HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 031032 - Paving Improvements - City Engineer - North Ave H - 03/10/1932567 REGULAR MEETING. Lubbock, Texas, March 10, 1932. The City.Commission of the City of Lubbock, Texas, met at lt30 P.M. in Regular Session at the Regular meeting place in the City Hall, the following members thereof being present, to -•sitz Mayor J.J. Clements, Commissioners Jno. E. Roach, Ueo. i5. Benson, D.N. Leaverton, J.F. Bacon, City Attorney E.L. Klett, City Manager W.H. Rodgers and City Secretary J.L. Holt Absent: None. The minutes of Regular Meeting of leebruary 25, 1932, were read and upon motion by Mr. Bacon, seconded by Mr. Roach, they were unanimously approved. the Minutes of Accounts Allowed from Warrant No. 6981 to War3ant No. 7120, both inclusive, were read and upon motion by Mr. Leaverton, seconded by Mr. Bacon, they were unanimously approved and ordered signed by the Mayor and City Secretary. ' Motion by Mr. Roach, seconded by Mr. Bacon, carried unanimous- ly, City Manager W.H. Rodgers was instructed to have Nordberg Mfg. Company furnish new cast iron muffler instead of steel muffler for the new Nordberg engine now being made, new muffler to be equipped with coils for the -urpose of heating water to keep fuel oil to the proper temperature, at cost of 5600.00, f.o.b. Lubbock. Also furnish new Section and coils for the 5 E.G. Nordberg engine at cost of 2385.00, f.o.b. Lubbock, Texas. The matter of consolidation of the Tax Departments of the City and School District was discussed and City Manager W.H. xodgers was instructed to call a joint meeting of the city Commission and the School Board for Tuesday, March 15, 19329 at 7 P.M. Motion by Mr. Roach, seconded by Mr. Bacon, the following Resolution unanimously carried. STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 38. RESOLUTION ORDERING PAVING, GRADING AND IMPROVING OF NORTH AVENUE H IN TOA'N OF LUBBOCK* FIXING TIME AND PLACE OF HEARING AND DIRECTING CITY SECRETARY TO GIVE NOTICE. BE IT R�BERED, that atta regular meeting of City Commission, ' City of Lubbock, March 10, 19329 all members being present, upon motion by Commissioner Jno. E. Roach, seconded by Commissioner Jno. F. Bacon, unanimously carried, the following resolution is hereby adopted and passed: WHEREAS, the City of Lubbock has heretofore ordered that Paving Unit No. 389 being hereinafter described portions of streets, be improved by raising, grading, filling and paving and by installing concrete curbs and gutters on said street; and 'WHEREAS, upon report of City Engineer, M.R. Smith, Jr., and upon decision of City Commission that said street shall be improved a width of fifty feet by raising, filling, grading and paving said street known as District No. 38, of 1-ity of Lubbock, with 1+ inch natural rock asphalt pavement on caliche base, including curb and gutter, in accordance with plans and specifications prepared and filed by M.R. Smith, Jr., City Engineer, and adopted by City of Lubbock, at a cost of X2.50 per lineal foot of each property owner's property abutting upon street thus improved. Each property owner's cost of ;$2.50 per lineal foot facing such improved street shall be paid in ten enual annual payment s, the first to mature April lst, 19339 and others respectively each year thereafter, with 5% interest from time of completio-: and acceptance of such improvements, balance of street improve- ment to be paid by City of Lubbock and County of Lubbock. r68 THEREFORE, be it resolved Lrj the City of Lubbock th-t a public hearing be given and held by and before the City Commission of Lubbock to the owners of property abutting upon said street to be improved and to all others in any wise interested or ' affected, concerning said improvements, the amounts of the proposed assessments against abutting property and owners there- of, concerning the apportionment of the cost of said improve- ments -rd the description of property, names of owners, re- gularity of proceedings, and concerning all other matters and things in connection :-with which any one is entitled to be heard under the law and Charter with Amendments in force in said City, and the proceedings of the City with reference to said improvements. :'he paetions of streets so to be improved and in connection with which such proceedings are adopted, are hereby described as that part of Avenue H from a line across said Avenue 236.7 feet South of the South property line of rourth Street to its intersection with the North property line of Sanders Street (formerly First Street) known and designated as Unit Or District No. 38. Said hearing shall be held in the regul-r Commission Meeting Foom in the City Hall in the City of Lubbock, Texas, on the 24th day of March, 1932, at 1:30 o9clock P.M., and may be ' continued from time to time until the purposes thereof are in opinion of the Commission fully accomplished, and such hearing shall in all respects be conducted in accordance 'with said Charter with Amendments, law and proceedings. Following such hearing, assessment° will be levied against abutting property and owners thereof, and such assessments when levied shall be a personal liability of the owners of such property and a first and prior lien upon the property as provided by law. This Resolution shall be notice and be published in the City of Lubbock in a n$wspaper of general circulation at least three times before the date fixed for such hearing, the first of which shall be at least ten days before the time of such hearing. This March 10, 1932. J.J. Clements— May o r. lementsMayor. ATTEST: J.L. Holt ity Secretary. Seal. At this time Mayor J.J. Clements retired from the Commission ttoom, Mayor Pro Tem Jno, E. Roach ossupied the chair. Whereupon notion by Mr. Benson, seconded by Mr. Bacon, the following Orders were unanimously passed. ORDER OF THE CITY COIMISSI0N TTITH REGARD TO DECuPIIiG AS A NUISANCE A2iD CONT-MNI2iG TY -7 BRICK STRUCTURE ON LOTS ONE (1), TWO (2) and THREE (3) in BLOCK ONE HUNDRED THIRTY-FOUR (134) Ili THE ORIGINAL TOWN OF LUBBOCK, LUBBOCK COUNTY, TM"S . The Board of Health, the Fire Chief, and the Building 11ommissioner of the City of Lubbock, Texas, having reported to the City Commission in writing their opinion that the brick structure standing on Lots One (1), Two (2) and Three (3) in 3lock One Hundred Tl,irty-four (134) in the Original Town of Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas, is unfit for human habitation and dangerous to life and health by reason of want of repair and defects in drainage, plumbing and ventilation, and has depreciated more than 709 of its original cost, and the same is a nuisance and it should be condemned and removed in accordance :,with the Building Code of the City of Lubbock, and the laws of the State of Texns, it is hereby moved by Benson, seconded by Bacon, and unanimously carried qt a duly called meeting of the City Com- mission of the City of Lubbock, a quorum being present, that H.H. Shell, J.W. Sampson and T.G. McMillan be appointed as a committee, with the Building Commissioner, D.J. Schlag, to make a thorough investigation of said building and structure and report their findings to the City Commission within days from date.