HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 012528-1 - Paving Improvemeents - Panhandle Construction Co. - Portions Of 19Th St - 01/25/1928Upon motion made by Mr. Hankins, seconded b IL-. Josey, carried unan- imously, the City Secretary was authorizei and Instructed to issue a Tarrant in the sum of $20.00 to ray dues _n the 'eras Lea;te of Minis ipa 11 ti a s. Upon motion made by Mr. Hankins,seecnded by Lr. "nosey, City Manager .,. J. McClear; was authorized and instructed to make contract with Mr. J. M. Phillips on land Northwest of town, contract to run until January 1, 1929. Upon motion made by Lr. Hankins, seconded by ::r. :leaver, carried on- amimously, it was ordered to relieve the Pickle building on Texas Avenue of the Sled Aller- account of -;69.69 &nd not to hold this amount against Mr. Pickle, but still to hold same against 319 d Allen for collection. Upon motion made by lir. mosey, seconded by Lr. Hankins. carried unan- imcusly, sneiueer Smith's -Estimate on Storm Sewer, in favor of the Panhandle Construction Company, in the amount of $4,322.70; on Faving in the amount of j2,476.62; and on Favine in the anoun: of ?591.21, totaling -x7,391.53 were approved, and the Secretary was authorized and instructed to issue Jarrant in favor of the Panhandle Construction Company for this amount. Upon motion made by L'r. Hank -ins. seconded by Mr. Weaver. carried unanimously, the Bond of J. H. =edgers as City Secretary, in the sum of $25,000.00 was approved and ordered filed. Upon motion made by Mr. ;leaver, seconded by Mr. Hankins, carried unanimously, the City Mager was authorized and instructed to rut in four lights for the Negro l"utual Aid Association in the South- east part of the City on Avenue B and 17th Street. Upon motion made by Mr. Hankins, seconded by Mr. :fearer, carried unanimously, the Certificates of Paving on Units Nos. 13, 16, 17 and 16 were approved. The following 2esolutions were passed together with the Bonds of Laintenance: 30LUTION ACC2MIS; 0^ =0 2ICR3 C? UI33^_JzTH STH33T, Ai:D BCHDS, All? C?D?rSNC TH3 ISSUANC3 C? 1"Z?^I2I212L3 Ill 3:I33�.'03 C? L33S3 -Zt'S L37I3B. ,M-R?L.S, the City of Lubbock, heretofore entered into contract with Panhandle Construction Company or the making and construction of street improvements on ortions of numerous streets and _places in said City, including among others the following:- 11IllrT ENTH STREET. from the center line of avenue 'M' to the center of its intersection with -venue 'N' from the South, known and designated as Unit or District No. 13. dEER3AS, the improvements uton the said panlen of Nineteenth dtreet have been completed and have been inspected end found to have been constructed in accordance with the terms o: said contract; and, dH- A3, said Panhandle Construction Company has this day filed with the City its bend for the Maintenance and repair of such improve- ments in accordance with Paragraph XII of said contract, and such bonds, together with the Surety thereon, have been examined and ap- proved. ^HV93?Olr, 33 I= ?330L'73D 3Y '_H3 CITY 0? LUBBOC % TY -US: That the improvements on said rortion of Nineteenth --treat be and the same are hereby accepted: II That the Mayor and Cit- Secretary be and they are hereby in- structed to execute and deliver to the Contractor certificates in ev- idence of the assessments levied against the parcels of prouerty abutting upon the said portion of Nineteenth Street and against the ZZ: owneru of uuoh property in the manner provided in sai9 contras % the prooeedin z3 with reference to said improvements and assessor;ntrId III same utretthe herebyald in all drospeets haccepted the andsurety approvedthereon , be and the IV This '.resolution shall take effect and be in force from and after its puuuage, 1'asued and approved this 25th day of Janutiry, .;. D. 1928. PINY. L. PA'_tR ISH ayoF�r, 7yty o u bock ATTEST : iexas. W. H. HmDC;BRS zity 3eora ary. The Bond referred to in above Resolution in the sum of p291.00, signedby Panhandle Construotion Co. as Principal and National Surety Co., New York as Suretyy, and dated January 9 1928. :1E90LUTI011 ACCEPTIN 3 I1.1MOVr21ENTS aN PORTION 02 AVE11U:-i "J", AND APPROVIN3 MAINTENANCE BONDS, AND 0?IB"+MIN3 THE 133UANCE or' CER- TIFICATI;S IN I:VIDZNC.-_. 02 A33i?S11EN'2a LEVIr,D. iiHrMEA3, the City of Lubbock, heretofore entered into contract with the Panhandle Construction Company for the making and construc- tion of street improvements on portions of numerous streets and places In said City, inoludina among others the following:- AVENUS' "J" from the North troperty line of 10th Street, to the North Property Line of 9th Street, known and desio-nated as Unit or District No. 16. 41iERz= , the improvements upon the said portion of Avenue ''J" have been completed and have been inspected and found to have been constructed in accordance with the terms of said contract; and, VH;rR..i+a, said .ianhandle Construction Company has this day filed with the City its bond for the maintent noe and repilir of such improve- ments itu accordance with Paragraph .'III of said contract, and such bonds, together with the Surety thereon. have been examined and approved. TH.M.1 +`0RZ, BE IT RESOLVED BY TH.3 CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS: I That the improvements on said portion of avenue "J" be and the stone are hereby accepted. II That the Mayor and City Secretary be and they are hereby instruc- ted to execute and deliver to the Contractor eertificLtos in evidence of the assessments levied against the parcels of property abutting upon the said portion of Avenue "J", and againz t the owners of such property in the manner provided in said contract, and the proceedings with reference to said improvements and assessments. III That the said bonds, together with the surety thereon, be and the same are hereby in all respects accepted and approved. IV This Resolution shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Passed and approved this the 25th day of January, A. D. 1928. ATTEST: W, H. RODGERS City Secretary. PINI: L. FAMISH Mayor, City o u ,ock, Text"