HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 072838C - Street Improvements - COL Contractor - Portions Of Avenue O Et Al. - 07/28/1938072838E
LUBBOCK_ F07 -M NO. 12.
Units Nos. 188, 1899 190, 191, 1929 1931, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199,
200, 201, 202.
17HEREAS, the City of Lubbock has heretofore ordered that the
hereinbelow, mentioned portions of streets and alleys and avenues
be improved by raising, grading and filling and paving, and by
installing concrete cu-bs and gutters on Units Fos. 188, 189, 190,
191, 1929, 1939 1949 1959 1969 1979 1913, 199, 2009 2019 202, and
other.rrise; and,
"rHEREAS, arrangements for the making and construction of
said improvements has been made and entered into by the City of
Lubbock, as Contractor, and the City Engineer has made and pre_rared
and filed ,rrith the City his rolls or statements showing the
amounts to be assessed against parcels of abutting property and
the owners thereof, and showing other matters and things, and
said statements have been examined and corrections made where
Said rolls or statements be and the same are hereby adopted
and approved.
That a hearing be given and held by and before the City
Commission of Lubbock to the owners of property abutting upon
the said streets and alleys to be improved, and to all others in
any rise interested or affected, concerning said i±provements,
the amounts of the proposed assessr_ents against abutting property
and the owners thereof, concerning the apportionment of the cost
of said improvements and the descriptions of property, names of
owners, regularity of proceedings, and concerning all other matters
and things in connection with which anyone is entitled to be heard
under the Law and Charter 71ith amendments in force in said City,
and the �-roceedinLy�s of the City with reference to said improvements.
The portions of streets and alleys so to be improved and
in connection with irrhich such rolls or statements are adopted
being as set forth in the form of notice herein below prescri'aed,
Said hearing shall be held in the regular Commission meeting
room in the City Hall in the City of Texas, on the 11th,
day of Aug.. A.D. 1933, at 14.30 WASIOck P.M. , and may be
continued from time to time until the purposes thereof are in the
opinion of/he Commission fully accomplished, and such hearinL shall
in all respects be conducted in accordance ,rrith said charter with
amendments, law and proceedings.
The City Secretary is directed to -ive notice of the time,
place and pur-:ose of such hearing by causing notice in substan-
tially the form hereinbelow prescribed to be published at least
--� - 01= A
three times prior to the date of said hearing in a newspaper
published in and of general circulation in the City of Lubbock,
Texas, the first of which publications shall be at le-st ten
days before the date for such hearing, and the f6mr� of which
notice shall '_,e substantially as follows:
The Governing 'Eody of the City of Lubbock has heretofore
ordered that the following portions of streets, avenues and alleys
in said City of Lubbock, Texas, be improved by raising, grading
and filling and paving and by installing concrete curbs and
gutters on Units 11:os. 188, 10-99 1901, 191, 192, 1939, 194, 195, 196,
197919P, 199, 2009 2019 2020 and otherwise, to -wit:
Avenue 0 from its intersection with the North Property Line
of I.'ain Street to its intersection with the South Property Line of 7th
Street, known and designated as Unit or District No. 188.
Avenue N from its intersection with the South Property Line
of 16th Street to its intersection 7=lith the North Property Line of
17th Street, knolrm and designated as Unit or District No. 199.
Avenue N from its intersection with the South Property Line
of 17th Street to its intersection .with the North Property Lind` ;,f
19th. Street, kno,:m and designated as Unit or District No. 190.
Avenue 0 from its intersection with. the South Property Lire
of 16th. Street to its intersection with the North. Property Line of
17th Street, known and designated as Unit or District No. 191.
Avenue 0 from its intersection �.rith the South Property Line
of 17th Street to its intetsection with the North Property Line of
19th. Street, knovm and designated as Unit or District No. 192.
Avenue J from its intersection with the South Property Line
of 16th Street to its intersection with the North Property Line of
19th Street, known and designated as Unit or District No. 193.
7th Street fror, its intersection with the 'gest Property Line
of Avenue T to its intersection Tith. the Fast Property Line of
College Avenue, kno�,rn and designated as Unit or District No. 194.
8th Street from its intersection -,,ith the 'rest Property Line
of Avenue H to its intersection with the East Property Line of
Texas Avenue, knom, and designated as Unit or 'district No. 195.
8th Street from its intersection with the '.7est Property Line
of Texas Svenue to its intersection with the East -Property Line of
Avenue T, known and designated as Unit or District No. 196.
8th Street from its intersection with the 'lest Property Line
of Avenue T to its intersection with the East Property Line of
Avenue K, known and designated as Unit or District No. 197.
8th Street from its intersection. ---ith the "'est Property Line
of Avenue K_ to its intersection with the East Property Line of
Avenue Mt known and designated as Unit or District No. 198.
8th Street from its intersection frith the ",Test Property Line
of venue I;r to its intersecticn with the Fast Property Line of
lvenue 0, known and designated as Unit or District No.199.
8th Street from its intersection -zith the "'est Propert,T Line
of Avenue 0 to its intersection with the East Property Line of
Avenue Ov kno,,m and designated as Unit or District No. 200.
9th Street ftom its intersection frith the ',':'est Property Line
of .'avenue lr to its intersection ,,rith the East Property Line of
Avenue 0, kno rn and designated as Unit or District E'o. 201.
9th Street from its intersection with the West Property Line
of Avenue 0 to its intersection with the 'fast Property Line of
Avenue Q, kno-,:+n and designated as Unit or District Yo. 202.
and arrangement for the -raking and construction of such im-provements
,with pavement of quadruple course asphalt surface treatment
(Inverted Penetration Type) on a Six (6) Inch Compacted Caliche
Base, has been made and entered into by the City of Lubbock, Texas,
and rolls or statements showing the roposed amounts to be assessed
against abutting property and the owners thereof have been
filed ,with the City, such rolls or statements showing other
matters and things, and have been approved, and the City
Commission of said City has fixed a time and place for hearing to the
ouners of X)roperty abutting upon said portions of streets, avenues
and alleys, and to all others affected, at ,hich hearing the
amounts to be assessed again=t the respective parcels of abutting
property and the owners thereof for improvements in the units upon
which the particular parcels of property abut, the amounts of
benefits to the respective parcels of property by means of the
imrrovements in the unit upon which the particualr property abuts,
the re:guld.ri.ty of the proceedings with reference to such improve-
ments, the apportionment of the cost of such improvements, and
other matters and things ,rill be determined, and after such hear-
ing assessments will by ordinance be made -nd levied, and such
hearing will be had and held by and before the City Commission
of the City of Lubbock, Texas, in the regular Commission meeting
room in the City Nall, in the City of Lubbock, Te -%gas, on the
day of __. The rolls or
statements showing the raoposed amounts of sucFi assessments are on
file in the office of the City Secretary, and copies thereof are
in the office of the City Engineer of the City Of Lubbock and
open to inspection of any interested parties at any time, and
of all said matters and things all such owners of property, as
well as any and others in any wise affected or interested, will
take due notice.
DOiJE BY ORDER OF THF CITY C012JISSION of the City of Lubbock,
this day of 01938.
City Secretary ,City of Lubbock,
No notice other than that hereinabove provided for shall be
necessary, but publication of such notice shall be due and
sufficient notice to any and all persons, firms, corporations
and other parties.
This resolution shall take effect and be in force from and
after its - ssa-e.
of A ,1938.
Mayo r
7-_ e d and approved this the 28th _day
Att t:
City Secretary.