HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 090838B - Contract - Engineering Service For Storm Sewers - South Of 19Th Street - 09/08/1938RESOLUTION ON ENGINEERING SERVICE FOR STORM SEWERS =**I ; � � , • On this the 8th dad of September, 1938, the City Commission of the City of Lubbock_, Texas met in Regular session with the following members thereof present, to -wit: Mayor G,&D Slaton presiding and Commissioners 6J G 14ohillan , W B Trice Hub Sones , and Absent commissioners: J A FortenberrzytLnd _when the following Resolution was introduced, voted upon, carried and approved. R E S O L U T I O N WHERP, , The city of Lubbock did on June 28, 1938 enter into an informal agreement with H. N. Roberts, Engineer of Lubbock, Texas for the preparation and filing of an application with the Public Works Administration for a grant to aid in the construction of certain storm sewers south of 19th Street in the City of Lubbock_ and for the prepar&tion of the detailed construction Plans and Specifications for same, and, WHBREAS, the said H. N. Roberts did on July 22, 1938 file such application with the Public Works Administration at Fort Worth, and, WHEREAS, the electorate of the Lity of Lubbock did on Sept. 2, 1938 by a substantial majority approve a bond issue for the providing of the City's portion of the construction cost for said storm sewer system, and, WHEnEAS, it now appears desirable to enter into a definite and formal contract with the said H. N. Roberts for engineering services in connection with the storm sewer systems NOW Th-rLRLFORB BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Lubbock, Texas, that the Mayor and City Manager be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute upon behalf of the Ctty of Lubbock:, Texas a contract for engineering services on the preparation of plans on the storm sewer system, which contract shall be the same as to fees as the informal agreement of June 28, 1938 and that said contract and this Resolution be spread upon the minute book of the City. The above Resolution was introduced by Commissioner Meliillan and seconded by Commissioner Price and the Mayor put same to a vote. Upon a vote being taken all Commissioners present voted AYE, there being none voting NO, the motion was declared by the Ya�or to have been duly carried and adopted. C41M 1* 8 Mayor Attest: ` City eeretary C E R T I F i C A T L I, Lavenia Williams, City Secretary of the City of Lubbock, Texas DG Hz: LEBY CEi= TIFY that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy .of a Resolution adopted by the City Commission of the City of Lubbock., Texas, held on the date therein mentioned and recorded on page of IMinute Book -5— of the said City of Lubbock. City Secretary of7he City _ of Lubbock, Texas C 1 T Y S h A L _IN 6 CONTRACT O`10$3 THIS CONThiiCT AND AGREEMENT made and entered into on this the�� day of September 1938 by and between the City of Lubbock, Texas, hereinafter called the City, acting herein, by and through its Mayor, City Manager and City Secretary duly authorized by Resolution of the City Commission so to act, and H. N. Roberts, Engineer of Lubbock, Texas, hereinafter called the CONSULATANT, witnesseth: (1) That for and in consideration of certain payments to be made by the City, the Consultant agrees to prepare the plans, specifications and contract documents, and perform certain other services in connection with a storm sewer system to be constructed by the City. (2) The Consultant agrees to do the required field work and whatever else may be necessary to prepare detailed construction plans and specifications for a storm sewer system to be constructed by the City under P0JA Docket Tex. 2347, or otherwise. (3) The Consultant agrees t�_­, furnish for the City these plans, specifications and contract documents in a sufficient ziumber of sets for all the bona fide bidders on the project, 2 for the City and 5 for PWA, if the work is done through PWA. The Consultant also agrees to be present at the necessary conferences prior to the start of construction, to prepare the advertisement for bids, to be present at the opening; of the bids, to check and tabulate them, to advise which he believes to be the lowest and best bid received, and to prepare all documents and handle all proceedure required by PWA up to and including the execution of the contract documents. (4) The plans and specifications shall be subject to review by 'the City Lngineer, and any reasonable chani-;es in them required by him will be made by the Consultant at the cost of the latter. (5) For the performance of the above work the City agrees to pay a total engineering fee of ONE.. PERCENT (lp) of the cost of the work as defined in paragraph (6) below, payments to be made as .follows: (a) Within 30 days of the submission of the plans and specifica- tions to the City in 2 copies, FIFTY PERCENT (50jo) of the total fee. CAg(b) riithin 30 days of the award.the contract for constructloOn,803 or the start of the construction work by the City if done with with City forces instead of by contract, the balance of the total fee. From this second payment there shall be deducted the amount of 4366.66 paid by the City to the Consultant on account on August 1, 1938. (6) The cost of the work as herein defined shall be, for section (a), the estimated cost of the work as approved by the City Engineer, and for (b) the amount of the award, if done by contract, or the amount of the City Engineer's estimate of cost if done by City forces. �7) PlanE and specifications as instruments of service shall be the property of the Consultant whether the work be constructed or not but the City shall always have the right to obtain all copies of the original requested (in addition to the copies to be provided under Art. (3)) for the actual cost of reproduction of samie. 1N TESTI ONY VVHb.RE'0F the parties hereto h�{ve executed this agreement in quadruplicate on the day and year first above mentioned. CONSULTANT BY CONSULTANTIS CITY 0 L B DCI{� TEXAS BY, 8yor City Manage SEAL ATT;, -6T: : ity Secretary C I T Y S E A L