HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 072237 - Contract Of Sale - Geo. M. Boles - Survey 1 Block B, SW 1/4 Of Survey 2 Block B - 07/22/1937 Best Available Scan 6TATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF LUBBOCK j This contract of bcrpin nnrl 3r -le made and cnt-7red into Is the 0-'Y day of July,* A. !;,, 1u;j7* by and between Geo, K. Boles ofTuES;Mek County,, Texes, llereinnft�--r ci;jl�r--rj vendor, and t1le ItY Of LubbOck# Te x&sx a municiP&I corporation,* of Lubbock County, llext=a, hereinafter cc.11ed vend*e, Witresseth: lat., That st,.id vendor has this day bnrgatned n sold and by these presents does . 1'iercUy bargains sell and obligate himself to convey in the manner is hereinaftzr stated., unto 3aid vendee,, &IJ6 and singularly the following described property to -wit: The whole; of Siirve7 One (I j, Block B,, and the 6011thwcst onxe-fourtb (Ij ,,j of 6urvey Two (2 j, Block bl, located arid aitnuted in 1'.Jubboolk County.., Texas. Except that part heretofore deeded to the Fort Worth and Denver 6outh Plains Railway Uompany. 2nd. V -_e cons iderrRt ion z)rtd rind to be pold to v-ndor 11(:rejal "I, zzlu vendc-t, for the ;-roperty €.-bone de&cribcd is the agr(-*d L six= of 428000.00 to be paid ss follows in tine �vrrrrznts., bearing 4 per cent Interest from date until j,;aAJ.d,* payable to Goo* M. Boles and issued b7 the City of Lvbbock, r muni cornoration. 4. - 3rd* This contrvet Is conditioned that vc-ndor will -rocure and acliver to vendeG at the crrliest practicable date a full., com- plete certified r-batract of title to the Pbove described property. sz-4 Y411 permlt 2nid vendee to have the Sr -me exam-ined by its sttorrey* If title,., �i$ she s-. 1-4 tI.,.e sbstrnct,, is -ood cmd, valid, t,%en 3 -id vendor rill make, executc and delivr-r & good and suf- ficient deed convt-ying the oforearrild to to said vendee, %,:,it'h :Full coverznts of genernl nrPrrnnt7, to campleta this contrast In accordence with its terms and stipul&tJor.s. If title to acid property, es ai3closed by the &bstract, 13 not shown to be good rA nd valid, then sFAd vendee aball procure and sulxTit to vendor S' state- ment in 1,riting of the O_,-JJ,6Cti0r,3 so nada to said Abatrsc14.,within 10 df_�ys from date hereof* If said obulectl.=3 orf, of nisch character that they can cured or rcxiove�, within a r1od of 'Wine not to e.,,eeed 30 deys from dr to her of, then sell vendor shell *" obll.rT-ted and is here -by obligated to so cure and rtimove sad objzctionz tit his �,,wn expertse, one. It is hereby agreed end =deratood -lv3t �,Pid vendor shall have a ressorAble length of time from and after the date when the written ststement of ob4ections is delivered him. within which to cure and remove some. 14' L title to said property,, as shown by th(, sbatra.ct., is not good, ond the objectiont thereto f re not cured or removed by said vendor In the manner end within -14he time herninbr;fore stated, then suld vcnd(�p shell hpve the right to declare this contract st an erA and no longer binding on it, .& nnd same six -11 thereupon br%eome ruill and. void rnd of no fiirther force r-,nd eff,'ct* 4th. If title proves to be srtisfnctory to vendee, then vendee will issue or cause to je issued time warrants, representing tl,r -urni-,,ise price (4',,28 4 !,- *000,00)0 ' "Synble to Oeo. ", Bnless r-nd tz delivr said time warrants to the said vendor When and it the tine spill v�%,,ndor d.­livcro v properly exemited ond duly nalmowledged warranty deed conveying fee simpl-, title to the above described pro- p�rt7 to the 01ty of Lu.bbock. !Yltness cxir hands at r,rY1-6_e3k TezrI th Is the 22nd !,,17 01 JU-Lyj, I* Vo 1W93ff-9 Geo. I.L. U Z�80(1' K 13oles VRoss Edwards 11ayor Vendee C X C itltt .�,, 6 retary