HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 092728 - Canvassing Returns & Declaring Result Of Street Improvement Bond Election - 09/27/1928 Best Available Scan 191 "otion by :'r. reaver, econded by ::r. Leaverton resolution canvassing returns and declaring result of election. ` ® _, SOLUTION CANVLSSINF _ETU=213 AND D3LCAIN3 =3SULT OF i1LECTICII. THE ST. -T3 C? _3XAS ) COUNTY OF LUBBOCK ) CITY OF LUBBOCK ) At a meetin:r of the amity omission of the City of Lubbock, texas, held on the 27th day of September, A.D. 1928, at the regular meeting -the thereof, a -juorum being present, there came on to be con- sidered the returns of an election held for the purlose of determinin¢_ whether or not the bonds cf: said City should be issued in the sum of 125,000.00 for the purlose of the construction of street improvements, in the sum of *85,000.00 for the purpose of the construction of sewer extensions, and in the sum of }40,000.00 for thepurpose of the cons- trustion of waterworks extensions, in and for said City, and it appear- inf that the proposition received the neces.:ary favorable vote, the following resolution was passed: iH=:::3A5, under a nd by virtue of an order entered b,- the City Commission on the 17th d&y of August, A. D. 1928, an election was held in said City on the 24th day of September, 1928 for the purrose of determining whether or not the bonds of said City should be issued in the sum of 5225,000.00 for the purrose of the constructicn of street imr.rovements, in the sum of >�85,000.00 for the purpose of the construct- ion o_' sewer extensions, and in the sum of X40,000.00 for the purrose of the construction of waterworks extensions, in and nor said City; and, +HEREAS, on this the 271h day of 6eptember, D. 1926, the same being a regular session of the City Commission of the City of Lubuock, Texas, there came on to be considered the returns of the said election so held in said City on the 24th day of September, 1928, to determine whether or ,,ot the bonds of said Jity should be issued in the sum of two Hundred Tweny rive 'housand Dollars (X225,000.00) for the purrose of the construction of street improvements in and for said City, in the sum of 3ighty Five Thousand dollars (x85,000.00) for the purrose of the construction of sewer extensions in and for said City, and in the sum of Forty Thousand Dollars (>�40,000.00) for the purpose of the cons- truction of waterworks extensions in and for said City, all of said bonds maturing serially over a period of years not to exceed forty (40) years from their date, and bearing interest at a rate not to exceed five per centum (5jo) per annum, pUyable semiannually, mGturities and rate of interest to be fixed by the City Commission, and -whether or not taxes on the one hundred dollars' valuation of all taxable rroperty in said City should be levied for the _ayment thereof at %aturity. said taxes being for the purrose of creating w sinking fund for the payment of said bonds and the interest on the t r s maturity; and, tfH:ssAS, upon consideration of the returns of said election, it appears that the same was in all respects le al_y held, after due notice had been given, and that the said returns were duly and legally made and that there were cast at the said election 456 votes, of which there were cast - "^OR THE ISSUA14CE OF BCIIDS IN THE SLIM OF $225,000.00 FOR THE PURIOSE OF HE CONSTRUCTION 0: STREET IL:PROVS! 1111FITS, AM THE LEVY OF A TAY III PAYY ENT M-.REOF-------- 437 Vot03 "A;LI_?3-2 T113 ISSUA*ICE OF BONDS I:: '.'HE Sum OF $225,000.00 FOR '_'HE PURPOSE OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF STREET IMFRCVF.* IIENTS, ANDTHE LEVY OF A TAY IN PAYMM T THEP30F"------- 20 Votes "FOR THE ISSUAIICE OF BONDS IN THE SUM OF x80,000.00 FOR THE IMIG-033 OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF SEWER MKTEN1 SIONS, AND TIE LEVY OF A .1,E IN PAYMNT THEREOF"------ 4.3.3 votes "AIGAINST THE ISSUANCE CF BONDS IN T&: SUIT OF ' $85,000.00 FOR THE iURPO53 OF 2H:3 CONSTRUCTION OF S.& ice{• _:: TMISI ONS i 121D 2HE LEVY C_ It TAX 11; i..Y*- idyM'ri;Z:OF---------------- 20 votes "FOR THE ISSUANCE 02 BONDS III THE 3L%I OF x40,000.00 FOR 2HErURPOS3 OF '_HE COAT: UCTION OF iYbT3R;7OF�S TMZNSIONS, AND TH:i LEVY OF A Wa IN PAYM T THrELOF"--432votes ri q2 'A3LINST Tlr-- I33UANC3 OF B011DS 1111 TH % 3Jl: OF 340,000.00 ?OR THEE PUaPO33 OF Tl- CO3TRUCTION OF WATM710RS3 LXT&ISIONS, AIM TF' L -7Y C? A TAX ITT PAYLIENT T$F,P OF" --------------------21 votes THEREFORE, 1T' IT 3EE301V."','D BY :1r- CI^_Y COM:133110N CF 2n CITY LUBBOCY., TM:S, that the propositions to issue said tcuds and levy said taxes for the purposes aforesaid were sustained by a majority of the qualified property t&xpaying voters, voting at said election, and that the City Commission of said City is authorize3 to issue said bonds and to levy and have assessed and collected said taxes for the ra ment of the principal and interest of said bonds at maturity thereof. The above resolution being read, it was moved by Commissioner Seaver, seconded by Commissioner ..eavertoo, that the sa¢e do Pass. Thereupon, the question being called for, the following COM'I331O1"3RS VOTZ,D AYR: A. V. leaver, D. N. Leaverton, J. H. Hankins and J. P. Flacon. and HONE VOT-7D ?I0. None. PA333D AND API -ROVED. this the 27th day of September, A. D.1926. H. floods Wa; or, i;Ity of Lube ock,"'exas. ATTEST: N. H. Rodgers City aecre ary. C y o Lubbock, Texas. ( CITY SEAL) AFFIDAVIT OF F03TIIT3 EEL-CTI0- -OTIC-&- Ji TH:. STAT OF TEXAS) COUNTY OF LU3'.'OCL ) CI TY OF LUB";OCX ) Before me, the undersigned authority. on this day Personally appeared W. H. :codgers, who, after being by me first duly sworn, says upon his oath: (1) That he xosted a true and correct copy of the notice of election hereto attached at the following three public places in the City of Lubbock, Texas: - One at the City hall; One at the Court House; and One at the Super Service Station. (2) That each of said places was a public plzce in said City; that each of the notices Posted at said places wasosted in a conspicu- ous rosition; that each of said places was accessible to .he public; and that each of said notices so posted at etch of said places was posted so as to be easily visible to the public/ t3) That all of said notices were posted by him on the l7th day of August, '. D. 1928, which was not less than thirty full days be- fore the date of the election. !. H. Rodgers SWORN TO Ai'D SUBSCRIBED before me by d. H. .odgers. on this the 22th day of September, A. D. 1928. ( SEAL ) R. A. Holland Notary rublic in and for Lu'.bock County, Texas.