HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 112228 - Petition For Street Improvements On College Avenue - 11/22/1928Lubbock, Texas
November 220 1928
C011eP,*e :venue is a street about one
mile long on the Fast side of the Tey,.93 Technological
ouiarjus at Lubbock, Texas, and is the street ta..t sep-
aiateo the town from the colle,(-,e.
the purpose of providing a public
thorouC;hfore, the college opened up the street for U -1e
1.3rinci,�,al purpose of making the colle,-te convenient to
the nublic and easily and irr-ediately accessible to the
student body.
Because Colle,_;c Avenue is a very impor-
tant thoioughfaxe, the City Commissionof the City of
Lubbock is very anxi-ous to see it saved by the : .'totes,
and therefore res3pectfully )etiti,:rs your honorable
Body to constri)ct such street ire ., irove-mentz a3 soon as
the tuvincs.s of the -ote will p,,�rmit,
AS soon au the site of the college at
Lubbock (one any: one-half Leat of the Courthou.,;e)
waa announced, the City of Lubbock, through itz, citi-
zens and City Goverrxent, took imaedititc steps to have
variou-- streets of tkle town leaving, to the college paved
with brick on concrete base. TolaY the City .)f Lubbock
is proud to announce, as an evidence of itz loyalty to
the 'tote and de, ire to serve the co,jeg
.L :e, t1lit it has
f:,ur brick -paved streets leading from the heart of the
t.,i7n to the coliee
jus, and anothur paved street
reaching part the Way to the college. All of ;rinich r1ay
Ue ascertained by a visit to the City, w- an exa-mination
of 1:11aPs tLereof furnished yuu.
It is at Once M&n1f63' fy, or, exarlination
of the map that the City has expended lar(,e wLri3 of
money in such _'�utlic improvements to extend to the Mh3Ol
and student body every public convenience, and that to coti-
plete the system of paved streets, it now remains for the
exas to pave College Avenue.
.,t@tc of .1 T 1.,
'Me City, it will be aeeng has put in
about t;even miler of paving leading from the heart of the
town to the colle[-,es, rot to speak of the paving of streets
paralleling the collefe campusp and it would seem that
the :;state of Texas should be willing to put in one mile
of paving on Ito own ground to make the system what it
should be for the benefit of the faculty and student
It is not deemed improper also to suggest
that In offering a site for the college the City ar-
ran,ged for the choicest part of its residential axe3
and alio donated about ','100*000900 extra in cash to buy
residential property to nake an ideal campus.
This petition j. s intended to represent
the wiahc3 of Lutbock'B 20,000 peo-,,',le and to give of-
ficial sanction to it3 continued desire to serve and co -
Operate with the estate and its institutions*
Your Or=-rjt Invest Igati;-n and conaidera-
tion of the suggestion Is invited and will be apJre-
City Manager