HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 111316A - Declaring Necessity For Construction Of Sidewalk - Multiple Locations - 11/13/1916 Best Available Scan 111311pA - P, - pf�.-,titicn si8lied by 7.73.R'mrhart, and othoro., ormino they property affrictod by ,hc, said -..)ctftion, asking that Ilie City Council build,, or have builtv a sido- wal,',, or Oidevralk's. on and along tho nor-th side, of 7Tortln First (now PiEjith� Stroet,o be,r-innim-, at th,,.i South-west corn(�r o -i.. Illock To. '17, andext-Inell-ing emst- ,vard abutting; -thesouth sido of Blocks ITumbord.d Nincty-seven (957 ), Ninety-eight U (()8)v Nin�ty­nine (99). One-4iundred (100)9 One4-Lundred-one (101 .)90n-_-hundre,!.!- two (10,I),,and Lots Nlumibpred Six (6) to Ton (10) inclusivn, in DlocTi, " C) . One - hundrod-throe (103); Al -to on -',.hc: saxie data there was presented to tIv:i said City Council a petition si�nied by JJ3.Chasc'q T%Fj)ickin!-,,on, Sr., <cui(I otb.,ors, ovmino, the prop- erty affected by the smicl petition.9 -,.skin,,, 'hat the Ci -'.-y Council build, or havn 1),,Ultj a 3idcvr,,;tlk,, or aidovalks,on and alonC, a port -ion of* the west side of Ce6i,mr Street, bej-inninat tho South-east corner of Block No. 1812, and extend- in,g sou"Uhmard abutting; the east side. of Plocks ITizibered One -hundred ninety- sevan (197)0 Tro-4auldred-thirteon ('�17)9 T - ;-o -4'vm (Ire d. -twenty-nine tho.t port -;on o -l' the north-east cornor o:r I;hat part oftheDaproe Addition now owned ounrll. occupied by 7T._'.DicIdnson, Sr, as a rooidonce; Aloo on J,;ho stv-,c date there present -)d to the, said City Council 0. potition si-ned by R.77artin,, T T jI 7 and othora,, ovaiin 1.h^.:. proporty affect - c d by the said petiticn, asl-inC that -':he City Co-mcil buji(j, or have built, side,ualk, or sidown 1-s ) 1. t- o n the, south sid, of Slon:h 13.1.ird(now ""nth) Street, bef.,,,inning. ttt tho. Nor th­ri:vot nom,:�r of Plock "To, 165jmvI O.-ftendin,-, eastmardi7r 0 a abutting the north line (,f Dlochm 77mberod One-hin,1 dr.d--ty-six (1r)6) and Ono - i , x hi,mdred-si,ty-seven (1r,7) Also on 'jh,, v,colt Idr� of Chestnut "trot, beginning at the North-east corner of k; c, said Moch No. 167, and exftondin- 4,,,ou-',I_ward1y abuttin- the east U '.) side; 0_7 Ploch-1) Ntmiberod On(.)-hi.indr,-,(I-sixt�r-sev.,n (l67), Ono, 4Aundr-d-ci,,tty-three, (10 3)9 01104:1undred-ninetynine (11)9).% ,�md Tuohundred -fifteem A1,310 WWWWa# on smta side of Sou,,.h Pi-L"th (noTv Twelfth) Street, ber,,inning at f%e I-Torth-emst comr.'r of the said Block No. 199an d c t nc in, x e I abut' -.in, tPhe nor tho of 1131ocl.,s INwiborod T,--m4undr0d ('00) and T'Vo— hundrod-one Also on I;hc T7P s t nidi 0.1. Hickory Street'. be.rrinnimrr at -'Jb-north-east Corner o -LI" the said Block TTo, o,01, and c.xtending ., southly-rardly 0,1)uttin,,,- th- evAt aide of of the said Plocj- 711 T o, Tvio-hundred-one 111311vA Ancl,.# ZierecLs, an of qlese hay.� been constructed except hose hcrci.naft-(ar poart-ioularly described. wt,)d,, 7herews, it appears to the said (7-uty Ooixn�?il that the, A a1dowalks are badly noedcd, !TTo"71, theroforc,, b°.11 vlrtuio of the authority veited in 1ie City Coijil- cil of the City of Lubbock,, Texusv by 'Ghe General Sidovml!-� Ordinozice, boin-,,,, Ordinance TTo, Fifty-Itfivo (55 ),, passed by +1v- M.' -,y Oovmcij. o -(A the City of Lub- book,, Texvsq on -',--h,, r""f (lay of ITay5 A. _71.). T371 TT rFMSOLVT,D by 12ie Ci 4;yzac 4 -hp City of Lubbock,, Texas, ""iat it is h.-�rebv mde the duty of tiv.,; ovniers of the hereinaftor described pro- pexty to build sidewalk -s adjoinin- or abuttinr, on their property as herein set ou-i" 51'lio so-i(I -sidevialks are `,o 1.)'� 1)uilt ::'ourioen (14) +vvi-do in front of Lots Numbered aix 00, scvnn (7 ) und cijit (0)) 1, 11lock- No, Ono-hund.red-three (103). f1he sidaviulks aro to ba built five (5) feet 1�'ido, alongside or in front of Lot TTo. nineteen (in),, 'Ilbcj, TT Tot To. eleven No. Ono-41undr,�,d-3i:C_ L- ly-sevon (157),, Lot '[To. '-Tienty ("O)l _131ock 1,To. One- "lizibered T-Ueven (11) to ?_Twenuy inclusive, Y .11rce (1�"­), Toto i D10cl: "'TO. One-4iunc1rod-ninety-njn(! (199),40*Lot-; 7 , �Tmber�d Fourteen (14) to r�uTenty Inclusives DI.OcIf. NO. TWO-,hlzlc Irecl-fifteen ("15). orad Lots ITunborod Pleven (11) to Fiftoon (15) inclusive, mock 71o. One-hl'Irdre d (100). 010. Thn sidowall,.,s are to bo built four feet rm.do aaon7side or in front of Lot,' ('-',0),, Block No. '.fro-'iundred (',!00), Lots 1Ttrzibered Twenty (1,0) and • (16), 171ock !,To. Two-hi.vidrod-one. (TI), Lots Ntunber_,d Ten (1.0) to Sdventeen inclusive,, Mock NO. Sizty-seven (67 ).s TOt;7, TTiribomd 710,ven (11) to '71wien-t-y irclusivu, jnlock No, and Tots gumb(Ired Plevon (11) to Fifteen (1 5) J_ncl=jvr_,, Rlocj� 170, pjfty_-� ,vro (5 2). Thrinnor lido of or the side, next the property Shall in all cLazscs bo as set, out belows III tll!:� case of four or five, _Foot vvalhzo, tl)o inner sido shall conform . "I o L to liD- t_JO f e'_-�! t from ant! parol I e.l ijit1j. -thc property lin," eaon,- vA-Iich t1ic sidorroah mv-y be, built. In tho ca,7�ie Of ij . �.n f0urtet foot walks, tkto innor aide Shall be identical 0.1 "Jith Vie property line allon,­. _'-_,rhic1h the 31-delffalk, may be 1,)Ilj.lt. 4 11131bA - 4 - Said are ".-,o be bti.ilt to confci�T.,l to tho re- -Lui rene nt s i - BASE 9 I The base; or conerotoj, shall be four (4) inches thick, and shall bo copposed of one (1) part of best Portlm-id Cement, by mcasur-1, to two (�7) p,,irts of sharp, clean,, screonod samdj and four (4) parts of crushed stone, or vmshed -gravel, free from. duot,, dirt or coal, wid not -1 more --h&n one (1) inch in its greatest dicv-,ieter. MIARITTG SURFACE11 The weaxing surff-.�ce,, or top dressing shall be of a thic]-mess of one (1) inch, copposed of two pexti-3. by measure, of best Portlouid Cement, -'U-o three parts of p .,00d, sharp, clean, screened sand or fino crusb,.e(I substvaitio.l stone or ;,Tanite proporly screened tj'.,_rougji a one --fourth (11,1� inch scrocn. The urcarinr, surface Etall be carried up oiraultameously with IJio base,, and be— f ore the base shall have hal timic -to set, 1J]. rmll sshall be cu,!-. �w:irour, - the concrete in bloc -1,.,,q of tLo following dii-lensio.r.st "Fourteen foot wc lh-c. shall be, cut in blocks four fo -,t two inches by four feat ciO'tt Inches,, or as near thereto as practicable. Four foot =mall -s shall be cu", in blocks four feet square, Pivo foot wall -a shall be cut in blochs five foot se.,_Uare. 71henever It T)ecomcs necessary f7or these dinensions to be varied, pemission to do so rust bf; obtained froii the City 7mrino.or. GRADP 0 The si(lewal' s izlust be: laid to the grade established by .'.1--te Cit.y PIngineer, and in ctvm an -v sidewalLs now existin,`%" or that may b- built,, am not in confonAty with the ,rado j- and lthc us var-Lore­mirenen',s �,herein set our:., it shall tho du(JIT of the o,,,iner of the said property to so conotrUct- or re- construct such sides _,.17. so that, if Lryll cont-om, to the marious requireinents herein set, out, F I LL 111 Cr., it shall brocome nccc }sari- to fill any place in ordrr that ulic sidevialk,, When cm.ipletnd, shall cont orae. to the established gratle, the eoxth or material used in fillinF., shall b,7, thoroujmly taziped, 001M=NGO 7i.cnom.r iIt is iloomea necessCry by the City T',ng ,ineer., the surface of aj-jir sil.dowal1l.- shall be cove ons -half :inch o-? damv sand until the concr-Ae .Y 1. has properly set, �" 7] '. 17,-jTxl . 11131bA - 5 - All the materials used in the, const uction of the sidevialks herein mentioned, as wall as the �,,rorlmanr4iip perfomed, shall be duly inspected and by the City 77%-iCineer. ITOTIM,, Tho "wror shall at once oscertain the= naries of all persons owlin- property a.-IFTected tMo resolution, vdl-er- such neves can be found b.- ination of the Tt-vc Records of -!.,he Cds ty of Lubbock, Toy.),q, and notify mid own- ers ki�). any way ae-1. out in the General Sidoyrall,-. Ordinanco, bein,-,, Ordinance IToj, Pifty-flvn, (55 )., parised by tho Citv Council O 1,he Ci t,,% 6-17 Lubbock -9 Tolxas, on thf-° 771ul:t, day of IllaysA. % In -31, PROPTI'MY APITICTED, T"ho, said sidovrall..-s shoal bo �idl. con3tructed alongside or in front, of I-Ji.e folloviiii- do-scribad property,, Fee .,inninr, at a po--,,.nt t-ro +' :r east of tb.-. North-east corner of U Lot No. Ninete-n (19)y Mock No, Tvro-undred-twenty-nino (009 , thence 0outI-t t%'ienty,six ( PA ) f cot 0 or, a lirp, parallel with Land two f e o- t east Of the east lin.:) of said lot No. ninesLoon(1n), to a point two -feet east of the, Sov.th- ' east corner of the Sai� Lot -0 . !,T ImPen (19); Also b,�r-,I,ftninrat c, point tiro -r-�)et of the N -e orth.ast corner of -Tot To. "levon (11)un re --a -.a ? -1 - I Ploc2.- TTo. Om�-4,i d d. ixtyve, e -n (16 aouth t1 irty-zix. (36) Feet, on a lin- Tmrallcl with and tiro fee*',, east of the east line of the said Lot ITO. 71-:-vnn (ll), to a point tuvo feet east and ten (10) feet soix?,h of tlic South-el,lot corn,,.,r of q,,,he said. Lol; No. 7�leven (11); Also beginnin,,, at a point two (") feet east and ton (10) feet north of 'he North-east corner of Lot ITO. Twenty (PD), 131ocIr, No. On(,,4iuncired-.-(,,-,irh-.-y- thirty-si:: (336) feet three (18)); thence sou -'-.h A on a line para.11ol with and two feet cast of the east- lin--. o -j" th", o-ai,"j. Mot- !To. Tl;ton-;.-y ( 20)9 to a point tvio feet east of Sou,'.h-eo.s-'U- corn: -i.- of the said Lot ITo. Tvmn-,_,y-,y (:'*,.0),- Al�-,o boginnin.:-, z -,,.t ). point two (,?,) feet oast and ten (10) feet north of the I-Torth--e,--st corner o. -P Lot No. Twenty (PO), Dlock Uo. Ong:-11midrod-ninety- nino (191 ); thence; south two-hun(lred-ei&ty (280) net, an a line 'o'exallol with and tao (I feet east o-7 `-he eo.st lin(-,, of Logs ITmbe.red twenty (T)., nineteen sc-r.,m-IGecn (17)., si--teem (18), fiftem (15)., fourteen (14). thirteen (Yi),, tvielvn, (1.31) and alovnn (11), all in No. One4mndrod- ninety- nine (1�9). '0 mPOint IVTO (1) feet east and ton (10) feet south of i2le !")outheast 0 Iu311oA a. 0 cornier of tho ay.id Lot- I'To. 'Moven (11); Also beginning at apoint two (?,) fe-t east and ton (10) felol-I north of of the 7oj.-th--e,-,%st corner of Mot No, aVenty (eC). Dlook ITO. '7wo-'hLmdred--fifte,,n thence, south one -3: imdred-nine ty-two (If"") feet, on ,-L line parallel with and t-jro (fll) fe.,s t eaet 04-1 Ca0l; Itno of Lo to IT ardbered t--renty (W) . nineteen I eighteen (18), seventoen (17). si.-i-tteen (18), 171ftoon (2.5) ozc], fourteen all in flock No. Two4i.mdr!.d ---,"'ifteen (f!15). (14),,�to a Point t-wo (P) feet nast- of the Southl-eastcorner the said Lot No. A13o ber�inning at v, point t1lo (9� feet north of the 7orth-47-est comer 71 of TO -f 7o. 't (,�O), Two-4tumcIxid (2DO). own,--himdrede. j )lo,?k 11c, , ; thence e -cwt - thirty-five (155) feat, on ra line parallel vaith and two feet north of th,,-, north lino of the Saj d,f,o 'Ta. Tlvon-'.-y (1-11). 1,o a point tWo (`7-) feot north and tn T? (10) feet east o.- ho 'forth -east corner of tjxe Said Tot No, Twenty (aO); A17�o b:-;cinnin- at a point- two foot nor-Uh of the North--;�-!est corm, r on,3-undi-d-tli.irty-oie(J of Lo 1T0 'nU ",0, , ., 77o. Two-b.vuldred-one (1-vl); thence east on a line parallel with c,.r.d t f:),at north. of thv; norti-i line of the said Lot No. T,ucinty ( 0,0, to a pojn',- -.qo ( 2) feot north and, six. (6) ire, t east of the North- east Porno of the, smiCt Lola- 7To* Tiventy (,T); Also beginnin,<,, at a --pQin-". two (0) J?cot north and tvro (0) feet east of tho Uorth--en.at corner oj7 ITO. 'lien Ly 113lock 'I'To, thence south trio n t I-, (`S) -17,eet on c. 1J'm pax®ral',1 vrith and tlwc (2) feet Gast of thy: cast liw, of th- ",aid Lot -4o. Tvronty (V-), to a poini.-. tvio (1) feat 00-st Of 161-10- Sou-11--i-east corn. -Ar o�' tho timid Lot !To, T"wenty (00); Also be,,., -Inning at pcinj tT10 font e,"t of +Ile IT .0_r th-east corner olf T,G t TTOSi- to:�n (15 Ma,, we Mock ""To Two -4i -ons; -ono so (101) ; thence ut tir my -s3=; ( ) fret, ty- f0et,, on lino --jtjj and t -Ti -to CI) feet east of the east line of the �,-,aid Tot 'To, Si=toon to a point two of cast Ot Iv_ r�jout -e st corner of 461-t,,% d Lot iTo. Sji---�-(Joeyj (ir A.1 so 1.,,n, -inning at a point t-,.70feet eas--, of !,-.ho. 17or-lk;h-eo-st earner of Lot I -To. Tiftecil (1 5) BJOCJC 'tTO pifty_t-,!O (r aouth forty (140) feet, 01_a line; parmllol vrith ant t-. 10 fe=et cast 0 the east line of Lots 7iu-,ibc,rd.d fift-,-,-oll (15) thfrt,�c(13)9 tviP vu and clown (11).9 xal in flock No, riftY---tv-xo '_o a point two (P-) fo(-,,t east Lot and ton 43.0) ft�ct tho Soutl,.--east cor nor of the said 0IN54f No, 31ev�in (11); Also br�ginnin,:, at roan', oint two (2) feet et,-Lst of the Xorth-east corn; --.r o.�(� I 1113110A Lot: No . Sevonteor. (1 r`) ailoelz 7,T o , SJ.xtysem- n (67 ); thence, south one -hundrod- eighty-si-7: (186 ) feet, on -,,. line parallel with and two ( 1) feet o:!' ':he dart line of Lots 1.4&oered oeventeen (17)., sixtcen Jiftoen (15). -'-'our- 1,15),t -Icwelve (12) ctn(IL clo-Ten (II)q all in PlLoch Uo, Sixty - 0 so ven (m(" u. point- two feet east and SiX fi,--%et 3oii'�h oJ1 the' oWlm- Lo t east corr-or of the said Iff No. cloven (11); Al so be,L,� - ,,Innin- at a. po--Tnt 'i;'ro (13) P -et last; and two (0) -J�ectl south of -'%c Soo-,.?th--cast cornor of Tot, !To. T,11ovr-m (11), "lock No , Si-.-Ity-mvrm ( 67 .honco t J. wost one -him dr- d -twenty -ac von (V�,) feet, on a line, parallol uith =0 .0 (51) f(�nwt south O:i, south line of t1,,.c said. Lot Yo. clown (11),, t o a point t7vio feet south of the South-west cornor of the said Lol*, 1.,'o. Pleven (11 )j, Also bcP,,iimin1,, at- a -ticint ,-Wo (2) feet sou -;.a of the South-ecast corner of Lo 1-j No "yen (10), --21o��-k TT o , Si.--.ty-sevrn ( G7 thence west one 4-'wndrc d-�;hirty- fiv, (135 on a li2- 7% mrad.1cl wl ou"A two (2) feet south of th.- South line; of t1j-e, s,,,,.id Lot No, ','on (10)., to a point two (,01) foot south =d ten (10) feet woot of +1ic South-west corr-cr of Use said Lo Ij 17o. Ten (10 ); Al, -,o bel-n-irminr, at apoin'.1 two, (R) feet east and ten (10) Poet notch of the 3Tort1.-we,,z,:t oom,�r of Lot J' -"c. Tvrnty ('71,0), Plock Yo, Rit�thtytwo (S"'.); thence soul -Ax tura-4iundrod-eifjity feeto on cL- line parallel ).nrlth wad ttwo feat east c -It' the lime of 'f,ots Nurb-real 3mpnty (OD), nineteen ei,r�tocn (18) sevnntee*-n (17). sixteen (15),, fifteen (15). fourtc�.n t.hirtoen (13), twelve (12)and eleven (11),, all in T"lock "o. 7.ir�.ty-t7.,To, (np,).. to a. point two (") feet vast and ten (10) feet oou-h of 1.1ic South -oast corner of -Itho smid 1,ot 77o, cloven (11); Alno, begins in _;,. e 3 cc at n-- point -two (1, t sou -11. #A'V!4c,� of the South t r- (135 )feet ner of Lot No. 7loven (11),j Blocl: '+-o. One-hundrod (100); tlienw east A on a line parallel vrich r).nd tubo (2) -faet ,xiilli of the south line o--:,' Lots 77umberod elevon (11)v tvlol-vm (11)9 thirtl.cmn (13), fourteen (14.) wid fifteen (I. -I) all. in Mock ITO, On-4�w-idrod (100), 1-1c a point ty-70 t8) -fect 3outh and t -en (10) foet east of 'he South-east cornor of Jae 3,mica Lo-,; 7,.,To. pjj�,teen (1`3); Also borinnin- i.+u P. point t --n (10) feet west of -,.bSou� �.-h -west corner of Lot ITO , r:)i- 7 -lock !To. eility-five, (103); IuRenco (05) feet Ca-StAo1on0l:tho south 1.tyja T_;0 -1- of ,,3 .1. U T U lmib<--,rnd si,-z kzjav;n (7) any. eirlit (8) all. in ITO. Ono- hundref'-throo (M to AhnoTmi'�th-covt Corner of the said Lot yio, T , i 111311oA ". 8 - All of tho proporty Abom Uscribcd is locatdA in tho Original Town of Tmbbockv Tom, as Mown on reap or plat of rocord A Vblume PW (5).9 pa8ps 184-385 Doed Pocords of Lub"hock Comity, Tcm.B. fussed Ynd approvo-I Aff-by the City.Council of 11e City of Tmbbochj, Tom, this the loth, day of Nomber, A. N 1913. 00e ••-.04 -�• - -, -ff., • F'� s • ( 7axTor Citv of Wbboci Texas. a Attenti, ;0212,;�nv& 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 & Clity 6✓'"'Cratcxy.