HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 051227 - Time Extension - A.J. Mcmahan & Associates - Gas Mains & Distributing System - 05/12/1927 Best Available Scan r Anthony & nthony Sas Fit tens Bond approved. J.J.3raham made Supt. of :.lectrica Dept. of City. T.R. Chan- cellor ap- pointed City ScavenFer. Resolution granting extension o, time for the construc tion and completion of gas mair,U under franchise Granted A.J. Mcldahan and Associates. 2(y ra carried the :as !lumbers Bond of rnthony & :rthony as Principal and American curet Company of Vere York as Surety dz:ted :iYril 26, 1927, in the sum of 12500.00 was approved. In accordance with the recommendation of City "anager, rerkinson, and upon motion by Mr. Hankins, seconded by Mr. ,leaver, carried unanimously Mr. J.J. iraham was made Superintendent of the Electric Department of the City, including the light plant. Upon motion by 11r. Weaver,seconded b -y Mr. Posey, carried unanimously, T.R. Chancellor was appointed City scavenger. Upon motion made by Lr. cleaver, seconded by Lir. Jones, the City Com- mission recessed to meet at 1:30 P.M. Saturday, April 30, 1927. READ ,_ND APPROVED this /_'� day of May, A.D., 1927. ATTZ3T: W' a y r. Y .jecretar1; .:;jULa= u." -T April 30, 1927. .z I. s . City Commission met at 1:30 P.LI. im regular seasion recessed from April 28, 1927, with the following present: Mayor Pink L. Parrish, Commissioners Weaver. Jones and Posey, City At- torney, -E.L.Zlett, Suportntendent of Utilities, 'd.H. Perkinson, and City Secretary, ;.;1. McCleary. Absent: Commissioner J.H.Hankins. Attorney, W.H. Bledsoe, and Construction _`ngineer, Max Cunningham, rep- resenting A.J. U.cMahan et al, holding the Sas franc his e, and Mr. Douglas L. Cullison of the Banking Firm of 'I.E. Barrett & Company of New York City, were present and discuosed with the City Commission the prozreas being made by the said A.J. McMahan and his associates to supply the City of Lubbock with gas in compliance with the Sas Tra.nchise grallted to the said A.J. ldcliahan and his associates and the followinz resolu- tion was introduced by Commissioner W.S. Posey who moved its adoption: "A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE EXTEI13I0:1 OF THE TIIi.. FOR THE CON- STRUCTION 12.TI) COMPLETION OF GAS MAINS AND DISTRIBUI'IN; SYSTEM UNDER TH:. FRANCHISE TO A.J. MC MAHAN AND ASSOCIATES. 4H~JRF,l.S, heretofore, to -wit, on the 17th day of June, 1926, the City Commission of the City of Lubbock, Texas, acting within its power, by ordinance duly passed and adopted, granted to A.J. McMahan, George R. Boardwell and R.A. Tipton, a franchise for the construction of a system of mains and pipe lines and other things necessary and requisite in the City of Lubbock, and the streets and alleys thereof, for the distribu- tion and sale of natural gas to the citizens of said City of Lubbock, which franchise and ordinance passing, the same are hereby referred to and made a part hereof; and WHERE&S, it is provided in said franchise that construction of said main line and distributing system would be started by September 15th, 1926, and that said distributing system would be completed so as to be in position to serve gas to consumers in the City of Lubbock by January 1st, 1927; and, WHERE -LS, for sufficient reason it appears to the City Commission that on account of reasons beyond the control of the said A.J. McMahan and associates above named it has been impossible to construct such gas mains and be prepared to serve Gas on the date above set out; and, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT =.;SOLVED By the City Commission of the City of Lubbock, acting within its powers, that there is hereby given and granted to the said A.J. Llctdat_an and associates an extension of time IN within which to commence actual construction of said gas mains and dis- tributing system to June 1st, 1927, and the time for comrletion of said line is extended to December 1, 1927, and in all other respects said franchise is confirmed and re-enacted according to its original terms". Commissioner J.O.Jones seconded the motion to pass and adopt said reso- intion was passed by the following vote: Aye 3. No. None." Upon motion by hlr. Jones, seconded by Mr. leaver, carried unanimously the City Coimission redessed to meet at 9 A.M., Thursday, May 5, 1927. READ ATiD APPROVZM this day of Mt:y. A.D., 1927 TT- 37: Cwt %: Zra" . z, � V � May0 r. i ity aecretary. REGULAR IAZETI113: Lay 5, 1927. City Commission met in regular session recessed from April 30, 1927, with the following present: Mayor Pink L. Parrish, Commissioners Posey, leaver, Superintendent of Utilities, J.H. Perkinson, City Secretary, 3."J. McCleary. tLbsent: Commissioners Jones and HAnkins. Canvassin? There came on to be considered the returns of an election held on May 3, of returns 1927, for the purpose of determining whetter or not the bonds of the of bond City of Lubbock should be issued in the sum of -$650,000.00 for the pur- election pose of funding certain valid outstanding indebtedness of said City, and held Llay 3, it appearing that the_proposition received the necessary"favorable vote, 1927, the following resolution was read: SHERE.LS, under and by virtue of an order entered by the amity Commis- sion on the 31st day of larch, A.D. 1927, an election was held in said City on the 3rd day of May, A.D. 1927, for the purpose of determinir_g whether or not the bonds of said City should be issued in the sum of `650,000.00 for the purpose of fundinz certain valid outstandin3 indettt- edness of said City; and, WHEREAS, on this the 5th day of Liay, A.D. 1927, the same being a recessed regular session of the City Commission of the City of Lubbock, there came on to be considered the returns of the said election so held in said City on the 3rd day of May, A.D. 1927, to determine whether or not the bonds of said City should be issuad in the sum of Six Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars 0650,000.00), payable serially over a period of forty years from their date, maturities to be fixed by the City Commis- sion, bearing interest at the rate of five per centum (5%) per annum, payable semi-annually, for the purpose of fundin- certain valid out- standing indebtedness of said City, and whether or not a tax on the one hundred dollars' valuation of all taxable property in said City should be levied for the payment thereof at maturity, said tax being for the purpose of creating a sinking fund for th_e payment of said bonds, ar.d the interest thereon, at maturity; and, WHEREAS, upon consideration of the returns of said election, it appears that the same was in all respects legally held, after due notice had been given, and that the said returns were duly and legally made and that there were cast at the said election 232 votes, of which number 190 votes were cast ''FOR ME I33UAITCE OF '_'HE BONDS AND THE LEVY OF A TAX IN PAYMENT iH .FEOF", and 42 votes were cast "A3AINST THE I33u.LNCE OF THE BONDS AND THE, LEVY OF A TAX IN PAYLIENT. THEREOF". THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CI' L'Y COL"T:,I33IOTI CF ". E _IiY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS, that the proposition to issue said bonds and levy said tax for the purpose aforesaid was sustained by a majority of the lualified property taxpaying voters, voting at said election, and that the pity Commission of said City is authorized to issue said bonds and to levy and have assessed and collected said tax for the payment of the principal and interest of said bonds at maturity thereof. The above resolution being read, it was moved by Commissioner Posey, and seconded by Commissioner .Deaver, that the same do pass. thereupon, the question being called for, the following Commissioners voted AYE: 7J.�. Posey and A.V. leaver; and none voted hO. Ordinai,ca There was offered for consideration and passage by the City Commission No. 373 Ordinance No. 373 entitled " All ORDINANCE AUDITIN3 AND ALLOWING iSTIM&TE closing FILED, BY FAIRBANKS, I;,ORSE & CO., CONTRACTOR, COVERIT3 u&CHIN RY :URNISH- deal with ED FOR THE ELECTRIC LIBHT PLANT IN AND FOR THE CI_'Y OF LUBPOCK, TE LS: Fairbanks, AUTHORIZII13 THE Dr:LIVERY i0 SAID CONTRACTOR OF "CITY OF LUBBOCK ELECTRIC Morse & Co. LI,HT PLANT W RRA?TTS, SERIES 1 OF 1927" ITT PiYi.; ;T _H' _7 -I TD DE^L�'_RINJ for engine. AN EMERIENCY". Said Ordinance was read in full by the Uity aecretary and upon motion made by LIr. Posey seconded by Lir. 4eav31• , said Ordinance was passed. Yeas: Mayor Parrish, Commissioners Posey and .Deaver. Nays: None. Mayor Parrish then declared said Ordinance passed. This is Ordinance No. W{