HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 072530 - Street Improvements - Portion Of Avenue H - 07/25/1930w i TO ALL OWNING OR INBELOW MENTIONED TEXAS, AND TO ALL PROPERTY: N O T I C E CLAIMING ANY PROPERTY ABUTTING UPON THE HERE - PORTION OF AVENUE "H" IN THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, OWNING OR CLAIMING ANY INTEREST IN ANY SUCH The Governing Body of the City of Lubbock has ordered that the hereinbelow mentioned portion of Avenue "H" be improved by raising, grading and filling same, installing concrete curbs and gutters and paving with No. 2-1/2 Inch Vertical Fibre Brick Pavement on Four Inch Concrete Base, such portion of Avenue "H" to be further improved by making and construction of incidentals and appurtenances to the improvements expressly mentioned in accordance with the specifications therefor. Contract has been made and entered into with Panhandle Construction Company for the making and construction of such improvements. Estimate of the cost of such improvements for such portion of said Avenue has been prepared and approved. The said portion of said Avenue "H" to be improved, together with the estimated cost of the improvements for such portion of Avenue, and the amount or amounts per front foot proposed to be assessed against the abutting property and owners thereon on such portion of Avenue "H", are as follows, to wit: On AVENUE "H", from its intersection with the North property line of Nineteenth Street to its inter- section with the North property line of Twenty-sixth Street, known and designated as Unit or District No. the estimated cost of the improvements, including storm sewers, is $4775( f ; the estimated cost of the improvements, exclusive of storm sewers, is `f2, 8h�` ; the estimated amount per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and owners thereof for curb axdxgxtt�x is D. 4 0 ; the estimated amount per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and owners thereof for improvements exclusive of curb amdxga<ttwx is $ ; total estimated amount per front foot to be assessed a ainst abutting property and owners thereof is $ •PS' No part of the cost of storm sewers is included in the estimated amounts to be assessed against property owners. A hearing will be given and held by and befo e the 3. Gover ng Body of the City of Lubbock, Texas, on the r day of , 1930, at to o'clock, _a__. M., in the in the City of Lubbock, Texas, to all owning or claiming any property abutting on said portion of Avenue "H",(azzd to all owning or claimingrany interest in an such property. At -said time and place all owning or_claimin-fany such abutting prop= erty or any interest therein, shall be and appear and will be fully heard concerning said improvements, the cost thereof, the amounts to be assessed therefor, the benefits to the res- pective parcels of abutting property by means of the improve- ments on the portion of said avenue upon which the property abuts, and concerning the regularity, validity and sufficiency of the contract for, and all proceedings relating to such improvements and proposed assessments therefor, and concerning any matter as to which they are entitled to hearing under the law in force in the City and under the proceedings of the City with reference to said matters. Following such hearing, assess- ments will be levied against abutting property and owners thereof, and such assessments when levied, shall be a personal - 1 - 'ar IH liability of the owners of such property and a first and prior lien upon the property as provided by the law in force in the City and under which the proceedings are taken, being the Act passed at the First Called Session of the Fortieth Legislature of the State of Texas, and known as Chapter 106 of the Acts of said Legislature, which has been adopted as an amendment to and made a part of the charter of the City of Lubbock, Texas. Of all said matters and things, all owning or claiming any such property, or any interest therein, as well as all others in any wise interested or affected will take notice. DONE by order of the City Commission of the City of Lubbock, Texas, this the LJ— day of , u I , A• D. 1930. d'r City Secretary, Cit of ubbock, Texas. LUBBOCK, TEXAS, 1930. TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS. GENTLEMEN: In accordance with the proceedings of your Hon- orable Body, .I have prepared estimate of the cost of street improvements as shown below. Estimate of the cost of improve- ments on a portion of Avenue "H" and amounts per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and owners on such portion of said avenue, are as follows: On AVENUE "H", from its intersection with the North property line of Nineteenth Street to its intersection with the North property line of Twenty-sixth Street, down and designated as Unit or District No. ___31 ; the estimated cost of the improvements, including storm sewers, is �¢�; the estimated cost of the improvements, exclusive of storm sewers, is�z d�6..¢ 9 ; the estimated amount per front foot to be assessed against abutting roperty and owners thereof for curbxmdoguft= is Q, 4,0 ; the estimated amount per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and owners thereof for improvements exclusive of curb xxt�x is %.O% ; total estimated amount per front foot to be as^' se ed against abutting property and owners thereof is 2 9_7 I hand you herewith a roll or statement concern- ing the improvements on Avenue "H", on which I have shown the tentative amounts to be assessed against the several parcels of abutting property and owners thereof, with descriptions of property, names of owners, and other matters, as accurately as I have been able to determine them. Respectfully submitted, -�q e4' -i /-I, City Engineer No part of the cost of storm sewers is included in the estimated amounts to be assessed against property owners.