Downtown GrantProgram Presented to MLI Bo and October 25, 2017 Project 1212 Ave J RDM7, LLC, led by Bart Reagor, a major investor inthe Downtown area, is converting the former Hemphill Wells building, located at 1212 Ave J andwithin the Downtown TIF, into 2,500 square feet of office space. The scope of work will include structural, plumbing and ele ctrical w ork totaling $340,464 in expense s. The Downtown Grant Committee was presented the project details on October 11, 2017 to consider a Downtown Permittable Grantfor West Family Hospitality Group totaling $34,046 at 1204 Broadway and approved the grant on October 11, 2017. Before: y OFFICE RENOVATIONS ($340,463) Architectural Plans (Full set available): .K 'lf �; ee _ mrwo- Wpn.rl.wrr:w w.a....anv. w. wr`o$n w°°wm �- Mhr.n,rv.n•eYmr rwNs.n . A.ur�rropPR I mores vl•"a`r � Irnwin ryroaen nk L RDM7, LLC The Offices Hemphill Wells 121214veme J Lubbock, Texas ARGHREGT - GHAPMANHARYEYAPr.HITWT9, MG, 9TRUGTURAL ENiSIMMR - GARTHEL EN6MEERIN6 WLUTIGN9 M,E,P, EN61NE9Z . 89A WN9ULTIN6 EN&INEER9, PLLG wwPP u-a.Nr«r amo........ e...... . Wjwwrllp•w .. w. w... rw...rw. :gym IP. I� In ilmr I I sdlb�l� ww«b a I� 2 mcs wv�relw m rrr ��1 Tommy Klein Bid: PID FORM Daw.: Sef&cmbcr 15,2017 OWNER'S NAME RDM7, L,LC OWNEWS ADDRESS 1215 AVENUE J LUBBOCK, TEXAS 79401 BID SUBMITTED BY: The undersignedbaling carcfUlly examined the speeffikations, drawing-�,andt related doci3mems entitled.: `Me Offices at Hemphill We I is 12 t 2 A VENLYU, 1, LUBBOCK, TEXAS 79401 all as prepared by Chapman Harvey Amhitects Inc-, 612 Broadway, Luhbtxk, Texas. gnade an on -site inspection of ffie prerttiseN and all other conditions attecring the cost an&nr excctiRion of the work, proposes to furnish all materials labor, and cquipm-ent necessary to complete the work in acooidanev with said documeots, 0 this , I . _ tat t i bid is a part and as described below In amended scope, for Ohm following sum: BASF: RFD Three Hundred and For", TIJOUSLand. Four Hundred and Sixty Three. Dollar. (S 340A63.00 1 ) (Norte. All amouacs shall be ShOwn m holly written and fture rorin. in case or b%4=,pW1ey between zinc Wtown inmiunt Wtd die filsiff'r, the WrAten amount will gavain. Veit, alitzriwe bid itams. circle one of the ajiticrns, add. dctlijcip iw no ehange if exx cimicd. will assuffl* W ch-ngr-) The undersigned acknowledges receipt of.addenda to the Llirawings and .Specifications .is follows: No, Vatc as lta9da 1.12 AU�._u�t 25(h No. Date revised scone. draw*z-',WteTbFr 5th r"x (3 id&,r is to ft 11 in I D, N tonbcr and date of eadh dmm*y adknowledgin, receipt of add owlsi).- 1-fawarded the cnntract, thc urtdet-signed agrees to c43mmence work under this contract on or before In date to be, specified in a Wfltl= Notice to Proceed and to substantially vomplcac the prOject within the calendar days stipulated below from said date, untcss nwdifiwd b,, I chatW OT&r. Project Base Bid. calendar daym. 1041 1 -j- jy-, from approvals of submittals It'notified of1he aoceptai:ice Of this prr),pc:i&ql within thirty (30) days of the time.set for the opening ofbids, bidder agues within test (10) days of notification, to eXcCule a con.tTaCt in the form of the AWDocurnent A101, Standard lZorin of Agreement Retwcen owner and Contractor as amended for the above work, for the ahove stated ccnvipensatirm. 11 11111jr- 11111111 111111111 1111111111 111111 Scope of bid inclusions: Patch, Prarning a0d finishes Framing and finish of exterior of shell space, restroorns and mil W noted in the center to ronceal escalators Framing and plaster repair at the revised exhaust duct cut out, one sman pla,%jer fur down and fight opening repair at corridor 108 2 fire extinguisher cabinets 7 MM jamhs, 8 wvod doors. I I JIM door Window'llwrm wall system as shown attached as approved alternate supplier Toilet partiti ans and accessories as specified Tile on walls and flnoT of resTroonis Infill of stair wmn on main floor to baseinent as indicated on plan- Signage at restroams Concrete Electrical per subcontractor All Lighting to be provided by owner too Vo ill install customerprovidod lighting info I lowingarea- Room 119 120 121 and 14 can lights i.nConujLous Add 6 circuits and receptacles to shell spaw walls that face Comroms 100 Add 3 circuits and 6 receptacles to walls by esc-ala.tors Adel 14 fire atarn, devices Add circuit for EWC Add circuits and receptacles 1.41 men's and women's restrLaoms Add circuits and disconnect for WI-1- I Add circuit and receptacle "J HLn itur's closet Add conduit and wire from penthouse to basement for new Panel LBJ Mechanical/plurnbing per suboontractar One Exkumst Fen, cries louver Metal and fk*x duct as shown and insulated Grilles, turning Vanes, manual dampers Plumbing fixtures: 2-`WC*1' 2-WC2, 1 -LJI, 1-U2, 2-1.1, 2-f-2, 1,-IK4B, f-WH 1, 1-1-1/4" BFP, 1-V4- BFP Water is copper, sewer and vent are PVC Insulation ofpiping as specifted Certified TA13 Exclusiows.: Overhead doors Millwork Resili-ent and carpet (this includes LVP, Cove ha-w, or Carpet nj.ateriaL or Labor) Wall graphics or install Mechaftk-,ftl or Electrical to or within shell space Tommy Klein Schedule of Values: Tammy Klein Construction 7322 Upland 8ve Lubbadt, Texas 79424 Cost J:ewsaht+- — Description General conditions Supervision project managernent _ tech In$urence Trash Temporary Facllltles permits r wing .. - Demaf prrrter.Iion Cr2mofproteEtion Concrete -- - steel and blocking material Masan �R ! gh Carpentry- FrAming, Drywall, plaster patch and ceilings Jb "rial and labor Mars, frames Hardware material and Install Irbor FI nlshes Fire autinguishers 5peclalty wall System rm*ted*l and Iabrr glass and gJw ing 1ollet par Jtlons, accessarlec, and millwork material and labor Paint plMing !Tile wa II graphic install MEP 4.1@01al Fire alarm marhanical and Plumbing rnl�eellaneous Items Misr. Subtotal d&P "emphlll wal Is C061 '$�J3r500,1)0 $4,300.00 $2,504-40 sz000m $�,200,00 $1,OO6.d0 5Z,�04.00 $5,804.00 � $4,504.00 $1'aw-Uo $2,500.00 totals $1,IA0,04 _ $Z3,,�5C1,00 $1,fi56,ek7 5o,ao $la.,ki00'.0� Sarni 531,240.00 Included in electrical $OS,340-00 T$ Wflua; $280,J318,0[ $33,59�,1E SZ5.947,5i t3.Z54ri RE 17-61 RESOLUTION APPROVING RDM7, LLC OWNER OF THE HEMPHILL WELLS OFFICES 1212 AVENUE J THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF LUBBOCK At a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of MARKET LUBBOCK ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, INC., a Texas nonprofit corporation (MLI), on Wednesday, October 25, 20I7, held in conformity with the bylaws, after due notice as therein provided, a quorum being present and acting, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, MLI presented to members of the Board the proposal of a possible Economic Development Grant and Contract to RDM7, LLC, owner of The Hemphill Wells Offices at 1212 Avenue J, Lubbock, Texas. The terms and conditions of such Economic Development Grant and Contract, other than the normal terms and conditions applicable to all such Economic Development Grant and Contracts by the Corporation, are described generally as follows, to wit: Grant RDM7, LLC, led by Bart Reagor, owner of The Hemphill Wells Offices located at 1212 Avenue J, Lubbock, Texas $34,046 converting the former Hemphill Wells Building, and within the Downtown TIF, into 2,500 square feet of leasable office space. The scope of work will include structural, plumbing and electrical work totaling $340,464 in (permittable) expenses. WHEREAS, The Board of Directors of MLI finds that an Economic Development Grant and Contract offering the incentive for providing assistance to remodel and repair the damage to the facility meet and comply with the qualifications and purposes of the Corporation for the granting of such Economic Development Grants and Contracts. Upon Motion by Director, Mr. Barry Orr, and Seconded by director, Mr. Jim Gilbreath, it was approved, IT WAS RESOLVED that MLI offer and, if accepted by Recipient, enter into an Economic Grant and Contract with RDM7, LLC, owner of The Hemphill Wells Offices, located at 1212 Avenue J, Lubbock, Texas. This Economic Development Grant and Contact will be on the normal terms and conditions of such Downtown Grant Program and Contract offered by MLI to existing businesses and business prospects and authorize the CEO to enter into and negotiate Performance Agreement. , President & CEO vis, Secretary