HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 111316A - Declaring Necessity For Construction Of Sidewalk - Multiple Locations - 11/13/1916 Best Available Scan
- P, -
pf�.-,titicn si8lied by 7.73.R'mrhart, and othoro., ormino they property affrictod by
,hc, said -..)ctftion, asking that Ilie City Council build,, or have builtv a sido-
wal,',, or Oidevralk's. on and along tho nor-th side, of 7Tortln First (now PiEjith�
Stroet,o be,r-innim-, at th,,.i South-west corn(�r o -i.. Illock To. '17, andext-Inell-ing emst-
,vard abutting; -thesouth sido of Blocks ITumbord.d Nincty-seven (957 ), Ninety-eight
(()8)v Nin�tynine (99). One-4iundred (100)9 One4-Lundred-one (101 .)90n-_-hundre,!.!-
two (10,I),,and Lots Nlumibpred Six (6) to Ton (10) inclusivn, in DlocTi, " C) . One -
hundrod-throe (103);
Al -to on -',.hc: saxie data there was presented to tIv:i said City Council a
petition si�nied by JJ3.Chasc'q T%Fj)ickin!-,,on, Sr., <cui(I otb.,ors, ovmino, the prop-
erty affected by the smicl petition.9 -,.skin,,, 'hat the Ci -'.-y Council build, or havn
1),,Ultj a 3idcvr,,;tlk,, or aidovalks,on and alonC, a port -ion of* the west side of
Ce6i,mr Street, bej-inninat tho South-east corner of Block No. 1812, and extend-
in,g sou"Uhmard abutting; the east side. of Plocks ITizibered One -hundred ninety-
sevan (197)0 Tro-4auldred-thirteon ('�17)9 T - ;-o -4'vm (Ire d. -twenty-nine
tho.t port -;on o -l' the north-east cornor o:r I;hat part oftheDaproe Addition now
owned ounrll. occupied by 7T._'.DicIdnson, Sr, as a rooidonce;
Aloo on J,;ho stv-,c date there present -)d to the, said City Council 0.
potition si-ned by R.77artin,, T T jI
and othora,, ovaiin 1.h^.:. proporty affect -
c d by the said petiticn, asl-inC that -':he City Co-mcil buji(j, or have built,
side,ualk, or sidown 1-s ) 1.
t- o n the, south sid, of Slon:h 13.1.ird(now ""nth) Street,
bef.,,,inning. ttt tho. Nor thri:vot nom,:�r of Plock "To, 165jmvI O.-ftendin,-, eastmardi7r
0 a
abutting the north line (,f Dlochm 77mberod One-hin,1 dr.d--ty-six (1r)6) and Ono -
i ,
hi,mdred-si,ty-seven (1r,7)
Also on 'jh,, v,colt Idr� of Chestnut "trot, beginning at the North-east
corner of k; c, said Moch No. 167, and exftondin- 4,,,ou-',I_ward1y abuttin- the east
U '.)
side; 0_7 Ploch-1) Ntmiberod On(.)-hi.indr,-,(I-sixt�r-sev.,n (l67), Ono, 4Aundr-d-ci,,tty-three,
(10 3)9 01104:1undred-ninetynine (11)9).% ,�md Tuohundred -fifteem
A1,310 WWWWa# on smta side of Sou,,.h Pi-L"th (noTv Twelfth) Street,
ber,,inning at f%e I-Torth-emst comr.'r of the said Block No. 199an d c t nc in,
x e I
abut' -.in, tPhe nor
tho of 1131ocl.,s INwiborod T,--m4undr0d ('00) and T'Vo—
Also on I;hc T7P s t nidi
0.1. Hickory Street'.
be.rrinnimrr at -'Jb-north-east
Corner o -LI" the
said Block
o,01, and c.xtending
., southly-rardly 0,1)uttin,,,- th- evAt
aide of of the
said Plocj-
711 T o,
Ancl,.# ZierecLs, an of qlese hay.� been constructed except
hose hcrci.naft-(ar poart-ioularly described. wt,)d,,
7herews, it appears to the said (7-uty Ooixn�?il that the, A a1dowalks
are badly noedcd,
!TTo"71, theroforc,, b°.11 vlrtuio of the authority veited in 1ie City Coijil-
cil of the City of Lubbock,, Texusv by 'Ghe General Sidovml!-� Ordinozice, boin-,,,,
Ordinance TTo, Fifty-Itfivo (55 ),, passed by +1v- M.' -,y Oovmcij. o -(A the City of Lub-
book,, Texvsq on -',--h,, r""f (lay of ITay5 A. _71.).
T371 TT rFMSOLVT,D by 12ie Ci 4;yzac 4
-hp City of Lubbock,, Texas,
""iat it is h.-�rebv mde the duty of tiv.,; ovniers of the hereinaftor described pro-
pexty to build sidewalk -s adjoinin- or abuttinr, on their property as herein set
51'lio so-i(I -sidevialks are `,o 1.)'� 1)uilt ::'ourioen (14) +vvi-do in front
of Lots Numbered aix 00, scvnn (7 ) und cijit (0)) 1, 11lock- No, Ono-hund.red-three
f1he sidaviulks aro to ba built five (5) feet 1�'ido, alongside or in front
of Lot TTo. nineteen (in),, 'Ilbcj, TT
Tot To. eleven
No. Ono-41undr,�,d-3i:C_ L- ly-sevon (157),, Lot '[To. '-Tienty ("O)l _131ock 1,To. One-
"lizibered T-Ueven (11) to ?_Twenuy inclusive,
Y .11rce (1�"), Toto i
D10cl: "'TO. One-4iunc1rod-ninety-njn(! (199),40*Lot-; 7
, �Tmber�d Fourteen (14) to r�uTenty
Inclusives DI.OcIf. NO. TWO-,hlzlc
Irecl-fifteen ("15). orad Lots ITunborod Pleven (11)
to Fiftoon (15) inclusive, mock 71o. One-hl'Irdre d (100).
010. Thn sidowall,.,s are to bo built four feet rm.do aaon7side or in front
of Lot,' ('-',0),, Block No. '.fro-'iundred (',!00), Lots 1Ttrzibered Twenty (1,0) and
(16), 171ock !,To. Two-hi.vidrod-one. (TI), Lots Ntunber_,d Ten (1.0) to Sdventeen
inclusive,, Mock NO. Sizty-seven (67 ).s TOt;7, TTiribomd 710,ven (11) to '71wien-t-y
irclusivu, jnlock No, and Tots gumb(Ired Plevon (11) to Fifteen
(1 5) J_ncl=jvr_,, Rlocj� 170, pjfty_-�
,vro (5 2).
Thrinnor lido of or the side, next the property
Shall in all cLazscs bo as set, out belows
III tll!:� case of four or five, _Foot vvalhzo, tl)o inner sido shall conform
. "I o L
to liD- t_JO f e'_-�!
t from ant! parol I e.l ijit1j. -thc property lin," eaon,- vA-Iich t1ic
sidorroah mv-y be, built.
In tho ca,7�ie Of
ij . �.n
foot walks,
tkto innor aide
Shall be identical
"Jith Vie property line allon,.
the 31-delffalk,
may be 1,)Ilj.lt.
- 4 -
Said are ".-,o be bti.ilt to confci�T.,l to tho re-
-Lui rene nt s i -
The base; or conerotoj, shall be four (4) inches thick, and shall
bo copposed of one (1) part of best Portlm-id Cement, by mcasur-1, to two (�7)
p,,irts of sharp, clean,, screonod samdj and four (4) parts of crushed stone, or
vmshed -gravel, free from. duot,, dirt or coal, wid not -1 more --h&n one (1) inch
in its greatest dicv-,ieter.
The weaxing surff-.�ce,, or top dressing shall be of a thic]-mess of
one (1) inch, copposed of two pexti-3. by measure, of best Portlouid Cement, -'U-o
three parts of p
.,00d, sharp, clean, screened sand or fino crusb,.e(I substvaitio.l
stone or ;,Tanite proporly screened tj'.,_rougji a one --fourth (11,1� inch scrocn.
The urcarinr, surface Etall be carried up oiraultameously with IJio base,, and be—
f ore the base shall have hal timic -to set, 1J]. rmll sshall be cu,!-. �w:irour, - the
concrete in bloc -1,.,,q of tLo following dii-lensio.r.st
"Fourteen foot wc lh-c. shall be, cut in blocks four fo -,t two inches
by four feat ciO'tt Inches,, or as near thereto as practicable.
Four foot =mall -s shall be cu", in blocks four feet square,
Pivo foot wall -a shall be cut in blochs five foot se.,_Uare.
71henever It T)ecomcs necessary f7or these dinensions to be varied,
pemission to do so rust bf; obtained froii the City 7mrino.or.
The si(lewal' s izlust be: laid to the grade established by .'.1--te Cit.y
PIngineer, and in ctvm an -v sidewalLs now existin,`%" or that may b- built,, am
not in confonAty with the ,rado j- and lthc us var-Loremirenen',s �,herein set our:.,
it shall tho du(JIT of the o,,,iner of the said property to so conotrUct- or re-
construct such sides _,.17. so that, if Lryll cont-om, to the marious requireinents
herein set, out,
F I LL 111 Cr.,
it shall brocome nccc }sari- to fill any place in ordrr that
ulic sidevialk,, When cm.ipletnd, shall cont orae. to the established gratle, the eoxth
or material used in fillinF., shall b,7, thoroujmly taziped,
7i.cnom.r iIt is iloomea necessCry by the City T',ng
,ineer., the surface of
aj-jir sil.dowal1l.- shall be cove ons -half :inch o-? damv sand until the concr-Ae
.Y 1.
has properly set,
�" 7] '. 17,-jTxl .
- 5 -
All the materials used in the, const uction of the sidevialks herein
mentioned, as wall as the �,,rorlmanr4iip perfomed, shall be duly inspected and
by the City 77%-iCineer.
Tho "wror shall at once oscertain the= naries of all persons owlin-
property a.-IFTected tMo resolution, vdl-er- such neves can be found b.-
ination of the Tt-vc Records of -!.,he Cds ty of Lubbock, Toy.),q, and notify mid own-
ers ki�). any way ae-1. out in the General Sidoyrall,-. Ordinanco, bein,-,, Ordinance IToj,
Pifty-flvn, (55 )., parised by tho Citv Council O 1,he Ci t,,% 6-17 Lubbock -9 Tolxas, on
thf-° 771ul:t, day of IllaysA. % In -31,
T"ho, said sidovrall..-s shoal bo �idl. con3tructed alongside or in front,
of I-Ji.e folloviiii- do-scribad property,,
Fee .,inninr, at a po--,,.nt t-ro
+' :r east of tb.-. North-east corner of
Lot No. Ninete-n (19)y Mock No, Tvro-undred-twenty-nino (009 , thence 0outI-t
t%'ienty,six ( PA ) f cot 0 or, a lirp, parallel with Land two f e o- t east Of the east
lin.:) of said lot No. ninesLoon(1n), to a point two -feet east of the, Sov.th-
east corner of the Sai� Lot -0 . !,T ImPen (19);
Also b,�r-,I,ftninrat c, point tiro -r-�)et of the N -e
orth.ast corner
of -Tot To. "levon (11)un re --a -.a ? -1 - I
Ploc2.- TTo. Om�-4,i d d. ixtyve, e -n (16 aouth
t1 irty-zix. (36) Feet, on a lin- Tmrallcl with and tiro fee*',, east of the east
line of the said Lot ITO. 71-:-vnn (ll), to a point tuvo feet east and ten (10)
feet soix?,h of tlic South-el,lot corn,,.,r of q,,,he said. Lol; No. 7�leven (11);
Also beginnin,,, at a point two (") feet east and ton (10) feet north
of 'he North-east corner of Lot ITO. Twenty (PD), 131ocIr, No. On(,,4iuncired-.-(,,-,irh-.-y-
thirty-si:: (336) feet
three (18)); thence sou -'-.h A on a line para.11ol with and two feet cast of the
east- lin--. o -j" th", o-ai,"j. Mot- !To. Tl;ton-;.-y ( 20)9 to a point tvio feet east of
Sou,'.h-eo.s-'U- corn: -i.- of the said Lot ITo. Tvmn-,_,y-,y (:'*,.0),-
Al�-,o boginnin.:-, z -,,.t ). point two (,?,) feet oast and ten (10) feet north
of the I-Torth--e,--st corner o. -P Lot No. Twenty (PO), Dlock Uo. Ong:-11midrod-ninety-
nino (191 ); thence; south two-hun(lred-ei&ty (280) net, an a line 'o'exallol with
and tao (I feet east o-7 `-he eo.st lin(-,, of Logs ITmbe.red twenty (T)., nineteen
sc-r.,m-IGecn (17)., si--teem (18), fiftem (15)., fourteen (14).
thirteen (Yi),, tvielvn, (1.31) and alovnn (11), all in No. One4mndrod- ninety-
nine (1�9). '0 mPOint IVTO (1) feet east and ton (10) feet south of i2le !")outheast
0 Iu311oA
a. 0
cornier of tho ay.id Lot- I'To. 'Moven (11);
Also beginning at apoint two (?,) fe-t east and ton (10) felol-I north of
of the 7oj.-th--e,-,%st corner of Mot No, aVenty (eC). Dlook ITO. '7wo-'hLmdred--fifte,,n
thence, south one -3: imdred-nine ty-two (If"") feet, on ,-L line parallel with
and t-jro (fll)
fe.,s t eaet 04-1 Ca0l; Itno of Lo to IT ardbered t--renty (W) . nineteen
eighteen (18), seventoen (17). si.-i-tteen (18), 171ftoon (2.5) ozc], fourteen
all in flock No. Two4i.mdr!.d ---,"'ifteen (f!15).
(14),,�to a Point t-wo (P) feet nast- of the Southl-eastcorner the said Lot No.
A13o ber�inning at v, point t1lo (9� feet north of the 7orth-47-est comer
of TO -f 7o.
't (,�O), Two-4tumcIxid (2DO). own,--himdrede.
j )lo,?k 11c, , ; thence e -cwt -
thirty-five (155) feat, on ra line parallel vaith and two feet north of th,,-,
north lino of the Saj d,f,o 'Ta.
Tlvon-'.-y (1-11). 1,o a point tWo (`7-) feot north and
tn T?
(10) feet east o.- ho 'forth -east corner of tjxe Said Tot No, Twenty (aO);
A17�o b:-;cinnin- at a point- two foot nor-Uh of the North--;�-!est corm, r
of Lo 1T0 'nU ",0, , .,
77o. Two-b.vuldred-one (1-vl); thence east on a line
parallel with c,.r.d t
f:),at north. of thv; norti-i line of the said Lot No.
T,ucinty ( 0,0, to a pojn',- -.qo ( 2) feot north and, six. (6) ire, t east of the North-
east Porno of the, smiCt Lola- 7To* Tiventy (,T);
Also beginnin,<,, at a --pQin-". two (0) J?cot north and tvro (0) feet east of
tho Uorth--en.at corner oj7 ITO. 'lien Ly 113lock 'I'To,
thence south trio n t I-, (`S) -17,eet on c. 1J'm pax®ral',1 vrith and tlwc (2) feet
Gast of thy: cast liw, of th- ",aid Lot -4o. Tvronty (V-), to a poini.-. tvio (1) feat
00-st Of 161-10- Sou-11--i-east corn. -Ar o�' tho timid Lot !To, T"wenty (00);
Also be,,., -Inning at pcinj tT10 font e,"t of +Ile IT .0_r
th-east corner olf
T,G t TTOSi- to:�n (15 Ma,, we
Mock ""To Two -4i -ons; -ono so (101) ; thence ut tir my -s3=;
( ) fret,
f0et,, on lino --jtjj
and t -Ti -to CI) feet east of the east line of
the �,-,aid Tot 'To, Si=toon to a point two of cast Ot
Iv_ r�jout -e st
corner of 461-t,,% d Lot iTo. Sji---�-(Joeyj (ir
A.1 so 1.,,n, -inning at a point t-,.70feet eas--, of !,-.ho. 17or-lk;h-eo-st earner
of Lot I -To. Tiftecil (1 5) BJOCJC 'tTO pifty_t-,!O (r
forty (140) feet, 01_a line; parmllol vrith ant t-. 10 fe=et cast 0 the east
line of Lots 7iu-,ibc,rd.d fift-,-,-oll (15) thfrt,�c(13)9 tviP vu
and clown (11).9 xal in flock No, riftY---tv-xo '_o a point two (P-) fo(-,,t east
and ton 43.0) ft�ct tho Soutl,.--east cor nor of the said 0IN54f No, 31ev�in
Also br�ginnin,:, at roan', oint two (2) feet et,-Lst of the Xorth-east corn; --.r o.�(�
Lot: No . Sevonteor. (1 r`) ailoelz 7,T
o , SJ.xtysem- n (67 ); thence, south one -hundrod-
eighty-si-7: (186 ) feet, on -,,. line parallel with and two ( 1) feet o:!' ':he
dart line of Lots 1.4&oered oeventeen (17)., sixtcen Jiftoen (15). -'-'our-
1,15),t -Icwelve (12) ctn(IL clo-Ten (II)q all in PlLoch Uo, Sixty -
so ven (m(" u. point- two feet east and SiX fi,--%et 3oii'�h oJ1 the' oWlm-
Lo t
east corr-or of the said Iff No. cloven (11);
Al so be,L,�
,,Innin- at a. po--Tnt 'i;'ro (13) P -et last; and two (0) -J�ectl south of
-'%c Soo-,.?th--cast cornor of Tot, !To. T,11ovr-m (11), "lock No , Si-.-Ity-mvrm ( 67
t J.
wost one -him dr- d -twenty -ac von (V�,) feet, on a line, parallol uith =0
.0 (51) f(�nwt south O:i, south line of t1,,.c said. Lot Yo. clown (11),, t o a
point t7vio feet south of the South-west cornor of the said Lol*, 1.,'o. Pleven
(11 )j,
Also bcP,,iimin1,, at- a -ticint ,-Wo (2) feet sou -;.a of the South-ecast corner
of Lo 1-j No "yen (10), --21o��-k TT o , Si.--.ty-sevrn ( G7 thence west one 4-'wndrc d-�;hirty-
fiv, (135 on a li2-
7% mrad.1cl wl ou"A two (2) feet south of th.- South
line; of t1j-e, s,,,,.id Lot No, ','on (10)., to a point two (,01) foot south =d ten (10)
feet woot of +1ic South-west corr-cr of Use said Lo Ij 17o. Ten (10 );
Al, -,o bel-n-irminr, at apoin'.1 two, (R) feet east and ten (10) Poet notch of
the 3Tort1.-we,,z,:t oom,�r of Lot J' -"c. Tvrnty ('71,0), Plock Yo, Rit�thtytwo (S"'.); thence
soul -Ax tura-4iundrod-eifjity feeto on cL- line parallel ).nrlth wad ttwo feat
east c -It' the lime of 'f,ots Nurb-real 3mpnty (OD), nineteen ei,r�tocn (18)
sevnntee*-n (17). sixteen (15),, fifteen (15). fourtc�.n t.hirtoen (13), twelve
(12)and eleven (11),, all in T"lock "o. 7.ir�.ty-t7.,To, (np,).. to a. point two (") feet
vast and ten (10) feet oou-h of 1.1ic South -oast corner of -Itho smid 1,ot 77o, cloven
Alno, begins in _;,. e 3 cc
at n-- point -two (1, t sou -11. #A'V!4c,� of the South t r-
(135 )feet
ner of Lot No. 7loven (11),j Blocl: '+-o. One-hundrod (100); tlienw east A on a line
parallel vrich r).nd tubo (2) -faet ,xiilli of the south line o--:,' Lots 77umberod elevon
(11)v tvlol-vm (11)9 thirtl.cmn (13), fourteen (14.) wid fifteen (I. -I) all. in Mock
ITO, On-4�w-idrod (100), 1-1c a point ty-70 t8) -fect 3outh and t -en (10) foet east of
'he South-east cornor of Jae 3,mica Lo-,; 7,.,To. pjj�,teen (1`3);
borinnin- i.+u
P. point t --n (10) feet west of
�.-h -west corner of
Lot ITO , r:)i-
7 -lock !To.
(103); IuRenco
(05) feet
Ca-StAo1on0l:tho south
1.tyja T_;0 -1-
of ,,3
.1. U
U lmib<--,rnd si,-z
kzjav;n (7) any. eirlit (8)
in ITO. Ono-
hundref'-throo (M to AhnoTmi'�th-covt
Corner of the said Lot yio,
T , i
". 8 -
All of tho proporty Abom Uscribcd is locatdA in tho Original Town
of Tmbbockv Tom, as Mown on reap or plat of rocord A Vblume PW (5).9
pa8ps 184-385 Doed Pocords of Lub"hock Comity, Tcm.B.
fussed Ynd approvo-I Aff-by the City.Council of 11e City of Tmbbochj,
Tom, this the loth, day of Nomber, A. N 1913.
••-.04 -�• - -, -ff., • F'� s • (
7axTor Citv of Wbboci Texas.
Attenti, ;0212,;�nv& 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
& Clity 6✓'"'Cratcxy.