HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 102340A - Paving Certificates - WPA Funds - Multiple Locations - 10/23/1940QE cifB of 1uhhch 10 244CA �ulrlr�ck, texas October 23, 1940 Unit # A-38. The Honorable Mayor and City Commission, Lubbock, Texas. Gentlemen: I hand you herewith 2 Paving Certificates on Unit 1 .1-38,the Nast one Half of East and Alley, Block 119, Original Town, this being all the certificates on this Unit. The net total of these 2 Paving Certifi- cates is $353.67, which is the amount of the final assessment less 25"' credit for 7.P.A. funds. I recommend the acceptance of this Unit as being completed in accordance with the plans and specifications and that the 2 Paving Certificates be signed and issued. Yours ver tr y, ?,. R. Smith Jr., City Engineer. �III�D�3fliE�i, '�Ex�S October 23, 1940 unit # A-41. The Honorable::ayor and City Commission, Lubbock,. Texas. Gentlemen: I hand you herewith 6 Paving Certifi- cates on Unit # A-41, the 'forth and South Alley, Block 165, Original Town, this being all the certificates on this Unit. The net total of these 6 Paving Certi- ficates is $792.54, which is the amount of the final assessment less 25% credit for ',`s.P.A. funds. I recommend the acceptance of this Unit as being completed in accordance with the plans and soecifications and that the 6 Paving Certifi- cates be signed and issued. Yours ver tr ly, i.`_. R. , mi th Jr., City Engineer. October 23, 1940 Unit # 291. The Honorable ayor and City Commission, Lubbock, Texas. Gentlemen: I hand you herewith 4 Paving Certifi- cates on Unit # 291, �Ivenue E from the SPL IILain St. to the NPL Broadway, this being all the certificates on this unit. The net total of these 4 Paving Certifi- cates is $1058.83, which is the amount of the final assessment less 25 � credit for ';.`.P. funds. I recommend the acceptance of this Unit as being completed in accordance with the plans and specifications and that the 4 Paving Certifi- cates be signed and issued. Yours very 7tuly, L. R . Smith Jr., City Engineer. Qic Cifg of 1uhhch October 23, 1940 Unit # 303. The Honorable ..ayor and City Commission, Lubbock, Texas. Dear Sir: I hand you herewith 6 Paving Certifi- cates on Jnit # 303, avenue E from the SPL Broadway, to the NPL -13th Street, this being all the certifi- cates on this Unit except 4 which are leaveouts. The net total of these 6 Paving Certifi- cates is $798.66, which is the amount of the final assessment less 25 credit for `.P.A. funds. I recommend the acceptance of this Unit as being completed in accordance with the plans and specifications and that the 6 Paving Certifi- cates be signed and issued. Yours very uly, R. Smith Jr. , City Engineer. QE CHB of lubhork �ublrock, texas October 23, 1940 Unit # 304. The Honorablevayor and City Commission, Lubbock, Texas. Gentlemen: I hand you herewith 13 Paving Certifi- cates on Unit # 304, Avenue R from the SPL -13th Street to the SPL -14th Street, this being all the certificates on this Unit. The net total of these 13 Paving Certifi- cates is $1372.36, which is the amount of the final assessment less 25% credit for ',11. P. A. funds. I recommend the acceptance of this Unit as being completed in accordance with the plans and specifications and that the 13 Paving Certificates be signed and issued. Yours very tr• ly, M. R. Smith Jr. , City Engineer. �u�huck, �Ex�s October 23, 190 unit ;#314. The Honorable Mayor and City Commission, Lubbock, Texas. Gentlemen: I hand you herewith 31 paving Certifi- cates on Unit ;" 314, 24th Street from the WPL Jefferson Avenue to the EPL Monroe venue, this being all the certificates on this Unit. The net total of these 31 Paving Certifi- cates is $2148.206, which is the mount of the final assessment less 25ja credit for R.P.A. funds. I recommend the acceptance of this Unit as being completed in accordance with the plans and specifications and that the 31 Paving Certi- cates be signed and issued. Yours very tr y, . R. with Jr., City Engineer. ■. y Qn C -1B of Inhhch �u➢rlr��l�, �ex�s October 23, 1940 Unit # 315. The Honorable 1.1ayor and City Commission, Lubbock, Texas. Gentlemen: I hand you herewith 38 Paving Certifi- cates on Jnit 4 315, 22nd Street from -the EPL Monroe _= venue to the BPL Van Buren Avenue, this being all the certificates on this Unit. The net total of these 38 Paving Certifi- cates is $ 3404.43, which is the amount of the final assessment less 25o credit for ",i.P.A. funds. I recommend the acceptance of this Unit as being completed in accordance with the p3tans and specifications and that the 38 Paving Certifi- cates be signed and issued. Yours very t-ruly, III. R. Smith Jr. , City 3ngineer. Q2 CI -IB of 1uhhch October 23, 1940 Unit # 332. The Honorable ::ayor and City Cor ai ssi on, Lubbock, Texas. Gentlemen: I hand you herewitiz 4 Paving Certif i- cates on Unit ,# 3323 16th Street from the OL Avenue G to the EPL --venue H, this being all the certificates on this Jnit. The net total of these 4 raving Certi- ficates is $1310.60, Which is the amount of the final assessment less 257"0' credit for �-N.P.k. funds. I recommend the acceptance of this Unit as being completed in accordance with the plans and specifications and that tine 4 raving Uertifi- cates be signed and issued. Yours very tru y, City Engineer. QE flID of luhhn i October 23, lyL,O Unit t# 333. The -Honorable .:ayor and City C=aission, Lubbock, Texas. Gentlemen: I hand you herewith 4 raving Certifi- cates on Unit ## 333, 23rd Street from the .PL eve. G to the EPL Ave. H. this beim_ all the certifi- cates on this Unit. The net total of these 4 Paving Certi- ficates is x:765.52, which is the amount of the final assess.-ent less 25' credit for .F.z. funds. I recommend the acceptance of this unit as beim: completed in accordance with the plans and specifications and that the L_ raving Certifi- cates be signed and issued. Yours very truly, R. Smith Jr., City Engineer. -ZhE CfB of luhhnch �lt�D�iIYE�S, �Ek�S October 23, 1940 Unit # 341. The honorable sayor and City Commission, Lubbock, Texas. Gentlemen: I hand you herewith 38 Paving Certi- ficates on Unit # 341, 29th Street from the ,,PL avenue V to the IAIPL avenue X, this being all the certificates on this unit. The net total of these 38 Paving Certi- ficates is $3403.64, which is the amount of the final assessment less 25% credit for W.P.-k. funds. I recommend the acceptance of this Unit as being completed in accordance with the plans and specifications and that the 38 Paving Certificates be signed and issued. Yours very truly, i:. R. Smith Jr., City Engineer. �hE ifB of lubfinch October 23, 1940 Unit # 342. The Honorable Imayor and City Commission, Lubbock, Texas. Gentlemen: I hand you herewith 33 Paving Certifi- cates on Unit ref 342, 22nd Street from the FPL Van Buren avenue to the LPL Tyler Avenue, this being all the certificates on this Unit. The net total of these 33 Paving Certi- ficates is $3524.12, which is the amount of the final assessment less 25/ credit for ';'J.P.A. funds. I recommend the acceptance of this Unit as being completed in accordance with the plans and specifications and that the 33 Paving Certificates be signed and issued. Yours very ruly, II. R. Smith Jr., City Engineer. 'EhE -EI-fB of Infihnch tuhbuch, irxas October 23, 1940 Unit # 348. The Honorable payor and City Com-nission; Lubbock, Texas. Gentlemen: I hand you herewith 4 Paving Certifi- cates on unit .# 348= Jackson avenue from the SPL 21st Street to the NPL -22nd Street, this being all the certificates on this Unit. The net total of these 4 Paving Certi- ficates is $ 920.84, which is the amount of the final assessment less 27o credit for .P. Y. funds. I recommend the acceptance of this Unit as being completed in.accordance with the plans and specifications and that the 4 Paving Certifi- cates be signed and issued. Yours very uly, R. Smith Jr., City Engineer.