HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 012528-2 - Paving Improvemeents - Panhandle Construction Co. - Portion Of Ave J - 01/25/1928106 owners of such property in the manner provided in said eontrLet and the proceedinTs with reference to said improvements and assessment3 III That the said bonds, together with the surety thereon, be and the same are hereby in all respects accepted and approved, IV This _resolution shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Passed and approved this 25th day of January, :,. D. 1928, PINL' L. PARRISH Mayor , C ity of u bock, Texas, ATTEST: W. H. ODGERS City Secretary. The Bond referred to in above Resolution in the sum of P291.00, signed by Panhandle Construction Co. as Principal and National Surety Co., New York as surety and dated January 9 1928. �BSOLUTICI? ACLWIN I II,:PROV�fEN S 611 PORTION Com' AVENUE "J", A1ID APPRCVIN) MAIN3NA110E BONDS, AND 0-MERIN3 THE ISSUANCE OP Com_ TIPICATE3 IN EVIDZNCZ 02 ASSBS&IZIT':'.i LEVIED. JHEREAS, the City of Lubbock, heretofore entered into contract with the Panhandle Construction Company for the making and construc- tion of street improvements on portions of numerous streets and Flacea in said City, including among others the following:- AV3NU3 "J" from the North rroperty line of 10th Street, to the j North Prorerty Line of 9th Street, known and designated as Unit or District No. 16. dHER AS, the improvements upon the said portion of Avenue "J•' have been completed and have been inspected and found to have been constructed in accordance with the terms of said contract; and, dHEREA3, said ianhandle Construction Company has this day filed with the City its bond for the maintenance and repair of such improve- ments in accordance with Paragraph 11II of said contract, and such bonds,', together with the Surety thereon, have been examined and approved. THEREFOHE , BE IT 23SOLVED BY THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, T?LAS : I That the improvements on said portion of avenue "J" be and the same are hereby accepted. II That the Mayor and City Secretary be and they are hereby instruc- ted to execute and deliver to the Contractor certificates in evidence of the assessments levied against the parcels of property abutting upon the said portion of Avenue "J", and against the owners of such property in the manner provided in said contract, and the proceedings with reference to said improvements and assessments. III That the said bonds, together with the surety thereon, be and the same are hereby in all respects accepted and approved. IV This Resolution shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Passed and approved this the 25th day of January, A. D. 1928. ATTEST: W. H. RODGERS ity secretary. ME'. L. PAICJ SH Mayor, City o u ock, Texas• ';he b,nd referred t, in above Resolution in the sum of :11680.00, sign - e3 by the :'anhanile Construction Company as Irinciral and the Nation- al 3ure',y Jompiny of New York ao 3urety, 3:.ted Januz:ry 3, i?28. IyrRCV:!'EN^.S CN 1O^TION OP A'd3'UE "J" '...101T a*_1,N C -B01,DS, Ai;D CIRDs:iIN3 '2HE ISSUANCE C"? C a21 `IC.'.'! '3 :cID3ATC F:, AS5::3S?'Lid LEVIED. ,ij:ZFEAS, the City of Lubbock, heretofore entered into contract with Ianhandle Construction "ompany for the mt.kins: and construction of street improvements on rortions of numerous streets and places in said City, including among others the followinx:- A."_.'*TU3 "J" from the North rroperty Line of 9th Street to the north rroperty Line of 5th Street, known and designated as Unit or District No. 17. the Improve-ents uron the said portion of Lvenze ''J'' have been completed and have been inspected and found to ha.e been constructea I: w cordz:x e with the terms of said contract; and, SHER AS, said Panhandle C;nstruction Company has this day filed with the City its bond for the usiatenance and repair of such im- rrovements In accordance with Paragraph ?CII of said contract, and such bonds, together with the Surety thereon, have been examined and srproved. :H3F3?OR3, BE I: RESOLVED BY THE CITY 0? LUBBOCK. TE..CAS: I That %he icsrrovements on said rortion of Avenue "J" be and the sage are hereby accepted. II ih,.t the Uayor and City Secretary be and they are hereby in- structed to execute and deliver to the Contractor certificates in ev- idence of the assessments levied against the parcels of property abutting upon the said portion of Avenue ''J" and against the owners of such rroperty, in the manner provided in said contract, and the rroceedincs with reference to said improvements and assessments. III ':hat the said bonds, together with the surety thereon, be and the some are hereby in all respects accepted and approved. IV This Resolution shall Lake effect and be in force from and after its rassage. Passes :.t:d arrroved this 25th :iay of January, A. D. 1928. PIi;K L. 1AR .ISH Mayor, Gi ty of Lubbock, Texas. ATTEST: W. H. - ROD±ERS tyecretary. 1071 The bond referred to in the above Resolution in the stoma of '11,779.80, signed bv the Panhandle Construction Comrany as rincipai, and the national Surety Comrany, New York, as Surety, ta:d dated January 3, 1928. c? ..V -NU-' J A:;:% _iii C I.; i .:.i L. .:...:4; C:. �C:;�S , ..:; �` _ I SSUANCE c? 12 10 17-73 i:, s'ViD3'tC2 c? ASS il'::­ 3 7I D. 4H:E.;A3, the Jity of Lubbock, heretofore entered into contract with the Panhandle Construction Compan. for the Taking and construc- tion of street improvements on eortici,a of nuserous streets and places :n said Jlty. inc ludin among; others the following:- �7ENUi 'J" from t?:e South 'rroperty .gine of 4th Street to the North=roperty Zine of 5th Street. known and desi,:nated as unit 0r :)ist:ict