HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 2017-R0350 - Rifle-Resistant Body Armor Grant - 09/28/2017Resolution No.2017-R0350 Item No.6.13 September 28,2017 RESOLUTION WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Lubbock finds it in the best interest of the citizens of the City of Lubbock that the Rifle-Resistant Body Armor Grant Program ("Project"), Grant be operated for the year 2018 (January 1,2018 to March 1,2018); and WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Lubbock agrees in the event of loss or misuse of the Office of the Governor funds, the City Council of the City of Lubbock assures that the funds will be returned to the Office of the Governor in full; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Lubbock designates Mayor Daniel M. Pope, as the grantee's authorized official. The authorized official is given the power to apply for, accept, reject, alter or terminate the grant on behalf ofthe applicant agency. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the Mayor of the City of Lubbock is hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of the City of Lubbock a Grant Agreement and any associated documents with the Office of the Governor,which Agreement and associated documents are attached hereto and made a part hereof for all intents and purposes. DANIEL M.POPE,MAYOR ATTEST: J^ Rebecca Garza,City Secretar APPROVED AS TO CONTENT GregxSlever^fChief of Police APPROVED AS TO FORM: Jeff Hartsell,Assistant City Attorney RES.Rifle Resistant Body Armor Grant August 23,2017 Resolution No. 2017-RO350 Office of the Governor Criminal Justice Division Funding Announcement (Amended): Rifle -Resistant Body Armor Grant Program July 12, 2017 CJD Funding Announcement (Amended): Rifle -Resistant Body Armor Grant Program Opportunity Snapshot Below is a high-level overview of many of the elements of this opportunity. Full information is provided in the funding announcement that follows. Amendment The original funding announcement was amended to remove restrictions on eligibility for state colleges and universities and with more explicit instructions regarding the submission of budgets. Purpose The purpose of this announcement is to solicit applications for projects that equip law enforcement officers at risk of shootings with rifle -resistant body armor. Eligible Funding Areas Funds may be used by law enforcement agencies to equip law enforcement officers with bullet -resistant personal body armor compliant with the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) standard for rifle protection. Funds Available It is anticipated that up to $25 million may be funded under this announcement. Process Applicants will respond to this funding announcement by completing an application in eGrants https://eG rants.gov.texas.gov. Budget There is no minimum or maximum request under this program, however, applicants should consider the overall availability of funds and CJD's goal to provide resources to as many departments as possible. Funds may only be used to obtain body armor, including bulletproof vests, ballistic plates, and plate carriers. Match There is no match requirement under this program. Project Periods All projects must begin between Jan. 1 and Mar. 1, 2018. A project period may not exceed 12 months. Organizational Eligibility Applications may be submitted by the Texas Department of Public Safety, and units of local government and educational institutions that operate law enforcement agencies employing peace officers under Article 2.12, Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, including municipalities, counties, independent school districts, universities, public and private colleges and universities, federally recognized Native American tribes, community colleges and hospital districts. With the exception of the Texas Department of Public Safety, applications must be submitted by the entity operating the law enforcement agency, not the agency itself, e.g. the county government, not the sheriff's office. Contact Information If additional information is needed, contact the eGrants help desk at eGrants@gov.texas.gov or (512) 463-1919. CJD Funding Announcement (Amended): Rifle -Resistant Body Armor Grant Program Table of Contents OpportunitySnapshot ........................................................................................................................ 1 Step1:Review the Process ................................................................................................................ 3 Timeline................................................................................................................................................ 3 SubmissionMethod .............................................................................................................................. 3 Step 2:Consider the Requirements ..................................................................................................... 4 OrganizationalEligibility ....................................................................................................................... 4 Funding and Project Period Limits ........................................................................................................ 4 MatchRequirement .............................................................................................................................. 4 EligibleExpenses ................................................................................................................................... 4 Ineligible Costs and Activities ............................................................................................................... 5 ReportingRequirements ....................................................................................................................... 5 Program -Specific Requirements ........................................................................................................... 6 Standard(]DRequirements ................................................................................................................. 6 Step3:Apply via eGnants................................................................................................................... 7 Basics..................................................................................................................................................... 7 Profile Tab —Grant.VendorSub-Tab Direct Deposit Procedures .......................................................... 7 Narrative Tab —Program-Specific Questions ........................................................................................ 7 NornatkaTab—Requied[ertdOstiono-------------------------------'O NanativeTab—PnojecNarratka----------------------------------- O Activities Tab —[]DPurpose Areas ....................................................................................................... 8 Activities Tab — Fund Source Information and Requirements .............................................................. 9 Activities Tab —OOG'De8nedProject Activity Area ............................................................................. 9 MeasuresTab ........................................................................................................................................ 9 BudgetTab ............................................................................................................................................ 9 5ubmit.App|icationand Certify.App|icationTabs ................................................................................. 9 Step4: Review your Funding Decision .............................................................................................. 1O Selection and Fund Allocation Criteria ............................................................................................... 10 Announcements.................................................................................................................................. 1O Appendix: Required Certifications .................................................................................................... 11 AboutC]D........................................................................................................................................ 12 KA CJD Funding Announcement (Amended): Rifle -Resistant Body Armor Grant Program Rifle -Resistant Body Armor Grant Program The goal of the Governor's Criminal Justice Division (CJD) is to provide needed funding to improve public safety and support victims of crime by filling system gaps and promoting innovative solutions to common problems. In 2017, in response to the July 7th, 2016, shooting of numerous police officers in Dallas, Texas, the Legislature passed and the Governor signed Senate Bill 12, which created a grant program within the governor's office to increase the safety of Texas' law enforcement officers by assisting agencies in the purchase of rifle -resistant body armor. CJD is now accepting applications for projects under this program. If you are interested in applying for a grant under this program, follow the four -step process outlined below. ■ Step One -Review the Process: Get familiar with the funding announcement and the process used for this particular program. ■ Step Two - Consider the Requirements: Consider the eligibility requirements as well as what will be required of successful applicants. ■ Step Three - Apply in eGrants. Compile and submit your grant application. To understand how to apply online or to register for the system go to https://eGrants@gov.texas.gov. ■ Step Four— Funding Decisions and Grant Acceptance. Await the funding decision, which is provided through a grant award or other notice from CJD. If you receive an award, complete the acceptance process to access funds. Step 1: Review the Process Timeline Action Funding Announcement Release Date July 7, 2017 Online System Opening Date July 7, 2017 Final Date to Submit an Application September 6, 2017 5PM CST Earliest Start Date January 1, 2018 Latest Start Date March 1, 2018 Submission Method Applicants must submit applications through via eGrants (eGrants.gov.texas.gov) by the deadline above. CJD Funding Announcement (Amended): Rifle -Resistant Body Armor Grant Program Step 2: Consider the Requirements Organizational Eligibility Applications may be submitted by the Texas Department of Public Safety, and units of local government and educational institutions that operate law enforcement agencies employing peace officers under Article 2.12, Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, including municipalities, counties, independent school districts, universities, public and private colleges and universities, federally recognized Native American tribes, community colleges and hospital districts. (This announcement has been revised to remove restrictions on state public universities.) State agencies other than the Texas Department of Public Safety are not authorized under law to apply for funds under this grant program. With the exception of the Texas Department of Public Safety, applications must be submitted by the entity operating the law enforcement agency, not the agency itself, e.g. the county government, not the sheriff's office. Funding and Project Period Limits It is anticipated that up to $25 million may be funded under this announcement. This amount represents the full level of funding available. (Funds are authorized under Senate Bill 12 and appropriated by the 85th Legislature.) The number and amount of awards will depend upon the reasonableness of costs of individual, eligible applications, and the total volume of applications received. A project funded may not exceed a one-year grant period. Match Requirement There is no match requirement under this program. Eligible Expenses Eligible equipment. Grant funds are restricted to obtaining body armor compliant with the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) standard (Ballistic Resistance of Body Armor NIJ Standard-0101.06) type III (rifles) or type IV (armor piercing rifle) body armor, including bullet -resistant vests, ballistic plates, and plate carriers. Eligible purchase models. Funds may be used for the outright purchase of eligible equipment, or other supply -service or subscription models. However, grant funds are restricted to the one-year project period, and costs for any subscription models or additional extended warranties that extend beyond the project period must be prorated to correspond to the project period. Eligible officers to equip. Grant funds may only be used to equip peace officers (as defined by Article 2.12, Texas Code of Criminal Procedure) directly employed by a law enforcement agency operated by the applicant. Funds may not be used to equip officers employed by other agencies that are not eligible to apply. CJD may prioritize the equipping of certain types of officers or applicants if the total requested CJD Funding Announcement (Amended): Rifle -Resistant Body Armor Grant Program funds exceed the funds appropriated by the Legislature. (See "Selection and Fund Allocation Criteria" below under Step 4.) Only one set of body armor (partial or complete) per officer may be purchased. Equipment purchasing. The Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts' Statewide Procurement Division (SPD) has developed a list of Bullet Proof Vest and Body Armor that local government members may order on Texas SmartBUy ( http://www.txsmartbuy.com/ ). Grantees may find more information about available products and get assistance with purchasing equipment on the SB12 Body Armor web page ( http://comptroller.texas.gov/purchasing/contracts/body-armor.php ), or contact SPD for help in evaluating vendor offers against the pricing on statewide contracts. Because CJD is attempting to equip the maximum number of law enforcement officers in Texas, if the total funding requested by applicants exceeds available funding, applicants with more reasonable and competitive project budgets may receive priority. Not all body armor listed at the Comptroller's website complies with the requirements of this grant program. Ineligible Costs and Activities Costs under this grant program are strictly limited to the procurement of eligible body armor. Grant funds may not be used to support services, activities, and costs including but not limited to: 1) Salaries or personnel costs, including any portion of the salary of, or any other compensation for an elected or appointed government official; 2) Supplanting or use of grant funds to replace any other existing federal, state or local funds; 3) Indirect costs; 4) Training and/or maintenance costs; 5) Travel; 6) Any costs ancillary to the purchase of eligible body armor, such as policy development, training costs, staff, or any other item determined ineligible or unreasonable by CJD; 7) Any other prohibition imposed by federal, state, or local law. Reporting Requirements Financial Report. At the end of each state fiscal quarter during the one-year grant period, grantees will be required to submit a financial status report via eGrants in the format required by CJD. Progress Report. Grantees will be required to submit a single close-out report via the Public Policy Research Institute at Texas A&M University ( https://ppri.tamu.edu/ ) 12 months after their project start date. Close-out reports will be very brief and will principally ask for: 1) Number of officers employed by the law enforcement agency; 2) Number of officers equipped with NIJ-compliant level III & IV body armor; and 3) A brief description of any shooting events in which an officer equipped with body armor purchased with grant funds was struck by gunfire. CJD Funding Announcement (Amended): Rifle -Resistant Body Armor Grant Program Program -Specific Requirements Required Agency Policies. As required by Chapter 772.0073, Texas Government Code (as passed in Senate Bill 12), an eligible organization may apply for grant funds only after its law enforcement agency adopts a policy addressing the: 1) Deployment and allocation of vests or plates to its officers; and 2) Usage of vests or plates by its officers. CJD requires that the policy on usage of vests or plates include mandatory training on the proper care, fitting, inspection, use, storage, and maintenance of the armor. CJD also requires that the policy specify that body armor may not be left in patrol vehicles when an officer is not on duty to minimize the heat damage to the armor. In crafting these policies, applicants should be aware that the inspection, storage, and replacement of body armor were identified as potential points of failure in body armor use by the Police Executive Research Forum. See 'A Practitioner's Guide To the 2011 National Body Armor Survey of Law Enforcement Officers" for more information. NIJ Body Armor Standards. Body armor purchased with grant funds must comply with the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) standard (Ballistic Resistance of Body Armor NIJ Standard-0101.06) for type III (rifles) or type IV (armor piercing rifle) body armor, including bullet -resistant vests, ballistic plates, and plate carriers. Grantees are responsible for ensuring that any purchases meet this requirement and must certify compliance at the time of application. Personally Fitted Vest Requirement. All body armor vests purchased with grant funds must be personally fitted for individual officers, including vests specifically fitted to individual female law enforcement officers. "Personally fitted" does not require armor be individually manufactured based on the measurements of a specific wearer, but rather that it provide the best possible fit and coverage, through a combination of: 1) Correctly -sized panels and carrier, determined through appropriate measurement; and 2) Properly adjusted straps, harnesses, fasteners, flaps, or other adjustable features. The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) International has made available the Standard Practice for Body Armor Wearer Measurement and Fitting of Armor (Active Standard ASTM E3003) available at no cost. The Personal Armor Fit Assessment checklist, is excerpted from ASTM E3003. Grantees are responsible for ensuring that all purchases meet this requirement and must certify compliance at the time of application. Standard CJD Requirements CJD Regulations. Grantees must comply with the standards applicable to this funding source cited in the Texas Administrative Code (1 TAC Chapter 3), and all statutes, requirements, and guidelines applicable to this funding. CJD Funding Announcement (Amended): Rifle -Resistant Body Armor Grant Program Uniform Crime Reports. Eligible applicants operating a law enforcement agency must be current on reporting Part I violent crime data to the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) for inclusion in the annual Uniform Crime Report (UCR). To be considered eligible for funding, applicants must have submitted a full twelve months of accurate data to DPS for the most recent calendar year. Criminal History Reporting. The county (or counties) in which the applicant is located must have a 90% average on both adult and juvenile criminal history dispositions reported to the Texas Department of Public Safety for calendar years 2012 through 2016 as of August 31, 2017 Immigration and Customs Enforcement Requests: An application requirement pertaining to full compliance with Department of Homeland Security detainer requests applies to all municipal or county governments that operate a subdivision or department that detains individuals after arrest for a criminal violation. Full text of this certification can be found on the Narrative tab of each application or at http://gov.texas.gov/cod/dhs detainerrequest. All applicants must select one of four options in their eGrants application to be considered for funding under this announcement. Step 3: Apply via eGrants Basics To apply to CJD for these grants, you must complete or make sure you have already completed some standard requirements. All of the following are needed to apply within eGrants: ■ Applicants must have a DUNS (Data Universal Numbering System) number assigned to its agency (to request a DUNS number, go to http://fedgov.dnb.com/webform/displayHomePage.do. ■ Applicants must be registered in the federal System for Award Management (SAM) database located at https://www.sam.gov/ and maintain an active registration throughout the grant period. ■ Applicants must have or register for an account in eGrants eGrants@gov.texas.gov. Profile Tab — Grant.Vendor Sub -Tab Direct Deposit Procedures New Direct Deposit procedures: Applicants must upload the required Direct Deposit forms, New Payee Identification Form, and W9 Form for each application prior to submission. The eGrants system will not allow an application submission until these forms are attached to the application. These forms are available at https://egrants.gov.texas.gov/updates.aspx under the Financial Management Tools section or by clicking on the hyperlinks above. Narrative Tab — Program -Specific Questions Applicants must enter the number of officers currently employed by the agency, the number of officers currently equipped with Type III and Type IV body armor, and the number proposed to be equipped under the grant for the following four categories: 1) Officers within a tactical response (SWAT -style) unit or specifically assigned tactical response duties; CJD Funding Announcement (Amended): Rifle -Resistant Body Armor Grant Program 2) Officers who are engaged in traffic or highway patrol, otherwise regularly detain or stop motor vehicles, are primary responders to calls for assistance from the public, or execute arrest or search warrants for criminal offenses; 3) All other officers employed by the agency; 4) All other reserve officers. Narrative Tab — Required Certifications There are a variety of certifications on the eGrants application that applicants are required to make when submitting their application. Applicants should carefully review these certifications, which are also found in this funding announcement's "Appendix A: Required Certifications". Narrative Tab — Project Narrative The eGrants system contains nine narrative boxes, but only one is required for this grant program. Using the headings indicated below in bold type, applicants should use the "Project Abstract" box, to describe: 1) Duties. The duties of the four categories of officers proposed to be equipped under the project, including how those duties would expose the officers to gunfire that necessitates Type III and Type IV body armor. 2) History. Any recent history of shootings that demonstrates the need for Type III and Type IV body armor. 3) Non -Tactical Duties. If the project proposes equipment for reserve officers and/or officers not engaged in tactical response duties, regular patrol, response to calls for assistance, or the execution of warrants related to criminal offenses, why such officers have a need for this level of body armor. 4) Multi -Agency Breakdown. If the project will equip more than one agency operated by an applicant, how many of each category of officer (tactical response officers; patrol/response/warrant-serving officers; other employed officers; other reserve officers) work in each agency. (For example, if a county's application contains equipment for officers in a constable's office and a sheriff's office, those total should be broken -out here.) Applicants should enter "n/a" in all other project narrative boxes. Activities Tab — CJD Purpose Areas Applicants must estimate the percentage of time officers proposed to be equipped under their project will be specifically assigned to: 1) Educational campuses; 2) Jails or prisons; 3) Juvenile facilities (not regular K-12 or college campuses); 4) Victim services facilities; 5) General (all other areas) CJD Funding Announcement (Amended): Rifle -Resistant Body Armor Grant Program Activities Tab — Fund Source Information and Requirements If the officers to be equipped with grant funds are explicitly assigned to specific educational campuses (K-12 or higher education), the applicant must enter the TOTAL students at ALL campuses that will be served by the project. Activities Tab — OOG-Defined Project Activity Area Applicants should assign 100% of their project activity to "Equipment and Technology". For the Description of Activity, "Equipping officers with Type III and Type IV body armor" is sufficient. Measures Tab There are no additional measures required for this grant program. Budget Tab Applicants must submit a budget line item for each type of item being purchased, including the expected make and model of the item and the quantity of item to be purchased. For example, a budget line item listing a quantity of one and a description reading "12 bullet resistant vests" is incorrect. That budget line item should list a quantity of 12 and a description reading "Bullet resistant vests by [manufacturer] of model [model of vest]". Applicants receiving awards are not locked -in to the make and model of equipment in their application, but must consult with their grant manager and request a budget adjustment changing the make and model before making any purchases. CJD reserves the right to deny a requested change, and any purchases of equipment not listed in the approved budget are not guaranteed to be reimbursed. Submit.Application and Certify.Application Tabs After completing the application, submit the application by selecting the "Submit Initial Application" button on the bottom of the Submit.Application tab. (If your application is missing information, a list of errors will appear on the Submit.Application tab.) After the initial submission, the project officials will receive an email notification. The Authorized Official must then log -in to the application and certify the application by selecting the "Certify Official Application" button at the bottom of the Certify.Application tab (only visible once the application has been initially submitted). Applications are not complete until the Authorized Official has CERTIFIED the application, and they must do so BEFORE the application deadline. For support documents and "how-to" videos and other resources, including the Guide to Creating an Application, see the eGrants support page at https://egrants.gov.texas.gov/updates.aspx. CJD Funding Announcement (Amended): Rifle -Resistant Body Armor Grant Program Step 4: Review your Funding Decision Selection and Fund Allocation Criteria CJD will review applications to understand the overall demand for the program and for significant variations in costs per item. After this review, CJD will determine if all eligible applications can be funded based on funds available, if there are cost-effectiveness benefits to normalizing or setting limits on the range of costs, and if other fair -share cuts may allow for broader distribution and a higher number of projects while still remaining effective. In the event that the total requested funds exceed available funding, CJD may also prioritize applications for municipal police departments, sheriff's offices, or— within projects — officers engaged in tactical response and regular patrol/response or warrant -execution duties. Final Decisions —All Projects: The executive director will consider the analysis described above along with other factors and make all final funding decisions. Other factors may include need, cost effectiveness, overall funds availability, CJD or state government priorities and strategies, legislative directives, need, geographic distribution, balance of focuses and approaches, or other relevant factors. CJD may not fund all applications or may only award part of the amount requested. Per Title 1, Section 3.9 of the Texas Administrative Code, all funding decisions made by the executive director are final and are not subject to appeal. The receipt of an application by CJD does not obligate CJD to fund the grant or to fund it at the amount requested. Announcements After CJD makes final funding decisions, each applicant will receive either an unfunded notice, a preliminary decision notification, or a final grant award. The award will provide all of the conditions and requirements of the grant. Release of final grant awards are always contingent on CJD's receipt of the federal grant award under which the program is funded and CJD cannot release or guarantee funding to any applicant until that award is received and acceptance is processed and a determination is made that adequate funding is available. All grantees receiving federal and state funds must comply with the applicable statutes, rules, regulations, and guidelines related to the funding source under which the grant is funded. In instances where both federal and state requirements apply to a grantee, the more restrictive requirements apply. 10 CJD Funding Announcement (Amended): Rifle -Resistant Body Armor Grant Program Appendix: Required Certifications Applicants must certify that they will comply with the following requirements to the extent that they are applicable. CJD, at its sole discretion, will determine the applicability of requirements: A. Constitutional Compliance: Applicant assures that it will not engage in any activity that violates Constitutional law including profiling based upon race. B. Required Agency Policies: Applicant assures that it has adopted policies addressing the deployment and allocation of vests or plates to its officers; and the usage of vests or plates by its officers. CJD requires that the policy on usage of vests or plates include mandatory training on the proper care, fitting, inspection, use, storage, and maintenance of the armor. CJD also requires the policy specify that body armor may not be left in patrol vehicles when an officer is not on duty in order to minimize the heat damage to the armor. In crafting these policies, applicants should be aware that the inspection, storage, and replacement of body armor were identified as potential points of failure in body armor use by the Police Executive Research Forum. See "A Practitioner's Guide To the 2011 National Body Armor Survey of Law Enforcement Officers" For more information. C. NIJ Body Armor Standards. Applicant assures that body armor purchased with grant funds will comply with the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) standard (Ballistic Resistance of Body Armor NIJ Standard-0101.06) for type III (rifles) or type IV (armor piercing rifle) body armor, including bullet - resistant vests, ballistic plates, and plate carriers. D. Personally Fitted Vest Requirement. Applicant assures that all body armor vests purchased with grant funds will be personally fitted for individual officers, including vests specifically fitted to individual female law enforcement officers. "Personally fitted" does not require armor be individually manufactured based on the measurements of a specific wearer, but rather that it provide the best possible fit and coverage, through a combination of: 1) Correctly -sized panels and carrier, determined through appropriate measurement; and 2) Properly adjusted straps, harnesses, fasteners, flaps, or other adjustable features. The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) International has made available the Standard Practice for Body Armor Wearer Measurement and Fitting of Armor (Active Standard ASTM E3003) available at no cost. The Personal Armor Fit Assessment checklist, is excerpted from ASTM E3003. E. Uniform Crime Reports: Eligible applicants operating a law enforcement agency must be current on reporting Part I violent crime data to the Texas Department of Public Safety for inclusion in the annual Uniform Crime Report (UCR) and must have been current for the twelve previous months. F. Criminal History Reporting: The county (or counties) in which the applicant is located must have a 90% average on both adult and juvenile criminal history dispositions reported to the Texas Department of Public Safety for calendar years 2012 through 2016, as of August 31, 2017. 11 CJD Funding Announcement (Amended): Rifle -Resistant Body Armor Grant Program G. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Requests: The full text of this certification is found at http://gov.texas.gov/cid/dhs detainerrequest. To be in compliance with this requirement, any county or municipal government that includes a department that detains individuals after arrest for a criminal violation must provide a letter signed by the head of each such department certifying to the requirements. This letter may be used for any application submitted to OOG for a period of up to two years from the date it is signed. If the applicant has submitted a letter to CJD in the prior year, that letter meets the requirement of this section. If that period expires during the project period of any grant, the grantee must submit an updated letter for each such grant to remain in compliance with this requirement. All applicants must select one of the following options: ■ Applicant is not a county or municipal government. ■ Applicant is a county or municipal government and does not include any department that detains individuals after arrest for a criminal violation at any time. ■ Applicant is a county or municipal government that includes department(s) that detain individuals after arrest for a criminal violation. Letters certifying compliance and signed by the heads of all such departments have been uploaded to this application. ■ Applicant is a county or municipal government that includes department(s) that detain individuals after arrest for a criminal violation. The Authorized Official has read the certification found at http://gov.texas.gov/cid/dhs detainerrequest. Further, the Authorized Official will not be submitting signed letters certifying compliance from the heads of all such departments and understands that failure to comply with this certification may result in OOG, at its sole discretion, rejecting this application and any other application from the relevant county or municipal government. H. Civil Rights Liaison: A civil rights liaison who will serve as the grantee's civil rights point of contact and who will be responsible for ensuring that the grantee meets all applicable civil rights requirements must be designated. The designee will act as the grantee's liaison in civil rights matters with CJD and with the federal Office of Justice Programs. Overall Certification: Each applicant agency must certify to the specific requirements detailed above as well as all requirements within the CJD funding announcement and Criminal Justice Division & Homeland Security Grants Division Grantee Conditions and Responsibilities document to be eligible for this program. 12 About CJD Our mission at the Criminal Justice Division is to direct much needed resources to those who are committed to making Texas a safer place and those who help victims of crime to recover and feel safe again. In carrying out this mission, we are committed to helping our grantees by actively finding ways for them to accomplish their goals and by making sure that we always have our eye to identifying the approaches that work best. We envision positive and beneficial working relationships with our grantees where we provide as much assistance as is needed and where are always ready with answers, not burdensome restrictions or requirements. CJD is providing over $250 million in funding to hundreds of organizations during state fiscal year 2016 for juvenile justice, delinquency prevention, victims services, law enforcement, prosecution, courts, specialty courts, prevention of child sex trafficking, and other types of projects to benefit Texans.