HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 100916A - Declaring Necessity For Construction Of Sidewalk - South Side Of Broadway - 10/09/1916 Best Available Scan iooquoA Then on mo t'.on of 'Tr. Terry*, sccondod b,? -''r. Sircpson, the follow - ink; resolution was UnaMi.rnously adonteA: A PESOLUTIOlT DECLARITTG A 1M.CPSSITY FOR HE CONSTRUCTION OF A FIVE (5) FOOT CONCRETE SI 91,7ALK ON AND ALONG A PORTION OF THE SOUTH SIDE, Or BROADITAY. P,F IT RESOLIMM,by the City Coun-ail of F.e Citv of Lubbock, Texas; "Llia.t, wl_e'reas, on the ninth ( 9th) day of October, A. D. 191), there ries presented to. the City CoTlncil of the Cite o' Lubbock, Texas, a uetition signed by F.E.Wheelock, Roscoe 1ilson, Geo.C. 77olffarth and o-t'ners, owning the propert_yr affect -cd by the said petition, as1,T- ind; that the Citf Lubbock build. or have built, a five (5) foot eoncr:�te si devralk or sidewalks on and along, a Porti on of the south sid=e of Broadway, from the north-emst corner of Block No. One-hun- dred-thirty-two nehun- dred-thirty-two (132), Original tovm. of Lubbock, Texas, westward to the north -,Ye st corner of Block 1To. Twelve (1 ) , Overton Additilon to the City of Lubbock, Texas; And, whereas, it a70ears to the said City Council that .the said sidewalks are bad1TJ needed; Now. there -ford'., by virtue of the authoritzr vested in the said City Council by the General Sidewalk Ordinance, being Ordinance No. Fifty-five (55) , passed by the City Council of the Ci';y of Lub- boc _, Texas, on the 27 th day of 11ayj A. D. 1011, B-~ IT I�SOLVEHD,by the City Council of the City of Lubbock. Texas,that it is hereby ,Wade the duty of the owners of the following described property to build sidewalks adjoininS,or abutting on their property as hereinafter set out. THE IVI DTH . The sidewalks are to be built five (5) poet wide, the inner side or the side neat the property line to be two (2) feet north of and parallel wita the nronertsT line. TIL' BASE. The base (or concrete) shall be four (4) inches thick and shall be corsposed of one -)art of best Portland Cement, b -T measure, to tyro marts of screened. shard, clean sand, and four 'J:.".rts of crush- ed stone or washed gravel, free from dirt, dust or coal. and not more than one inch in its Freatest dianie ter. - 2 - ?��T�R.TlITG SURFACE. iocqit#A Tke wearing surface (or dressing) shell be 0-7 a thici,ness of one (1) inch, corposed of two (01) parts, by measure, of best Portland ryer_ient, and three (3) parts of good, slurp, clean sand, or fine crushed; subste.-ntial stone or granite, properly screened throu7�1 a one-fourth (1/4) inch mesh screen. The gearing si)r.face shall be carried up simultaneously with the base (or concrete) and before the base nor concrete) can .set. All walks shall be cut throw _ in blocks five (5) feet square. 1;�!henever it becomes necessar7 fot these din.ensions to be varied, nerrlission to do so crust be obtained from the Miayor or his duly authorized representative. GP,ADE . The sidewalks mast be laid to the grade established shed bir the�'itZr Engineer, and in case any sidewalks now e1_istin& or that may be built under th7.s Resolution, are not in conformity with the grade and various reo.uirerr,ents above set out, it shah_ be the duty of the owner of said nro- pert-r to so constrict, or re -construct, such sidewalk so that it will con- form to the various reouirements herein set out, +ITT II�TG. V7henever it becomes aecessary to fill any place in order that. the sidewalks may conform to the established grade, when completed, the earth or material used in filli_nr., shall be thoroughly twxpe.d. COVL'RIITG. it enever the surface of c 1v sidewalk begins to set, it s' -all be covered Frith one-half (1./91) inch of dez_ip sor_d anti! the walk has nro?Qerly', set. GE'rMRAL . All ma.teriais used in the construction of the side�val_-_s herein mentioned, as well as the worlanlanship performed, shall. be subject to the ai)Droval of the IIwTor or his duly au';horized representativs. NOTICE . The Mayor shall at once ascertain the names of all persons owning property affected bar this Resolution, when such names can be .Found by ex - nation of the Tax Records of the Citzr o" Lubbock, Texas, and notify. Wq said owr_ers in any et ou-�, in the General_ Sideivall,Ordinance, being Ord- inance I%To. Fifty-five X55) , passed on the 27 "h. do -v of Ilav, A. D. 1011. PROPERTY AFF" CTFD. The sidewallLs mall be constructed alongside of or in I00qj(pA front of the following descr .'oed nropert3r, to -wit: Be Tinning at a ?point two' (2) feet north and two (?) fe^ t east of the north-east corner of Lot I -To. Block =To. One- hundred - thirty -two (132) ; thence west one-hundred-t:�enty-sever? (121111) feet, on a line parallel with and two (2) feet north o_c north lines Of Lots1?o. sixteen (15), seventeen (17), eighteen (18), nineteen (19) and twenty (20), all in Blk. One -hundriod-thirty-two (13!�), to a -�.oint two (2) feet north of the north-west corner of said lot No. twenty ('0). Also peginnin=,, at a ~point two (Q) feet north of the north-east corner of Lot NTo. Five (5), Elk. PTO. One himdred-th.irttr-t�°!o (132') ; thence west one-hundred-thin;—five (1-05) feet, on a line -parallel with and two (2) feet north of the north lines of Lots No. five (5) , four (4) , three (3) . two (",) and one (1) , all in Bl' . Yo. one-hundred-thirtTr-tiro (132) to a point Two (^) feet north and ten (10) feet.west of the north-west cor- ner of said Lot No. one (1). Also be 7,inning at a point (2) feet north and ten (10) feet east of the nerth-east corder of lot 7o. sixteen (16), Elk. ITo. or_e-h1an- dred-thirt7—one (131); _,pence west ane -him dred-thirty-five (175) feint, on a, lire parallel with and two (2) Feet north of the north line of lots ?To. si:l;teen (16). seventeen (17), ei"hteen (18), nineteen (19) and t..,ren- ty (20) , all in Elk. No. one -hundred -thirty -ore (131) to a point two (? ) feet north of the norm -.vest corner of sa d lot 'To. twenty (12.0) . Also beginning at: a point two (2) feet north of the north-east corner of lot Yo. five (5) , Blk. Ho. one -hundred -thirty-one (131) ; thence west one-hundred-thirt7r five (175) feet, on a line parallel with and two (2) feet north of the north line of lots No. five (5), four (4), three (3), aI(in f3�.�.Ko. c�,1e-hu�zd-ed--f-h�r-1"Y-ohC�l31) two (2) and one (1)5Ato a point Two (2) feet north and -ten (10) feet west of the north-west corner of said lot No. one (1). .Also beginning at a noi_nt two t2) feat north and ten (10) feet east of the north-east corner of lot TTo. si-.teen (16), Blk. ITo. one -hun- dred -thirty (130); thence west one hundred -thirty-five (175 feet, on a line parallel with and two (?) feet north of he nort��_ line of lots 77o. sixteen (16).. seventeen (17) , ei.p__�iteen (18), nineteen (19) and twent7 allih�lk.r{o. o��e-hund��d--t-h�r�� C,�3o) (2,0)^ to a point two (2) feet north of the north-west corner of said lot No. twenty (20) . IOOqIIPA -4- Also beginning at a point two t2) feet north of the northeast CD corner of lot No, five ' 5), Blk. No. one hundred -thirty (1_0); the -gee rest ane-hundred-thirty=five (135) feet, or_ a line parallel with and two (2) feet north of the north line off lots No. five (5) , four (4) , three (?) , U (?) and one (1) , all in said Blk. No. one -hundred - thirty (130) , to a point ten (10) feet west and two (2) feet north of 'he northwest corner oL' said lot 1!"0. one Also beginning at -- d a point ten (10) feet east and two (2) Vi C, feet of the northeast corner of lot si_iteen (16, Ito. `-TtgOk Blk. No. one -hundred -twenty-nine (1?7); thence west o,e-hur_dred-thirty-five (135) feet, on a line parallel with and two (2) feet north of the north line of lots 'No. sixteen x'16), seventeen (17), eighteen (18), �(I in a1KNo.ons-hunolred-twen-Vy-nine 2 C�9} nineteen (19) and twent 20), to a point two (`') feet north of the A- said lot No. twenty Also beginning at a point two (2) feet north of the north- east corner of lot No. five (5) , Tlk. To. one -hLu.dred- twen IUy-nine (12(1-1); thence west one -hundred -thirty-five (135) feet, on a line parallel with and t7lo (2) feet north of the north line of lots No. five (5), four (!1), three (3), two (2) and one (1), all in Blk. No. 6o) one -hundred -"twenty-nine (l`3^), to a point tens, feet west and two (2) feet north of the northwezt corner of the said lot No. one (1). Also beginning at a point ter_ (10) feOt east and two 12) feet north of the northeast corner of lot No. si-xteen (16)', Blk. No. one - hundred -twenty-eight (128); thence west one -hundred -thirty-five (135) feet, on a line parallel with and two (2) feet north of the north line of lots No. si xteen (l6), seventeen (17), eighteen (18), nineteen (19) and twentir (20) , all in Blk. No. one -hundre d -twenty -e i 2t (128) , to a point two (2) feet north of the northwest corner of the said lot ITo. twenty (20). Al�-:;o beginning at a point twn (2) feet north of the northeast corner of lot 7o. five (5), Elk. No. one -hundred -twenty-eight (1`'8); thence west one-hundrod-thirtSr 'ive (135) feet, on a line parallel with and tyro (`') feet north of the north line of lots No. five (5) , four (4) , three (3) , -Wo (2) and one (1) , all in Blk. No. one-hundre d -twenty -e i gin (128) , to a :point ter_ (10) feet west and tyro (?) feet north of the north gest corner of the said lot ??o. one (1) . 100411PA Also beginning ata point ten (10) feet east and two (2) feet north of the northeast corner of lot No. five (5) , Blk. Yo. one -'hun- dred -twenty-seven (127) ;thence gest one hundred -thirty-five (155) feet, on a line parallel with and two (2) feet north of the north line of lots No. five (5), four (4), three (S), two (`') and one (1), all in Blk. io. one -hundred -twenty-seven (1''7) to a :oint two (°3) feet north of the northwest corner of the said lot No. one (1) All of the above d scribed roperty is located in the Original `L'oTrm of Lubbock, as recorded on Dag_ 3 384-785, Volare 5, Deed Recodds of Lubboc.I. County, Texas. Also beginning at a point Two (2) feet north o'_the northeast corner of Outlot 111o, l:dmlvv (12) as shorm by the official map of the 0 City of Lubbock, adopted by the City Council of the said City of Lub- bock on the 11th. day of September, A. D. 1916, which amap is oi3 file in -the office of the city secretary of the said city; thence gest three - hundred -thirty-five (375) feet, on a line parallel with and two (2) feet north of the north line of Outlots JTo. twelve X12), eleven (11), tern (10) and nine (9) , ,. s shown by the above mentioned snap, and thence continuXing gest two-hundrod-seventz►-nino (279) feet, on a line parallel vrith and two (2) feet north of the north line of lots ido. one (1), two ('), three (3) , -four (4) and five (5)p Blk. No. one (1) , Overton Addition to the City of Lubbock, Texas, to a point fourteen (14) feet rest and taro (2) feet north of the northwest corner of the said lot No. five (5). Also beginning at a point fourteen (14) feet east and two (?) feat north of the northeast corner of lot No. one (1), B111. No. eleven (11), Overton_ Addition to the City of 1ubbock, Texas; thence wrest one- hundrod-sig:ty-one and one-half (161-1/2) feet, on a line parallel with and two (2) feet nerth of the north line of the said lot No. one (1) , o-�-�he nog-khrte St Cot-ne� to a point two () fe t north /\ of the said lot !,,To. one (1) , Also beginning at a point two (?) feet north of the northeast corner of lot ITIo. ten (10), Bl' -r. No.eleven (11), Overton addition to the City of Lubbock, Texas; thence west one -hundred -fifty-seven and one- half- (157-1/2) feet, on a line parallel with and -,,,;o (?) f^et north of the north line of the said lo'-. No. ten (10) , to a point ten (10) feet west and Um (2) feet north of the northwest corner of the said lot No. ten (10) . (00qI(PA Also beginnin, at a point ten (10) feet east and two (��) feet .nerth of the northeast corner of lot No. one (1), Blk. No. twelve (12), Overton Addi ��ion to the City of Lubbock, Temaus; thence west one -hundred - fifty -seven and one-half (157-1/2) feet, on a line parallel with and two (C) feet north of the north line of the said lot No. one (1), to a point two (03) feet north of the northwest corner of the said lot ITo. one (1). Also beginninS at a point two (?) feet north of the northeast - corner of lot No. ten (10) , -131k. No. twelve (12) , Overton Add.: tion to the of Lubbock, Texas; thence west one-hundrad-fifty-setin and one-half (157-1//?) feet, on a line parallel with and two (?) feet north of the north line of the said lot ?o. ten (10) , to a point ten (10) feet t�re5t and two (?) feet north of the northwest corner of the said lot T7o. ten (10), Blk. No. tzre lve (12). Passed by the City Council 6-f the City of Lubbock, Texas, this the 9th. day o -f October, A.D. 1916. Approved by the Mayor, this the 9th. day of October, A.D. 1916. Mayor, City of Lubbock, Texas. Attest: ....................... City Secr3 Lary. TFE� STATE OF TEXAS Q 0 COT.TITY OF LUB')OCK CITY OF LUBDOCK I, J . W. Lamb, Ci -".1,7- Secretary of the City of Lub ,•ock, Lubbock Coun ty, Texas, do here by'uertify that the above and foregoing is a tr1_ze Ci - and correct copy of a resolution passed by the City Colncil of th ,fore- said City ty on the 9th. day of October, A. D. 1916, and is o1: reeord on pages - ., et seq_. of Vol. two, I;iinutes of the City Council of the City of Lubbock, Texas. Witness ray hand and the official seal of the City '6f Lubbock, Teras, this the 9th. da,= of October, A. D. 1916. ' dity Secretary, City of Lubbock, Teras.