HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 051459L - Pavement Improvements - Kerr And Middleton Inc - Manhattan Heights Addition - 05/14/1959RESOLUTION 06145qL RESOLUTION ACCEPTIKG V,6&RGVDUTTS CE PORTIONS OF STR&ETS AND/OR AVENUES AS LISTED BMMOK : WiMaEAS, in conformance with the paving requirement provisions of City Ordinance 1331, the subdivider of Manhattan Heights Addition, made arrangements with Kerr and Middleton, Inc. for the construction of paving improvements on certain streets dedicated in said subdivision under the provisions of said Ordinance prior to the recording of the subdivision plat of Manhattan Heights including the following streets: Fast 28th Street from a line 17 feet East of the East Property Line of Teak Avenue to a line 168.22 feet East of East Property Line of Vanda Avenue. East 29th Street from a line 16 feet East of East Property Line of Teak Avenue to a line 15 feet West of West Property Line of Walnut Avenue. East 30th Street from North Lot Line of Lot 178 to 15 feet West of East Property Line of Lot 153. Teak Avenue from a line 16 feet South of South Property Line of East 28th Street to a line 2.5 feet South of alley Stub 25 feet North of 31st Street. Ute Avenue from South Property Line of Lot 177 to a line 44.44 feet North of Borth Property Line of Lot 176. Vanda Avenue from a line 15 feet North of North Property Line on 29th Street to a line 53 feet North of North Lot Line of Lot 115. Walnut Avenue from a line la feet North of South Property Line of 30th Street to a line 2.5 feet North of North side of alley North of 29th Street. AND WHEREAS.. the construction of the above improvements on the above- mentioned streets was performed under the supervision of the City Engineer, and said improvements have been completed and have been inspected and found to have been constructed in accordance with City specifications and in accordance with the provisions of City Ordinance 1331, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS. I. That the improvements on said portions of the abovementioned streets be and the same are hereby accepted and the City Engineer be and he is hereby authorized to direct the payment of the City's portion of the cost. II. This resolution shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. 0514 Sq too - - PASSED AK, D APPROVED THIS 14TH DAY OF May 192. ATTES #eniaowe, City Secretary APPROVED: de r' hn T. Hickerson City Engineer AP7x-:- G� Va ghn E. Wilson, City Attorney nnis Baker, Mayor leauTSng L3T3 uossagaTg •1 ugos `LTraa LaGaa sa<noa •gaoggcel ;o 6aT3 via Lq mTg anp se aaegs aama'FaQa ZwuT; paalppjjosuoa pagaaaalp aqj uo umoge auuoms aqa ioaae=auoa aqa oa aum&vd SuTzTaogane lemueAw io/pulp saaaaGas pTlps uo eaua wAoid -mT aqa adaooe not agga puamooas pue 9w f3vaT;T*ads pulp suvTd aqa gaTA ODUW 000V nT paaaTdmoa uaaq aaeq oa aaags aawFasa Tvu73 aqa uo paaeTT eg ' aS q20£ ' S o.1 • aS g36Z' $ 30 'K LaITg moatt ';OAT :IVMTea • as g46Z ' 2 01 ' as gagZ • s wou • amy apueA • a8 tP[}£ ' a oa • as ga6Z moral • VAT OUL 38 381E '$ Ox -is gagZ •7 moli *;DAY nV9Z a&Y anuTe* oy •OAV aaQ MOIJI 'as R40£ 'S OAV anuTen o= • aaV 4691 moij • aS ga6Z ' S •0AO ePUVA 30 •S LaTTs oy OnueAT nsay moat as gagZ •g :uo saumae,oadmT aga puF3 Puv 99ZZ '0'9'0 se PaaMaTsaP `896T `£T xaqwoAOK PaaeP a0lpaauoo sTq x0pun '10aay.2=00 SUTAed rLulpdmo3 SuTAlpd =ex Lq paaanaasuoa 9:ju* AosdmT SuTAed aqa pauTmesa 9Al q I umal au" Sara= '400ggn'I uoTsexm®o3 LaT3 pue zoLvu a;geaouog 6961 `VI LaK Sb"X3J. 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