HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 030929-1 - Accept Paving Improvements - Panhandle Construction Co. - Portion Of Ave X - 03/09/1929 Best Available Scan F__ 32 City of Lubbock, honeatl;; certif;, 'hut the ubove 1.114 :'croaoinx is u true and c-o;reot cosy of cider ruisal by I'eet!na of City Co_r, lasior, of City Of Lubbock on !.larch 1, 1424, �nI uyrears on Tree 232, Volume 4, L'lrutes Of City Commiaaicn of City of Lubbock. 3iven under our hands un-, weals of office this lit d&:. cf '.arch, 14,9. & or A= 3T: i� ty Jecret,.r r.HCE3SLD TI?T; Lubbo ci:. texas, :arch 9; 1929. The city Commission of the City of Lubbock, iexss, m &t 1:30 i.1I. in :,ecesaed :.e;zulLr Session, recessed from xegular Meeting of _ebru&ry 28, 1939, in the regular meeting place &t the City Hall, the followin¢ members thereof being preaent, Mayor H.D. moods, commissioners J.H. Hankins. n.7. weaver. J.:. Bacon. D.N. Leaverton. -ity .:unaeer ;.A. rseClea!-y rand city Secret&ry Y.H. =lo drrers. Absent: D.N. Leaverton. Motion by Lir. Hankins. seconded by Lir. 'Nearer, the followin- resolution passed unanimously. .t�23OLUTIciT ACCEPTIIT: IMP3077_4M73 01T PORTIONS OF A7r=TJ3 - "X'' , .'.TTD APPR07I?Cz BO:;D3. AND O3DM I'T3 ?HB I3SUA.7Cr; 0? C?2TI7IC..T. 3 II7 0? E33B3Sf.31"23 L?VI37. , MAS, the city of LI bock, Texas. heretofore entered into contri et with L&nhandle constru -,,ion company for the making and construction. of street improvements or? rortions of numerous streets &nd places in said City, including among others the following: AUNUS "X", from the wouth property line of jixteenth z)treet to the North property line of i+ineteenth atreat, '.no,. -in and designated as uc;it or District Ito. 28. WHEREAS, the improvements upon the saidportion of ,venue "6" have been completed and have been inspected and found to have been constructed in accordanc.; with the terms of said contract; and, 7VH_r<r,AS. said Yanhandle construction company- has this day filed with the city its bond for the laMintenance and repair of such imrrovements in accord&nce with ramzraph LII of said contract, and such bonds. together with the surety thereon, have been examined and arproved. 2H3R3?OBS, B3 IT RESOLVED BY AFL :;ITY OF 7UBBOCL, TEXAS: I. Phat the improvements on said portion of avenue ''X" be and the same Etre here by accepted. lI. i'hat the Liayor and Lity secretary be and they are hereby instructed to execute and •leliver to the contractor certificates in evidence of the assessments levied against the parcels of property abutting upon the said rortions of .venue "X". and against the owners of such property in the manner provided in .said contract, and the proceedings r:ith reference to said improvements and assessments, III. Phat the said bonds, together with the surety thereon. be and the same ate hereby in all respects accepted &nd approved. 1V. Phis resolution shall take effect and be in force from and after its )assage. PA333D =Sl) A:PRO415D, thio the 9th dL.-7 of Wurch. L.D. 1929. H,:). doods -Lyor, ;Ity of Lubbock, 'texas. Y.H. odDers c t secretary. ao3 Lotion by i.:r. Hankins, seconded b- L.'r. •dearer, carried u animously. the following :esolution carried uranimously. :tE30LUTI07 ACCE13TIN3 IMPROTMENTS Or i:ORTH 111D SO;PPH ALLZY I?? FLOCK #133, O.T.. 1P•I1D A"rPROVI?I, MAINTENANC , BOIIDS. END ORD3RI!17 -' , ISSUA?1C3 OF CERTIFICATES L" EVID3NCE OF A333331.2!!TS LEVIED. rH::?AS the city of 1,ubbock, texas. heretofore entered into contract with manhandle- Uonstruct ion Comram,7 for the making and construction of street improvements on portio s of numerous streets and places in said Uity, including among others the following: IiOR'H nAlD iOUTH ALL: Y II: -LOCK n 133. C.T.. from the South property line of rroadway to the l;orth property line of '!.'hirteenth .itreet, known as Unit i:o. A-9. ,1H;:R AS. the improvements upon the i:orth and mouth Alley in mock i 133. C. have been completed t:nd have been inspected and found t.o have been constructed in ac-,ordance with the terms of said contract; and, JH..�s.i. said ranhandle construction uom, -y has this day filed wi th the � ity its bond for the mainionanee andepair of such improvements in uccordance with FarraarLph .II of said ontract. Lnd such bonds. toPether •;:ith the •surety thereon, have been examined and approved. THEE ORB, iE IT ?.B5OLVED EY 'H CI^Y 0? LUBBOCK. _ YrS : I. ^hat the improvements on _forth and jou-.h =11ey in block f133. C.T. be and the same are hereby accepted. II. That the Mayor and city aecretary be and they Ore hereby instructed to execute and deliver to the contractor, certificates in evidence of the assessments levied against the ii rcels of property abutting upon the ,north and aouth Ll ley in block T 133, v. 1., and against the owners of such property in the manner provided in said contrGct, and the proceedin;rs with reference to said improvements and assessments. '.'h -- the slid bonds. together •aith the surety thereon, be and the same are hereby in all respects accepted and approved. IV. This resolution shall take effect and be i:: torte from Lnd after its Passage. A33�D :111 this the 9th dLy of Larch, --._. 1929. H.J. goods .,ayor, City of 7ubboc 1:.'2exas. ATT'Z3T: J.H. Rodgers U1� ty3ec_etary. Motion by flr. Weaver I seconled by l.;r. Hankins. the foilowirg :esolution carried unanimously. RESOLUTION ACCETTII 1 I?IPBO`J✓'1`ENTS ON .AST AIJD '.'JEST ALLEY IN BLOCK #133, O.T.. l.i'D AIPROVIN" MAINTEI;AI'CE BONDS, AND ORDERINI THE ISSUA7CE 0^ C RTI:'ICI.'' 3 IN RVIDEIIC;; OF ASS�:SSkl ' _ LH VI D. WHEREAS, the City of Lubbock, heretofore entered into contract vilth Panhandle Uonstructicn Compuny for the making and construction of street improvements on portions of numerous streets and pltacea in said city, including tamon;z others the following: