HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 041929 - Contract - Panhandle Construction Co. - Paving Improvements, Avenue G - 04/19/1929 Best Available Scan 1 2a5 otlon by L!r. Lel.vorton. Seconded b • vr. .,oL•:ttr, carried unanimously, It was ordere3 to purchaze 10009 Of 2j" !ire ;sose at )1.40 per foot, Paragon nose, from the-.ureka airs voce L:anufacturing Comrany. Motion by jar. •,e�., •�r, aeconde:l by Lr. :.eaverton. carried unanimously, it was ordure l to purchaje 3 uirena for the .'ire Department at a cost of --x30.28 each. I+o further busine,,u co ing up for considerLti_n. upon motion by LLr. Leaverton. seconded by '"r. •+euver, carried unLnimcusly. the ,ity uomailaslon recesied to moot Arril 19, 192?, Lt 9:30 .�.L:. iteLd and al: prove I this Ste- day of alcor. ATTEST: 0v --f 4 ty -jecretur n .uE3S?D 1:31 ULA?? Lubbock, Texas, :,Tril 19, 1929. The city %,ommisoion of the vi'y of Lubbock. Texa;;, met at 9'30 n.M. April 19, 1929, in _ieceased : egular i:eeting, reces;;ed frcm : egulur L;eetinP of Apri: 11, 1929, in the :.egular :.:eeting place at the City Hall. the following. members theroof being prooent to -wit: Mu;•or n.L. •,00ds. vommis:�ioners _*V.4erlv_,r ;.id 1-r,, ;,or 1 eLver ton, C i ty . ::eCleLry and seerotary .i.H. odaers. Absent: vommiusioners J.". Hankins and J.r'. :3aeon. Lotion, by L:r. Leaverton, seconded by i::r. ieuver, the foi:owing :.esolu- tion carried u;:ani:.ous ly. LUB OCK CORRECTION :'ORS, 6 - (Unit 19) 4E3O1+JTI0jT i..7..:;il?; ; CO;;M' ' C_' '20 PAN ILLIM-) L3 CO: ;.,_ .....:' It :: vOI.:rE_':Y •1H::RHAS, the %overning Body of the City of Lubbock has hereto- fore ordered that a portion of i�venue 3 in said -ity be improved by ruisinF, grading and filling and otherwise. being designated in the proceedings relating• thereto as Unit 19; and WHM AS. plans and specificbtions were duly prepared and ;adopted and bids advertised for and received and the bid of Panhandle ronstruct ion uomp&ny accepted and hereby, fou..d and determined to be he lowest and best bid; TH_•:REFORE, 3E IT RB30L T;;; BY THE CITY I' OF LUBBOCK. TEXAS: I. That the bid of F-nN,ndle Construction Company for the making Ind construction of such i provements be and the same is hereby iecapted, the pavement bn mid Unit 19 to be No. 1 - 2y Inch Vertical Fibre Brick on 4-i>>ch conc_ete bLse. as provided in said specifications. This Resolution shall tul:e effect and be in force from and after .to passage. PASSED AND AP_ROVED, this the 19th day of arril, a.D., 1929. "TEST: W. H. Rodgers. i t -Secretary. H.D. Moods �.or, City of .ubuock. Texas.