HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 082235A - Street Improvements - City Engineer - Portions Of 20Th Street Et Al. - 08/22/1935082235A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR T°jIPROVTL,=,4 T OF PCR TIONS OF D Z6 AND SUL'DRY OTHER Sl'REETSV AVENUES AND A LLEYS IN TIS` CITY OF LUBBOCKv TE -7 -ASI, AND DIRECTING PFEPARATIO11 OF PLANS - D SPECIFIC =0158 BE IT RE'SOLVE'D BY THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, 'TEXAS; 'THAT, Public necessity exists that the folloiring portions of streets, avenues and alleys in the City of Lubbock, texas, be imp rov ed as herein provided, to -„,it: 20th St. from E.P.L. El Camino ive. to `,7.P.L. City Limits 21st St ” 7.P.L. Avenue to 7.P.L. QTty -Limits .,- 22nd St `T. P. L. " X to E.P.L. Bal Boa -avenue Central Ave. from S.P.L. 19th St to I.P.L. 22nd St. College Avenue from S.P.L. 20th St. to 1�,.P.L. 22nd St. ✓Avenue F from S.P.L. Broadway to 1d.P.L. 14th Street Avenue F from 1.P.L. Broadl,ray to S.P.L. Blain Street Avenue 0 " NeP.Le " to S.P.L. Lain n Street Avenue V " N.P.L. " to S.P.L. Kain Street 8th St. L.P.L. Ave. q. to E.M. College Avenue 8th St. " E. P.1. Ave tto '.".P.L. Ave H 13th Street from :.-.P.L. Ave T to E.P.L. College Ave. .Avenue U from S.P.L. Broadvrav to lu.P.L. 19th St. Avenue S from S.P.L. Broadway to n.P.L. 13th St. Avenue 'T from 1ti.P.L. Broadway to N.P.L. 7th St. 7th Street from L.P.L. Avenue 'r to ``'.P.L. Avenue Q Dixie.Drive,from S.P.L. 19th St. to N.P.L. 21st Street 1deningg Main St. from Avenue F to Avenue Avenue K from 16.th tD'19'th . treet Avenue - 23r tet. �'.P L. A4 eT).toWP. Mt Ave. � to �.P.�. Ave. �ve. 0. 15th St. from Ave. H to Q - - S�Joly, .rom Avenue ii from 13th 16th Street -- - Ave. S from 19th St. to 29th Street 1I. Said Tnortions of streets, avenues and a lleys by raising, grading, and filling sane, and by concrete curbs and gutters, and storm sewers and by paving with one of the following types foundation, to -wit: (a Vertical Fibre .Brick (b Rock Asphalt (c 'a.rrenite bitulithic (d Concrete (e Asphaltic Concrete (f Patented Types of Paving (g Tripple 'rop Asphalt and Rock shall be improved installing and gains where necessary, of material on proper the exact type of pavement to be determined by the Conmiission of the City of Lubbock after recei-pt of bids. i'he Uity :engineer is hereby directed to prepare plans and specifications for such improvements embracing specifications for each of the said types of paving. IV. Such im-orovements in each Unit or District shall be paid for in Othe .following manner: (a) Raihlvays and street railways using, occupaying, or crossing any portion of said streets ind avenues to be improved shall pay for and be assessed for all the cost of T:7ork in the area bet�,lreen their rails and tracks, double tracks, turnouts, and switches, and t,`ro feet on each side thereof. 4*zzV3f7A (b) The abutting property and o°:mers thereof shall pay and shall be assessed for all the cost of constructing curbs in f ront of such respective properties, and 100% of the remaining cost of such improvenients, after deducting the sums to be paid by rail,,rrays and street railways under sub -paragraph (A) above, provided that if it shall appear to the hearing to be had before final assessment that the special benefits to such property in the enhanced value thereof by means of Euch improvements will not aggregate such proportion of cost, then there shall be assessed and be paid by such abutting property, and the orners thereof, the amount of such benefits. (c) The remaining cost of said improvements, after deducting the sums finally assessed against railways and street rail,,ays under sub -paragraph (a) hereof, and against abutting; property and the o,vners thereof under sub-paragrar,h (b) above, shall be paid by the City of Lubbock. V. The amounts to be raid by and assessed against railways and street railways for ,,pork between rails and tracks and tvro feet on each side thereof, shall be payable bn estimates as the -rork progresses as may be provided in such specifications, and shall bear interest from date due and until paid at the rate of 60 per annum. the mounts to be assessed against and paid by abutting property and the owners thereof in each Unit shall be payable in Five equal installments, due respectively on or before Ten days, after the completion and acce-r tance by the City of the improvements in the unit upon which the property abuts, and shall bear interest from date of such co_:p1 tion and acceptance and until paid at the r�i.te of Six (6)pef ; payable annually, with provision that if default be made in the payment of my installment promptly as the same matures, then at the option of the holdet of any such assessment or certific--te issued in evidence,thereof such default shall mature the entire assessment upon which same is made. VI. Assessments shall be made and levied and shall be a first and prior lien and personal liability for principal, interest, reasonable atrorneyts fees and cost of collection, if incurred, all under and in accordance -.rith the Charter, and amendments thereto, now in force in this Uity. VI I. This resolution shall tar,(,, effect and be in force from and after it.s passage. Passed this 22nd r day of August, Z J 1935, / �z Attest: Vayor City Secrete ry.