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Resolution - 2021-R0240 - Change Order No. 2 to Contract 14965 with MH Civil Constructors 7.13.2021
Resolution No. 2021-R0240 Item No. 6.11 July 13, 2021 RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the Mayor of the City of Lubbock is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock, Change Order No. 02 to that certain Contract No. 14965 by and between the City of Lubbock and MH Civil Constructors, Inc., Amarillo, Texas for North Water Treatment Plant Improvement Project No. 3 & South Water Treatment Plant Uprating Improvements, and related documents. Said Change Order No. 02 is attached hereto and incorporated in this resolution as if fully set forth herein and shall be included in the minutes of the City Council. Passed by the City Council on July 13, 2021 DANIEL M. POPE, MAYOR ATTEST: Reb ca Garza, City Se re ry APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: C 2 D) - Jest a cEachem, Assistant City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: ccdocs/RES.Contract 14965 Chg0rd#02-NWTPIP 06.15.21 Office of Purchasing and Contract Management Change Order Contract No: 14965 Contractor: MH Civil Constructors Change Order No: 2 Contract Title: North WTP Improvements Project No. 3 & South WTP U ratin Bid/RFP No: RFP-20-14965-TF Project No: CIP 92539.9241.30000 & 92353.9241.30000 "Change Order" means a written order to a Contractor, executed by the Owner, in accordance with the Contract authorizing an addition to, deletion from, or adjustment or revision of the requirements of the Contract documents, or an adjustment to the compensation payable to the Contractor, or to the time for performance of the Contract and completion of the project, or a combination thereof, which does not alter the nature of project and is an integral part of the project objective. Adjustments to "Estimated Quantities" to a line time in a Unit Price Contract do not require a Change Order. All work that alters the nature of the construction or that is not an integral part of the project objective must be let out for public bid. Description of Change (alteration, deviation, addition, or deletion) caused by conditions encountered during construction not covered by the The purpose of this Change Order is to address the existing pipe supports inside the sedimentation basins that contain the 36" CCP that runs along and beneath the outer walkways which allows water to be bypassed from sedimentation basins 1-3 to basins 4-6. The existing aluminum pipe supports have degraded and upon blasting, it was determined there was extreme damage to the integrity of the metal. Therefor we are replacing the pipe supports with a concrete corbel design that will be a much more durable material. The modification includes rebar and concrete and the work to form the concrete corbel sunnort. Where the Change Order is negotiated, the Change Order must be fully documented and itemized as to costs, including material quantities, material costs, taxes, insurance, employee benefits, other related costs, profit and overhead. Where certain unit prices are contained in the initial Contract, no deviations are allowed in computing negotiated change order costs. ITEMIZED COSTS MI iST RE FI ILLY DOCI IMENTED AND ATTACHED TO THIS FORM ITEM DESCRIPTION AMOUNT A. ORIGINAL CONTRACT VALUE: $15,000,000.00 B. AMOUNT OF THIS CHANGE ORDER: Note: Council approval required if (+/-) $50,000 $149,224.00 COST CENTER: 4545 1 ACCOUNT: 92539.9241.30000 & 92353.9241.30000 C. PERCENT OF CONTRACT VALUE THIS CHANGE ORDER B/A 0.99% D. AMOUNT OF PREVIOUS CHANGE ORDERS: $671,900.00 E. TOTAL AMOUNT OF ALL CHANGE ORDERS B+D) $821,124.00 F. PERCENT OF CONTRACT OF ALL CHANGE ORDERS (E/A): 25%maximum) 5.0 o G. NEW CONTRACT AMOUNT A+E : $15,821,124.00 It is mutually agreed drat the above dollar amount and the time extension, as applicable, as set forth in this Change Order constitutes full compensation to the Contractor for all costs, expenses and damages to the Contractor, whether direct, consequential or otherwise, in anyway incident to, or arising out of, or resulting directly or indirectly; from the work performed or modified by the Contractor under this Change Order. rurcnasrn$ ana t.ontract managealent aenartmerrtl' &snarl by Marshall PWM MW. Q➢el Pwryg., e,s., a ,bnCl Cr .kls w,p ®baby M C-US. E-mg nagplumm¢r.Man. Po.CN.M.,eapllPlun" ns@'a3W 6/1/2021 (1)Contractor axa9.aaZl o9:,9:a.4o,'W' Date (2) Project Ar/hiteet/Engineer Date Okam 0 (3) OwKR ttahve DaO t (4) Di of Purchasing &Contract Date � cti M to / 1 �I Management - k2 (5) Capital Project Manager Date (6) rty Attorney Date Change Orders av r 0 000.00 require a Contract Cover Sheet and the l,si natures: 7/13/2021 1W Joy�7/13/2021 (7) Mayor Dale (8) Cit Secretary Date July 13, 2021 6.11 2021-R0240 Council Date: Agenda Item #: Resolution #: PUR-45 (Rev 08/2018) Y1 PLUIV MER PROJECT: North WTP Improvements Project No. 3 & South WTP Uprating OWNER: City of Lubbock CONTRACTOR: MH Civil Constructors Inc. ENGINEER: Plummer Associates, Inc. CHANGE ORDER NO.: 2 CHANGE ORDER FORM PROJECT NUMBER: Lubbock No. 14965 Plummer 0425- 029-02 DATE: 05/20/2021 Make the following additions, modifications or deletions to the work described in the Contract Documents: The purpose of this Change Order is to address the existing pipe supports inside the sedimentation basins that contain the 36" CCP that runs along and beneath the outer walkways which allows water to be bypassed from sedimentation basins 1-3 to basins 4-6. The existing aluminum pipe supports have degraded and upon blasting, it was determined there was extreme damage to the integrity of the metal. Therefor we are replacing the pipe supports with a concrete corbel design that will be a much more durable material. The modification includes rebar and concrete and the work to form the concrete corbel support. The compensation agreed upon in this Change Order is full, complete and final payment for all costs the Contractor may incur as a result of or relating to this change whether said costs are known, unknown, foreseen or unforeseen at this time, including without limitation, any cost for delay, extended overhead, ripple or impact cost, or any other effect on changed or unchanged work as a result of this Change Order. ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT $15,000,000.00 PREVIOUSLY APPROVED CHANGE ORDER AMOUNT $671,900.00 ADJUSTED CONTRACT AMOUNT $15,671,900.00 PROPOSED CHANGE ORDER AMOUNT $149,224.00 REVISED CONTRACT AMOUNT $15,821,124.00 PREVIOUS CONTRACT TIME 600 PREVIOUS SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION DATE 12/07/2021 PREVIOUS FINAL COMPLETION DATE 02/05/2022 NET CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME 0 REVISED CONTRACT TIME 658 REVISED SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION DATE 02/03/2022 REVISED FINAL COMPLETION DATE 04/04/2022 RECOMMENDED BY (Engineer) Cyryp, igneY tly M V NeO PWN 0.Pyrvnw. <N.MvS�A AUN 6/1/2021 NAME DATE APPROVED BY (CONTRACTOR) li "TO APPROVED BY (OWNER) DATE NAME DATE z f1 PLUMMER PROPOSED CONTRACT MODIFICATION PROJECT: North/South Plant Improvements Phase 3 OWNER: City of Lubbock CONTRACTOR: MH Civil Constructors ENGINEER Plummer, Inc. DESCRIPTION: Sedimentation Basin 1, 3, 4, & 6; 36" Concrete Corbel Pipe Supports per design. NO. 07 NOTIFICATION BY ENGINEER The Engineer proposes to make the additions, modifications, or deletions to the Work described in the Contract Documents, as shown in Attachment "A" and requests that you take the following action: ❑ Notify us that you concur that this change does not require a change in Contract time or amount and issue a Field Order. ® Issue a Change Order for performing the described change. Change in Contract amount is indicated in the attached detailed cost breakdown of labor, materials, equipment and all other costs associated with this change. Impacts on Contract Time are shown in the attached revised schedule. ❑ Authorize the Contractor to proceed with the described change. Payment will be requested at the unit price bid. ❑ Authorize the Contractor to proceed with the change under the time and materials provisions of the Contract. By: Marshall Plunk Date: 3/30/2021 CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSE We respond to your request as follows: ❑ We concur that this is a no cost or time change. See attached/forthcoming Field Order No._/ comments. X❑ Your proposal is recommended to the Owner. See attached/forthcoming proposed Change Order. ❑ Proceed with the change at the unit price bid. ❑ Proceed with the change under the time and materials provisions of the Contract. ❑ Additional information is required to evaluate this request. Provide information as described in the attached comments and resubmit. ❑ Proposed Contract Modification is not accepted. 1I /) Digitally signed by Saul B. Hernandez Location: Amarillo, Texas �1 Contact Info: (606) 262-9450 By. Date: 2021.06.2709:96:26-05.00' Date: click or tap to enter a date. CONTRACTOR'S MODIFICATION REQUEST ATTACHMENT A SCOPE OF WORK In lieu of removing the existing aluminum pipe supports for the 36" pipe in sedimentation basins 1, 3, 4, & 6; the Contractor MH Civil will build new concrete corbel supports adjacent to the existing aluminum supports due to degradation of the aluminum supports. 1. A credit for 47 steel supports including: removing, blasting, coating, and reinstalling. These 47 will remain in place. 2. New work for 56 supports including: drill/epoxy anchor (rebar), steel reinforcement, concrete forms (2 uses for timber formwork), concrete placement, wreck/path/rub. 3. This work will be concurrent with other scopes so additional time is not requested. 2020-03PCO2 Lubbock, City of - PCO2 03/26/2021 12:20 PM BID PROPOSAL Biditem Description Quantity Units Unit Price Bid Total 2A-1 Credit for Removal, Blasting & Coating, Re -install 47.000 EA -1,336.00 -62,792.00 2C-1 Concrete Support 56,000 EA 3,786.00 212,016.00 Bid Total $149,224.00 MH Civil Constructors Page 1 2020-03PCO2 Lubbock, City of - PCO2 03/26/2021 12:20 Saul B. Hernandez ESTIMATE SUMMARY - COSTS & BIO PRICES Bid# Client# Quantity Unit Direct Perm Constr Equip- Sub- Direct Indirect Total Total Cost --Balanced Bid---- I Bid Bid Bid Description Manhours Labor Mall Mat Ment Contr Total Charge Cost Unit Price Markup Total Unit Price I Price Total Totals: 1.886 80,999 35,590 16,253-16,215 116,628 3,432 120.060 29,157 149,218 I 149,224.00 ( 0 ) I l 0.0 % ) Code between Balanced Bid & Bid ?rice: U=Unbalanced, F=Frczon, C=Closing B`_ditem (item Lo absorb unbalancing differences [bracketed numbers represent adjusted quantities) in front of the Biditem indicates a Non -Additive item Markup °% is shorn as a percentage of cost I I Bond from Summary Table 3,432 0180 -Per Diem and Lodgi % of TL 0199 - Contractor's Fee 25.0000 °% of TC 29.157 Markup on Resource Costs MARKUP TOTALS =___> 29,157 <= Subtotal I "' TOTAL JOB ==___> 1,886 80,999 35,590 16,253-16,215 116,628 3,432 120,060 29.157 149.218 I 149,224.00 I Spread Indirects On Totall essSub Spread Markups On Totall essSub Bond Calculations Selected Bond Table. 01 Description: Standard Bond Contract Amount Rate per 1000 Bond Amount First: $ 100,000 25.00 $ 2,500.00 Next: $ 400,000 15.00 $ 738.27 Next: $ 2.000,000 10.00 $ 0.00 Next: $ 2,500,000 7.50 $ 0.00 Next: S 2,600,000 T.00 $ 0.00 Remainder: 6.50 S 0.00 Subtotal: $ 3,238.27 Time Threshold 1: 12 Extended Time Rate 1: 1.0000 % $ 194.30 Time Threshold 2: 0 Extended Time Rate 2: 0.0000 % $ 0.00 Length of Job: 18 Total Bond Amount: $ 3,432.57 —Estimate Notes -- Bid Date: Owner: Estimator in Charge: Engineering Firm: Desired Bid (if specified)= 0.00 Son: NonAdd: N Last Summary on 03/26/2021 at 12:13 PM, Last Spread on 0Y26021 at 12:13 PM. Spread Addons&Bonds On TotalLessSub Saul Hernandez From: joel albuildingsupply.com <joel@albuildingsupply.com> Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2021 9:59 AM To: Saul Hernandez Subject: RE: Lubbock North - Pipe Supports Attachments: Scan_20210323 jpg Includes 56 ea single pipe supports. See attached takeoff sheet for verification. 56 ea = $2640.00 (plus tax) 1 ea = $47.15 (plus tax) RE500 = $45.50 per tube. Joel Crist A-1 Building Supply 4445 Canyon Dr. Amarillo, Tx 79110 From: Saul Hernandez <saulh@mh-civil.com> Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 20219:41 AM To: joel albuildingsupply.com <joel@albuildingsupply.com>; tanya albuildingsupply.com <tanya@albuildingsupply.com> Subject: Lubbock North - Pipe Supports Importance: High Joel, Can I get a price for this? I need HIT -RE 500 V3 Epoxy Anchor Reber Like always, need pretty quick... Saul ©civil constructors, Inc. Saul Hernandez, P.E., CCM I General Manager 1100 S. Fillmore, Suite 105 Amarillo, TX 79101 Tel 806.367.60431 Email saulhta7mh-civil.com This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error, please advise. hYE—71��1.a 'ill h t hfe r