HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 072458L - Issuance Of Notice Of Redemption Of Electric Light System Revenue Bonds - 07/24/1958012458E RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF NOTICE OF REDEMPTION IN RESPECT OF $ls06O,000,"CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS, ELECTRIC LIGHT SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS,.SERIES 1948",.DATED.MARCH 1, 1948 THE STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF LUBBOCK COUNTY OF LUBBOCK ON THIS, the J L _ day of July, 1958, the City Commission of the City of Lubbock, Texas, convened in a V ��-- session at the regular meeting place thereof in the City Hall, with the following members thereof present, to -wit: LENNIS W. BAKER, MAYOR VERNON E. THOMPSON, COMMISSIONER DAVID CASEY., COMMISSIONER OTIS.MANER, COMMISSIONER HOMER MAXEY, COMMISSIONER and MRS. LAVENIA LOWE, CITY SECRETARY also being present; and with the following absent: N b "_Q' constituting a quorum, at which time the following, among other business, was transacted: Commissioner —,� presented for the consideration of the City Commissio`i� a resolution authorizing razing issuance of notice of redemption in respect of $1,060,000 "CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS, ELECTRIC LIGHT SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 1948", dated March 1, 1944 ­ The resolution was read in full by the City Secretary. Thereupon, Commissioner _'VVou.t S0%_k moved that any rule requiring that no resolution shall be passed on the day on which it is introduced be suspended, and that in view of the O'124 58 L emergency set forth and defined in the preamble to the propos- ed resolution, that the same be declared an emergency measure. This motion was duly seconded by Commissioner The motion carried by the following vote: YEAS: Mayor Baker and Commissioners Thompson, Casey, Maner and Maxey. MAYS: None. Thereupon, Commissioner n�x e-_\4_ moved that the resolution as read in full by the City Secretary be final- ly passed and adopted by the Commission. This motion was seconded by Commissioner and the motion, carrying with it the final passage and adoption of the resolu- tion, was unanimously carried by the following vote: YEAS -0 Mayor Baker and Commissioners Thompson, Casey, Maner and Maxey. WAYS None Thereupon, the Mayor announced that the resolution had been finally passed and adopted. The Mayor thereupon signed and approved the resolution in the presence of the Com- mission. The RESOLUTION is as follows: ..,"A.-BESOLUTION by the City Commission of the City of Lubbock, Texas, authorizing the issuance of notice of,redemption in respect of $1.9060,000 'CITY OF LuBBocK, TEXAS, ELECTRIC LIGHT SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS., SERIES 1948l, dated March 1,, 1948; 'prescribing the form of notice; enacting provisions incident and re- lating to the purpose and subject of this resolution; and declaring an emergency." o7z4 s8L WHEREAS, the following bonds of the City of Lubbock, Texas., have heretofore been issued pursuant to authority con- ferred and proceedings duly had in the manner prescribed by law, to -wit: $1,060,000 "CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS, ELECTRIC LIGHT SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS,_SERIES 1948", dated March Is 19.48, in,,denomination of, $1,000 each, bearing interest at the rate of 3-1/4% per annum, payable semi-annually on March_1 and September 1, in each year, with numbers., maturities and amounts as follows, to -wit: BOND NUMBERS (All-inclusive) MATURITY DATES AMOUNTS 791 to 880 March 1. 1959 $9Os000 881 to 975 March 1. 196o 95,,000 976 to 1075 March 1s 1961 100,000 3076 to 1175 March Is 1962 100.0000 1176 to 1280 March 10 1963 105s000 1281 to 1385 March 10 1964 105s400 1386 to 1495 March 18 1965 110,000 1496 to 16lo March Is 1966 115o000 1611 to 1730 March 1s 1967 120,400 1731 to 1850 March 1, 1968 120,000 �__ �rf_ such bonds being redeemable at the option of the City on March 1. 1958, or on any Interest payment date thereafter., at:.par omd accrued interest; both principal and interest being payable at the FIRST NATIONAL BANK IN DALLAS, DALLASs TEXAS. AND WHEREAS, in each of the bonds of the aforesaid series there appears the following provision: "AS PROVIDED IN THE ORDINANCE., hereinabove mentioned, the City,reserves the right to redeem Bonds Numbers 791 to 1850, both inclusive, of;this series -(maturing on MarchIlst in each of the years 1959 to 1968,, inclusive) In whole or in part,, on March 1. 1958, or on any interest payment 4ate thereafter, at par and accrued 0124SIL interest; PROVIDED FURTHER, that if less than all of said bonds are redeemed on any of such redemption dates, same shall be redeemed in inverse numerical order; and PROVIDED FURTHER, that at least thirty (30) days prior.to_any,interest payment date upon which any of said bends are to be redeemed, notice of redemption, signed by the City Secretary (specify- ing the serial numbers and amounts of bonds to be redeemed) shall be published once in a newspaper of general circulation in the State of Texas, and shall have been filed with the FIRST NATIONAL BANKIN DALLAS, DALLAS, TEXAS, and.should.any bond_or;bonds not_be presented.for redemption pursuant to such notice the same shall cease to bear interest from and after the date so fixed for redemption." AND WHEREAS, the fact that the City of Lubbock, Texas, may, through the financing arrangements hereinabove described, effect a savings in the amount of interest that must be paid on its outstanding obligations, create an emergency requiring the immediate passage of this resolution in order to provide for the immediate preservation of the public peace, property, health and safety of the citizens of the City of Lubbock, Texas; and, WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Lubbock, Texas, noir deems it necessary and advisable to redeem the bonds hereinabove described, aggregating the said principal sum of $1,060,000; therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: _ SECTION 1: That the FIRST DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1958, is the date hereby fixed for redeeming the $1,060,000 "CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS, ELECTRIC LIGHT SYSTEM REMUE BONDS, SERIES 1948", dated March 1, 1948s hereinabove described. 072458E SECTION 2: That the City Secretary of said City is hereby authorized and directed to issue and mail notice in writing to the FIRST NATIONAL BANK IN DALLAS, DALLAS, TEXAS (the paying agent named in each of the aforesaid bonds), to the effect that said bonds have been called in for redemp tion, which notice shall be mailed by the City Secretary so that the same will be received by the said FIRST NATIONAL BANK IN DALLAS, DALLAS, TEXAS, full thirty(BO) days prior to the date herein fixed for redemption, The City Secretary is also hereby authorized and directed to have the notice of intention to redeem said bonds published one time in a news- paper of general circulation in the State of Texas, the date of said publication to be not less than thirty (30) days prior to the date hereby fixed for redemption. SECTION 3 That till of said bonds hereinabove des- cribed shall be presented for redemption at the FIRST NATIONAL BANK IN DALLAS, DALLAS, TERAS. SECTION 4: That the notice of redemption to be issued by the City Secretary, pursuant to this resolution, shall be substantially in the following form: 072LI5 NOTICE OF REDEMPTION IN RESPECT OF t1P060s000 "CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS, -..ELECTRIC LIGHT SYSTEM. REVENUE BONDS., SERIES i9480.,.,DATED. MARCH lj,, 1948 TO FIRST NATIONAL BANK INDALLASp DALLAS, I TEXAS., AND TO ALL OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Lubbock,, Lubbock County, Texas, through its City Commission and by resolution duly passed and adopted by said City Commission on the day of July, 19580 has called in for redemption the following bonds of said City, to -wit: $ls060o000 "CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS., I ELECTRIC LIGHT SYSTEM VE`V9NUE_B0NDS*_ SERIES lq48",_dat6d'14arch l$.i"8Xdenomination-of.$1,000 each, bear- ing interesi'at the rate of per annum., maturing seriallyon March 1st in each of the years 1959 to 1968 both inclusive, and being numbered 791 to 1850, both inclusive; . such bonds being redeemable at the option of the City on March ls 1958, or on any interest payment date thereafter, at par and accrued interest; both principal and interest being payable at the FIRST NATIONAL BANK IN DALLAS, DALLAS, TEXAS. THE DATE fixed in the aforesaid resolution for redeeming said bonds is the FIRST DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1958, and you and each of you are hereby notified .. that in the . event said bonds, or any of them, are not on that date presented for redemption at the FIRST NATIONAL BANK IN DALLAS, DALLAS, TEXAS (the paying agent designated in each ofthe aforesaid bonds), -they shall cease to bear interest from and after the date so fixed for redemption. THIS NOTICE is issued and given pursuant to the aforesaid resolution of the City Commission of the City of Lubbock, Texas, and in accordance with the recitals and provisions in each of said bonds". WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL OF SAID CITY 4F LUBBOCK, TEXAS, this the .day of July, 1958 4' k zwe City Beeretary, Cit6r of Mbbock, Texas (City Seal) O'12l15 SECTION w5s That proof of the issuance of such notice shall be made by the City Secretary by her certificate to that effect, which certificate shall be recorded in the Minutes of the City Commission. SECTION '6: The fact that it is to the best inter- est of the City of Lubbock to provide for the redemption of the aforesaid bonds at the earliest possible date, creates this an emergency measure for the immediate preservation of the pub- lic peace, property, health and safety of the citizens of the City, demanding that the Charter provision to the effect that no resolution shall be passed on the day on which it shall be introduced be suspended, and this resolution is hereby declar- ed an emergency measure by the City Commission, and the same shall take effect from and after its passage, and it is so resolved. PASSED AND APPROVED, this the ).-±A, day of July, 1958 or, City of Lubbock-, exas ATTEST: !�l City,'Secretaryi City of Lbubbock, Texas (City Seal) oTy� ssL. CERTIFICATE OF CITY SECRETARY THE STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF LUBBOCK COUNTY OF LUBBOCK I, the undersigned, City Secretary of the City of Lubbock, Texas, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of RESOLUTION AUTHORIZ- ING ISSUANCE OF NOTICE OF REDEMPTION IN RESPECT OF $1,060,000 "CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS, ELECTRIC LIGHT SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 194811, dated March. 1, 1948 (and Minutes pertaining to its adoption), passed by the City Commission of said City on the 14 day of July, 1958, and recorded in Book, page _v et seq., of the Minutes of said City Commission. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand officially and affixed the seal of said City, this the day of July, 1958. Becretary.4 City dF Lubbock. Texas (City Seal) 07 24 6 F'r$t Ea�'1 Bks in a las F 0 Box 6031 Dallas 22,Tex FIRST NATIONAL BANK IN DALLAS, DALLAS, (BANK SEAL) TEXAS SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me, this the day of , 1958. . . notary Publics Vallas Countyj, 'Texas (Notary Seal) HAZEL RAY OWEN, Notary Public In and for Dallas County, Texas IIy Commission Expires June 1, 1959 CERTIFICATE ACKNOWLEDGING RECEIPT OF NOTICE OF REEEMPTION IN RESPECT OF $1,060,004 "CITY OF LUBBOCK TEXAS, ELECTRIC LIGHT SYSTEM 'BONDS 7`'" `'9 REViWUE , . SERIES _ 194811,t . DATED MARCH 1, 1948. TEE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS I, Marshall S. Cloyd of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK IIi DALLAS, DALLAS, TEXAS, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 25 day of July, 1958, said bank receiv- ed by United States Registered Mail, return receipt requested, executed copy of "NOTICE OF REDEMPTION IN RESPECT OF t1,o6o,000 YCITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS, ELECTRIC LIGHT SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 19481, DATED MARCH 1, 19+8", said notice having been received more than thirty (30) full days prior to the date fixed for the redemption of the aforesaid bonds, to -wit: SEPTEMBER 1, 1958. WITNESS MY HAND AND THE SEAL OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK IN DALLAS, DALLAS, TEXAS, this the 25 day of Jur' 1958. G22�2��� Jam. f^. of F'r$t Ea�'1 Bks in a las F 0 Box 6031 Dallas 22,Tex FIRST NATIONAL BANK IN DALLAS, DALLAS, (BANK SEAL) TEXAS SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me, this the day of , 1958. . . notary Publics Vallas Countyj, 'Texas (Notary Seal) HAZEL RAY OWEN, Notary Public In and for Dallas County, Texas IIy Commission Expires June 1, 1959 DERTIFICATS ACKROWLEDGINO RECEIPT OF NOTICE OF ummmok Jx RESPECT Dp sl, c6Q, oco "E TY OF LtJBBOOK, TE.xAS, ELECTRIC LIGHT j;tSTEX 8 UE BONDS, SERIES 1948t,-, DATED 14ARCH 1„ THE STATE OF TEXAS COLO= OF DALLAS I, Marshall S. Clwyd tiWiMYl11 i+w/ M Of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK IN DALLAS, DALLAS, TEXAS, DO HEREBY CERTIFY, that on the 2 ... day of July, 1958, ,said bank receiv- ed . by United States Registered Nail, return receipt requested, executed copy of "NOTICE OF REDEMPTZ421 IN REspEcT op $1$060#000 VCITY OF ==Ko TEXAS* ELECTRIC :LIGHT SYSTEM REVENVE BONDS, .SERBS 19481,, DATED MARCH 1, 1948", said, notice having been received more than thirty (30) full days prier to the date fixed for the redemption of the aforesaid bonds, to -wits SEPTENM 1, 1958, WITNESS MY RAND AND THE BEAL OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK IN DALLAS, DALLAS, TEXAS, this the2. 5...,w.. day of Jules 2958. of FIRST NATIONAL BANK IN DALLAS, DALLAS, (BANK SEAL) TEXAS Si�BSORIDED AND SWOM; to before me, this the day of , 1958 Notary c; s county* Tex -as (Notary Seal) HAZEL RAY OWEN, Notary Public In and for Dallas County, Texas »y Commission Expires June 1, 1959