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Resolution - 052556E - Pavement Improvements - West Texas Construction Inc - Leftwich Monterey Heights - 05/25/1956
062ss(pel'626 RESOLUTION RESOLUTION ACCEPTING IMPROVRJENTS ON PORTIONS OF STREETS, AND/OR AVENUES AS LISTED BELOW. WHEREAS, in conformance with the paving requirement provisions of City Ordinance 1331, the subdividers of Leftwich Monterey Heights made arrangements with West Texas Constructionp Incorporated, for the construction of paving improvements on certain streets dedicated in said subdivision under the pro- visions of said Ordinance prior to the: recording of the subdivision plat of Leftwich Monterey Heights, including the following streets and avenues: 54th Street from its intersection with the center -line of Elgin Avenue to its intersection with aline 15 ft. Northeast of the Northeast Property Line of 56th Drive, known and designated as New Subdivision Unit Number 197, 55th Street from its intersection with the center -line of Elgin Avenue to its intersection with a line 15 ft. Northeast of the Northeast Property Line of 56th Drive, known and designated as New Subdivision 'Unit Number 198. 56th Street and 56th Drive from its intersection with the center -line of Elgin Avenue to its intersection with a line 15 ft, Northwest of the Northwest Proper- ty bine of Hartford Avenue, known and designated as New Subdivision Unit Number 199i, 57th Street from its intersection with the center line of Elgin Avenue to its intersection with a line 15 ft. Southeast of the Southeast Property Line of Geneva Avenue, known and designated as New Subdivision Unit Number 200, 58th Street from its intersection with the center -line of Elgin Avenue to its intersection with a line 15 ft„ Fast of the East Property Line of Gary Avenue, known and designated as New Subdivision Unit Number 201. Flint Avenue from the South Property Line of the alley South of 58th Street to its intersection with a line 15 ft. South of the South Property Line of 58th Street, known and designated as New Subdivision Unit Number 202. y Avenue from its intersection with a line 15 ft. North of the North perty Line of 58th Street to its intersection with a line 15 ft. South of the th Property Line of 57th Street, known and designated as New Subdivision t Number 203, Geneva Avenue from its intersection with a line 15 ft. North of the North Property Line of 58th Street to its intersection with a line 15 ft. Southwest of the: Southwest Property Line of 56th Street., known and designated as New Subdivision Unit Number 204. est one-half of Elgin Avenue from its intersection with a line 15 ft. South of the South 'Property Line of 58th Street to its intersection with the South Property Line of the alley South of 58th Street, known and designated as Ney, Subdivision Unit Number 205. West one-half of Elgin Avenue from Mr-dntersection with a line 15 ft. North of he North Property Line of 58th Street to its intersection with a line 15 ft, .�South of the South Property Line of 5;Fth Street,, known and designated as New .Subdivision Unit Number -206. fl 052ss(pe West one-half of Elgin Avenue from its intersection with a line 15 ft. North of the North Property Line of 57th Street to its intersection with a line 15 ft. -South of the South Property.Line of '56th Street, known and designated as New Subdivision Unit Number 207. West one-half of Elgin Avenue from its intersection with a line 15 ft. North of the North Property Line sof 56th Street to its intersection with a line 15 ft. South of the South Property Line of 55th Street, known and designated as New Subdivision Unit Number 208._ West one-half of Elgin Avenue from its intersection with a line 15 ft. North of the Forth Property Line of 55th Street to its intersection with aline 15 ft, South of the South Property Line of 54th Streets, known and designated as New Subdivision Unit Number, 209. East one-half of Elgin Avenue from its intersection with a line 15 ft..North of the North Property Line of 54th Street to its intersection with the South Property Line.of the alley South of 58th Streets, known and designated as Part of New Subdivision Unit Number 161. AND WHEREAS, the construction of the above improvements on the above- mentioned streets and avenues was performed under the supervision of the City Engineer, and said improvements have been completed and have been inspected and found to have been constructed in accordance with City specifications and in accordance with the provisions of City Ordinance 1331. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CONMSSION OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK= I. That the Improvements on said portions of the abovementioned streets and/or avenues be' and the same are hereby accepted and the City Engineer be is hereby authorized to direct the pa3ment of the Cityt's portion and the release of escrov9monies. p assage. IIS, This resolution shall take effect and be in force from and after its ARD IT IS SO ORDERED. Passed and approved this;25',th ,day of May., ,1956. ATTEST: S. -S. Forrest, Jr., Mayo 's Laven.fa Lowe, Cit Secret • T. 'Hickerson, City Engineer �10. p 4' cit Vaughn E; Wilson, City Attorney Y*55Z 66"1500Z T6`550£"'r 68°91MV SPIWI lig5 jo°S 89' L5 79 99 g dalie To `IdS o14. " '�S tj! i% UN *SAY UTBJX iff 191: jo 0VYI W89Z LL K9 59°6z5 `qS u455 m oq. ° I.S lq' - 5 ` AS • aAV UT2-a -�A 60Z OZ"*lT *70" 5LZ 'iz°££9 yg*m °w g195 `ids Oq. 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