HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 121648 - Power Line License - Santa Fe Railway Co. - MP 1+3861 Ft - 12/16/1948 Best Available Scan V nVjt_f22k EiQj tv �' V Approximate total bid.- NAJ-V'O oil i Texes Water Wells, IncorToreted, Houston, Texas a060.00 'Iy IrIL-L-k ,- a Layne-Texos Com Lny Dellis, Taxis 10,522.50 4fter discussion of the bids, it wes the opinion of the Wity Commis - Ann that the bid of Inyne-Texna Comrany was the be3t and most advan- upeoui to the City of Lubbock, and therefore, motion wao made by comnisstoner Awfstedlerp seconded by Uornissionur Whiteside, ear_ led unnninously, thet the bid of Layne-TeAns Compeny be 8neerted for OMNI this test well; and trent contract be submitted to the City GoG-r.Issinn for np rov,,L-1. AtIon by Com_-dssioner Price, secondod by Co rdssioner Rufstedler, cerried Upanimously, to an- rove License "Preement between the City of Lubhocy, , 80a A Railway Connany :or location of 8 Pole and ruy Wire an the Crosbyton Nrnnch noar the Cityisnow Yawer Mat North- enst of the C07. Contract fated Yovember 15, 1948. Print atunched heinp Senta Fe i DEC2-3224, dotol jotobor 25, 1948. Ate A File R Z 3 0 L U T 1 0 N T 104S, ,E IT "TTCV1q7 thqt on this the 16—_ day of December I at s recessed myetinr of the Atv Com nisstnn Of_7F=tT,-_oF_Li.ibbock, Texas, there came on to be considerel the vattRr of the execution of a license betveea the said City of L"bbock, Texns, and KRnhandir incl Santa A Rullwny Company relating to a Puy wire across Railway Com- Tiny'S rrorerty and over its Ain Tr.-Ck sit 11Fl r1us 3861 Yet, near anid City of Lubbock, whey r upon the followinp proceedOrs were had: It was moved, seawndel and unanimously voted that W. H. Rodgers I Maylors be quthorized and emrawered to execute on behalf of the City of Lubbock, Tex9s, such license, copy of which is hereto attached, and the same he recorded in the Minutes of the City Con ission at the foot of this ry3olutlan. .4otion by Commissliner "hiteside, seconded b7 Commissioner Afitedler, carried unenimously, to authori-e payment to :1r. Hugh Farthman o j37.20, for Amapa to his car caused by It runnina Into wire beinv pulled %cross the Ht"VM7 near the n.7.4. buildinq Dn FlOnview Hiqhwey, V the City Electric Department. Motion by Gommissioner lhitesIde, spcon6el by Commissioner Wee, cnr- ried unanimously, to execute Rental Contrget between the Cit, of Lubbock and RAynond 1%rshgl oQ the Yred Voves property rurchaned by the 007 In 1948. This contr%ct settins out that not less than 1,0 oures he 71antem in cotton, balance in wrain sornhuns. Rental to be on 113 - 1/4 basis, with provision for dry land Arninp, only. Motion by CoanAssioner !rice, seconded by Commissioner Rufstedler, carried unanimouuly, to alyrove the following rroposed City -County Health prbgram. Vhe fiCures set o"t in the program being estimated costs. The County of Lubbock having agreed to such health :rorrsm on Beoember 10, 1545. CITY-COUN?v DEYARTMEET OF UBLIC HIJAITH PROIRSID iROUAM CITY -COUNTY HEALTH IROGRAN Since the creation of the office of city rhysician in 1909, mach prooress has been made in the field of lublio health in Lubbock and Lubbock County. We are rroud of the progress :,a de by this, depart- mqnt and also of the fact that we have one of the leadjan department -9 In our stnte. We cre, haNever, aware that o"r needs of rublic health hsve ouLqrown oiz existing Actilties. It eras knowledpe of thIs fact CL ,RK --Works as assigned by senior secretary. IJEDICAL AiiTD NI1RSPNG IS—E,�VICES hr ALTH OF1'ICEJR OR I.iEDICAL -DIRECTOR--_;xamining physici an and medical consultant, directs all radical and nursing :services. OF7,ICT, r;<T';^F--assists medical officer with physical exariinations, takes '-Mood specimens for laboratory examinations and performs other duties '9s assigned. .,'IEL D NURSES (CJ'_:Y .'jjTD "0711 TY)--Corrlunica ble disease control, assist w7th rre-natrl �-rnd maternity service for indip*ent persons. .ork vrith school nurses and those of other agencies. ::,lake horse visits and are active in public health education. VITAL )`TISTICS :J Ti) R' CORDS DL'ITTTY REGISTRAR --Records births and de :ths for the City of Lubbock. +i Keens records and fit s for the E,nti re department and cc riT,iles tat i! - ties. Issues certificates am rermits. II i)IVT31OTT OF .,i�TTIT:MOY !' • z T INS -i ii CTI-, LV CHIEF TNTSYECTOR (� I.. I� ryt r, s abattoirs, menr is and creat erforms anti-rrrorte. dm na� o - , l ivestoc uprervises the thy: layins-rectors and enforces crd'r_ance rel' -:ting to ope ,=,tion ttoir and s1auPhter of live:atock. r'roducts. _ _o rk of of ah,_ II I� some six or seven years a,. --o that caused us to start an intense study of healthi� rorams and facilities of other leading cities of -iur state and nati on. This study has b� en c!Jrr-e:u on throu-h personal visitations to J. other cities and t'�rough questionnaires which Caere sent to outstanding dei-artments that we were unable to reach b it personal contact. such i n- � formation has been gathered and comr fled a, a result Of these studies. Our airy has been to screen this informtion, using the most outstanding { � workable features, and combin'-ng these ­ith 1 -coven facilities of our ot,rn derartment to guild what we feel will be a foundation .� or a model health � pro gr=gym. ?:acts that were kert c-)nst,.ntl.v before us in the preraration of the above mentioned Program are: first, to study the needs of our community and build an adequate ,vet economical-ror-ram to meet these needs; second , to so build a nd organize this rrogram that it may be ex- panded to meet future needs v.-ithout radical revisions and needless exren- ditrares; third, to provide adequate personr1el and facilities to carry on the dutie., inv.ilved in such a health rro!�-reri; and foiirth, to-rovide such new ordinances as are needed and also make such revisi ons of existin-Cr or- dinances to give Troyer coverage of present and anticirated ne--ds. ORGiZTILjiTION The organization _,f a City -County Jepartment of i ublic Aealth offers many advantages, especially fro^r the strandT)oint of eff`iciencv and econ- omy. This plan avoids the establishment of two udrrinistrative units in a single area and is in cni,forrrrity with the established fact that the health of the city affects the entire: copulation of the county and in turn the health of the city del ends upon health of the rural areas nearby-. '_he coanty would be expected to a? � ropria3te only such funds as may be necessary to care for the increase in expenditures v;hich r, ill result from exT)anding a city health rrogram to a city-coi,nt-,, r)ro�ran,. chis expl-nditure mny be expected to increase as the needs increase but can be absorbed jointly b'v the city and county or by the agency recei.v,oinn the mayor benefits. T're fuel that by handling* the exrenses of our program in this mariner each orr,anizati on will be expendim7 their money in accordance with the benfits received. There is also a 1 ossibility that at a later date; such orpanizati ons as the City County 7''elf are :association, the Tuberculosis -association, Crip- led Chi.ldrens' �sso- ciation, and nurses of the ity and-oi,nty schools could combinc th-ir facilities s-ith those of the city -cornu- health -rogra.m to the mutual benefit of all concerned. 4� The surrort and coopprration of the city -county r,iedical society and the various interested civic organiza:ti_nns sholrld be earnestly solicite-1. Sur -ort of these orp-ani?.ations will he beneficial to both the community and the deT artmont. ADMI DTI ST .T ION llIRECTOR JR SLTI'E_?VI )OR OF 1TrBLIC BEAT,'' _zdministrative director of 1-ublic health in city'and county. `'`ENIR. SECRETLR_1 OR ;��;TL'NOGE��1 i�R Tip IST--Sup�:rvises and performs sterno- gralrhic and general office work; for department. e CL ,RK --Works as assigned by senior secretary. IJEDICAL AiiTD NI1RSPNG IS—E,�VICES hr ALTH OF1'ICEJR OR I.iEDICAL -DIRECTOR--_;xamining physici an and medical consultant, directs all radical and nursing :services. OF7,ICT, r;<T';^F--assists medical officer with physical exariinations, takes '-Mood specimens for laboratory examinations and performs other duties '9s assigned. .,'IEL D NURSES (CJ'_:Y .'jjTD "0711 TY)--Corrlunica ble disease control, assist w7th rre-natrl �-rnd maternity service for indip*ent persons. .ork vrith school nurses and those of other agencies. ::,lake horse visits and are active in public health education. VITAL )`TISTICS :J Ti) R' CORDS DL'ITTTY REGISTRAR --Records births and de :ths for the City of Lubbock. +i Keens records and fit s for the E,nti re department and cc riT,iles tat i! - ties. Issues certificates am rermits. II i)IVT31OTT OF .,i�TTIT:MOY !' • z T INS -i ii CTI-, LV CHIEF TNTSYECTOR (� I.. I� ryt r, s abattoirs, menr is and creat erforms anti-rrrorte. dm na� o - , l ivestoc uprervises the thy: layins-rectors and enforces crd'r_ance rel' -:ting to ope ,=,tion ttoir and s1auPhter of live:atock. r'roducts. _ _o rk of of ah,_ II I�