HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 050140A - Paving Certificates - WPA Funds - Multiple Locations - 05/01/1940ihn CIIB of luhhnch May 1, 1940 unit :#169 The Honorable Mayor and City Commission, Lubbock, Texas. Gentlemen: I hand you herewith 5 Paving Certificates on Unit # 169, Avenue R from the SPL -14th Street to the NPL -15th Street, this being all the certifi- cates on this unit except 1, which is a leaveout. The net total of these 5 Paving Certificates is $586.4, which is the amount of the final assess- ment less 25% credit for V.P.A. fu4ds. I recommend being completed in fications and that and issued. MiRS/H the acceptance of this Unit as accordance with the plans and speci- the 5 Paving Certificates be signed Yours very tr'41i, L. 14.R.Smit r., City Engineer. On CIRB of luhhnch Ida y 1, 1910 Unit # 170. The Honorable Mayor and City Commission, Lubbock, Texas. Gentlemen: I hand you herewith 7 Paving Certificates on Unit # 170, Avenue R from: the SPL -15th Street to the NPL -16th Street, this being all the certifi- cates on this unit. The net total of these 7 Paving Certificates is $697.01, which is the amount of the final assess- ment less 25% credit for 'N.P.A. funds. I recommend the acceptance of this unit as being completed in accordance with the plans and specifications and that the 7 Paving Certificates be signed and issued. _Yours very tr , 11. R .Smith Jr., City Engineer. 1,iRS/H Q2 filB of 1uhhch 'ay 1, 1540 Unit # 171. The Honorable mayor and City Commission, Lubbock, Texas. Gentlemen: I hand you herewith 7 Paving Certificates on Unit # 171, Avenue R from the SPL -16th Street to the NPL -17th Street, this being all the certi- ficates on this unit. The net total of these 7 Paving Certificates Is '0728.69, which is the amount of the final assess- ment less 25 credit for ,'.P.A. funds. I recommend the acceptance of this unit as being completed in accordance with the plans and specifications and that the 7 Paving Certificates be signed and issued. Yours very_ truly-, &_ :�. R. t S 1 h Jr.,Jr. City Engineer. I! RSH On 11 -IB of 1uhhch May 1, 1940 Unit # 174. The Honorable Mayor and City Commission, Lubbock, Texas. Gentlemen: I hand you herewith 16 Paving Certificates on Unit # 174, Avenue R from the SPL -19th Street to the NPL -21st Street, this being all the certi- ficates on this unit. The net total of these 16 Paving Certificates is $1845.11 which is the amount of the final assess- ment less 25 o credit for 'N.P.A. funds. I recommend being completed in fications and that and issued. 1IRS/11 the acceptance of this unit as accordance with the plans and speci- the 16 Paving Certificates be signed _Yours verIr tr ly, M.R. Smith Jr., City engineer. 02 CIRD of 1uhhch May 1, 1910 Unit # 252. The Honorable I-layor and City Commission, Lubbock, Texas. Gentlemen: I hand you herewith 8 Paving Certificates on Unit # 252, 'venue R from the SPL -10th Street to the NPL-I,,,iain Street, this being all the certi- ficates on this unit. The net total of these 8 Paving Certifi- cates is $737.56, which is the amount of the final assessment less 25% credit for 1,:.P.A. funds. I recommend the acceptance of this unit as being completed in accordance with the plans and specifications and that the 8 Paving Certificates be signed and issued. Yours very tr , Hyl- I,f.R.Smith Jr., City Engineer. IARS/H Qn C -IB of luhhnch May 1, 1940 Unit #x254. The Honorable P,aayor and City Commission, Lubbock, Texas. Gentlemen: I hand you herewith 3 Paving Certificates on Unit ## 254, .Avenue V from the SPL -28th Street to the NPL -29th Street, this being all the certi- ficates on this unit. The net total of these 3 Paving Certifi- cates is $781.97, which is the amount of the final assessment less 25jo credit for W.P.A. funds. I recommend the acceptance of this unit as being completed in accordance with the plans and specifications and that the 3 Paving Certifi- cates be signed and issued. _Yours ver tru3y, i.4.R.Smith Jr., v City Engineer. M'�RS/H Qn CHB of luhhnch 1"By 1, 1910 Unit # 255. The Honorable Mayor and City Commission, Lubbock, Texas. Gentlemen: I hand you herewith 4 Paving Certificates on Unit # 255, Avenue V,SPL 29th Street to the NPL -30th Street, this being all the certificates on this unit. The net total of these 4 Paving Certificates is 084.56, which is the amount of the final assess- ment less 25% credit for T.P.A. funds. I recommend the acceptance of this unit as being completed in accordance with the plans and specifications and that the the 4 Paving Certifi- cates be signed and issued. Yours very truly, M . R. Smi th Jr., City Engineer. 1�`2S/H Qn filB of 1uhhnch I ay 1, 1940 Unit r 256. The Honorable Mayor and City Commission, Lubbock, Texas. Gentlemen: I hand you herewith 45 Paving Certificates on Unit ## 256, 30th Street from the WPL-Ave. S to the NPL -Ave. V, this being all the certificates on this unit. The net total of these 45 Paving Certificates is $4353.40, which is the amount of the final assess- ment less 25% credit for W. P.A. funds. I recommend the acceptance of this unit as being completed in accordance with the plans and speci- fications and that the 45 Paving Certificates be signed and issued. Yours verytrul , M. R. Smi th Jr . , City Engineer. MIRS/H -ZhE CHB of luhhnch P`_ay 1, 1940 Unit /1 257. The Honorable !Jayor and City Commission, Lubbock, Texas. Gentlemen: I hand you herewith 31 Paving Certificates on Unit # 257, 29th Street from the :,VPL Avenue T to the ',:'PL -Avenue V, this being all the certificates on this unit. The net total of these 31 Paving Certificates is $2650.22, which is the amount of the final assess- ment less 25% credit for W.P.&. funds. I recomr-iend being completed in fications and that and issued. WRS/H the acceptance of this Unit as accordance with the plans and speci- the 31 Paving Certificates be signed Yours very trul ,s Id. R. S i th Jr., City Engineer. Qn -[I-fB of luhhnch May 1, 1940 Unit #f 258. The Honorable Mayor and City Commission, Lubbock, Texas. Gentlemen: I hand you herewith 16 Paving Certificates on Unit # 258, 28th Street from the NPL Ave. S to the EPL -Ave. T. this being all the certificates on this unit. The net total of these 16 Paving Certificates is $1545.16, which is the amount of the final assess- ment less 25% credit for W.P.A. funds. I recommend the acceptance of this Unit as being completed in accordance with the plans and speci- fications and that the 16 Paving Certificates be signed and issued. Yours very tru y, M. R. Smith Jr., City Engineer. MRS/H -ZhE of lubhch may 1, 1940 Unit # 259. The Honorable Iayor and City Commission, Lubbock, Texas. Gentlemen: I hand you herewith 30 Paving Certifi- cates on Unit ;# 259, 28th Street from the 1"+PL Ave. T, to the EPL -Ave. V, this being all the certificates on this unit. The net total of these 30 Paving Certi- ficates is $2511.85, which is the amount of the final assessment less 25% credit for ?,.P.A. funds. I recommend the acceptance of this Unit as being completed in accordance with the plans and specifications and that the 30 Paving Certi- ficates be signed and issued. Yours very tru , M. R. Smith Jr., City Engineer. IrR S /H -EhE -EI-fB of 1uhhch may 1, 1940 Unit # 260. The Honorable Mayor and City Commission, Lubbock, Texas. Gentlemen: I hand you herewith 43 Paving Certificates on Unit # 260, 28th Street from the "VPL Avenue V, to the EPL Ave. X, this being all the certificates on this unit except 1, which is a leaveout. The net total of these 43 Paving Certifi- cates is $3253.28, which is the amount of the final assessment less 25' credit for 'f.P.4. funds. I recommend the acceptance of this Unit as being completed in accordance with the plans and specifications and that the 43 Paving Certificates be signed and issued. Yours very tru y, R. Smith Jr., City lEngineer. MRS/H -Ehn CI -IB of 1uhhch May 1, 1940 Unit ## 262. The Honorable Nayor and City Commission, Lubbock, Texas. Gentlemen: I hand you herewith 31 Paving Certificates on Unit 4` 2623 26th Street from the 'PL Ave. X to the EPL College Ave., this being all the certificates on this unit. The net total of these 31 Paving Certificates is $2347.25 which is the amount of the final assess- ment less 25% credit for `,.P.A. funds. I recommend the acceptance of this unit as being completed in accordance with the plans and speci- fications and that the 31 Paving Certificates be signed and issued. Yours ver it; uly, M. R. Smith Jr., City Engineer. MRS/H Q2 C -Ig of 1uhhch Yay 1, 1940 Unit "T" 263. The Honorable 1 ayor and City Commission, Lubbock, Texas. Gentlemen: I hand you herewith 21 Paving Certifi- cates on Unit 263, 26th Street from the WPL College Avenue to the '411L 'ilashington 'Ivenue, this being all the certificates on this unit. The net total of these 21 Paving Certi- ficates is x"1634.24, which is the amount of the final assessment less 25A credit for '�,`.P.A. funds. I recommend the acceptance of this unit as being completed in accordance with the plans and specifications and that the 21 Paving Certi- ficates be signed and issued. Yours very -truly, M. R. Smith Jr., City Engineer. 1RS/H Qn CHB of luhhnch _<Iay 1, 1940 Unit Ti" 265. The Honorable iL_ayor and City Commission, Lubbock, Texas. Gentlemen: I hand you herewith 59 Paving Certificates on Unit # 265, 25th Street from the 'A'PL College to the VIPL Jefferson kvenue, this being all the certi- ficates on this unit. The net total of these 59 Paving Certifi- cates is $4786.72, which is the amount of the final assessment less 25 credit for 7'.P. -k. funds. I recommend the acceptance of this Unit as being completed in accordance with the plans and specifications and that the 59 Paving Certificates be signed and issued. _Yours very truly,, b:. R. mi h Jr. ,li� City Engineer. iRS/H ,Ehn CHB of luhhnch .'ay 1, 1940 Unit fT 266. The Honorable I'rayor and City Commission, Lubbock, Texas. Gentlemen: I hand you herewith 54 Paving Certifi- cates on Unit # 266, 24th Street from the ':o -PL College revenue to the ,,VPL Jefferson avenue, this being all the certificates on this unit. The net total of these 54 Paving Certi- ficates is $4757.32, which is the amount of the final assessment less 25%' credit for ?,%'.P.A. funds. I recommend the acceptance of this unit as being completed in accordance with the plans and specifications and that the 54 Paving Certificates be signed and issued. Yours very tr W,, � iC / � I.I. R. Smith City Engineer. DIRS/H