HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 051161A - Pavement Improvements - Hodges And Tierney Inc - Willowick Addition - 05/11/1961e2iiont Y.vcnue fro.-,,,, it, intersection with, a line 3c.5 feet North of the South roporty Line of 3-4.th Street to its intersection with a line 3 feet South of lie South Property Line of the alley South of 35th Street Leg)., 1moirn and osigna-ted t,.s 'Few Subdivision Unit 11.umfoor 929. .angor Avenue from its intersectionwitha line 15 feet South of the South 'operk Line of 35th Street to its intersection with a line 136.5 feet North of ,he South 1"roperty Line of 394th Street., known and desicir-ted !=ew Subdivision 'nit lhmber 9300 . Cp RE'SOLUTIOh- AC;�PTING IliII0.' '_11!1S 01:,, 10F.P.TIOI-is OF STiELI,=S .4'.Ij)/CR _TEhjI]S SiS LIS ED 1-, 11116'r-EkS., in conforrY)nce with the pc.ving requirement provisions of i AdC-1.1tion r.�iade arranEmrients City Ordinance 13 1, the --ubd:L7-;-ider of 1,7i 1 101_jiCk with Hodges and Tierney, Inc. for the construction of pa-7ing iiaprovcmaents on certain ntrecto deeic-_,ted in _-,> id s7a1Dd-_*L%:-i;ion under the provisions of s id Ordinance prior to 'u -1 -le recording of the cubdi-,.7inion pll-.t of Willowich Addition -,7-� C7 -t— �-,,C' 0 : _inc3_u-_7_im7 j-.nL u South one-hl­lf of 34th Street (a part of) from it-- intersection with a line I PropZ U 15 feet Ev st or ti.e East Pro ca ty Line of ChicaE.o _�:-.-crme to its intersection ?,rith a line 15 feet of t-ne lest 1`2operty Line of DeLnont V'.Vcnue I n J_ 0 , �: own u U and doz`L cm,:J�cd ao Ye,,7 Su'bdi-�-ision Unit 1,1.u.iber 923. j South one-11"alf of 34th Street (concrete only) fro-.-,: its intersection with a line 15 Feet of `6`110 'O'eSt Ileopert-.,T Line of '_'-n_ ­or 11-,-enue to its intersection 1-:itlla 1-1 line 15 feet E ­ .Stu 0-f *'GIIe East lt,operty Line of T)c_lmont j.-.-enue kno-,mi and I designated as ' Subdivision Unit _,LJber 924. South ore -11-.111' of 31; 5'_. Street (_concrete only) iron its intersection with a 1.-nc 15 I'cot _ act of 'u*"..e '11- st Itroperty Line of .2%-c , -cnuc to its interzoctior t!itlri � line 3 feat ast of tl.,1237,,,st 1'roporty Line of uir -1 -c -=cy E-st of L­,nrpr "venue2 hno7,m an-JIL 61.csiE,-,i-r-J'u-ed cc ITow Subd�-i-_;ion Unit 1-1111-,bcz, f25 �) 0 35tn St-rcot "roy.i 2.ts -1-,.-itorcect7-on tTi a line 15 'I-'ect 1�_a_st of the E�.zt Property L -'�_ n c of C'Iicar-o .'.�,-anuc to inter,',C'C'io­ 77itj'. _ 1iIC .I 10,6 01 -G-io V 15 'cot ' o st Ftroper'Y Line of Deli-iont i:Lverme lmmn �M C-es2�rte6i 1'c. -.,T Su' i7vil-ion Unit U -*L1 lar,.ibcr 926. 35th Street fror,. its intersection i,,-ilth a line 15 feet South of the South Property Line of Belmont A,.-enuo to its intersection i,.,ith a line 15 feet -7 I north of the Eorth Property Line o -L" LanCor `cnue knoi;n -and docimatcd c.s Low Subdivisior Unit Eiriber 927. 0hicLam Avenue fxrom its intercoction !it, a li-nic 3�`.' foot I-orth of the South t�. U I il - I Property Line of 34.th Street to its intersection with a line 3 feet South of t' -,-c South Property Line of alley South of 35th Street, known and designated as ..07.7 Subd:!:.7icion Unit Dmiber 025 e2iiont Y.vcnue fro.-,,,, it, intersection with, a line 3c.5 feet North of the South roporty Line of 3-4.th Street to its intersection with a line 3 feet South of lie South Property Line of the alley South of 35th Street Leg)., 1moirn and osigna-ted t,.s 'Few Subdivision Unit 11.umfoor 929. .angor Avenue from its intersectionwitha line 15 feet South of the South 'operk Line of 35th Street to its intersection with a line 136.5 feet North of ,he South 1"roperty Line of 394th Street., known and desicir-ted !=ew Subdivision 'nit lhmber 9300 . A11,D W�1yi, "_S, t'_ e con-struction o,' the -.bo --e ilipro-vements on the above- mentioned streets was perfor ued under the supervision of the City Engineer, and said Liprove,,ents ha-ve been completed and Katie been inspected and found to have been constructed in accordance With City specifications and in accord- ance -,Ath the provisions of City Ordinance 1331. Tire � Ciw, DE IT T:ES'OUTLD BY Tse CITY O=ff' LUBBOCK TLXLS: I. That the inprovements on said portions of the abovementioned streets be and the sane are hereby accepted and the City Lngineer be and he is hereby autho-s ized to direct tizE pay. Lent of the City -=s portion of the cost and to release escrow money. passage. IT. This resolution shall cake effect and be :in force from c,nd after its E+L S -';-_D AI' i'T�.:tTTEE D T'siIS 11th D Y 0 IY, 1961. D� Casey., T - T'. .t_l l Id.-eni-1- Loz.•e, C-ItZ, Secretary t+ Fa OTED : T. Hicherson, City LP!,(T,T D: 0. Senter, Tr., City ��X ,ney COIZOLIDATER. FIML ESTR ATE Willowick Addition Accepted Ib.y 11, 1961 QUAI I ITIF, S S.Y. S.Y.. Unit Location S.Y. L.F. Alley Valley Paving C & G Ret, Gutter ITS 923 South 2 of 34th St. from 747.57 919.02 15.00 237.00 15.00 155.00 15.00 2154.03 1211.64 746.67 455.00 121.11 2269.25 959.60 42.22 3091.67 1450.07 10.56 3625.61 1545.60 121,635.10 72265.93 115.59 151 E. of the E.P.L. of Chicago Avenue to 151 IT.. of the-W.P.L. of Belmont Avenue. NS 924 South z of 34th St. from 151 W. of the W.P.L. of Bangor Avenue to 151 E. of the-E.P.L. of Belmont Avenue. (Concrete Only) 15 925 South J: of 34th St. from 151 E. of the E.P.L. of Bangor Ave. to 31'E. of E.P.L. of alley E. of Bangor Ave. (Concrete only) ITS 926 35th St. from 151 E. of the E.P.L. of Chicago Ave. to 151 V. of the U.P.L. of Belmont Avenue. NS 927 35th St. from 151 S. of S.P.L. of Belmont Ave. to 151 IT. ' of N.P.L. of Bangor Avenue. ITIS 925 Chicago Ave, from 35.51 17. of the S.P.L. of 34th St. to 31 S. of. S.P.L. of alley S. of 35th St. IS 929 Belmont Ave. from 35.51 N. of the S.P.L. of 34th St. to 31 S. of S.P.L. of alley S. of 35th St. (IT. Leg) NS 930 Bangor Ave. from 151 S. of S.P.L. of 35th St. to 35.51 N. of S.P.L. of 34th St. TOTALS 237.00 15.00 155.00 15.00 2154.03 1211.64 746.67 455.00 121.11 2269.25 959.60 42.22 3091.67 1450.07 10.56 3625.61 1545.60 121,635.10 72265.93 115.59 C OS;R•DISTRIBUTION U & Contract Sub -Unit Cost ITS 923 y2,423.58 NS 924 399.30 RTS 925 254.50 ITS 926 ;4,776.56 NS 927 V1,803.93 NS 928 4,4 9 775.46 RTS 929 ';",)6,540-71 NS 930 02768.46 TOTAIS eV`281775.50 CCBT ESTIMATE Property City to Escrow 0tmer Contractor Released Cost NCV to Developer X1,855.34 x568.24 399.30 284.50 X4,776.56 4x1, 803.93 �1�4486.43 X292.03 %�61540.71 0,768.46 _ v271915.23 %">292.03 �i%8.24 122635.10 S.Y. Paving 71265.93 L.F. Curb & Gutter 115.89 S.Y. Alley Return Q 1.43 @ 1.40 @ 4.50 COP;TNACT COST X18,068.19 10,172.30 535.01 ,28,775.50