HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 111741A - Paving Certificates - WPA Funds - Multiple Locations - 11/17/1941Qn CID of lubhch lIZ141A November 17, 1941 Unit # 96. The Honorable Mayor and City Commission, Lubbock, Texas.. Gentlemen: I hand you herewith 4 Paving Certificates on Unit ## 96, Jackson Avenue from the center line of 19th Street to the NPL 20th Street, this being all the certificates on this unit. The net total of these 4 Paving Certificates is $1229.85, which is the amount of the final assess- ment less 25% credit for W.P.A. funds. I recommend the acceptance of this Unit as being completed in accordance with the plans and specifi- cations and that the 4 Paving Certificates be signed and issued. Yours very truly, kf.R.Smi h Jr., City Engineer. �Z RS/m C QE CCB of lubhch November 17,1941 Unit # 110. The Honorable. Mayor and City Commission, Lubbock, Texas. Gentlemen: I hand you herewith 4 Paving Certificates on Unit # 110, 14th Street from the WPL Ave. M to the EPL Ave. N. thin being all the certificates on this unit. The net total of these 4 Paving Certificates is 5823.02 which is the amount of the final assess- ment less 25% credit for W.P.k. funds. I recommend the acceptance of this Unit as being completed in accordance with the plans and speci- fications and that the 4 Waving Certificates be signed and issued. Yours very t Ll)6 M.R.SMI ri r., / City Engineer. C MRS/14 4V C QE CI -IB of luhfinch lufbnIch, Ceras November 17, 1941 Unit # 157. The Honorable mayor and City Commission, Lubbock, Texas. Gentlemen: I hand you herewith 18 Paving Certificates on Unit # 157, Avenue X from the SPL -22nd St, nest, to the SPL -27th Street, nest, this being all the certificates on this unit except 1, which is a leaveout. The net total of these 18 Paving Certificates is $4435.44, which is the amount of the final assess- ment less 25% credit for W.P.A. funds. I recommend the acceptance of this Unit as being completed in accordance with the plans and speci- fications and that the 18 Paving Certificates be signed and issued. MRSIm Yours very u , M.R. mit Jr., City Engineer. QE Ca4B of liabbnch 1uhhch, ZnX,1s November 17, 1941 Unit # 177. The Honorable Mayor and City Commission, Lubbock, Texas. Gentlemen: I hand you herewith 5 Paving Certificates on Unit # 1?7, Adams Ave. from the center line of 19th St. to the NFL -20th Street, this. being all the certificates on this unit. The net total of these 5 Paving Certificates is $1254.40, which is the amount of the final assess- ment less 25% credit for W.P.A. funds. I recommend the acceptance of this Unit as being completed in accordance with the plans and speci- fications and that the 5 Paving Certificates be signed and issued. Yours very t y, M.R.Smith Jr., City Rngineer. MRS/m QE CIRD of luhhnch November 17, 1941 Unit # 178. The Honorable Mayor and City Commission, Lubbock, Texas Gentlemen: I hand you herewith 4 Paving Certificates on Unit # 178, Adams Ave. from the SPL -20th St. to the NPL -21st Street, this being all the certificates on this unit. The net total of these 4 Paving Certificates is $ 889.13, which is the amount of the final assess- ment less 25% credit for W.P.A. funds:. I recommend the acceptance of this Unit as, being completed in accordance with the plans and speci- fications and that the 4 Paving Certificates be signed and issued. Yours very trul. m.R.Smi h Jr., City engineer. MRS/m Qit ClID of lubbiach November 17, 194.1 Unit # 179. The Honorable Mayor and City Commission, Lubbock, Texas.. Gentlemen: I hand you herewith 4 Paving Certificates on Unit W 179, Adams Ave. from the SPL -21st Street to the NPL -22nd Street, this being all the certificates on this Unit. The net total of these 4 Paving Certificates is $ 883.08, whish is the amount of the final assess- ment less 25% credit for C.P.A. funds. I recommend the acceptance of this Unit as being completed in accordance with the plans and speci- fications and that the 4 Paving Certificates be signed and issued. Yours very t my ; M-.R.Smith Jr., City Engineer. Y'RS/m November 17, 1941 Unit # 302. The Honorable Mayor and City Commission, Lubbock, Texas.. Gentlemen: I hand you herewith 5 Paving Certificates on Unit # 3020 15th St. from the 1,PL Ave. A to the 71PL Ave. B. this being all the certificates on this unit. The net total of these 5 Paving Certificates is $ 990.74, which is the amount of the final assess- ment less 25% credit for W.P.A. funds. I recommend the acceptance of this Unit as being completed in accordance with the plans and speci- fications and that the 5 Paving Certificates be signed and issued. Yours very trul M.R.Smith Jr., City Engineer. tGRSCm blbhnchy �Cnxann November 17, 1941 Unit # 305. The Honorable Mayor and City Commission, Lubbock, Texas. Gentlemen: I hand you herewith 4 Paving Certificates on Unit # 305, Ave. N from the NFL -23rd to the NPL -24th Street, this being all the certifi- cates on this unit. The net total of these 4 Paving Certificates is $877.12, which is the amount of the final assess- ment less 25% credit for W.P.A. funds. I recommend the acceptance of this Unit as being completed in accordance with the plans and speci- fications and that the 4 Paving Certificates be signed and issued. Yours ver t ly, M.R.Smith Jr.,. City Engineer. VRS/m Qn CID of lubhnch November 17, 1941 unit # 3o6. The Honorable Mayor and City Commission, Lubbock, Texas. Gentlemen: I hand you herewith 3 Paving Certificates on Unit # 306, Ave. N from the SPL -24th St. to the NPL -Arnett St., this being all the certifi- cates on this Unit except 1, which is a leaveout. The net total of these 3 Paving Certificates is f 519.37: which is the amount of the final assess- ment less 25% credit for W.P.A. funds. I recommend the acceptance of this Unit as being completed in accordance with the plans and specifications and that the 3 Paving; Certificates be signed and issued. Yours very trul , M.R.Smith Jr., City Engineer. TARS/m QE fl -IB of lubhnich November 17, 1941 unit # 307. The Honorable mayor and City Commission, Lubbock, Texas. Gentlemen: I hand you herewith 4 Paving Certificates on Unit # 307, Ave. N, from the SPL-Lrnett St. to the NPL -25th Street, this being all the certificates on this Unit. The net total of these 4 Paving Certificates is $ 704.27, which is the amount of the final assess- ment less 25% credit for W.P.A. funds. I recommend the acceptance of this Unit as being completed in accordance with the plans and specifications and that the 4 Paving Certifi- cates be signed and issued. Yours very r y, III.R.Smit Jr., City Engineer. MRS/m QE fl-fB of lubhDA November 17, 1941 Unit fir= 309. The Honorable Mayor and City Commission, Lubbock, Texas. Gentlemen: I hand you herewith 43 Paving Certificates on Unit ## 349, 24th Street from the WPL Ave. L to the EPL Ave. P, this being all the certificates on this Unit except 1, whish is a leaveout. The net total of these 43 Paving Certificates Is $ 3547.39, which is the amount of the final assessment less 25% credit for W.P.Q. funds. I recommend the acceptance of this Unit as being completed in accordance with the plans and specifications and that the 43 Paving Certificates be signed and issued. Yours very tru , M.R.Smit Jr., City Engineer. tas/m Q8 CID Df luhhiach November 17, 1941 Unit #310. The Honorable Mayor and City Commission, Lubbock, Texas. Gentlemen: I hand you herewith 46 Paving Certificates an Unit # 310, Arnett Street from the WPL Ave. L to the EPL Ave. P. this being all the certifi- cates on this unit. The net total of these 46 Paving Certificates is $ 3414.21, which is the amount of the final assessment less 25% credit for W.P.A. funds. I recommend the acdeptance of this Unit as being completed in accordance with the plans and specifications and t'ilat the 46 Paving Certifi- cates be signed and issued. Yours ver tr ly, M.R.Smith Jr., City Engineer. MRS/m November 17, 1941 Uni t # 311. The Honorable Mayor and City Commission, Lubbock, Texas. Gentlemen: I hand you herewith 23 Paving Certificates on Unit # 311, 25th Street from the EPL &ve. N to the EPL .Lve. F, this being all the certificates on this Uni t. The net total of these 23 Paving Certificates is $1.801.23: which is the amount of the final assess- ment less 25% credit for W.F.A. funds. I recommend the acceptance of this Unit as being completed in accordance with the plans and specifi- cations and that the 23 Paving Certificates be signed and issued. Yo�uEjr/s ver tr y, M.R.Smith Jr., City Engineer. MRS/m. QE C -1B of Inhhch November 17, 1941 Unit # 313. The Honorable Mayor and City Commission, Lubbock, Texas. Gentlemen: I band you herewith 31 Pawing Certificates on Unit # 313, 27th Street from the WFL Lve. X to the SPL College avenue, this being all the certi- ficates on this Unit. The net total of these 31 Paving Certificates is 1 2359.93: which is the amount of the final assess- ment less 25% credit for W.F.A. funds. I recommend the acceptance of this Unit as being completed in accordance with the plans and speci- fications and that the 31 Paving Certificates be signed and issued. Yours �very �trul M.R.Smith Jr., City Engineer. MRS/m QE Ca"ID Df luhhiach ���➢�ur��79 �r;c�s November 17, 1911 Unit # 358. TheHonorable Mayor and City Commission, Lubbock, Texas. Gentlemen: I hand you herewith 23 Paving Certificates on Unit # 35$, A-ve. A from the SPL Broadway to the SPL -15th Street, this being all the certificates on this Unit. The net total of these 2.3 Paving Certificates is $5260.91, which is the amount of the final assess- ment less 25% credit for W.P.A. funds. I recommend the acceptance of this Unit as being completed in accordance with the plans and speci- fications and that the: 23 Paving Certificates be signed and. issued. Yours vewtr,' .' y,4 M.R.Smith Jr., City Engineer. MRSIm Qie CID of lubhnth November 17, 1941 Unit # 359. The Honorable Mayor and City Commission,. Lubbock, Texas.. Gentlemen: I hand you herewith 21 Paving Certificates on Unit # 359, Ave. A from the SPL -15th Street to the NPL 17th St., this being all the certificates on this Unit except 1, which is a leaveout. The net total of these,21 Paving Certificates is $ la9$.12, which is the amount of the final assess- ment less 25% credit for Y.P.A. funds. I recommend the acceptance of this Unit as being completed in accordance with the plans and specifi- cations and that the 21 Paving Certificates be signed and issued. Yours very t ^uly, &/ M.R.S th. Jr., City Engineer. MRS/m November 17, 1942 Unit # 388. The Honorable Mayor and City Commission, Lubbock, Texas. Gentlemen: I hand you herewith 35 Paving Certificates on Unit ff 388,, 23rd. St. from the WPL Ave. X to the EPL College Ave., this being all the certificates on this Unit. The net total of these 35 Paving Certificates is $ 2.337.17, which is the amount of the final assess- ment less 25% credit for W.P.A. funds. I recommend the acceptance of this Unit as being completed in accordance with the plans and specifi- cations and that the 35 Paving Certificates be signed and issued. Yours very truly, IV I M.R.Smit Jr.,. City Engineer.. MRS/m Navember 17, 1941 unit # 389. The Honorable Mayor and City Commission, Lubbock, Texas.. Gentlemen: I hand you herewith 36 Paving Certificates on Unit # 389, 24th Street from WPL Ave. X to the FPL College, this being all the certificates on this Unit. The net total of these 36 Paving Certificates is $ 2288.73, which is the amount of the final assess- ment less 25% credit for W.P.A. funds. I recommend the acceptance of this Unit as being completed in accordance with the plans and specifi- cations and that the 36 Paving Certificates be signed and issued. Yours very truly, M.R.S th Jr., City Engineer. MRS/m Qn CIB of 1uhhch November 17, 1911 unit f 390. The Honorable Mayor and City Commission, Lubbock, Texas. Gentlemen: I hand you herewith 5 Paving Certificates an unit # 390, College Ave. from the. SPL -26th St., west, to the SPL 27th St., west, this being all the certificates on this Unit except l,whieh is a leaveout. The net total of these 5 Paving Certificates is 744.85, which is the amount of the final assess- ment less 25% credit for W.P.A. funds. I recommend the acceptance of this Unit as being completed in accordance with the plans and speci- fications and that the 5 Paving Certificates be signed and issued. Yours ver tr y, M. R. th Sr., City Engineer. MRSIm Qn CIB of luhhnth November 17, 1941 Uni t # 146. The Honorable Mayor and City Gommi s si on, Lubbock, Texas. Gentlemen: I hand you herewith 1 Paving Certificate on Unit # 146, Ave. S from the SPE, -27th St. to the NFL - 29th St., this being a leaveout when the Unit was originally paved. The net total of this 1 Paving Certificate is $206.99, which is the amount of the final assess- ment less 25% credit for W.P.A. funds. I recommend the acceptance of this Unit as being completed in accordance with the plans and speci- fications and that the 1 Paving Certificate be signed and issued. Yours ;ver tru , M.R.Smith Jr., City Engineer. MRS/m Zhn CID of 1uhhch November 17, 1941 Uni t # 154. The Honorable Mayor and City Commission, Lubbock, Texas. Gentlemen I hand you herewith_ I Paving Certificate on Unit i 154, Ave.)( from the SPL -19th St. to the NPL 24th St., west, this being a leaveout when the Unit was originally paved. The net total of this 1 Paving Certificate is $ 333.21, which is the amount of the final assess- ment less 25% credit for W.P.A. funds.. I recommend the acceptance of this Unit as being completed in accordance with the plans and speci- fications and that the 1 Paving Certificate be signed and issued. Yours very tr ly, 'W'/� M R With Jr. City Engineer. mRS/m QC CIIB of lubhnch November 17, 1941 Unit # 188. The Honorable Mayor and City Commission, Lubbock, Texas. Gentlemen: I hand you herewith 8 Paving Certificates on Unit # 189, Ave. Q from the NPL -Main St. to the SPL -7th St., these being leaveouts when the Unit was originally paved. The net total of these 8 Paving Certificates is S 1137.95, which is the amount of the final assess- ment less 25% credit for W.P.A. funds.. I recommend the acceptance of this Unit as being completed in accordance with the plans and speci- fications and that the 8 Paving Certificates be signed and issued. IIRSlm �01 0 Yours ve y t uly, " 1 /V, ' M& R. Smith Jr. City Engineer.