HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 2017-R0430 - 5310 Grant - Citibus - 11/16/2017Resolution No. 2017-RO430 Item No. 6.17 November 16, 2017 RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the Mayor of the City of Lubbock, or his designee, is hereby authorized to execute a FY 2017 Federal Transit Administration Section 5310 Grant (Project ID TX-2017-077-00) for Citibus, to be used for the enhancement of mobility of elderly and disabled individuals. Said Grant is attached hereto and incorporated in this Resolution as if fully set forth herein and shall be included in the minutes of the Council. Passed by the City Council on November 16, 2017 DANIEL M. POPE, MAYOR ATTEST: Reb cca Garza, City , ecre Ury APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Bill HWerton, 716nt City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: r Justin Prujkf, A'sssikant'City Attorney ccdocs RES, Vitibus FTA Grant 5310 FY 2017 Mobility Enhancement November 2, DOT FTA U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration Federal Award Identification Number (FAIN) Temporary Application Number Award Name Award Status Award Budget Number Award TX-2017-077-00 1993-2017-1 Lubbock-Citibus FY 2017 Section 5310 Grant Obligated / Ready for Execution 0 Part 1: Recipient Information Name: City Transit Management Company, Inc. Recipient ID Recipient OST Type Recipient Alias Recipient DUNS 1993 city CITY OF LUBBOCK 037890936 Location Type Address City State Zip Headquarters 3800 SANDSHELL DR STE 175 FORT WORTH TX 761374230 Physical Address 801 TEXAS AVE LUBBOCK TX 79401 Mailing Address P.O. BOX 2000 LUBBOCK TX 79457 Union Information Union Name NONE Address 1 Address 2 City State Zipcode 00000 Contact Name Telephone Fax 00000 E-mail Website Part 2: Award Information Title: Lubbock-Citibus FY 2017 Section 5310 Grant ___1 FAIN Award Status Award Type Date Created Last Updated Date From TEAM? TX-2017-077-00 Obligated / Ready for Execution Grant 6/8/2017 6/8/2017 No Award Start Date 8/31/2017 Award End Date 12/31/2028 Award Executive Summary Lubbock-Citibus FY 2017 Section 5310 Grant - These funds will be used to enhance the mobility of seniors and individuals with disabilities by funding the purchase of one paratransit bus, funding paratransit trips outside of the ADA required 3/4 mile boundary and funding a mobility manager. Citibus certifies that there are no nonprofit organizations readily available to provide this service. Citibus is applying for $207,967 in federal funds matched with local funding provided by the City of Lubbock in the amount of $56,858 for a total of $264,825. This grant request is within acceptable limits of the Fleet ratio. Award Start Date: 07/01/2017 (date of this award) Award End Date: 12/31/2018 The City of Lubbock certifies that the allocation of these funds to sub recipients were awarded on a fair and equitable basis; the projects have been derived from a regionally coordinated public transit- human services transportation plan; to the extent feasible services are coordinated with transportation services provided by other federal agencies; and the planning process included representatives of public, private and non-profit transportation and human service providers, participation by the public and representatives addressing the needs of older adults and individuals with disabilities. This application meets the requirements of the minimum 55% traditional 5310 capital projects and the breakdown between traditional and non-traditional is attached. This Application for Section 5310 Federal Assistance is allocated to the City of Lubbock-Citibus Attached to this application is the FY 2015 - 2018 STIP. This application DOES NOT contain Research and/or Development Activities This application DOES NOT have Indirect Costs Frequency of Milestone Progress Reports (MPR) Quarterly Frequency of Federal Financial Reports (FFR) Quarterly Does this application include funds for research and/or development activities? This award does not include research and development activities. Pre -Award Authority This award is using Pre -Award Authority. Does this application include suballocation funds? Recipient organization is directly allocated these funds and is eligible to apply for and receive these funds directly. Will this Grant be using Lapsing Funds? No, this Grant does not use Lapsing Funds. Will indirect costs be applied to this application? This award does not include an indirect cost rate. indirect Rate Details: N/A Requires E.O.12372 Review No, this application does not require E.O. 12372 Review. Delinquent Federal Debt No, my organization does not have delinquent federal debt. Award Point of Contact Information First Name Last Name Title E-mail Address Phone Chris Mandrell Director of Human Resources cmandrell@citibus.com 806-712-2000 Daniel Peschell Transportation Program Specialist daniel.peschell@dot.gov 817-978-0563 Award Budget Control Totals Funding Source Section of Statute CFDA Number Amount 49 USC 5310 - (MAP 21)Formula Grants for Enhanced Mob of Sr. & Ind. w Disab 5310-1A 20513 $207,967 Local $56,858 Local/In-Kind $0 State $0 State/In-Kind $0 Other Federal $0 Transportation Development Credit $0 Total Eligible Cost $264,825 Award Budget Project Number Budget Item FTA Amount Non-FTA Amount Total Eligible Amount Quantity TX-2017-077-01-00 111-00 (111-A1) BUS - ROLLING STOCK $118,420.00 $20,896.00 $139,306.00 1 TX-2017-077-01-00 11.12.04 BUY REPLACEMENT $118,410.00 $20,896.00 $139,306.00 1 TX-2017-077-01-00 117-00 (117-A2) OTHER CAPITAL ITEMS (BUS) $71,460.00 $17,865.00 $89,325.00 0 MOBILITY TX-2017-077-01-00 11.7L.00 MANAGEMENT $71,460.00 $17,865.00 $89,325.00 0 (5302(A)(1)(L)) TX-2017-077-01-00 647-00 (647-A3) NEW FREEDOM PROJECTS $18,097.00 $18,097.00 $36,194.00 0 TX-2017-077-01-00 30.09.01 UP TO 50% FEDERALSHARE $18,097.00 $18,097.00 $36,194.00 0 Earmark and Discretionary Allocations This application does not contain earmarks or discretionary allocations. Sources of Federal Financial Assistance PO Project Scope Number Number Name Scope Scope UZA Area Account Class FPC Description Amendment Cumulative Number Suffix Code Name Code Amount Amount TX- TX-16- 2017- BUS - 111-00 Lubbock, Enh Mob Y028 077-01- ROLLING (111) Al 481350 2017.25.16.DL.2 00 TX Seniors/Disabl $118,410 $118,410 00 STOCK ->200K TX- OTHER TX-16- 2017- CAPITAL 117-00 Lubbock, Enh Mob Y028 077-01- ITEMS (117) A2 481350 TX 2017.25.16.DL.2 00 Seniors/Disabl $71,460 $71,460 00 (BUS) ->200K TX-16- TX-1 2017- 2017- NEW 647-00 Lubbock, Enh Mob Y02800 - FREEDOM (647) A3 481350 2017.25.16.DL.2 03 Seniors/Disabl $18,097 $18,097 PROJECTS ->200K Part 3: Project Information Project Title: Paratransit Bus Purchase/Operating/Mobility Manager Project Number Temporary Project Number Date Created Start Date End Date TX-2017-077-01-00 1993-2017-1-P1 6/9/2017 8/1/2017 5/31/2018 Project Description These funds will be used to purchase one ARSOC Spirit Mobility paratransit bus off of a Texas Comptroller Contract number -Al, fund paratransit trips beyond the ADA 3/4 mile boundary (roughly 350 trips/year) and all evening demand response trips (roughly 4,000 trips/year) and fund the mobility manager to conduct miscellaneous training's with the public. These ARSOC buses have a 5 year, 150,000 mile useful life. Project Benefits With the purchase of one paratransit bus, we will be able to retire some an old bus that has far exceeded its useful life which will hopefully help to reduce downed buses and increase trip reliability. All ADA paratransit clients will benefit from the purchase of this bus by providing a more reliable and comfortable service. The bus will be used to provide services to all ADA clients and in all parts of the city. Funding the trips outside of the ADA 3/4 mile boundary and all evening demand response service trips will allow Citibus to continue to serve more passengers needs to get them to and from their choice destinations. Additional Information None provided. Location Description New buses will be in service throughout our service area, the city of Lubbock. All operating expenses will be from operations in the city of Lubbock. Project Location (Urbanized Areas) UZA Code Area Name 1481350 Lubbock, TX Congressional District Information State District Representative Texas 19 Randy Neugebauer Project Control Totals Funding Source Section of Statute CFDA Number Amount 49 USC 5310 - (MAP 21)Formula Grants for Enhanced Mob of Sr. & Ind. w Disab 5310-1A 20513 $207,967 Local $56,858 Local/In-Kind $0 State $0 State/In-Kind $0 Other Federal $0 Transportation Development Credit $0 Total Eligible Cost $264,825 Project Budget Project Number Budget Item FTA Amount Non-FTA Amount Total Eligible Amount Quantity TX-2017-077-01-00 111-00 (111-Ai) BUS - ROLLING STOCK $118,410.00 $20,896.00 $139,306.00 1 TX-2017-077-01-00 11.12.04 REP $118,410.00 $20,896.00 $139,306.00 1 ACEMENT TX-2017-077-01-00 117-00 (117-A2) OTHER CAPITAL ITEMS (BUS) $71,460.00 $17,865.00 $89,325.00 0 MOBILITY TX-2017-077-01-00 11.7L.00 MANAGEMENT $71,460.00 $17,865.00 $89,325.00 0 (S302(A)(1)(L)) TX-2017-077-01-00 647-00 (647-A3) NEW FREEDOM PROJECTS $18,097.00 $18,097.00 $36,394.00 0 TX-2017-077-01-00 30.D9.01 UP TO 50% $18,097.00 $18,097.00 $36,194.00 0 FEDERAL SHARE Project Budget Activity Line Items Budget Activity Line Item: 30.09.01- UP TO SO% FEDERAL SHARE Scope Name / Code Line Item # Custom Item Name Activity Quantity NEW FREEDOM PROJECTS (647-00) 30.09.01 UP TO 50% FEDERAL SHARE OPERATING ASSISTANCE 0 Extended Budget Description These funds will pay for trips outside of the ADA required 3/4 mile boundary which is roughly 350 trips annually and demand response NiteRide trips which is roughly 4,000 trips annually. Will 3rd Party contractors be used to fulfill this activity line item? No, 3rd Party Contractors will not be used for this line item. Funding Source Section of Statute CFDA Number Amount 49 USC S310 - (MAP 21)Formula Grants for Enhanced Mob of Sr. & Ind. w Disab 5310-1A 20513 $18,097 Local $18,097 Local/In-Kind $0 State $0 State/In-Kind $0 Other Federal $0 Transportation Development Credit $0 Total Eligible Cost $36,194 Milestone Name Est. Completion Date Description Start Date 9/1/2017 Contract start date End Date 5/31/2018 Contact end date Budget Activity Line Item:11.12.04 - BUY REPLACEMENT Scope Name / Code Line Item 4 Custom Item Name Activity Quantity BUS - ROLLING STOCK (111-00) 11.12.04 BUY REPLACEMENT BUY REPLACEMENTS - CAPITAL BUS 1 Extended Budget Description Citibus plans to purchase 1 ARBOC Spirit Mobility paratransit bus. This bus will be purchased off of a Texas Comptroller Contract number 072-A1. Each ARBOC Spirit Mobility paratransit bus will cost $122,717 ($104,310 - federal, matched with $18,407 local funds provided by the City of Lubbock). These ARBOC buses have a 5 year, 150,000 mile useful life. Will 3rd Party contractors be used to fulfill this activity line item? Yes, 3rd Party Contractors will be used for this line item. Propulsion Fuel Type Vehicle Condition Vehicle Size (ft.) N/A Gasoline New 27' Funding Source Section of Statute CFDA Number Amount 49 USC 5310 -(MAP 21)Formula Grants for Enhanced Mob of Sr. & Ind. w Disab S310-1A 20513 $118,410 Local $20,896 Local/In-Kind $0 State $0 State/In-Kind $0 Other Federal $0 Transportation Development Credit $0 Total Eligible Cost $139,306 Milestone Name Est. Completion Date Description State Contract Purchase Order 8/1/2017 Issuance of a purchase order to purchase a paratransit bus off of the state contract. Initial Delivery Date 11/1/2017 First bus delivered Final Delivery Date 1/1/2018 Last bus delivered Contract Completion Date 3/31/2018 Contract close out Budget Activity Line Item:11.7100 - MOBILITY MANAGEMENT (S302(A)(1)(L)) Scope Name / Code pine Item Custom Item Name Activity Quantity OTHER CAPITAL ITEMS (BUS) (117- 11.7L.00 MOBILITY MANAGEMENT OTHER CAPITAL ITEMS 00) (5302(A)(1)(L)) (BUS) 0 Extended Budget Description These funds will pay for the Mobility Manager position. Citibus intends to assist members of our community in learning how the use of transit can impact their lives by giving them additional mobility options and freedom of travel. Citibus' program focuses on awareness, knowledge, and skills, each of which builds upon the other. Key components include travel instruction and travel training. The position of Mobility Manager reflect the South Plains Region's Regional Coordination Plan finding that travel training and/or bus familiarization was an unmet need in the region. In developing the regional plan, all agencies and transportation providers agreed that getting information and instruction to transit users and potential users was an area where a great deal of improvement was needed. One of the earliest concerns the South Plains group had was how to teach consumers to know which vehicle they were supposed to board in the event that coordination of transportation services meant that more than one provider would have vehicles in specific areas. Additionally, given the fact that large numbers of our current passengers have various disabilities that makes learning a transit system a challenge, it has become increasingly obvious that a targeted approach to mobility instruction would be benefit in our area. Because of the broad community reach represented by the participants in the regional process, Citibus feels strongly that the members of the public who can benefit from a Mobility Manager at Citibus have been represented during the process. Will 3rd Party contractors be used to fulfill this activity line item? No, 3rd Party Contractors will not be used for this line item. Funding Source Section of Statute CFDA Number Amount 49 USC 5310 - (MAP 21)Formula Grants for Enhanced Mob of Sr. & Ind. w Disab 5310-1A 20513 $71,460 Local $17,865 Local/In-Kind $0 State $0 State/In-Kind $0 Other Federal $0 Transportation Development Credit $0 Total Eligible Cost $89,325 Milestone Name Est. Completion Date Description Start Date 8/1/2017 Contract start date End Date 5/31/2018 Contract end date Project Environmental Findings Finding: Class II(c) - Categorical Exclusions (C-List) Class Level Description Class II(c) consists of projects called categorical exclusions (CEs) which are known not to have, either individually or cumulatively, a significant environmental impact on the human or natural environment and are therefore categorically excluded from the requirement to prepare an environmental assessment or an environmental impact statement. Class II(c) does not require documentation. Categorical Exclusion Description Type 07: Acquisition, installation, rehabilitation, replacement, and maintenance of vehicles or equipment, within or accommodated by existing facilities, that does not result in a change in functional use of the facilities, such as: equipment to be located within existing facilities and with no substantial off -site impacts; and vehicles, including buses, rail cars, trolley cars, ferry boats and people movers that can be accommodated by existing facilities or by new facilities that qualify for a categorical exclusion. Date Description Date Class Ilc CE Approved Scope Name / Code Line Item Number Line Item Name Quantity FTA Amount Total Eligible Cost BUS - ROLLING STOCK (111-00) 11.12.04 BUY REPLACEMENT 1 $118,410.00 $139,306.00 Finding: Class 11(c) - Categorical Exclusions (C-List) Class Level Description Class II(c) consists of projects called categorical exclusions (CEs) which are known not to have, either individually or cumulatively, a significant environmental impact on the human or natural environment and are therefore categorically excluded from the requirement to prepare an environmental assessment or an environmental impact statement. Class II(c) does not require documentation. Categorical Exclusion Description Type 04: Planning and administrative activities which do not involve or lead directly to construction, such as: training, technical assistance and research; promulgation of rules, regulations, directives, or program guidance; approval of project concepts; engineering; and operating assistance to transit authorities to continue existing service or increase service to meet routine demand. Date Description Date Class Ilc CE Approved Scope Name / Code Line Item Line Item Name Quantity FTA Total Eligible Number Amount Cost OTHER CAPITAL ITEMS (BUS) 117L00 0 MOBILITY MANAGEMENT $71,460.00 $89,325.00 (117-00) ..(5302(A)(1)(L)) Finding: Class II(c) - Categorical Exclusions (C-List) Class Level Description Class II(c) consists of projects called categorical exclusions (CEs) which are known not to have, either individually or cumulatively, a significant environmental impact on the human or natural environment and are therefore categorically excluded from the requirement to prepare an environmental assessment or an environmental Impact statement. Class II(c) does not require documentation. Categorical Exclusion Description Type 04: Planning and administrative activities which do not involve or lead directly to construction, such as: training, technical assistance and research; promulgation of rules, regulations, directives, or program guidance; approval of project concepts; engineering; and operating assistance to transit authorities to continue existing service or increase service to meet routine demand. Date Description Date Class Ilc CE Approved Scope Name / Code Line Item Number Line Item Name Quantity FTA Amount Total Eligible Cost NEW FREEDOM PROJECTS (647-00) 30.09.01 UP TO 50% FEDERAL SHARE 0 $18,097.00 $36,194.00 Part 4: Fleet Details No fleet data exists for this application. Part 5: FTA Review Comments There are no review comments to display at this time. Part 6: Agreement UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION GRANT AGREEMENT (FTA 6-23, October 1, 2016) On the date the authorized U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration (FTA) official signs this Grant Agreement, FTA has obligated and awarded federal assistance as provided below. Upon execution of this Grant Agreement by the Recipient named below, the Recipient affirms this FTA Award, enters into this Grant Agreement with FTA, and binds its compliance with the terms of this Grant Agreement. The following documents are incorporated by reference and made part of this Grant Agreement: (1) "Federal Transit Administration Master Agreement," FTA MA(23), October 1, 2016, http://www.fta.dot.gov, (2) The Certifications and Assurances applicable to the FTA Award that the Recipient has selected and provided to FTA, and (3) Any Award notification containing special conditions or requirements, if issued. WHEN THE TERM "FTA AWARD" OR "AWARD" IS USED, EITHER IN THIS GRANT AGREEMENT OR THE APPLICABLE MASTER AGREEMENT, "AWARD" ALSO INCLUDES ALL TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THIS GRANT AGREEMENT. FTA OR THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT MAY WITHDRAW ITS OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE FEDERAL ASSISTANCE IF THE RECIPIENT DOES NOT EXECUTE THIS GRANT AGREEMENT WITHIN 90 DAYS FOLLOWING FTA's AWARD DATE SET FORTH HEREIN. FTA AWARD Federal Transit Administration (FTA) hereby awards a Federal grant as follows: Recipient Information Recipient Name: City Transit Management Company, Inc. Recipient ID: 1993 DUNS No: 037890936 Award Information Federal Award Identification Number: TX-2017-077-00 Award Name: Lubbock-Citibus FY 2017 Section 5310 Grant Award Start Date: 8/31/2017 Award End Date: 12/31/2018 Award Executive Summary: Lubbock-Citibus FY 2017 Section 5310 Grant - These funds will be used to enhance the mobility of seniors and individuals with disabilities by funding the purchase of one paratransit bus, funding paratransit trips outside of the ADA required 3/4 mile boundary and funding a mobility manager. Citibus certifies that there are no nonprofit organizations readily available to provide this service. Citibus is applying for $207,967 In federal funds matched with local funding provided by the City of Lubbock in the amount of $56,858 for a total of $264,825. This grant request is within acceptable limits of the Fleet ratio. Award Start Date: 07/01/2017 (date of this award) Award End Date: 12/31/2018 The City of Lubbock certifies that the allocation of these funds to sub recipients were awarded on a fair and equitable basis; the projects have been derived from a regionally coordinated public transit- human services transportation plan; to the extent feasible services are coordinated with transportation services provided by other federal agencies; and the planning process included representatives of public, private and non-profit transportation and human service providers, participation by the public and representatives addressing the needs of older adults and individuals with disabilities. This application meets the requirements of the minimum 55% traditional 5310 capital projects and the breakdown between traditional and non-traditional is attached. This Application for Section 5310 Federal Assistance is allocated to the City of Lubbock-Citibus Attached to this application is the FY 2015 - 2018 STIP. This application DOES NOT contain Research and/or Development Activities This application DOES NOT have Indirect Costs Research and Development: This award does not include research and development activities. Indirect Costs: This award does not include an indirect cost rate. Suballocation Funds: Recipient organization is directly allocated these funds and is eligible to apply for and receive these funds directly. Pre -Award Authority: This award is using Pre -Award Authority. Award Budget Total Award Budget: $264,825.00 Amount of Federal Assistance Obligated for This FTA Action (in U.S. Dollarsiā€¢ $207,967.00 Amount of Non -Federal Funds Committed to This FTA Action (in U.S. Dollars): $56,858.00 Total FTA Amount Awarded and Obligated (in U.S. Dollars): $207,967.00 Total Non -Federal Funds Committed to the Overall Award in U.S. Dollars): $56,858.00 Award Budget Control Totals (The Budget includes the individual Project Budgets (Scopes and Activity line Items) or as attached) Funding Source Section of Statute CFDA Number Amount 49 USC 5310 - (MAP 21)Formula Grants for Enhanced Mob of Sr. & Ind. w Disab 5310-1A 20513 $207,967 Local $56,858 Local/in-Kind $0 State $0 State/In-Kind $0 Other Federal $0 Transportation Development Credit $0 Total Eligible Cost $264,82S (The Transportation Development Credits are not added to the amount of the Total Award Budget.) U.S. Department of Labor Certification of Public Transportation Employee Protective Arrangements: Review Decision: DOL Concurs - Certified Original Certification Date: 08/31/2017 11:52 AM GMT Special Conditions There are no special conditions. FTA AWARD OF THE GRANT AGREEMENT Awarded By: Gail Lyssy Deputy Regional Administrator FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Contact Info: Gail.Lyssy@dot.gov Award Date: 8/31/2017 EXECUTION OF THE GRANT AGREEMENT Upon full execution of this Grant Agreement by the Recipient, the Effective Date will be the date FTA or the Federal Government awarded Federal assistance for this Grant Agreement. By executing this Grant Agreement, the Recipient intends to enter into a legally binding agreement in which the Recipient: (1) Affirms this FTA Award, (2) Adopts and ratifies all of the following information it has submitted to FTA: (a) Statements, (b) Representations, (c) warranties, (d) Covenants, and (e) Materials, (3) Consents to comply with the requirements of this FTA Award, and (4) Agrees to all terms and conditions set forth in this Grant Agreement. Executed By: City Transit Management Company, Inc.