HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 092319 - Paving Improvements - Henry Exell Elrod Co. Engineers - Mesquite St, & Others - 09/23/1919 Best Available Scan
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irjgl►t,UTJON 0Rr►►i't)tN(1 THR 7MPRovr;t,,VNT OF%
wirt.), f,trrt ;it,r,+nt, rrom the 1'.h J., F. Ry Coto the went property litre of
r�les�lutt.e ;;t,t•eeb.
,toubh I'`1 rot 8treat from Went property line of Walnut Street to Nest proper
�tas�uita ,�tran t. .
Mesquite ;atreet rrom the North prnperty line of South Pirst ;'trent to the
South property tine of Ndrth Inlrnt Street.
rodAr ;trent,, rrnm the North pv9party line of South Third Street to the SIM f4
property 1 tne+ (%f tlouth Y1 rat, street, and from the North property/1// of South Firet
Street to the South propmrtylina of North First Street, and from the North Property li,,,,
of North First to the South property line of North Third Street.
Ash Street, from the the North pro# arty line of South First Street to
the South property line of North Pirst Street.
Ginger Street, from the North property line of South Second Street to the
south property line of South First Street,�pd from the North property line of ;forth
First Street to the South propnrtyl.ine of North Second Street.
b Chednut Street, from the North Property line of South First Street to the
South property line of North First Street..
Said streets in.the City of Lubbock, Texas.
Bd it resolved by the City Commission of the City of Lubbock that the above
described streets sA411 be improved in the following manner to wit;
1. That the said streets shall be graded, excavated, or filled.
c?. Tht new curb be built or reset old curb and that said streets be paved
between/,limits > ltd said curb lines n,nd necessary storm sewers and drains be constructea
according to the plans and specifications to be furnished by the henry Exi,-ll Elrod Co.
Fngineors for the City of Lubbock, Texas.
3. That the said streets shall be paved with such materials and under such
moods and plans as madegf and selected by the City Commission, after the bids are re-
oeived. 4. That the cost of. said improvementSshall be paid as follows, to -wit;
(a) That the Ctty of Lubbock, Texas, shall pay the whole cost of pving
the interactions iof, said streets, named to be paved, *it,-, the other streets and all,;,
(b) Th,- remaining cost of such improvements shall be paid as follows to -Wit
The owners of property abutting on said streets, named to be paved shall pW
the whole+ cost of installing concrete curbs in front of bheir respective properties aru
of the remaining cost the City of Lubbock shall pay one fourth and the, owners of
such abutting poperty three fourths.
That the proportion of the cost herein named to be paid by 4 -he owbers of
abutting prop;rty 4allbe paid in three equal installments, as follows: one third
cash, on the acceptance of the improvement'by the City of Lubbock, one-third in one
year from the date of said acceptance, and one- third fn two years fru7. said data.
That the said deterred payments shall bear interest at 8 per cent per annum fror, said
date of acceptance , provided that said owners of abutting property shall have
the privilege of paying the said assessments in whole or in part before maturing
Witr accrued interest to the date of pyment.
The the pfo*pAion of said cost payable by the owners of said abut-
timg property shall be assessed against the said owners and against their said
property in accordance with the terms of the General Laws of the Stste of "_'exas
and in accordance with what is known as the front foot plan or rule," as the frontage
of the property of each owner is to the whole frontage of property mn said streets
named to be paved; provided that if the application of this rule would, in the op-
ionion of the City Commission, in particular cases, be unjust or unequal, it will be
the duty &f said City Commission to issess and ai}'ortion said c est in such ppion
as it deem just mind equitable, havting in view the special ben�fits in enhanced
value to be received b;� each owher of said property so as to produce a substancial e-
quality of ben*fits by, and burdens imposed upon, each owner,
Thht no assessments shall be made against any such owner Or his property
untii after noice has be, given such owXner and a hearing as provided by the General
Laws of the State of Texas andprovided that no assessnment shall be made against any
owner or his pr�pty in excess to the bnn�,fits tc.such property in enhanced value thereof
by said improvement.
That the Engineer for the City of Lubbock is hereby directed at once to
prepare specifications and file the same with the City Commission for each of the
hereinabove des:;ribe payments or improvements.
That in the specifications preped provision shall be m4 -de for requiring 9,11
contractors to give a maintenance bond for a term not less than three years nor more
than five years for the maintehance of the pavements hereinabove described.
That such specifications shall require the bidder tO make a bid upon the
various above named pavements or materials of improvements; witha maintenance bond as
herein pr ov id-� d ,
The said specifications shall also state the amount of the construction bond
required to be given, as well as the method by which it is proposed to Py theoft cost
Of the said pavements; said method #bing in accordance withthis resolution.
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