HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 012248C - Advertise Bids - General Obligation Bonds - Airport, City Hall, Etc. Bonds - 01/22/1948OIZZ48C RESOLUTION of the City Commission of the Laity of Lubbock, Texas, authorizing the publication of notice oil intention to receive bids for the sale of 42,295,0/00.00 bonds of said City, described as follows (A) y445,000.00 0eneral Obligation 'Donds, the ,purpose being: 1. x150,004.00 ' unicipal Airport 3onds; 2• S 75.(W.00 City Mall Building Bonds 3. $ 91,000-00 0.00 Park i3ora19 4. $129,000.00 treet righting Bonds,. (ail being, a portion of an authorizers fourteen issues or brands agVe-,ating 5,$94,OW.00, as au.Vorited by an election hell )eceirber 11, 1945.) W) $1,850,000.00 Flectric Light iyste..m Revenue Bonds 'being a portion of an authorized issue of $4,924.0W.00 as authorigad by ar election held December 2, 1947.. oj*Z2t4%c STATE OF TFXAS, CITY OF LUBBOCK, CITY OF LUBBOCK. BS IT RFMM MM that on this the 22nd day of January, A. D. 1948, the City Commission of the City of Lubbock, Texas, convened in regular set?$ion at the regular meeting place thereof in the City Full building in the City of Lubbock, Texas, with the following memabern present, namelys Honorable C. A. Hestwick J. Ray Rickey Fred Childress W. B. Price John Spikes Lavenia +illiamss Mayor and Presiding; Officer Commissioner ^omaimsi.oner 'S+i)'pr ii5sioner C o.-imia s ioner Secretary constituting the entire commission, whereupon this foil ooind among other business was tra3nssacteds Commissioner dickey introduced .a resolution and moved its adoption. The motion was seconded by Corrraiss ioner Price. The notion, carrying pith it the adoption of the resolution, prevailed by the following votca: :AYES: Covinissionere J. fay Dickey, Fred Childress, , B. Price and John Spikes and Mayor --Commissioner C. A. Bestxick NOE.5: Norms; The resolution is as follows: Tci>SULgION AUTHORIZING THS tUBLICATVIi OF NOTICE OF TiVj> INMTICN OF TRY CITY C I"SICN TO K`C "IYF SEALED BIDS FOR THS SALE OF $2,295,000.00 BONDS OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, BEING $445,000.00 GENERAL OBLIGATION BCMDSf AND $1,850,000.00 C RIC LIGHT FaVRAUF BONDS, PisWRISING "tom FORU OF SUC- NOTICE, DESIONATINI THE. DATES AND PLACES OF PUB_ LICATIONs FIXING THE TIW!.' FOR AND CONDITIONS UPON (RICH SUCV BIMS )LAY BE RM, lVtZ. WHEREAS, the negotiable, interest bearing coupon General. Obligation Bands of the City of Luh)bock have been authorized by election duly held, in the amount of 05,894,000.00, bearing interest at the rate riot to exceed 31% per centdun from Mate and :;aaturing at such time or times as Facey be dee:-ped most expedient by the City Commission, serially not later than 23 years from their date, for fourteen separate and distinct purposes which :Are mors fully set forte in the Ordinance calling such election and in the resolution heretofore adopted csanvasssin; the rAturns of such election; and MEREAS, the negotiable, interost bearing coupon r-Aectric Li; ht revenue Bonds of the City of lublbnck, '-ave been aauthori gad by selection duly held in the amount of 4,924,0X,00, bearing interest at the rate not to exceed 3-3/4% per centum from date and maturin6; at such time or ties as may be deemej most expedient by the City vomrssission, serially, not later than 20 years from their date, the purpose of such issue beim; more fully yet forth in the Ordinance calling such election: and in the resolution heretofore adopted csnvsasing the returns of such election; and :s'ds: r.� AS. it is now the opinion of the City ':oamis--icon that 2,295,000.00 of such bonds so authorized should be authorized and sold, and in def erance to ,article 6, :rection 5, of the Charter of the City of L=u'Dbock which Provides that before any bore -is of the City of Lubbock shall be sold, notice of"the sale the=reof shall be given once each week for a period of thirty days and that such bonds shall he sola only upon com— petitive bids submitted in an of en session of the City Corr ission. It is deemed and held expedient that notice now be ;riven of the intention of the, City Commission to bell such bonds uj�on a competitive laid at its regular meeting on Thursday. February 26, 1048, at 2rOO P. E4. THE_HEF(')R7- IT k'"3s" VIM BY bile CITY C 15 0? VRF CITY OF LUBBOCK, T2EXAS s 1. That the bonds of the said City, in the amount of 2,295,000).00 shall be offered for sale upon ,public competitive bids on February 26, 1948, at 2:00 T. �,. and that such bidder be requested to specify the rete of in- terest which such bonds will bear and that the lowest Inte •est cast of the City of Lubbock shall be accepted by the City Cokmaission. It is further resolved that notice of intention to sell such bonds small be given by pulAication of such notice in the Avalanche -Journal, a. newspaper regularly published in Lubbock* Texas, once a .week for a period of 30 days prior to Thursday, February 26, 1946. That such notice shall be pub- 113herd or the following dates, to -wit: January 25, 191*8; February i., 1946, February 8, 1948, February 15, 1948, and February 22, 1948. That the City Secretary is authorized to execute and have published the notice as above mentioned. Ii. Dla4ic That such notice shall be substantially in the following forms NOTICE OF WALT. 2 O'CLOCK P. M., T11=5DAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1943 42,295.000 8=3 OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEEXA3 The Cite Commission of the City of Lubbock, Texas, will receive g,=clad bids for sale of 42,295,000 bonds, dated the last day of March, 1949; clue serially as set out belowl parable at a Dank to be selected by the rurchaser and approved by the City. The bores are described by issues, as to amounts, purpose and maturity, as follows: (A) 4"5,0-' GENERAL CBLI sATION BONDS, authori ,ed at an election_ Yield Jacember 1l, 19453 interest payable +sami-annually Uarch Ist and Septenber last; first interest coupon due March 1, 1949; No option to call for payment prior to maturity; purpose and maturity beings 1. $150,000 MUNICIPAL A.Ut'ORT S 'R0W-`,TH-NT [,,74lJW , maturing, 1 6,000 each year.3-1-1949/1954, inclusive, 7,000 each year 3-1=1955/1959, inclusive, €3,000 each year 3-1-1960/1963, inclusive, 9,030 each year 3-1-1964/1966, inclusive, 10,000 each year 3-1-1967/1968, inclusive. 2. 4' 75,E CITY' HAL{ BUILDING TJONDS, maturing, $ 3,000 each year 3-1-1949/1956, inclusivd, 4,000 each year 3-1-1157/1965, inclusive, 5,000 each year 3-1-1966/1968, inclusive. 3. a : 1,000 P dill 13'�NDS, maturing, � 3,000 each year 3-1-1949/1950, Inclusive, 4,004 each year 3-1-1951/1158, inclusive, 5,000 each y=Dar 3-1-1959/1965, inclusive, 6,010:, each year 34-1964/1968, inclusive. i,. 2129,000 STRUT LliTiiING BINDS, maturing, 2, 5,000 each year 3-1-1949/1954, inclusive, 6,000 each year 3-1-1955/1958, inclusive, 7,000 each year 3-1-1959/1963, inclusive, 8,000 each year 3-1-1964/1968, inclusive. (S) Z1,850,000 ELECTRIC LIGM aYBTJV HZVW BONDS, authorized at an election hold December 2, 1947: Interest payable rami -annually 'Ataarch Ist and September last; First interest coupon due :;eptember 1, 1948; Bonds maturing 3-1-1959 to 3-1-1968 inclusive, may be mall ed for payment on March 1, 1958, or on any- into -rest payment date thereafter at par and accrued interest; I rincipal maturities% Z 70,000 3-1-1949 70,000 3-1-1950 7 5, 000 3-1-1951 75,000 3-1-1.952 nONDO 3-1-1953 80,000 3-1-1954 SO,G`00 3-1-1955 WOW 3-1-1956 8 5, 000 3-1-1957 901000 3-1-1958 90, OCU 33-1-1959 95,000 3-1-1960 100,O00 3-1-1961 100,000 3-1-1962 105,000 3-1-1963 105,000 3-1-19A. 11O,000 3-1-1965 115,000 3-1--1966 120,000 3-1-1967 120,000 3-1-1968 olz2A9c At the election hold an December 2, 1447, an a3Cre. ate amount of $4.924,000.00 hevenue. bonds were authorized by the voters for the purpose of improving, enlarging, extending and repairing the City's :electric Light, ,,.iter and 5ewe3r Systems, as follows: Z2,185,0O0.03 .for the City's electric Light 5ystesm 2, 31,3, 0U) NO for the City's daterv,orks System 426,000.00 for the City's Tanitary Sewer System However, the election; order atnd notice specified that if the hands for the above three purposes ve3re approved by the voters, the brands will be is- sued as one series to be knovn as "City of Lubbock, Texas, ilectric Light Syste.19 hevenue Bonds". and that the prIncipal ,and interest on the bonds are to be payable "solely from the revenues of the City's blectric Light System." The bonds, so voted, were authorizes un.ler the Oeanesral Laws of the `sate of Texan, particularly ,rt aclas 1111 et oeca. , ;revised 4ivil Statutes of 1925, as aamnded, and sill be "an exclusive first lien on and pled, of said ravenues of the City's Electric Light 3yatem after deduction of the reasonable expenses of operating and main- taining said :.lesctric Light 3yetem %s said expenses are defined by statute.". The aggregate amount of $4,924,000.00 ilesctric Light Syste€r, .revenues Unds wero so voted to mature over a period of years not to exceed twenty years from their date. The Bands, from the sale of the $1,85O,000.00 "City of Lubbock, Texas Electric Li ht :system RevenueBonds," being offered for sale on February 26, 1948, will be used as follows; $65O,0O0.00 for improvement of City's iat.eraeorks System 300,000 -OO for improvement of City's unitary Ower System 90O,000.0O for improvement of City's Ilectric Light System The additional bonds of this series, in the amount of Z3,074,OOO will be isnue d in an orderly runner over a period of years as the funds may be needed. The bones will he ssued so that the net revenue from the Nectri.c .Light JystAm will at all tins show at least one and one-half tineas coverage after deducting the principal and intere ~t requirements of the bonds, the R out- standing. 0122"Ce CONDITICNS OF SALE Bawled bids should be addressed to Miss Lavenia tfill.iams, City : ecretary of the City of Lubbock, 'texas, and must be in the hands of the City `secretary not later than 2:00 o1clock F. :A. on Februsry 26, 1948. The bonds will be sold in one block, requiring the bids sub - :pitted to be for all or none of the bonds. Adders are requeeted to specify the rate of interest Ui-n bonds will bear, but split rate Ul'"Is, involving more than two coupon rates on either one of the issues of bonds described above Ni' -1 not be considered. ",ou-,50n rates rust be in multiples of 1/4 of 1%. No bid involving to coupon rate of more than 3j on the G*neral Obligation Bonds will "t+es considered, and no bid involving a coupon rate of more than 3-3/4% on the %1.850,000 issue of-lectric light s`ystem tevenae F:tonds will. be considered. The above rates are the maximima set out in the election order. All bits must be suhmitted -yn a form provided by the City, which fora may be obtained in the ,fxice of the CitySecretary; "d each bid must be accompanied by a. Certified or ,aashies,rss Chock on a "Texas 3an_1s, payable to the City of Lubbock, Texas, In the anaunt of 545,900.00. This check will be con- sidered as a kpod Faith deposit and the check off. this successful bidder will he retained by the City pending delivery of the bands. They bidder roust agree to accept, delivery of and .wake payjrnt for the bonds at the Anwrican National bank of Austin, 'Texas. The City will furnish the successful bidder a compl4te certified copy of the entird proceedings had in connection with the issuance of the bonds, together with the final, unqualified, approving legal opinion of Juana► and Huguenin, Attorneys of Dallas, Texas. Any other opinion dwftirad by the purchaser will be obtained and paid for by him. The City reserves the right to reject a ty and all bids. i_:�irtnesi3 .�.ayet la .ij,.in�na City `;-.#cret:ary, wity of Lubbock, Texas. III. That the farm of proposal which will be printad and distributed by the City of Lubbock and which roust we used by 9,,ch hitdder shall be sub- stantially as follows: lD 3disa Lavenia ' it ! iw. a, City Secretary, City of Lubbock, Texas. Near Hadaml 0122A%G iei.th refdrence to the ':ity of Lubbock, "texas, bonds in the principal amount of 4'�2,295,000.00 as described, by issues, as to amount, purpose, an, mat - rarity in your Notice of Salle, copy of which is hereto attached: .e Kill pay tsar and accrued interest to date of deLivery to us, plus a prerdum of said bonds to bear nterest fron their dates and mature as follows: (A) $445,033.00 11NERAL COLIGATION BONDS - Dated 3-1-1946 y1-J0U!'1'r* MATURI, AM.M%T* MATURITY RATS PE ANNIA! MR ALLY MA11 1RUG $17,000 3-1-1949 t 23, CO 3-1-1959 (8) $1, 85), WQ-. U0 SUCTRIC 17,000 3-1-1950 24,00- .1 3-1-196; MA UR TY 611E KKR AN14UM PTM:':t 18,0013 3-1-1951 24,000 3-1-1961 18.000 ;-1-1952 24, ► 3-1-1962 March 1, l9__/19._._ 181" 3-1-1953 24,000 3-1-1963 YnClus i.ves ii '= 3-1-1954 26,000 3-1-1964 March 1, 1919 110,000 .3-1-1955 2u, 000 3-1-1965 � March 1, 19 19 20,000 3-1-1956 28,030- 3-1-1966 �/ inclusive 21,000 3-1-1957 29,E 3-1-1967 :Aarch 1, 19.,_/19 21,000 3-1-1958 29,000 3-1-1968 Inclusive. "Ceprescents the combined maturities of the 1445,C30U.00 General Obligation Bonds, described as Series 1, 2, 3, & 4 on Notice of 3ale to Bidders. (8) $1, 85), WQ-. U0 SUCTRIC LIa T S Ydi: i REVENUE UE BONDS - late3d 3-1-1948 ii$��,(Ji?iPidl [T I Y A�li_UNT MA UR TY 611E KKR AN14UM PTM:':t $70,(*) 3-1-1949 $9,000 3-1-1959 70,C*3 3-1-1950 95,E 3-1-1960 7 5, 000 3-1-1951 100,000 3-1-1961 75,000 3-1-1952 100,000 3-1-1902 March 1, 1919 80, ow 3-1-1953 105,000 3-1-1963 Inclusive 8O,' } 3-1-1954 105,000 3-1-196 80,000 3-1-1955 110,000 3-1-1965 :Aarch 1, 19.,_/19 85,000 3-1-1356 115,000 3-1-1966 Inclusive. 85,000 3-1-1957 120,O(Y) 3-1-1967 90,000 3-1-1953 120,000 3-1-1968 Both the principal and interest on etch of the ^hove .issues will be made p area} 1e at the of The 2�ross interest Cost on the 2,2`?5,00�o.00 principal amount of bonds, on the above bid, ca.lcc:lated from the date of the bonds, will be 4._ and, deducting the premium, the not. inter-st cost will be . The average net inters..; t rate on the above bid is �e hereby agree to accept delivery of anti auke payment for the above bortls at the American National 3axnk of Austin. 'texas. It is agreed, we are to be furnished a complete certified cony* of OIZZ148G all proceedings had in connection with the issuarce of said bonds, together with the final and unqualified approving opinion. of Dumas and Huguenin, of Dallas, Texas. „e are submitting this bid on the basis of securing the unqualified approving opinion of _, Of which we agree to procure and for which me will pay. As evidence of our good faith in Deakins; this bid, we enclose herewith Cashier's or Certified Check on bank of , Texas, in the amount of 445,900.00 amdo payable to the City of Lubbock, Texan, which check is to be retained by the City in the event wee are the successful bidder, pending delivery of the bonla to us and payment being made by urs as above set out; or, in the event we fail or re- fuse to carry out the terms of this a4reement, said check shall be cashed by the Gity as full and comnleto liquidated =damages. The Good Faith Check is to be returned to us by the City, when and as the above bonds hove been delivered to and paid for by us. Aespectfully submitted, this the 26th day of February, 1948. ,e, the authorized officials of the City of Lubbock, Texas, hereby accept the above aSTsament by order of the Commission in session on this, the 26th day of February, 194. AT S'T s Mayor, City of Lubbock, Texas City Secretayy, City of Lubbock., Texas (seal) IV. That the City AGretary shall procure a newspaper ropy of such advertisement, to;•et'ner with the proposals and affidavit of the rubli.c-=tion thereof and shall present s8mea to the City Commission on K ehru4ry 26, 1943. prior to the time such ON are received as evidence of the publication of such notice. 01224gic PA33ID9 APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 22nd day of January, 1948. al C. A. 500wio ftyor, City of Lubbock, T,3xas ATTISTs in/ kmb City Seentary. City of labbook, Taxaas. (CORFORATti='. SEAL) THE ST n-. Of T� AS. � COUNTY OF LU£1HOCK, Cray or LtMBoCK. I, Laeenia �aUliws, City 'ecretary of the City of LW*ock, Texas, do ;,er9by certify that the above and foregoing instrnseent is a true, full and correct executed copy of a Rasulution duly introduced. paoiod and ap oved and adopted by the City Commisaion of the City of Lubbock, Texas, on the 22nd day of January, A. D.. 1948 at 200 o{olock i,. X., as the same now appears of record in the minutes of said Consissiont arA that said resolution has not been altered, awaded or changed in any manner and is now in full force and offset. '=Y HAND AND :-.':AL ' ' F4 } CITY, this the day of 19480 y +e pitysarota-v, C ty of Lubboek. Texas (CORPORATE SUL)