HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 012749B - Adopt Cost Estimates, Etc. - City Engineer - Paving Improvements, GWO 474 - 01/27/1949M RESOLUTION i'MOLUTIOK APPROVING A19D ADOPTI117G ESMiATE OF THE COST OF LvjPjOVZ,jETr_1S AIT OF AE0LK72S TO BE ASSESSED FOR 12,2110MM11TS IN THE 1,1AME 02 GRADLIGY LAYING T CM AMD GLITTER Am. r,-AVIITG PORTIONS OF CERTAIN STREM-Sp AVMTIUES AND/OR ALLEYS IN THE CITY OF LTT630C1K,, TEXAS, SAID LPAOM,dl"TS BEIIIG DESIGNATED AS GIvTO No, 474 FIXING THE TI1-1E MID PLACE FOR HFA"MriG TO THE OtafiiE3S OF ABUT` IEG PAOPERTYt Ii ID OTHTM PEASOIIS INTERESTED IN SAID PROPERTY A11D DIRECM-IG Aiw, CITY SEGR02ARY TO PUBLISH NIOME Oli DEITIALF OF THE GOVT IIIG BODY 011' THE CITY OF LUE_'80,' CK, TEXAS: 14IM&,S, the Governing Body of the City of Lubbock has heretofore ordered that portions of the streets, avenues and alleys be improved by grading, in- stalling concrete curb and gutter and -paving with caliche base and quadruple asphalt surface to -ether with incidentals and appurtenances, and contract U therefor was trade and entered into with L. 1, Purtell., of the City of Lubbock, Texas; and, IWIHMIZ-AS., the GoverninL, Body of the City of Lubbock, has caused the City Engineer to pre pare and file estimates of the cost of such improvements and estimates of the amounts per front foot proposed to be assessed against abutting pro-perty and the owners thereof,, and such estimates have been -prepared and examined; TIM-2FOREP BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY 0011,iISSION OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK., TEXAS, I. Such estimates be and they are hereby adopted and approved. Ii. It is hereby found and determined that the cost of improvements on such portion of said streets, avenues and alleys with the amount or amounts per front foot proposed to A assessed for such improvements against the abutting property and the owners thereof, on the portions of said streets, avenues and alloys are as follows,. to--vrit: 29th Street from its intersection with the West Property Line of Jackson Avenue to its intersection with the East Property Line of Fillmore Avenuej designated. as Unit !,',fo. 785; the estimated cost of the improvements is i�`21,,328.94; the estimated amount per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and owners thereof for curb is ,?0.,55; the estimated amount per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and owners thereof for improvements exclusive of curb is ,,?2.11 for front abutting property. Fillmore Avenue from its intersection with the North Property Line of 28th Street to its intersection with the North Property Line of 29th Street,, designated as Unit No. 826; the estimated cost of the improvements is 1 ,726.08; the estimated amount per front foot to be assessed against abuttin,-, property and owners thereof for curb is .1`10.55; the estimated amount per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and owners thereof for improveic:ients exclusive of curb is _;'2.-/+l for front ab-atting property and '?1.60 for side abutting property. 2, Fillmore&venue from its intersection with the South .11roperty Line of 29th Street to `-ts intersection with the South Line of 30th Street des- ignated as Unit 11,71o. 827; the estimated cost of the iniprovemients is "19,726.08; the estimated aziount per front foot to be assessed a,.-ainst abutting property and owners thereof for curb is ;;0.55; the estivated amount per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and oinners- thereof for improverients exclusive of curb is ;?`2.33 for front abutting property and 4�r1.55 for side abuttin- property. Tyler .Avenue fron its intersection with the Center Line of 24th Street to its intersection with the -.north Property Line of 26th Street, designated as Unit 11o. 87J+; the estimated cost of the Liprove-ments is `?'3,660.41; `61he estinated amount per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and owners thereof for curb is '`0.55; the estimated mount per foot front to be assessed U U a.-ainst abutting proz)erty and owners -'U-hereof for ir.-I-proven-ents exclusive of curb is ',.>1.79 for side abutting property. Tyler Avenue from its intersection with the South )roperty Line of 26th Street to its intorsectio-n with the i-orth Property Line of 28th Street, des!-nated as Unit 11o. 815; the estimated coat of the i-riprovemonts is -,;3.,5/+5.66; -"he estiii.ated a;ioumt per fron-1'6 foot to 'be assessed a,-ainst'abutt'in- property and ' o7.1mers -thereof for curb is 111`0.55; tho e3ti-M�-��,-ed al -..0 tint ner front foot to be assessed ar;ainst abuttin- -property and owners thereof for Jriproverfients exclusive of curb is X1.66 for side abutting property. Tyler 11venue from its intersection with the South i-rorerty Line of 28th Street to its intersection with the Borth Pro--rty Line of 29th Street, designated as Unit -.1o. 816; tae estimated cost of 0 U the improvements is "i'l.9534.73; the estimated anount per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and comers thereof for curb is ?0.55; the esti-mated mmoint -,-)er front Foot to be ass-assed acrainst abutting roporty.and mers thereof for improvements exclusive of 0 �D � pm curb is "1.1+8 for side abutting Droi .1 V, . porty. Tyler 4.vonue from its intersection with the South Property Line of 29th Street to its intersection with the 1�orth Property Line of 33rd Street, desigm-a-Led as Unit 11o. 817; 'u-'--ic estitiiated cost of the is ', ,427.97; -'-hc estimated an.ount per front foot to be assessed laainst abutting property and oi-mors thereof for curb is A.55; the estimated amount per front foot to be assessed against abuttin,% U property and owners therof for improvements exclusive of c=b is y 2.74 for front abut-'Vinr, property and 1.82 for~ side abut -ting property. III. Thc.t a hearing be riven and held by and before the Governing Body of the City of Lubboc1: `Ceras, to all persons owning or clai any 1aroport�7r ?butting any part or portion of said streets described in Section II, of this 1-lesolution as well as all o,.,7 -,q -in- or clainin" any interest in anv such property. Such hearinr. shall be given and held on the day of 194 'L, at otcl'Dc-k 1-1 on the second floor in the City `Ha -ll., City of Lubbock., To --as and City Secretary is hereby direct -ed to 3. give notice of the time and place of such hearing, and of other matters and facts in accordance with the terms and provisions of an Act passed at the first called session of the 40th Legislature of the ;tate of Texas and known as Chapter 106 of the Acts of said Legislature, which has been adopted as an amendment to and rade a part of the Charter of the City of Lubbock, "exa.s. Such Iotico shall be by advertisement inserted at least three times in a newspaper plfolished in the City of Lubbock, `i'exas; the first ,publication shall be rade at least ten days before the said hearing. Said �.Iotice shall comply with and be in accordance with the teres and provisions o -f this resolution and said I_ct. PASSED AiiD A? i'__.OV I;) 3Y UYAi4I •OUS VOTE 0?? ITIE GO�,iEs`'dil iG BODY 0'' 1HE CITY OF LUB_30CK this , day of . i 19_.. Layor City of Lubbock, exa ATTEST: s 3ity Secretary