HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 2021-R0383 - High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Agreement with US DOJ & DEA 9.28.21Resolution No. 2021-R0383 Item No. 7.25 September 28, 2021 RESOLUTION (FY2022 HIDTA Agreement with Asset Sharing and Certification) BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the City Council of the City of Lubbock hereby authorizes and directs the Mayor of the City of Lubbock to execute an Agreement by and between the City of Lubbock, the United States Department of Justice, and the United States Drug Enforcement Administration for the 2022 - High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) Task Force Agreement, which said Agreement and any associated documents, including an Asset Sharing Agreement and Certifications Regarding Lobbying; Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters; and Drug -Free Workplace Requirements, which are attached hereto and made a part of this Resolution for all intents and purposes. Passed by the City Council this 28th _day of September DANIEL M. PO ATTEST: Reb ca Garza, City SecreUry APPROV D AS TO T- Floyd M' chill, Po ice Chief APPROVED John,V,,G�Xr, �d*9't y Attorney MOU-HIDTA 2022 doc , 2021. YOR Resolution No. 2021-R0383 2022 HIDTA STATE AND LOCAL TASK FORCE AGREEMENT DALLAS FIELD DIVISION HIDTA TASK FORCE GROUP (LUBBOCK) LUBBOCK CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT This agreement is made this 1st day of October 2021, between the United States Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration (hereinafter "DEA"), and the City of Lubbock on behalf of the Lubbock Police Department ORI# TX1520200 (hereinafter "Lubbock PD"). The DEA is authorized to enter into this cooperative agreement concerning the use and abuse of controlled substances under the provisions of 21 U.S.C. § 873. Whereas there is evidence that trafficking in narcotics and dangerous drugs exists in the Lubbock area and that such illegal activity has a substantial and detrimental effect on the health and general welfare of the people of Lubbock, the parties hereto agree to the following: 1. The HIDTA Task Force Group (Lubbock) will perform the activities and duties described below: a. Disrupt the illicit drug traffic in the Lubbock area by immobilizing targeted violators and trafficking organizations; b. Gather and report intelligence data relating to trafficking in narcotics and dangerous drugs; and c. Conduct undercover operations where appropriate and engage in other traditional methods of investigation in order that the task force's activities will result in effective prosecution before the courts of the United States and the State of Texas. 2. To accomplish the objectives of the HIDTA Task Force Group (Lubbock), the Lubbock PD agrees to detail three (3) experienced officers to the HIDTA Task Force Group (Lubbock) for a period of not less than two years. During this period of assignment, the Lubbock PD officers will be under the direct supervision and control of DEA supervisory personnel assigned to the task force. 3. The Lubbock PD officers assigned to the task force shall adhere to all DEA policies and procedures. Failure to adhere to DEA policies and procedures shall be grounds for dismissal from the task force. 4. The Lubbock PD officers assigned to the task force shall be deputized as task force officers of DEA pursuant to 21 USC 878. 5. To accomplish the objectives of the HIDTA Task Force Group (Lubbock), DEA will assign three (3) Special Agents to the Task Force. HIDTA will also, subject to the availability of annually appropriated funds or any continuing resolution thereof, provide necessary funds and equipment to support the activities of the DEA Special Agents and Lubbock PD officers assigned to the Task Force. This support will include: office space, office supplies, travel funds, funds for the purchase of evidence and information, investigative equipment, training and other support items. 6. During the period of assignment to the HIDTA Task Force Group (Lubbock), the Lubbock PD will remain responsible for establishing the salary and benefits, including overtime, of the officers assigned to the Task Force, and for making all payments due them. HIDTA will, subject to availability of funds reimburse the Lubbock PD for overtime payments. Annual overtime for each state or local law enforcement officer is capped at the equivalent of 25% of a GS-12 Step I, of the general pay scale for the "Rest of the United States". Reimbursement for all types of qualified expenses shall be contingent upon availability of funds and the submission of a proper request for reimbursement which shall be submitted monthly or quarterly on a fiscal year basis, and which provides the names if the investigators who incurred overtime for DEA during the invoiced period, the number of overtime hours incurred, the hourly regular and overtime rates in effect for each investigator, and the total cost for the invoiced period. Invoices must be submitted at least quarterly within 30 business days of the end of the invoiced period. Note: Task Force Officer's overtime "shall not include any costs for benefits, such as retirement, FICA, and other expenses." 7. In no event will the Lubbock PD charge any indirect cost rate to DEA for the administration or implementation of this agreement. 8. The Lubbock PD shall maintain on a current basis complete and accurate records and accounts of all obligations and expenditures of funds under this agreement in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and instructions provided by DEA to facilitate on -site inspection and auditing of such records and accounts. 9. The Lubbock PD shall permit and have readily available for examination and auditing by DEA, the United States Department of Justice, the Comptroller General of the United States, and any of their duly authorized agents and representatives, any and all records, documents, accounts, invoices, receipts or expenditures relating to this agreement. The Lubbock PD shall maintain all such reports and records until all litigation, claim, audits and examinations are completed and resolved, or for a period of six (6) years after termination of this agreement, whichever is later. 10. The Lubbock PD shall comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, and all requirements imposed by or pursuant to the regulations of the United States Department of Justice implementing those laws, 28 C.F.R. Part 42, Subparts C, F, G, H and I. 11. The Lubbock PD agrees that an authorized officer or employee will execute and return to DEA the attached OJP Form 4061 /6, Certification Regarding Lobbying; Debarment, suspension and other Responsibility Matters; and drug -free Workplace Requirements. The Lubbock PD acknowledges that this agreement will not take effect and no federal funds will be awarded until the completed certification is received. 12. When issuing statements, press releases, requests for proposals, bid solicitations and other documents describing projects or programs funded in whole or part with federal money, the Lubbock PD shall clearly state: (1) percentage of the total cost of the program or project which will be financed with federal money and (2) the dollar amount of federal funds for the program or project. 13. Deleted (DEA will not provide vehicles). 14. While on duty and acting on task force business, the Lubbock PD officers assigned to the HIDTA Task Force Group (Lubbock) shall be subject to all DEA and federal government rules, regulations and procedures governing the use of OGV's for home to work transportation and for personal business. The HIDTA Executive Committee acknowledges that the United States is liable for the actions of the Task Force Officer, while on duty and acting within the scope of their federal employment, to the extent permitted by the Federal Torts Claim Act. 15. The term of this agreement shall be effective from the date in paragraph number one until September 30, 2022. This agreement may be terminated by either party on 30 days advance written notice. Billing for all outstanding obligations must be received by DEA within 90 days of the date of termination of this agreement. HIDTA will be responsible only for obligations incurred by Lubbock PD during the term of this agreement. For the Drug Enforcement Administration: Eduardo A. Chavez Special Agent in Charge Dallas Field Division For the City of Lubbock: Daniel Pope Mayor City of Lubbock Attest: Reb cca Garza City Secretary Approved as to Content: F oyd c e Lubbock Chief of Police Daterk ,: � Date: September 28, 2021 °`% a0-°a 1 Date: September 28, 2021 a a�' a0a 1 Date: J—,-/ - X Ogj13j;LOa-1 Approved as to Form: &Z Date: �� Joh r Z// D A ist t ty A orne '�g� p�0a, FY 2022 Asset Forfeiture Sharing Agreement HIDTA Task Force Group (Lubbock) Lubbock Police Department The U.S. Department of Justice, 2018 Joint Guide to Equitable Sharing for State, Local, and Tribal Law Enforcement Agencies, governs this Agreement. The State and Local Law Enforcement members ("Participants"), of the DEA Task Force Group (Lubbock) ("Task Force"), hereby agree to the following terms and conditions of this Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") governing the Task Force's equitable sharing requests and participation in the United States Department of Justice ("DOJ") Equitable Sharing Program. The following are the Task Force Participants and their contribution to the Task Force: • Lubbock County Sheriff's Office/Four (4) officers assigned to the Task Force • Lubbock Police Department/Three (3) officers assigned to the Task Force • Texas Department of Public Safety/One (1) officer assigned to the Task Force Participants acknowledge that equitable sharing is at the discretion of the Attorney General and not guaranteed in any case. Participants acknowledge that sharing will not be awarded in a case if victims have not been fully compensated. State and Local government entities can be considered victims. Participants acknowledge that the DOJ Money Laundering and Asset Recovery Section (MLARS) will be the sole decider for 100% property requests. Sharing percentages shall be based upon the following formula: Agencies with one or more full time deputized Task Force Officers (TFOs) assigned to the Task Force will receive an equitable, prearranged sharing percentage that fairly reflects the overall agencies' investigative, financial, or administrative contributions to the task force and/or the agencies' efforts resulting in federal forfeiture of the asset, including accounting for any participation by a federal agency. The maximum amount available for sharing is currently 80% of the asset value minus expenses related to the seizure, and minus any percentages allotted for agencies not a part or recently added to this Sharing Agreement who have also participated quantitatively or qualitatively in the asset seizure. The new minimum sharing amount is $500. Sharing is not automatically 80%. The actual sharing amount allocated to participating agencies may be impacted by numerous factors. The sharing percentages awarded to State and Local Law Enforcement agencies is based on qualitative and quantitative contributions, and is no longer deducted from the 20% federal share. Participants understand that if a non-MOU member receives an equitable share based upon their contribution, then the MOU Participants' shares shall be reduced proportionately (e.g., if non- MOU agency receives 10% based upon their contribution, then the MOU Participants' percentages shall be based upon 90% of the maximum amount available for sharing). Participants further understand that additional adjustments may be necessary so to ensure that DOJ receives a minimum of 20%. Participants further understand that the federal decision -makers, including DEA, on each equitable sharing request retain discretion to modify percentages as deemed appropriate based on the facts and circumstances in each case. The additional and/or departure of Participant agencies and personnel shall not require renewal of this Sharing Agreement. Rather, the equitable, prearranged sharing percentages shall continue to fairly reflect Participant agencies investigative, financial, or administrative contributions to the task force and/or the agencies' efforts resulting in federal forfeiture of the asset. This Sharing Agreement shall remain in force upon the addition or departure of law enforcement agencies in the DEA Task Force Group (Lubbock). This agreement shall be reviewed annually at the time each agency completes the State and Local Task Force Agreement with DEA for the coming Fiscal Year. Termination shall be by mutual consent in writing by all Task Force Participants or by the withdrawal of DEA, (the latter upon 30 days advance written notice to all current Task Force Participants). Eduardo . havez Special Agent in Charge Dallas Field Division Daniel Pope Mayor City of Lubbock Attest: Reber a dGarza City Secretary City of Lubbock Date: i� a Date: September 28, 2021 Date: September 28, 2021 cl/nj Approved as to Content: Floyd Mit ell Chief of Police Lubbock Police Department Approved as to Form: �Ie Date: Date: lc - :� ` z v.z U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE ! OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER CERTIFICATIONS REGARDING LOBBYING; DEBARMENT, SUSPENSION AND OTHER RESPONSIBILITY MATTERS; AND DRUG -FREE WORKPLACE REQUIREMENTS Applicants should refer to the regulations cited below to determine the certification to which they are required to attest. Applicants should also review the instructions for certification included in the regulations before completing this from. Signature of this form provides for compliance with certification requirements under28 CFR Part 69, "New Restrictions on Lobbying" and 28 CFR Part 67, "Government -wide Department and Suspension (Nonprocurement) and Government -wide Requirements for Drug -Free Workplace (Grants)" The certifications shall be treated as a material representation of fad upon reliance will be placed when the Department of Justice determines to award the covered transaction, grant, or cooperative agreement 1. LOBBYING dd a Ap ced S c�nr, 1 52 flj�c (ren radiontateJio ttao oyaIon a tleio o�° to ct unfit r 1im'A1r�r ent dVt28ecFR Part 69T+tle 31 of to tLI S. into aae aAAn,,,,d� erves ( Tmmrrlisoro�nad s�fruclem atl� � they or �r�coeril eppl reel cer�ifiesatrhal�a��t as ae ine l at 2ts Fa sE merits or ecee? ing sfoelen properly°r recor�s, making �alsd �a) No FV%ra= appro rlat8 funds have been aid o will be aid, C Are t presentt�r Ind11,1d to[ or th rwi criminal orci ' y or on e a f of the tl p v'I begaid, ed a ove n a ntd �ee f j t or at w 8 un ers' ned, to an rson l r mfluer�cn pqm me g 8 e �a or altem Oq to In uence an Ificer or employee Q r8 V aoencyf to; o 1nis ceriiticaWon; tanned of�ens�s(enumer�aCe° IrS par graph � ) a Memb oT CCngress, an Doer or emplloyee of r5grss b an ern bYe e or a M mb r o Con ress in cpnnecllon w�th'thr oakie tibf any Federal eiden�Ione coritn anon, of reneW y �d��favYe no within a 6t�re-areargriod precgedingb(hi apg11jatlo amendment, or modrficalion of an 9 Pe al errnna ate fomceusovorloe�au�1 en�ns tre eral, to e, r oca agreement; Yederat rant or cooperative B Wheie the a plic Is una�e to certify to an f the (titan (u ds other Ihan Federal r riated fund hav ben at P�� s to This appF�a lion, a or s e shag a�tacit an jP' or iilfnego(,, id"to an frson fo �n�oienanq� or a�e �4in g ex aria ron �►ooe e s a ep or etn po°,%ee o�Con ra en � ae cal" a °ol a Momiier o� re 1 Pcofine tiopts era (runt or pR�G ppEE yypRK �p�E cso�Q�e�atlana�ar���of �he �r�r�ersl� S�CIr;"ui� o�'�eo�ob and �GRAN7EES OTHER TAN INDNIDUALS) Audvdres, In accordance wdh Its In§truChons; y 9 Amsprertaluinrgdd b�( �hpeCpkuap�lFrr�eg WDrk�laaaneFACt ogt�a1n9t8e8e and °eTineed ete28 CF'li part 67 Seciions �67.615' end �7.6ZUs. as The ndQr ed s II r ui that the la u e f this cer- icehoni� used inie av� rydo me is Fo� �psugawards a� A. Te ali t c�ebrtifies that it vntl or will continue to provide a co Iere in u�ddereng - nis gras�unctrra ells uan�dr tP�af al� sus- 9 r�('ac recl�Ients sha�ce I anti Disclose accorcrng�y, dru ree y NNENNEW-MMMMWe b+ishir a s�at��'mteat noli{v in��QQe ern toyees that nn the use a corrcivo�eu� uti1, anae10ls plRthl nr a `np�h �ranteej � n� ION, AND OTHER worlSp�ace �n s&eggf 1�e�acURt6 a wt �e a agams tEei emp ogees or v1 a o o su pro 1 IIIon, s re Uired b, ecuti Ord r 5 9 D barment rid o�u �n1I n, rariLn�, Inj45 v�Ee 1 2e C� t Prt'67 rode i d CFR ari 71 clong�7Tlo c lransa Ions, at ore�ine a A. The applicant certifies that Rand its principals. (a) Are no presgnt ,, ebarred, suspended, pr posed for debar- ment dec�ared meU le, sentenced to a .enlal of Federal benefits by a State or�ederal court or votuntan excluded from covered transactions by any Federal department or agency, mbrms1cm1pLoy&s .boon oing drug -free awareness program to (1) The dangers of dnigs abuse in the workplace; (2) The grantee's policy of maintaining a drug -free workptaoe; 3 An available dru c nseli rehabi6lation, and employee zlslstaitce Programs;gan� �' etf The tIalties that may.brfiim o ec� upon employees for drug use v ions occurringg rn a Rio p a e; (br Have oft w'th' a thr -ye ,,pp�rlod ecedin� I�is appl' lion c Mak ngnit a recat�ir merit tt�a�eac}t em0loaree to be en�ya�oed revoctrt°mnaon� o�rau�a a c�ii�iI"n�aoense In conr�eol o�vvi�i r� Ire vY P a ra ggran a given e c py of the men ostammg, aiem e 9 P �al; p rig to o tarn, or per orming a d Noti v�o the am e� in �he tatern nt ea red b e a t (aa in t, as a c it ono empl�oymenf unc�erltile gran OJP FORM 4061/6 (3-91) REPLACES OJP FORMS 406112, 40W3 AND 406114 MICH ARE OBSOLETE. 1 V (1) Abide bjy the terms of the statement; and �a erJo°a °fI a ca�ehe ��a�rein w �e'a�i alter 108 con T the wo �ip°Pace° no e NCti(yin the a : ec , in wrilin th lender da s after y1rW rToUce t�lOetySUDaraapn. (a)� ►ton) ane Y I ner 8q1 is race vi a rust notic b such co vi t� ,ne Check �f there are workplace on file that are not identified tmpgo er8 �g viC r eeo�rt stperohgp_noeiced nC Ina ere �,osdioi tdls���t cltt J e We n 1 n sI ha �' dI 3s I c ua athe en ifimllori aIa�nma ale�Q iohea oalions D ov' s that andee l�atnum er�sgoleacha edgrant; �roaaIoma'hc�sit,� Qedhcemti`i o in, ac the eer?,0a aal t may eleo use°6JF FormP14a6I1�nc� a e wannde9tate egenaes reAT%np one. of the, fonowiae acti ns, wdN 3Ax alend r s qr ace vi� y oboeh p ((�d ) c to an em to ee w o is so convoielapapn wit Check r- if the Stale has elected to complete OJP Form LA praking ap ro�r' to o net , a ion a �insc su�,�h n 406117. requite°lmenVeo he J, 1,i1teaR�ne�c�lo� 3 astemended one pRUG E yyyyppRRK �p�E PGRANtS WHO APRE INDIVIDUALS) etfuseq Sr�y�anuch omPeQy�,el etPo rtic' a fesaasfaPo°ve iPorsuca As le elr dd b�( e 9 gnniRe ap�ropliaie agency ( oraooa� ea�h, Raw en orcement; UePne 7lP X lheC S� cleior5s r .es amid glOf $�efee's aes NMaking a �1ood faith effort to continue to maintain a drug- free rkplac through implementation of paragraphs (a), (b), (d), (d), (e), and (�j. t9 fOf tft�enqeer�orrn nce o worr Bone iRrconnecion wdhelie0 ecl Ic gra Wei of Performance (Street address, city, country, state, zip the u �a Pmanuf°f ure9�is�tfibu°tlpnydit �g�ll noopao in Ole grant; aneontroe substance m con ii ion g�i4001, y Oh B. If convincgd of a criminal dru offense resultingg� from a violation occumnQ during the oonduc4 of any grant ach 'ty, will report the convicTion in wrRing, yadhiR_10 calendar da�rs of! the conviction, to: De ar(m r�11 off Justice, Nice of ustice Programs, D.C. 2 Control �esk, 33 Indiana Avenue, W.1 Washington, D.C. 20531. As the duly authorized representative of the applicant. I hereby certify that the applicant will comply with the above certifications 1. Grantee Name and Address: CITY OF LUBBOCK ON BEHALF OF THE LUBBOCK PD 1314 AVE K LUBBOCK, TX 79401 2. Application Number and/or Project Name 3. Grantee IRS/Vendor Number LUBBOCK CITY MAYOR DANIEL M. POPE 4. Typed Nam74,gd Title of Authorized Representative S. Signature September 28, 2021 6. Date