HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 2017-R0392 - Mythics, Inc. - 10/26/2017Resolution No.2017-R0392 Item No.6.10 October 26,2017 RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the Mayor of the City of Lubbock is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock,Purchase Order No.33000922 for the purchase of WebLogic Server Enterprise Edition Licenses and Support as per DIR-TSO-2548,by and between the City of Lubbock and Mythics,Inc.of Virginia Beach,Virginia,and related documents.Said Purchase Order is attached hereto and incorporated in this resolution as if fully set forth herein and shall be included in the minutes of the City Council. Passedbythe City Councilon October 26,7.017 • ATTEST: dbe.-CJ-e^ Rebdcca Garza, City Secretary APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Mark Yeacwood^ssistantvity Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: -pr- Ryan B/ooke,Assistant City Attorney DANIEL M.POPE,MAYOR ccdocs/RES.Purchase Order 33000922.WebLogic Server 10.05.2017 City of Lubbock TEXAS PURCHASE ORDER TO: MYTHICS INC 1439 N GREAT NECK RD SUITE 201 VIRGINIA BEACH Virginia 23454 Page - 1 Date - 10/16/2017 Order Number 33000922 000 OP BIMICIephurt 3410 SHIP TO: CITY OF LUBBOCK INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 1611 LOTH STREET LUBBOCK Texas 79401 INVOICE TO: CITY OF LUBBOCK ACCOUNTSPAYABLE P.O. BOX 2000 LUBBOCK, TX 79457 BY: Marta A arez, birector of Purchasing & Contract Management Ordered 10/05/2017 Freight Requested 10/3d/2017 Taken By S SUMMERS Delivery Per J Zhine / Req # 50972 Q #91517 w LDRs / DIR-TSO-2548 Description/Supplier Item Ordered Unit Cost UM Extension Request Date WebLogic Server Entrprise Edtn 6.000 13,762.5000 EA 82,575.00 10/30/2017 Perpetual / Processor Update Rights —Prod Tech Supprt 6.000 3,027.7500 EA 18,166.50 10/30/2017 1 Year/ Processor WebLogic Server Entrprise Edtn 60.000 275.2500 EA 16,515.00 10/30/2017 Perpetual / Named User Plus Update Rights —Prod Tech Supprt 60.000 60.5550 EA 3,633.30 10/30/2017 1 Year / Named User Plus Active Data Guard 12.000 6,330.7500 EA 75,969.00 10/30/2017 Perpetual/ Processor Update Rights —Prod Tech Supprt 12.000 1,392.7650 EA 16,713.18 10/30/2017 1 Year / Processor Total Order Terms NET 30 DAYS 213,571.98 6 Wd F4 000� City Of LubooTEXASck PURCHASE ORDER TO: MYTHICS INC 1439 N GREAT NECK RD SUITE 201 VIRGINIA BEACH Virginia 23454 Page - Date - Order Number 1 10/16/2017 33000922 000 OP 3410 SHIP TO: CITY OF LUBBOCK INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 1611 LOTH STREET LUBBOCK Texas 79401 INVOICE TO: CITY OF LUBBOCK ACCOUNTSPAYABLE P.O. BOX 2000 LUBBOCK, TX 79457 BY: Marta A varez, D ector of Purchasing & Contract Management Ordered 10/05/2017 Requested 10/30/2017 Delivery Per J Zhine / Req # 50972 Freight Taken By Q #91517 w LDRs / DIR-TSO-2548 S SUMMERS This purchase order encumbers funds in the amount of $213,571.98 awarded to Mythics, Inc. of Virginia Beach, VA on October 26 , 2017. The following is incorporated into and made part of this purchase order by reference: Quotation Number 91517 dated September 15, 2017 from Mythics, Inc. of Virginia Beach, VA and State of Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR) Contract DIR-TSO-2548. Resolution # 2017-RO392 CITY OF LUBBOCK Daniel M. Pope, Mayor ATTEST: Garza, City Secretary palantlapun ail in, red Ave ro Ile ilnejap ioJ lmueo in igSu ayp aneg lluys nXing 'NOLLtl'I'13JNVJ -01 910M ,And 'waJJa it) 03101 Unit) aq Keys swrai'Sunotyum loud ,Cue pue'sanmd ayi Aq uodn paw9u stun) levy Pill are waiay paptnwd smilipuo3 pre MIDI ail penaid llegs waiay pap!Aoid suou!puo3 puts MIDI ayi 'roiornuoo ayi Aq pap!nwd suo!ppom puts MIDI ,Cue puts suoll!pum pus, sawai asayl uaamnq ioipco Jo Juana ayi Of sa!uud ayi Aq Swuim w uodn pamge ssajun rOt?rnuoo ayi Aq pap!noid suou!puoo puts swirl ,Cue swwlas!p Alto ail 'sluawpuawV Pori swawnoop palutoosse jeuolt!ppe ,Sue put waiay pauteuloo leuaicw anuduosap ail put suoptpuoo puts swial lie ylim aamil8tum lint in aq Ipm puts'spuinvapun Alin) 'peal sail iop3r4uoo ail leyi saawaS it) spoo0 Ann lutAlddns Aq '53003nmormtl 11013VIUNOJ '0E :its algelmnr an 96ZI uuod 9unaldwm ioJ suonolmisul 40ua9e alets It) Al!lra jewawwano9 alit 01 paelpr03 paugls ayi spwgns Ainua ssatosnq ail awn pill Its satuud paisaiawt Jo ainsol3sip a C3va9e antsio Aulua lewawwanog ayi y)im DIy oiCouple earns io Alnua Irwaowanol a qim. sinnum umuao o1w guimlua Calua muisnq a smwbai 806'ZSZZ u01332S 'apoJ Ivawwano0 sexa,£ '806'ZSZZ4 MEW 'ainlelsiga'I y)q8 oqi Aq paldope'S6Zf Ipg asnOH 'S3LLNV'd 03153H3J.NI d0 3HIISTIJSIO 96Z1 MIS 3SOOH 6Z sauawatinbm nueinsul I3eiwm lie tpim saidwm leyl iolowluoogns ail woiJ a3minsw no Jooid ap!nwd guys to iwosilumgnS ayi mnsui guys ioaoeiluoJ pyl'uanl9 aq luosuoi pinoyS 'wawasnueW ioenuoo pop 9uiseymnd Jo rwoan0 pill woiJ wasum uauwm lnoyl!m yoeilum ail Jo uo!uod Ann Ito 'iaeiwmatpiaignsiougimlouilrysloloviwooail joVX NOJ3H10NIJ13'iflflSNOONINOISSV'8Z ,(100,551Z oomas opoo Imuriumoo suxa,l) pay!sselDstw maq spy )till lenp!n!pw yoea IoJ OOZE pazileuad aq litm ioenum jeluawwanol e iapun Jlom 9uwiopad slunpinipu AJisselo Aliadoid of pug oym sioloeilumgns pop siolornuoo liam se sioioenumgns of saildde still *sIoliom nail A1!ssejo Aliadwd of sl!uJ oym puts Aplua le tnowumo8 e yl!m saowas umum 1q; slDerlum oym uovad a no pasodwl aq of Alleuad a sazuoylne '6102 '1 Cienue£ no annopija pop f IOZ 'bi aun£ uo IowanoD pill Aq profits 'S 10Z IHEI asnOH 'S 10Z'I'II3 3SfIO14 'LZ IOtDenroo anp swawAnd AM woiJ Alp alit'Sumo slunowr ions lonpap of lygu 041 saniasm 'uondo sly Its 'Alto alp io 'SlImpuy ppne ions Jo sAep (p£) Au!yp wypm spuauiAediano yonsJo lunotue pile ayi Apo ayi punJai Veils joinnuoJ Xl!o ail Aq siminArdnAct Io sroua Aue sjumai Apo Pill Aq 1!pne m yans wana ail ul loenuoo silly iapun A1iJ 041 01 paptnwd smtnlas lie Ot wenalm sijooq pre spimm spioewoo upne of ly9u ail samasai 'sawn algeuoseai tie pre asuadxa sit Its 'sexal Jo ale1S ayp it) Alto alit Jo antlelnsaidal ppne pazuoywe Cjnp a 10 'Apo ayi 'Iaileanip 10 '13enum sill Jo uual ayi 9uunp Own Ave ltl 110nV Ol MOM "9Z joilum ieys voisiOld sigi'Iuauwoop s!yl'Ot p irlai io'w uotstnoid iayloue puts uols!nwd still uaamnq lilipm Auu Jo luatua ail of'Apuaumum pas!oiaxa aq AM Pon . anlsnloxa Ion pue anuelnwna are waiaq yuoJ 12s salpawal ail Apaww le!otpnf Maas of )ygu palaulsalun sp 9uisloiaxa of loud ssaowd uouenitIn Ave of laafgns aq Ion Ijegs Apo Dill 'Iayund vono!psunf Iualadwm Jo uno3 e w Jailai Jo swIOJ lie pulp Am >joas of )qgu ayi 'uonialtulil Inoy i got njaw 'astmiayto Io'Alwba '13wwoD 'met Aq it on Apowm ro lygu Am as!oraxa in 1491.1 ail saniasm Alto 041 NOI LVdJ.IM-NON 'SZ 'pnme or ioJ uo!lwap!sum w wSuo jernlru in, xas'ioloo 'Pori Jo spunwfi ail no isutege pawunuu3slp aq Ion ]Jim pre uouwtnut sly) of asuodsai to sp!q itwgns of santunuoddo lenba papioJje aq ptm sasudialua ssauisnq vawom Poe Awoulw'asanbai siyt on luensind Otto paraaua iaeiwm Aue Ot pitgm ut trip sIOPp!q Ile saynou Agaiaq 13oggn-I Jo Apo aql '33W 'hZ wounai9lp siglJo IlneJap ui aq oI iallaS asneo Jim luawaaille sly) Jo suone3ytoods awn Pill new in loenuoo Ag mnittJ pop '13eilum stye Jo a3uewiogiad ail ioJ aouassa ayI Jo s! awn ley) poolslailm pull pawge Alssaidxa Agaray sill '21MI TZ papinoid waiay se Wng ail pua;ap puts ssapuirq Ones puts dead 'AJtuwaput in bl!q!suodsm pill 1!wil Atm out to pays 'iallaS Aq paptnoid asimlaylo Io 'loolluo3 stgl Aq paiwbai puoq Are 1ey1 soal'Se pop spuelsrapun Alssmdxa IailaS awns pill alnyosip pm Apins 'sasuadxa umo sit 19 'I legs (alias pill 'notion ions Am ut ning ayi 1sutn9e paiapuai aq Veils wawgpnf Are it •pre 'ylimaraya uoivoutim in. paunoui Jo woijaiatli guisue sasuadxa ntilo post s)sm ilia pots sCawOtle Jo safileya pn And puts pugjap 'Iradde 'asuadxo umo nil its 'pugs IaOaS ayp pre 'Are Jt 'saa(oldwa sat io ODOM s¢ io iallasgns ail Jo ro'soaAoldwa sit io IallaS pip Jo uo!sspuo io aovali9au ggnolyl pameo sum lots ayi )ey1 Pau puialap 10 pagaie aq Heys I! 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Aljelol pre pion Aioym oq ptys rapaS Aq uour9ajap io luawufitsse paldwaue AuV uaAng ayp Jo uoissiwiad uaitl ayi )noynm rajjaS Aq spew uonu9!lgo Cue Jo uone9ajap Jo pau'disse aq lirys )ounum stilt III isaialut to Iy9u ON 'NOLLV03'130-1N3WNOISSV 'L,1 'wanald of algeun s! 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Io IallaS Jo sauutimm fiuipnloto Joaray suuai Dill Jo Aue saiouaiq IailaS J! iapro sip Jo uoiuod ways gundaoDe moJaq Arangap to spoo9 agl laadsm of )y8u atp aneq Ilegs IaAng 'NOI1J3dSNI 301HOIN El uotpeutiulal Jo alep ail puoAaq loeiluoa still iapun pawgygo aq ton pcys ,Clio ail pun ioalja out Jo aq Ileys Dalton ions antg of mnl!uj inq 'potion ualulm loud sAep (0£) Cu!yl uo ialjas ayi Cq paldama aq Heys uouellaouea 'loenum still Jo muenuilum ayi IoJ pamudoidde too an spun) awn ,Sue In Jl 'lsig sin000 Juana imayo!ym Juads s! 13cnum sty) Aq paiano3 sa0was it) spoo9 ayi ioJ noA lumina-uayi aql ioJ spew uourudoidde aqj uaym ro real pansy luanno -uayi ayp Jo Aup onal ay no ',Ct!l!qutl Ialllo Io aimp minupIal lnoyl!m 'jovilum ayI anutwnal Ili Apo ayl'13e111103 ail iapun paptnwd smtntas Ito spoo9 pill ioJ ilooggn-1 Jo Alto ayi Jo pounoJ Alto ail Aq sprig Jo uourudwddeuou Jo Juana ayi ul 'Alto ayI Aq asodind say) ioJ minudoidde lunuue up Jo A1!I!qul!ene ay) in loafgns an Boom stye iapun Alto pill Aq wauuSed ioJ spun) ptl 'NOLLVRIdOliddV NON'ZI -pion puts linu aq lluys ioenum ayl'a>ly Pill ro wpwaBuppi ui llnsai ll!m suonmy!oads oqi yllm 93mly oaoe w spoo9 ayi}o uon3npoid ayi sutwla3se yutu pool ut iallaSJl ssaiwmy nAlig ones 111m iallaS 'al!] 941 it) luawagmijui ayi icy; algetl play Cpuanbasgns si Poe aauou amani Ion soup IaAng Jl lmllnalge stye Jo 9riu'SaS ay) Inge s>laam oml wylt.i 91Ii111m ut 139JIa slip 01 nAng 041 CJuou Jim ay 'unsai ll!m ap!i ayp io luowogmlJut ue leyt uoiu!do ayt)o si iallaS JI -ailti ayl,Io utawalutrJutyo spmoil ayI no Pans si )Dias teyp Juana ail w uoueoytwuaput ioJ IallaS of algey ag 1aAng pays 1ranD out ul pun 'wlep It ions in asu PAM Ion jjpm uonuayiaads ail on 9uiplome spool Jo uononpoid ay1 Icy) Alueirem out spiltw nAng 'al!1 ayi Jo wawogui gut Jo Arim Aq u000d pityt ,Sue Jo w!elo inJlyeu ay) 01 asu anlg jI!m Iuawam9u still Ot patinne suone3gioads ail yl!m muepiome w pwnlay tyrut spoo9 layyaym im Pose of snail¢ IailaS ales Jot; lotrwoo styp Jo red sV 'S1N3W30NI33M LSN]VOV ligAng Ag AjJjVdWM ON'1I asuadxa s,IallaS ay17e aq ll!m IaAng Aq apew uonaanm 'awn algtuoseai e u!qum vonoaum anudwddu ail allow of sprig IallaS luma ay1 it, asuadxa s iallaS alp Its waimmidai 10 mil3anm IoJ i3npwd ail wmai ,Sew naAng'spinpueu VHSO o) wioJum Ion soup ionpwd ayI wane OLD ui '0L61 Jo loV yilwH Into Siairs iruonudnm0 ail iapun ioge7Jo wawueda0 S p alp Aq pale9lnword spiepmis ail w oigluoO pegs nAng alp in plos tanpwd pill any slueuem iallaS 'A1NV dWM A133VS '0I vmuaigim Aq loollmo sitp w paaeiodimu! wournoop Aue io saxouue sit 'sainpayas sit 'smtpuadde sit'13e11uoJ elyi w pagiaods aq ,Sew y3tym Al!Pqu!l s.njjPS ay Jo uoneuw!j io 'passaicim io petition 'Awnuem Jo nuatelosip Am in loafgns too an Puts 13eiwoo still topaytDads sanuenem laylo Are wo1J aiaiosip Poe awnclas are waiay paunwm sanuenem aql -Ilnvjop io mileuwiap of gu!umuad ly9u sit'ot pal!wg Ion mq'9uipnl0m loenuoo stye iapun Poe met pill Iapon slygu sit Jo Alto Jo JiasjI 9witene 1,3oggn-1 Jo Alto aye to llnsoi Auto 'utmay paunium suoueg!lgo ayI Jo tar. ypm Aldwm of amped 7oenuoo still iapun ilooggn-I Jo Alto ail 01 POnA1jap aq of saowas pre slonpotd ail Jo wawdolmap to milealo ail to payonu Aced pnyl An io IallaS -qns sit 'iallaS pip Aq papmoid saawas pull gonpwd of Cldde waiay pawuium suouc9ilgo agl,13enuoo still Jo plop antloaJJa alp wo.y aq Amu Dino Pill sp 'uonrwgwm to Io AIlunp!Alpul'13eiluoJ still iapun pap!nwd saouvas Poe paiantiap sionpoid ainmwiy Poe aiemgos'alempiey lie Jo (9ulousnbas putt gu ledwm '8upelmlm in parw!l Ion Intl 'gwpnlout) amp pa)rlar slop puts Olen -ilnvj pup aomiauoJlad aalJ-ineJ stueuem pre swasaidai IallaS rya 'luawaai9e 9utssaowd ail w ]jnsai aa1J jeniowl(tm ay) to pauieiuoa suoistnoid AM 9utpuersypWON wanog ileys suoueoy!Oads ail 'suu!lduosep pun 'slutmwp 'suonmy!oads ail uaamloq 10 13!yum a Jo Iuana ail ul Aun J! 'IallaS ail Aq pagstwnJ (s)oldums pill of pue'uoneltnw p!q oql ut paisil suoilduosap Pon's8wmwp'uopmyt3ods ay) on woJuo3Ij!m paystwnJ spoo9 ayi will swnriem IallaS 'raAng ay Jo uotldo ayp in algcp!on noenuw stye npuai lluys os UP Ot idumM Are pun sanueuem paidwt Am apnloxe Io uwq Ion llugs iallaS-13O(1ONd-AJ-NVHWM '6 DOJ wagunum Io agenloiq'agelumiad'uoisstwwm 43ns,Io lunowe lint alp Ianmai as!mlaylo io'aoud )3enum pill woiJ lonpap on pre An Pgrq Inoypm nAmPi asu. aylo io 'roud loenum oqi wwJ ponpap o) puts Appgey Inoyl!m lowwm stye jaoue3 in sly9u Jo iy5u iaylo Am in uontppe w 1qJu ail aneq pays ia,(ng ay) 'Alueuem still J0 uouetOtn Jo y3uwq Ind -ssautsn i 9ui noas Jo asodind ay Intl iallaS ayp Aq poutwutrw sa!oua9e 9u alas io ietwawwm paysilgelso apg euoq Jo saaAeldwo apy nuoq gutldaaxa aaJ wallunum In, 'a9eiailorq'agrimalad'voisspuwm ioJ guipurlvapun io wawam9e ue uodn iounum sty) amoas ro 1p!jos of pawmai io po4oldwa moq sell Aoua9e 9tollas io round out luyt sumiyrm iallaS ail q 'asuadxa junior s iallaS In, yoewq IoJ IallaS w Alitgoil inoyl!m lounuoo still jmum Attu mAng a Iluwalle 041 ui io 'siayio Aq slopio no saaud luanno s,IajjoS ay of paonpar oq Heys swan Dill Jo smud Dill 'Aiveiiem still say3eaiq IailaS Iuana ayi vI aseyomd Jo spoylaw Posy suoutpum oJ!j J0 niwrs iapun saunuenb Irinws Intl wpwaar9e sly) Aq paianm uoneoytoads pun puill ail Jo slonpwd Intl siaylo Aq siapio no ssa3wd wanno s iallaS until Iay9!q out aq of sweuem IailaS yo!ym p!q s,rajjaS ui paumwm aryl aq livgs iaAng pill Aq pied aq in a3ud ail t'3oRId-A.LNVNNtlM 'ions se iallaS ayp Aq payuuap! aq lleys ojq!svp; lualxa ail in pre nAng ay) Jo Auadoid pip awmaq ljcys otarayp patelai siaays ssaooid Attie puts luawd!nba gugow jet3ads ions 'rapio still lutpy Jo asodind ail ioJ IailaS Aq pannbar io paleougeJ imindinba isal letoads in 9ulloo) Ie!3ads Am Jo Ism ail sopnloui Joaray aaeJ alp no paieis aoud ayp JI J.N3WdMZ)g LS31:8 S'I001'Ib'I33dS L satunwil ions luiptnoid to iallaS Aq pennant ism ay Jo wnowe ayi pjoyyum Io lanmai ol'sa!pawai puts sny91J iaylo Ave 01 uo!I!ppe in 'papnua aq pegs nAng 'uolslnoid still cr wunsind raAng Aq paloouea si iowlum stye wana pill ul 'launum v ions Jo 9unywgjiad ayi on loadsw yllm suoneunwalap Aue Jo gu!ijew ail 10 'Butpmum Jo guiplome ail of loadsar yum wawlea1l algwonuJ grnnaPs 10 ioenuoo a 9uunaas of main a yum looggn'i Jo Alto ayp Jo ooAoldwa io iaoUjo Am w 'iallaS pill Jo ammivasmdal Io wage Attu io'rapaS ail Aq uan!l ro POnAo Dram 'asimlaillo io sip9 'wawurnmim Jo uunj ail u! 'sapaymig any nAng Aq patimannp st it J! rapaS ca Altpgr!l woypm iowwm still laoueo 'rapaS ail of notion vanum Aq 'Auto Wng ail-SaUVUVdo -9 Cianllap lane Paunugns On sluaww)sul anoge ayp jlwn anp aq Ion jjegs puaulArd 'LSb6L scxal'43oggn'I 'OOOZ xo3 O d 'IoWgn-I Jo Alto 'algrAed swno33V ioJ, IRW 'maoAut ail of paiaeue aq pinoys'algro!lddr uaym I I!gAum lyfita.y ayi pm'gutpel Jo il!q ail Jo Adm tl Alaneiedas pals!( aq Veils 'Ave J! ,salieyo wamuodsmin Puri paztwan aq jjeys smlonul-algeonldde Ji ragwnu wawaaigr Ajddns pip pre ragwnu asmlai aseyaoid io rapio aseymnd pill anotpw pegs smionul 'AnAijap yova nice asealm osuyomd In, rapio aseyaind Ilona Duo 'alaoydnp w 'smtonut aleicdas itwgns (legs I a I I a S u 'S7.N31NAVd ;8 S3JIOANI 5 -piumiaye Ion mq awn loenum ayi utyatm niomi lunwgJum a ayew uayi Atw Poe aino on uonmwi sty Jo nAng AJtlou Alciumsem Aew iallaS ayl'pai!dxa IVA lout say a3uewictInd ioJ atop ally alagm paptnwd'rapual lupuiglum It alniiisgns in lygu pill anuy too lieys iallas puts y3ewq It alnlusum lleys styli t iicqum AjInJ Ion saop y3iym apew s! iapun) vil aly ayp pre Aplunb'Ciantlap,lo awn of se lowlum styl)o suoistnoid lla yltm Aidwoo AljnJ imw spoo9 Jo AlangaP Jo rapuar Alan3 'N30N313ALL03d30 d0 J N3W3Jtl'Idn ON 'b ,Lanyap Jo swtod it) lwod ail le spoog ayp Jo uotssassod sallel Poe san10391 Ajlenloe 1aAng jpun IaSng Ot ssed Ion lluys spoog oqi Jo ssol Jo ijsu pue plan eql SSO1d0 -ISI3 ONtl 37111 f spoo9 Jo rapuar a se amiado ll!m 9wpel Jo piq a Jo Iapual out Poe uo!leniasal iapun spoo9 pip days in pazuoyyne Ion si iallaS 03113gdONd NOLLVAN3SMI NZIUNII JNgWdIHS Z 'sls!I Supind Aq patuedwome lout swawdtys uo an!snpum pun Ieuy aq 1jeys lygnam io loom s nAng suouuoy!Oads olge3ydde Are pre siauiea uowwm Jo sivawannbai ya!m wioJum on put- sism uonwiodsmil isamol anoas on pallard Algritns pq jjegs spoo0 pap!nwd asimraylo ssalm gw9eijoed,jo ism Iraq jitys lanai dis'Swiloed ail luimaq rauteaum ayi Jo ragwnu ayi (p) pre 'saxoq 6 Jo 1 xoq 9 a •siouiewm Jo ragwnu Ielol pre ragwnu Iaumluoo (o)'algeoidde J! Iagwnu wawaar9e Ajddns ayi pup ragwnu asealai oseyomd io iapro asey3md puts ssmppa 'aweu s,00031suoo (q) 'naippe puts aweu s njlaS (e) smolloJ se pailnui Alwauewad puts Alarala aq Ijeys loutewm gu!ddlys yang aovowd lrtornwwm pool yum aouapimn w spoo9 a9uiped Him iallaS '50000 3OVNJtld Ol v3-I'13S 'I X.L `NJOgga'] 10 A.LIJ :smolloJ so amle iaAng pun iallaS SNOUIQNOJ ONV SW3310HtlONtl1S ATIOd311VO O V3H :l N V.LNOdWI SNOIIIONOJ ONV SW11131 71 House Bill 89. effective September 1, 2017, amended the Texas Government Code to add Chapter 2270, Prohibition on Contracts with Companies Boycotting Israel Effective September 1. 2017, a state agency and a political subdivision (which includes a city) may not enter a contract with a company for goods or semces unless the contract contains a written venficanon from the company that: (i) it does not Boycott Israel, and (it) will not Boycott Israel during the term of the contract. By accepting this purchase order, the Vendor (Professional or other applicable term defining the contracting party) verifies that it does not Boycott Israel, and agrees that during the tern of this Agreement (Contract as applicable) will not Bovcott Israel as that tenn is defined in Texas Government Code Section 808.001. as amended. MYTHICS' Randy Dorsey Direct: 757.963.5493 Fax: 757.965.9486 Email: rstageberg@mythlcs.com 1439 N. Great Neck Rd. Suite 201 Virginia Beach, VA 23454 DIR-TSO-2548 Platinum Partner End -User Name: City of Lubbock Estimate Number: 91517 Contact: David McGaughey Estimate prepared on: 9115/17 Email: DMcGaughey@mail.ci.lubbock.tx.us Valid through: 10/30/17 Phone: (806) 775-2372 LICENSES AND SUPPORT tert Nbr Oracle Product Descri tion T rm Oracle License TVDe Number of Licenses Discounted Unit Price Extended Price 1 WebLogic Server Enterprise Edition Perpetual Processor 6 $ 13,762.50 $ 82,575.00 2 Update Rights and Product Technical Support 1 Year Processor 6 $ 3,027.75 $ 18,166.50 3 WebLogic Server Enterprise Edition Perpetual Named User Plus 60 $ 275.25 $ 16,515.00 4 Update Rights and Product Technical Support 1 Year Named User Plus 60 $ 60.56 $ 3,633.30 5 Active Data Guard Perpetual Processor 12 $ 6,330.75 $ 75,969.00 6 Update Rights and Product Technical Support 1 Year Processor 12 $ 1,392.77 $ 16,713.18 SUBTOTAL: LICENSE $ 175,059.00 SUBTOTAL: SUPPORT & UPDATE RIGHTS 1 YEAR $ 38,512.98 TOTAL' $ 213,571.98 Applicable State taxes will be added unless an exemption is provided. quotation is an estimate and is an invitation for you to offer to purchase products and services from Mythics. Your order is subject to Mythics' acceptance and to software licensing terms conditions per reference to an existing licenselcontract or a newly executed license accompanying your order. tics DUNS#:013358002 tics Fed Tax ID# 54-1987871 iE CODE: 1TA34 -:423430 iupport services are provided under Oracle's then current technical support policies located at: http://www.oracle.com/support/policies.html 'ou agree that Mythics has the right to cancel your support due to non-payment. Aedia is available for download at no additional cost at hftp://edelivery.oracle.com/ n reliance on your order, Mythics will issue a non -cancellable order with its supplier for software or hardware products ordered. 'herefore all orders are non -cancellable Please note that the support for the products listed above will begin when Oracle processes this order. If you have a desired period of performance please make sure to liscuss this with Mythics in advance delivering the purchase order. 3ase include the following statements in your order: This order is placed pursuant to the terms and conditions of Mythics DIR: DIR-TSO-2548 Payment terms are: "License and Support fees: Net30 Mythics Quote Number: 91517 x order to 757-965-9486 or email to:rstageberg@mythics.com case note this pricing Is subject to final management approval. CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORM 1295 1 of 1 Complete Nos. 1- 4 and 6 if there are interested parties. OFFICE USE ONLY Complete Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 if there are no interested parties. CERTIFICATION OF FILING 1 Name of business entity filing form, and the city, state and country of the business entity's place Certificate Number: of business. 2017-268040 City of Lubbock Lubbock, TX United States Date Filed: 2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract for which the form is 10/03/2017 being filed. Information Resources, Department of Date Acknowledged: 110/06/2017 3 Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identify the contract, and provide a description of the services, goods, or other property to be provided under the contract. 13704 Information Technology 4 Name of Interested Party City, State, Country (place of business) Nature of interest (check applicable) Controlling I Intermediary LaRose , R. Scott Virginia Beach, VA United States X Welborn, Richard Virginia Beach, VA United States X Wergley, Albert Virginia Beach, VA United States X Newman, Gary Virginia Beach, VA United States X Hillier, Michael Virginia Beach, VA United States X 5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. ❑ 6 AFFIDAVIT I swear, or affirm, under penalty of perjury, that the above disclosure is true and correct. AFFIX NOTARY STAMP / SEAL ABOVE Sworn to and subscribed before me, by the said 20 , to certify which, witness my hand and seal of office. Signature of authorized agent of contracting business entity this the day of Signature of officer administering oath Printed name of officer administering oath Title of officer administering oath i-orms proviaea oy I exas t=thics commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V1.0.3337 CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORM 1295 1 of 1 Complete Nos.1- 4 and 6 if there are interested parties. OFFICE USE ONLY Complete Nos.1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 if there are no interested parties. CERTIFICATION OF FILING Certificate Number: 1 Name of business entity filing form, and the city, state and country of the business entity's place of business. 2017-268040 Mythics, Inc. Virginia Beach, VA 23452 Date Filed: 10/03/2017 2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract for which the form is being filed. Information Resources, Department of Date Acknowledged: 3 Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identify the contract, and provide a description of the services, goods, or other property to be provided under the contract. 13704 Information Technology 4 Nature of interest Name of Interested Party City, State, Country (place of business) (check applicable) Controlling7 Intermediary LaRose , R. Scott Virginia Beach, VA United States X Welborn, Richard Virginia Beach, VA United States X Wergley, Albert Virginia Beach, VA United States X Newman, Gary Virginia Beach, VA United States X Hillier, Michael Virginia Beach, VA United States X 5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. ❑ 6 AFFIDAVIT SH EP,q l��ii, I swear, or affirm, under penalty of perjury, that the above disclosure is true and correct. GO.........O ,'REGISTRATION N0.', _ W • 7726145 : M = CD ;MY COMM. EXPIRES. -< 06 31-2021 Signature of authorized agent of contracting business entity QF �1RG\NAP V Nx AFFIX NOTARY� Sworn to and subscribed before me, by the saidy y ' mym,� , this the day of 20, to certify which, witness my hand and seal of office. Signature of Vicer admmisteri ath Printed name 6f officer administering oath Title of officer a ering oath Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V1.0.3337