HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 322 - Grant Application - DOT - FY1979-80 Sec 5 Operating Assistance Projects, UTMA - 11/08/1979RESOLUTION 4322 - 11/8/79 RESOLUTION RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF AN APPLICATION WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, FOR A GRANT UNDER THE URBAN MASS TRANSPORTATION ACT OF 1964, AS AMENDED. WHEREAS, the Secretary of Transportation is authorized to make grants for mass transportation projects; t't `'WHEREAS, thetcontraot €or'financial assistance will impose certain- obliga- tions''upon the applicant; including the provision by.itrof the local share of project costs; WHEREAS, it is required by the U.S. Department -of Transportation in accord with the provisions of Title VI of the Civil kights.ACt 1964,'.that in connection with the filing of an application for assistance underthe Urban Mass_Trans- portation Act of 1964, as Amended, the applicant 'give an=assurance that it will comply -with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the U.S. Department of Transportation requirements thereunder; and WHEREAS,"it i.s".the goal df the.Applicant that minority business enterprise be utilized to the'fullest'extent possible in connection with this project, and that definitive procedures shall be established and administered to ensure that minority businesses''shall have the maximum feasible opportunity to compete for contracts, when procuring construction contracts, supplies, equipment con- tracts, or consultant and other services: NOW THEREFORE; BE'IT`RESOLVED'BY'THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: 1. That the MAYOR is authorized to execute and file an application on behalf of the City of Lubbock with the U.S. Department of Transportation, to aid in the financing of operating assistance projects pursuant to Section 5 of the Urban'Mass`"Transportation Act.of`1964, as amended, for fiscal year 1979-80. 2. That the MAYOR is authorized to execute and file with such appli- cations an assurance or any other document required by the U.S. Department of Transportation effectuating the purposes of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. 3. That JOHN L. WILSON, Transit Coordinator, is authorized to furnish such additional information as the U.S. Department of Transportation may require in connection with the application or the project. 4. That the MAYOR is authorized to set forth and execute affirmative minority business policies in connection with the project's procurement needs. 5. That the MAYOR is authorized to execute grant contract agreements on behalf of the City of Lubbock with the U.S. Department of Transportation for aid in the financing of the operating assistance projects. Passed by the City Council this 8th day of November, 1979. ATTEST: RK WEST, MAYOR Evelyn Gaffg,,a-,;City Sec e r reasurer ''APPROVED AS TO =CONTENT : John L. Wilson, Transit Coordinator APPROVED AS TO FORM: r G. Vandiver, First Asst. City Attorney C13 C V1 O o IV +' Z M O (O 6) ► a w Z 1: cu 3oa aha O bb C C O� 'C C U > �N cya � • ae4.W rn coao.cdE"ov� oL OZ U..FenC4 w VJ I M cz — U C CzJ y P- c a a; u o W cz Y1 coca > Q• -M eC z0' t r � a 'C +..+ o y • Y u w ,r4 O' 47 O S • u o M., 30 L . +a =U Epq� �"� a*Z -a 3� J C) �Z -oz >4 E 0 �, - C'z oma` a r -4- UUM cm: cd Q civ E-c,o.,m�° wd`� $Uc�` $" U-14 M�ci, �+ ow`c Or`'dE YrF�u'° Oecro'£ co_ +.�i�cH .=1-20.$2 kc3 _ r --�, .' 2YL r c cr�'�L Z< ��«r �, 00 at.. 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PUBLIC HEARING RE: FY 1980 Operating Assistance Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the City of Lubbock in the City Council Chambers on November 8, 1979, at 10:00 A.M. for the purpose of considering a project for which Federal Operating Assistance under Section 5 of the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as amended, is being sought, generally described as follows: The City of Lubbock is seeking $1,061,625 ($530,812 Federal, $rt30,813 -local) for transportation services in the Lubbock urbanized area provided by Transit Management Company of Lubbock from October 1,1979 to September 30, 1980. No persons, families, or businesses will be displaced by this project. There will be no significant environmental impact upon the urban service area. The project is in conformance with transportation planning in the area and is consistent with the adopted programming of projects in -the Transporta- tion Improvement Program. The City of Lubbock will participate in the vehicle pool system servicing the needs of the elderly -and handicapped, and half fare on all regular transit routes. Transit.Management Company of Lubbock provides the incidental charter service in the Lubbock urbanized area. At the hearing, the City of Lubbock will afford an opportunity for interested persons or agencies to be heard with respect tothe social, environmental, and economic aspects of the project. Interested persons may submit orally or in writing evidence and recommendations with respect to said project. A copy of the application and the Transportation Imp-rovement Program for the area is currently available for public inspection in the City Secretary's Office at City of Lubbock, Evelyn Gaffga, City Secretary. SECTION III - EXHIBIT A PROJECT BUDGET For the Period: October 1, 1979 to September 30, 1980' Transit Operator: Transit Management Company of Lubbock Designated Recipient: City of Lubbock, Texas (1) a. Operating Expenses Salaries -Permanent Employees $ 45,501 Salaries -Part -Time Employees 8,674 Stability Pay 800 Retirement 3,028 Social Security 3,370 Group Insurance 1,268 Workman's Compensation 170 Motor Vehicle Supplies 350 Minor Tools 50 Office Supplies 1,800 Educational Supplies -0- Photographic Supplies -0- Postage 200 Other Office Supplies 1,750 Maintenance Motor Vehicles 300 Maintenance Office Furniture 100 Maintenance Other Equipment 400 Maintenance Building -0- Utilities Electric 360 Utilities Telephone 960 Professional Services 10,000 Boards & Commissions 900 Advertising E Promotion 27,500 Rent Land 1,000 Liability Insurance 282 Surety Bonds 11 Other Insurance 112,900 Travel, Dues, and Training 1,400 SUB -TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 223,07 B. Contract Costs Maintenance Vehicles $ 225,325 Transportation 659,620 Traffic, Promotion 4,040 Ins. s Safety 29,200 General & Administrative 36,320 Taxes & Licenses 48,950 Operating Rents 48,116 Cost of Working Capital 8,000 Management Fee 68,800 SUB -TOTAL CONTRACT COSTS $1,128,371 s Total Operating and Contract Costs (2) Less Eliminations: a. Non -Mass Transportation Expenses b. Other Exclusions UMTA Section 9 - Technical Study (3) Eligible Operating Expenses (4) Less Farebox Revenue (5) Net Project Cost (6) Local Share: Charter Revenue City of Lubbock University Student Funds Auxiliary Transportation Revenue Miscellaneous Income LOCA)_ SHARE (7) Net Expenses Advanced on Operations Before Applying UMTA Funds (8) UMTA Funds Requested Prepared by: Title: Date: 47,750 25,000 72,750 217,070 $ 8,500 360,163 162,150 -0- -0- $1,351,445 $ 72,750 (2) $1,278,695 (3) $ 217,070 (4) $1,061,625 (5) $ 530,813 (6) -$ 530,813 $ 530,812 ANNUAL ELEMENT - TRANSIT TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FY 1980 (September 1, 1979 - August 31, 1980) Classifi- Funding cation Projects Cost Federal State Local Share Section 5 Operating Assistance (FY 1979) Grant TX -05-4050 860,000 430,000 430,000 Section 5 Operating Assistance (FY 1979 Amendment) TX -05-4050-01 30,000 15,000 15,000 Section 5 Capital Improvement (FY 1979) TX -05-0039 Phase I 2,041,007 1,632,806 265,331 142,870 Section - 5 Capital Improvement (FY 1979 Amendment) 869,600 695,680 113,048 60,872 TX -05-0039-01 Section 5 Capital Improvement (FY 1980) Phase II 1,318,900 1,055,120 171,457 92,323 Section 5 Operating Assistance (FY 1980) 1,061,625 530,812 530,813 Capital Improvement (FY 1980) 1,083,500 866,800 140,855 75,845 TOTALS 7,264,632 5,226,218 690,691 1,347,723 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR LUBBOCK URBANIZED AREA FY 1980 (September 1, 1979 - August 31, 1980) Transit Element The transit element of the Transportation Improvement Program consists of the following projects recomrended for advancement during the period 1979-84. These projects are supported by the Transportation System Management Element. Funding Projects Cost Federal State Local Share Operating Assistance (FY 1979) 860,000 430,000 430,000 Operating Assistance Amendment (FY 1979) TX -05-4050-01 30,000 15,000 15,000 Capital Improvement (FY 1979) Grant TX -05-0039 _. Phase 1 2,041,007 19632,806 265,331 142,870 Capital Improvement Amendment (FY 1979) TX -05-0039-01 869,600 695,680 113,048 60,872 Capital Improvement (FY 1980) Phase II 1,318,900, 1,055,120 171,457 92,323 Operating Assistance (FY 1980) 1,061,625 '530,812 530,813 Capital Improvement (FY 1980) 1,083,500 866,800 140,855 75,845 Operating Assistance (FY 1981) 1,152,328 576,164 576,164 Capital Improvement (FY 1981) 1,191,850 953,480 154,941 83,429 Operating Assistance (FY 1982) 1,382,792 691,396 Capital Improvement (FY 1982) 1,311,035 1,048,828 Operating Assistance (FY 1983) 1,548,728 774,364 Operating Assistance 170,435 691,396 91,772 774,364 (FY 1984) 1,734,576 867,288 867,288 15,585,941 10,137,738 1,016,067 4,432,136 SECTION 5 FY 1980 AMENDMENT TO TX -05-0039 Purchase of 4 additional new 39 -passenger diesel powered advanced design buses @ 120,000 equipped w/ wheelchair lifts $480,000 Additional funds needed to cover wheelchair lifts and inflation for 14 advanced design buses 299,600 Purchase of 2 complete power plant assemblies 50,000 Administration, 40,000 TOTAL PROJECT COST $869,600 Financing Breakdown City of Lubbock (7%) 60,872 State of Texas Share (13%) 113,048 Federal Share (80%) 695,680 TOTAL PROJECT COST $869,600 City of Lubbock Transit Department August, 1979 SECTION 5 FY 1980 PROPOSED CAPITAL GRANT APPLICATION PHASE II Purchase 20 fareboxes and related equipment Renovation of facilities Purchase of office equipment Purchase of office furniture Purchase and installation of washing/ cleaning equipment Purchase and installation of shop tools and equipment Purchase and installation of Management -information System Estimated Project Cost Contingencies (10%) TOTAL PROJECT COST Financing Breakdown City of Lubbock (7%) (Land) State of Texas Share (13%) Federal Share (80%) TOTAL PROJECT COST City of Lubbock Transit Department August, 1979 $ 50,000 850,000 10,000 30,000 50,000 84;000 125,000 $1,199,000 119,900 $1,318,900 92,323 171,457 $1,055,120 $1,318,900 PROJECT BUDGET ESTIMATED TRANSIT REVENUE AND EXPENSES FY 1979 (1) a. Operating Expenses Salaries -Permanent Employees $ 39,409 Salaries Part-time Employees 8,674 Stability Pay 646 Retirement 2,355 Social Security 2,809 Group Insurance 1,040 Workmen's Compensation 87 Motor Vehicle Supplies 350 Minor Tools 50 Office Supplies 1,3.00 Educational Supplies 75 Photographic Supplies 100 Postage ` 200 Other Office Supplies 1,500 . Maintenance -Motor Vehicles 300 - Rent -Land Lease 1,000 Maintenance -Other Equipment 250 Utilities -Electric 858 Utilities -Telephone 935 Professional Services 10,000 Board S Commission 900 Advertising and Promotion 25,000 Liability Insurance 207. Surety Bond 10 Other Insurance 87,920 . ..�.. _ ...._.. Travel, Dues, & Training ---- - - 1,100 SUB -TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $ 12,7,075 b. Contract Costs Maintenance -Vehicles 185,000 'Transportation 540,000- Traffic Promotion' 4,500 Insurance & Safety 23,900 General & Administrative 57,100 Depreciation _ 5,260 Taxes and Licenses 511,000 Operating Rents h8,200 Management Fee 23,640 . Cost of Working Capital 4,200 _SUB -TOTAL CON7RACT COSTS $ 9115,800 n. C. Capital Outlay Office Fgrniture E Equipment SUB -TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY ------------ 25 Total Operating, Contract Costs, and Capital Outlay . (2) Less Eliminations: ' a. Non -Mass Transportation Expenses Charter Operations $53,300 $ 425 1,133,300 (1) b. Other Exclusions UMTA Section 9 -Technical Study TOTAL ELIMINATIONS 25,000 (3) Eligible 57 033 $ ,300 T2) Operating Expenses M Less Farebox Revenue. $1,055,000 (3) - ,: (5) Net Project Cost $)95,000 $ )95'000-(4) . -(b) Local Share •� 5 860,000 (5) City of Lubbock University Student Funds $285,000 LOCAL SNARE 145,000 (7) Net Expenses Advanced on Operations 5430;000 Before S 430,000 (6) Applying UMTA Funds • (8) UMTA Funds Requested 5 430,000 (7) $ 430,000 (s) PROJECT BUDGET AMENDMENT TX -05-4050-01 ESTIMATED TRANSIT REVENUE AND EXPENSES FY 1979 a. Operating Expenses Salaries -Permanent Employees 41,630 Salaries -Part-time Employees 8,674 Stability Pay 645 Retirement 2,380 Social Security 2,985 Group Insurance 1,040 Workmen's Compensation 115 Motor Vehicle Supplies 320 Minor Tools 52 Office Supplies 1,400 Educational Supplies 0 Photographic Supplies 13 Postage 200 Other Office Supplies 1,500 Maintenance -Office Furniture 140 Maintenance -Motor Vehicles 140 Rent Land Lease 1,000 Maintenance -Other Equipment 300 Utilities -Electric 300 Utilities -Telephone 935 Professional Services 18,000 Board & Commission 800 Advertising & Promotion. 25,000 Liability Insurance282 Surety Bond 9 Other Insurance 87,920 Travel, Dues, & Training 1,430 SUB -TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 197,210 b. Contract Costs Maintenance -Vehicles 183,200 Transportation 552,890 Traffic Promotion 4,960 Insurance & Safety 24,780 General & Administrative 55,304 Depreciation 5,245 Taxes and Licenses 50,305 Operating Rents 47,252 Management Fee 4,200 Cost of Working Capital 23,596 SUB -TOTAL CONTRACT COSTS 951,732 (7) Net Expenses Advanced on Operations Before Applying UMTA Funds (8) UMTA Funds Previously Requested (9) Remainder UMTA Funds Due $ 7,428 1,156,370(1) 77,$0 (2) 1,078,500 (3) 188,500 (4) $ 890,000 (5) 445,000 (6) $ 445,000 (7) 430,000 (8) 15,000 (9) c. Capital Outlay Office Furniture & Equipment $ 7,428 SUB -TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY Total Operating, Contract Costs, and Capital Outlay (2) Less Eliminations: a. Non -Mass Transportation Expenses Charter Operations 52,870 b. Other Exclusions UMTA Section 9 Technical Study 25,000 TOTAL ELIMINATIONS $77,870 (3) Eligible Operating Expenses (4) Less Farebox Revenue 188,500 (5) Net Project Cost (6) Local Share City of Lubbock 294,500 University Student Funds 150,500 LOCAL SHARE 5,000 (7) Net Expenses Advanced on Operations Before Applying UMTA Funds (8) UMTA Funds Previously Requested (9) Remainder UMTA Funds Due $ 7,428 1,156,370(1) 77,$0 (2) 1,078,500 (3) 188,500 (4) $ 890,000 (5) 445,000 (6) $ 445,000 (7) 430,000 (8) 15,000 (9) SECTION III PROJECT BUDGET For the Period: September 1, 1979 to October 31, 1980 Transit Operator: Lubbock Transit Corporation Designated Recipient: City of Lubbock, Texas (1) a. Operating Expenses Salaries -Permanent Employees Salaries -Part -Time Employees Stability Pay Retirement Social Security Group Insurance Workman's Compensation Motor Vehicle Supplies Minor Tools Office Supplies Educational Supplies Photographic Supplies Postage Other Office Supplies Maintenance Motor Vehicles Maintenance Office Furniture Maintenance Other Equipment Maintenance Building Utilities Electric Utilities Telephone Professional Services Board & Commissions Advertising E Promotion Rent land Liability Insurance Surety Bonds Other Insurance Travel,''Dues;*and Training SUB -TOTAL OPERATING.EXPENSES B. Contract Costs Maintenance Vehicles Transportation Traffic Promotion Ins. E Safety General and Administrative Taxes & Licenses Operating Rents Cost of Working Capital Management Fee SUB -TOTAL CONTRACT COSTS $ 45,501 8,674 800 3,028 3,370 1,268 170 350 50 1,800 -0- -0- 200 1,750 300 100 400 -0- 360 960 10,000 900 27,500 1,000 282 11 112,900 1,400 223,074 $ 225,325. 659,620 4,o4o 29,200 36.,320 48,950 48,J16 8,000 68,800 $ 1,12 ,371 M $1,351:,445 $ 72;750 (2) $1,278,695 (3) $ 217.070 (4) $1,061,625 $ 530.813 (6) $ 530,813 $ 530,812 c. Capital Outlay Office Furniture S Equip. 0 SUB -TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 Total Operating, Contract Costs, and Capital Outlay (2)- Less Eliminations: a. Non -Mass Transportation Expenses 47,750 b. Other Exclusions UMTA Section 9 - Technical Study 25,000 72,750 (3) Eligible Operating Expenses (4) Less Farebox Revenue 217,070 (5) Net Project Cost (6) ' Local Share: Charter Revenue $ 8,500 M City of Lubbock 360,163 University Student Funds 162,150 Auxiliary Transportation Revenue 0 MiscellaneousA ncome 0 LOCAL SHARE (7) Net Expenses Advanced on Operations Before Applying UMTA Funds (8): UMTA Funds Requested M $1,351:,445 $ 72;750 (2) $1,278,695 (3) $ 217.070 (4) $1,061,625 $ 530.813 (6) $ 530,813 $ 530,812 I f CAPITAL GRA14T APPL 1 CAT 1014 SECTION 5 PROJECT DESCRIPTION FY 1975-79 14 new 39-45 passenger diesel powered advanced design buses 14 X 98,600 $ 1,380,400 2 wheelchair Iife'equipped vans 2 X 17,500 35,000: 4 new support•vehicles 4 X 5,000 20,000: l new maintenance vehicle 7,960• Purchase and install two-way radio communications 80,000 Professional Appraisal Services 1,500• Real Estate Acquisition 244,000 Professional Engineering S Architectural Services 55;000:• Purchase and installation of 50 bus stop benches 50 X 400 20,000• Purchase and installation bus stop information signs 100 X 40 4,000 . Purchase and installation of 6 bus stop shelters 6 X 5,000 30,000• Estimated Project Cost.' $ 1,877,860 Contingencies 163,147 Total Project Cost FINANCING BREAKDOWN. City of Lubbock (7%) State of Texas Share (13%) Federal Share (80%) TOTAL PROJECT COST City of Lubbock Transit Department $ 2,041,007 $ 142,870 265,331 1,632,806 $ 2,041,007 ATTACHMENT A TRANSPORTATION FOR THE ELDERLY b HANDICAPPED SECTION I -- PLANNING The transportation needs of the elderly and handicapped, especially the wheelchair user and the person with semi -ambulatory capabilities, is receiving steadily increasing consideration from transportation planners within the Lubbock area. The need is being addressed by planning projects directed to benefit this group and then through programming these projects. Section 2 will deal with projects as they are set up in the annual element of the TiP and then implemented. The primary responsibility for planning transportation which can be used by the elderly and handicapped lies with the City of Lubbock Transit Department. These duties are carried out through the Department Staff, the use of consultants, and in close cooporation with Citizen's for Improved Transit (CFIT). CFIT presently provides administrative personnel, dispatchers, and drivers, and oversees the operation of seven vehicles in both demand- response/lift-vehicle service and a route deviation type- service for elderly persons. The City of Lubbock works closely with CFIT in the special efforts program. CFIT has been approved by the City as a project to be included in the Section 5 Operating Assistance Grant Program. Efforts toward a coordinated system between CFIT and the City have focused upon locating and identifying the elderly and handicapped. Previous studies have indicated a need for more vehicles and the establishment of a coordinated transportation system for individuals with special requirements. Planning work directed toward meeting the required special effort for the elderly and handicapped was intensified during FY 1978 and FY 1979. Approximately 45% of the area's Section 9 funds were spent on this task. Progress was made in locating groups of elderly and providing service through regular Citibus routes, as well as a special route service through CFIT. Wheelchair users and persons with semi -ambulatory capabilities were located and provided with service through the lift -equipped demand -response bus. Response to surveys and the service has shown that additional special equipment is required. In March of 1979, CFIT began operations of a second lift -equipped vehicle. Two additional lift -equipped vehicles to be used in the special efforts program have been included in a capital grant application submitted to UMTA in September 1978. The Transit Department is preparing a report which will be published as an element of the current Technical Study at the end of FY 1979, setting forth the full activities of Transit, including a full report on aid to the elderly and handicapped. included in the special efforts program were the following planning tasks: 1. Planning of a survey to update current needs and evaluate unmet needs. 2. Planning of an ongoing self -identification process. 3. Planning of a CFIT eva''uation study & report. 4. Planning of the evaluation of alternative transportzition methodologys. 5. Planning the evaluation of current services. 6. Planning the implementation impact of additional vehicles. Proposed planning for the elderly and handicapped needs in FY 1980 is described in detail in the FY 1979 Unified Work Program. The implementation of this program should further identify both personal and group needs allowing the City and CFIT to better serve these needs. We believe that the Lubbock area is making a determined effort toward meeting the special efforts required for planning and programming projects for the elderly and handicapped generally and a.special effort toward the needs of the wheelchair user and the person with semi -ambulatory capabilities. The City of Lubbock Transit Department, in coordination with CFIT will continue their effort to locate, identify, and determine needs of this group, and will provide programs to meet those needs. SECTION 2 -- DISCUSSION OF PROJECTS IN ANNUAL ELEMENT OF TIP DESIGNED TO AID WHEELCHAIR USERS AND THOSE,WITH SEMIAMBULATORY CAPABILITIES. The rules and regulations pertaining to "Transportation for Elderly and Handicapped Persons" as set forth in the Federal Register of April 30, 1976, provide that the annual element of the TIP program submitted after September 30, 1976 contain projects or project elements designed to benefit elderly and handicapped persons, specifically including wheelchair users and those with semiambulatory capabilities. It also provides that after September 30, 1977 reasonable progress has been demonstrated in implementing previously programmed projects. The City of Lubbock is attempting to meet the needs of the wheelchair user and the semiambulatory person by providing and maintaining a special bus equipped with a wheelchair lift and having a maximum capacity of 13 seated passengers and three restrained wheelchairs. The City is actively supporting and aiding a non-profit organization known as Citizen for Improved Transportation, t Inc. (CFIT). The goal of CFIT is to provide a coordinated, adequate transportation service for the elderly and handicapped. CFIT is presently directing the activities of five vehicles used primarily in a route deviation service in addition to the two lift equipped vehicles which are dispached on a demand -response basis. The routed service provides for the needs of the elderly and handicapped generally, while the demand -response system services the special needs of wheelchair users and semiambulatory persons. In addition to the lift -equipped bus currently provided by CFIT, the City proposes to buy two other 1•ift-equipped vehicles to be maintained by the City, which will increase the demand response service operated by CFIT to four vehicles. All transit vehicles purchased for regular route service described in the current capital grant will be lift -equipped. The rules and regulation mentioned above provide that the special effort requirement may bq met by providing a program that will involve the expendal*:ure of an average dollar amount equivalent to a minimum of five percent of the Section 5 apportionment to the urbanized area. Expendatures or estimated expendatures for Fiscal Year 1977, 1978, 1979, and 198"0 are itemized below. The actual cost of the elderly and handicapped operation paid for by the City of Lubbock for F.Y. 1977 is as follows: Capital Cost for Lift Bus Capital Cost for Farebox Drivers Wages Dispatchers Wages In -Kind Services Fuel Maintenance Oil Insurance Total Expenditures Total Revenue Total Cost of Operation $24,381 2,353 4,640 7,000 492 1,580 1,930 9 1,574 $43,959 289 $43,670 In its second year of operation (FY 1978), the City of Lubbock's spe- cially equipped bus was placed under the management of CFIT. This allowed a more efficient and coordinated operation. The bus was originally oper- ated from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays only. The hours were expanded to provide weekday service from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. with some weekend service as necessary. CFIT coordinated the scheduling of the,lift bus along with a small fleet of vans designated for the exclusive use of elderly and han- dicapped individuals. The following figures indicate the source and total cost of the local elderly and handicapped transportation effort. City of Lubbock Transit Department $ 5,363 City of Lubbock Community Services 11,242 Citizens for Improved Transit 43,481 South Plains Association of Governments 25,096 • $85,182 The estimated cost of operations for FY 1979 is based upon the purchase of two lift -equipped vehicles and placing them in service sometime late in the year. The estimated cost of operation is shown below: Capital Cost for Lift -Equipped Vehicles $35,000 Dispatcher & Drivers Wages 25,800 In -Kind Services 1,200 Fuel & Oil $ 3,000 Maintenance 3,500 Insurance 2,150 Total Estimated Cost'of Operation $70,650 The estimated cost of operations for FY 1980 is itemized below: Fuel: 7,866 gal @ .75� Oil: 175 qts. @ .60fi Tires: 1.61 per mile Driver Wages: 2,540 hrs. @ $4.69 (41) 304 hrs. @ 7.04 Maint. Expense: Taxes FICA @ 6.15% Administration: Dispatcher: *Paging Service: $378 x 4 Taxes: other Fringe Benefits: (ins., Soc. Sec., etc.) Total * Charge would be deleted when radio equipped. $ 5,900 105 698 47,650 8,560 11,070 3,457 158 8,100 1,512 533 11,576 98,621 ASSURANCE OF COMPLIANCE WITH SECTION 5(1)(3) CHANGES TO FARES AND SERVICE LEVELS The recipient of Section 5 funds hereby certifies that for any public mass transportation system receiving financial assistance under this project no increases in general levels of fares or substantial changes in general levels of service have been adopted after November 6, 1978, and assures that no increases in general levels of fares or substantial changes in general levels of service during the period after November 6, 1978, for which Section 5 assistance is requested will be instituted, except --- (a) after a public hearing is held or an opportunity for such hearing is afforded, after adequate public notice; (b) after proper consideration to views and comments expressed in such hearing is given; and (c) after consideration to the effect on energy conservation, and the economic, environmental, and social impact of the change in such fare or such service is given. NOVEMBER 12, 1979 DATE _DIRK WEST, MAYOR TITLE CITY OF I tIBBO K ORGANIZATION ATTEST: Evelyn Gaff a, City Se reta reasurer No Text 1979 - 311), APPLICATION FOR OPERATING ASSISTANCE UNDER SECTION 5 PROVISIONS OF THE NATIONAL MASS TRANSPORTATION ACT OF 1964 AS AMENDED SECTION II AND III In Behalf of THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS For the Year Ending September 30, 1980 Prepared By The City of Lubbock - Transit Department TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I Transit System and Urbanized Area Descriptive Information (updated) Exhibit A - Transit System Overview Exhibit B - Labor SECTION III Section 5 Operating Assistance Applications Application for Federal Assistance Budget Information Form, Part III Authorizing Resolution Applicant Eligibility Documentation and Assurances Exhibit A - Project Budget Exhibit B - Maintenance of Effort Level of Effort Schedule F.Y. 1980 Level of Effort Schedule F.Y. 1979 Level of Effort Schedule F.Y. 1978 Exhibit C - Transit System. -and Urbanized Area Description Exhbiit D - Public Hearing and Standard Certifications Notice of Public Hearing Public Hearing Transcript Standard Certifications Exhibit E - Charter and School Bus Operations Attachment - Letter approving cost allocation plan SECTION II - UPDATE OF TRANSIT SYSTEM AND URBANIZED AREA DESCRIPTIVE INFORMATION The Transit System and Urbanized Area Descriptive Information submitted to UMTA on October 27, 1977, as subsequently updated or as updated by the additional material submitted herein, accurately describes the transit system and urbanized area associated with this project and are herein incorporated by reference and made part of this application. See Attached Pages SECTION II -A UPDATE OF "TRANSIT SYSTEM OVERVIEW" The principle mass transportation carrier in the urban area is Transit Management Company of Lubbock (TMCL), working under the name "Citibus". This carrier provides service exclusively within the City limits of Lubbock, Texas. As of October 1, 1979, the City entered into a contract with ATE Manage- ment and Service Co., of Cincinnati, for management of Citibus Operations. Previously mass transit service in Lubbock was provided by Lubbock Transit, Inc., a subsidiary of American Transit Corporation. The City entered into an agreement with ATE for management service of transit operations by paying ATE $68,000 per year, and reimbursing annual operating deficits to the Company. The Lubbock Bus System has experienced no extensive changes since TMCL was formed and ATE began management services. No changes in regular routes and schedules have occured. ATE presently employs a general manager, TMCL presently employs a Director of Maintenance, Director of Transportation, Street Supervisor, Maintenance Superintendent, Senior Bookkeeper, Accounting Clerk, Part- time receptionist:! (6) mechanics, (5) part-time service personnel, (43) permanent drivers, and (5) part-time drivers. Regular transit service is presently provided by 26 buses operating on 16 routes which includes the Texas -Tech Subsystem, covering more than 200 miles of City streets between 5:45 a.m. and 7:10 p.m. Monday through Friday, and between 6:30 a.m, and 6:45 p.m, on Saturdays, on selected routes, Most routes are scheduled to operate on thirty minute headways. A special transit service is being provided to local elderly and handi- capped persons by a special bus equipped with hydraulic lift, tie downs for three wheelchairs, and seating for 13 additional passengers, The Community Services Department of the City of Lubbock is currently coordinating operations of this vehicle and handles the dispatching of this demand -response service. The City's Transit Planning Staff continues to compile the annual technical study required by UMTA. The Lubbock Transit Advisory Board continues to study transit operations and secure ideas to promote ridership. -2- No Text r public transportation system and facilities, under policies, standards and -, procedures established by the CITY. The management to be furnished includes, but shall not be limited to, those related to transit planning, marketing, real estate management, equipment and building utilization and maintenance, security, routes, schedules, fares, service standards, purchasing, accounting, budgeting, safety, insurance and claims, employee selection and training, employee relations, labor nego- tiations, public relations, equipment selection, grant applications, and all other managerial functions required in the operation of a transit system. SECTION IV. COMMENCEMENT AND TERM. This contract will become effective on September 16 �979, and continue for a term of three (3) years from the effective date. SECTION V. ATE PERSONNEL. ATE will furnish a full-time General Manager at the expense of ATE. The initial and subsequent appointment or removal of a General Manager will be the responsibility of ATE, but will be with the approval of the CITY. The CITY shall have the right to require ATE,to remove a General Manager at the CITY'S discretion. However, the CITY may prohibit ATE from transferring or removing a General Manager only for good cause. The General Manager shall provide the active management and direction of the transit system for and on behalf of the CITY. The General Manager shall reside in Lubbock. Management of the Lubbock Transit System shall be his full time job. SECTION VI. CONSULTING AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE. ATE will further furnish consulting and technical assistance as may be -5- reasonably required upon its own initiative, and further as deemed additionally necessary by the CITY to assist the General Manager in the operation of the transit system. Such consulting and technical assistance shall include, but will not be limited to the following areas: a) General Operations b) Safety -Employment -Training c) Scheduling d) Route Planning e) Fare Structure, Zone Fares f) Accounting and Office Management g) Insurance and Claims h) Equipment Maintenance i) Garage and Shop Layout j) Fare Box and Security k) Sales Promotion, including Charter Sales 1) Stores and Purchasing m) Public Relations, Employee Relations, Labor Negotiations, Govern- ment Relations, including assistance in Federal grant applications n) Planning consistent with UMTA and Texas DOT procedures o) Selection of New Equipment p) Marketing SECTION VIZ. COMPENSATION AND EXPENSES a) Management Fee: Period lst through 12th month Amount $5,734 per month 13th through 24th month $6,134 per month 25th through 36th month $6,562 per month b) Payment will be made by CITY to ATE on or before the 15th day of each month for that month's management fee. In the event this section of the agreement becomes effective during a calendar month, the compensation due ATE will be prorated on a daily basis for the balance of the month. c) Expenses of ATE Non-resident Personnel: CITY will pay travel and living expenses of non-resident ATE person- nel while providing executive counseling or technical assistance services away from their headquarters, as provided in Section VI, above, as follows: Travel 1) Actual coach (or first class, if coach in unavailable) air fare. 2) Automobile allowance at 17 cents per mile. 3) Airport parking fees. 4) Related ground transportation costs. Living A per diem allowance in lieu of subsistence of $35.00 per day to cover lodging, meals and other personal expenses while away from headquarters. Non-resident ATE personnel will maintain records of their time and expenses while providing executive counseling or technical assistance for CITY, which records shall be presented at the time reimburse- ment by CITY is requested. -7- SECTION XI. WORKING FUNDS. ATE agrees to provide sufficient workingfunds to a normal payroll pay p y and operating expenses of the transit system prior to reimbursement from the CITY each month. CITY agrees to carry•at its expense sufficient parts inventory for the buses leased for the Texas Tech University subsystem. CITY agrees to pay ATE interest on amount utilized for the working fund. That interest shall be computed percentage p quarterly beginning on the first day of October, 1979, and shall be the prime rate charged by the Texas Commerce Bank of Lubbock, Texas, less 2%. CITY further agrees that in the event of termination of this agreement for whatever reason, it will repay ATE within thirty (30) days the full amount of working.funds advanced by ATE, plus the accrued interest from date of last interest payment through date of final repayment. _ SECTION XII. REVENUE. Revenue derived from the operation of any or all of the transit system or systems managed by ATE, whether from passengers or from other sources shall be and remain from the initial receipt thereof; the absolute property of the CITY and the treatment of such revenue, including the banking thereof, and the accounting therefor, shall be as directed by the CITY. ATE on behalf of the CITY shall receive, collect and deposit all of the aforesaid revenue collected in its operations in the manner directed by the CITY, and ATE shall keep and maintain the books and records reflecting the operation of any or all of the transit systems in conformity with the require- ments of the CITY and at the direction of the CITY shall render to the CITY _z -Q- such full and complete monthly or other operating reports and financial state- ments as shall be required by the CITY. SECTION XIII. TITLE TO PROPERTY. All real estate, buildings, equipment, buses, motor vehicles and all materials and supplies reasonably necessary for the operation of the transit system shall be furnished or leased by or on behalf of the CITY and shall remain the property of the CITY. All property of any type, either real, personal or mixed, hereinafter acquired reasonably necessary for performance of the transit system operations shall be acquired or leased at CITY expense and shall become the property of the CITY. SECTION XIV. _ PURCHASE OF -EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES. ATE shall notify the CITY from time to time regarding the types and amounts of materials, supplies and equipment,'including buses, needed for use in the operation or maintenance of any of the transportation systems managed by it for the CITY. ATE shall make recommendations as to type, quantity and amount of materials, supplies and equipment needed and such purchases shall be made pursuant to CITY policy. SECTION XV. AUDIT AND INSPECTION OF RECORDS. ATE shall permit the authorized representatives of the CITY to inspect and audit all data records of ATE relating to its performance under this agreement. To the extent that Federal or State funds are involved, the right to inspection and audit shall extend to authorized representatives of the United States Department of Transportation, the Comptroller General of the United States and -1n- the State of Texas. SECTION XVI. BUDGETS AND PROJECTIONS: FARES AND SCHEDULES. ATE agrees to prepare the necessary annual budgets and projections re- quired by the CITY and agrees to furnish periodic reports and recommendations to the CITY relating to service extensions, route planning and service policies and either prepare or assist the CITY in preparation of its annual report of operations. ATE agrees to assist in the setting up and management of the "Operating Fund" as may be reasonably required and requested. CITY has auth- ority to establish and determine routes and the scheduling of service for the, public transportation system and the authority to fix and alter fares and other charges to be collected in connection with the operation of the transit system and ATE agrees to make periodic recommendations as to the rates of fares required and any deletions, additions, or changes in the service and routing of the transportation system. SECTION XVII. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. ATE is an independent contractor and retains the right to exercise full control and supervision over its employees, their compensation and discharge, and agrees to be solely responsible for all matters relating to payment of its employees, including compliance with all applicable governmental rules and regulations governing such matters. ATE agrees to be responsible for its own actions and those of its employees during the life of this agreement. SECTION XVIII. INSURANCE COVERAGE. CITY shall obtain insurance coverage which will provide insurance pro- -11- tection against liability to third persons arising out of the performance of this agreement including protection against liability to minors who file suit after obtaining legal age, naming TMCL as the insured and ATE, its agents, servants and employees, the Board of Regents of Texas Tech University, and the CITY as additional insureds. The minimum coverage shall be $100,000/300,000 with excess coverage in the sum of $5,000,000. Such insurance coverage shall include bodily injury, public liability, property damage, fire and windstorm, vandalism and theft, excess coverage and legal liability insurance. CITY shall obtain Worker's Compensation Insurance in an amount no less than required by applicable Texas law covering the employees of TMCL, on which insurance ATE, the Board of Regents of Texas Tech University and the CITY shall be additional insureds. CITY shall obtain insurance against claims based upon discrimination and/or violation of civil rights by TMCL naming ATE, the Board of Regents of Texas Tech University and the CITY as additional insureds. The minimum cover- age shall be $500,000, with excess coverage in the sum of $5,000,000. The cost of repairing damage to*vehicles not reimbursable by insurance shall be charged as a part of the operating expense. ATE shall be provided with suitable information regarding the issuance of ._ any policy of insurance issued hereunder and if any such policy is cancelled during the term of this agreement ATE shall be given ten (10) days written notice of such cancellation prior to the effective date of such cancellation. The cost of all insurance described herein shall be an operating expense pay- able by the CITY. SECTION XIX. WAIVER OF SUBROGATION. The CITY warrants that it shall require an endorsement on any existing or after acquired public liability, fire and/or casualty policy ,, p cy of Insurance providing a waiver of subrogation by the insurer as to ATE and TMCL. CITY shall furnish a copy of such endorsements to ATE. SECTION XX, ASSUMPTION OF DUTIES. Upon expiration or termination of this agreement for any reason whatsoever the CITY or its designate shall, immediately and automatically, become the employer of all persons who were employees of the transit system immediately prior to such expiration or termination; the -CITY or its designate also shall immediately and automatically assume responsibility for the payment and per-. formance of all outstanding obligations arising out of the employment relation- ship, including, but not limited to wages, benefits, pension and profit sharing plans, labor contracts and other contractual obligations, including contractual obligations arising out of the operation of the system and hold ATE and TMCL harmless from any and all liability, responsibility or cost arising out of such obligations. Provided, however, that for purposes of this section, the general manager shall not be considered an employee of the transit system. SECTION XXI. PERSONAL LIABILITY. No officer or director of the CITY or of ATE shall be personally liable for the fulfillment of the conditions of this agreement. SECTION XXII. DEFAULT. In case of any default hereunder claimed to exist by either party, such party shall give the other party prompt written notice of such default, setting for the facts in reasonable detail, and in the event that the alledged default- ing party has not remedied such default within thirty (30) days of notification -137 (or in case of defaults which require a longer period to remedy, has failed to commence upon such remedy within said period and thereafter to diligently proceed toward completion), the non -defaulting party shall have the right to terminate this agreement for cause. This agreement also shall be terminable for cause at the option of the other party if any party hereto is adjudicated a bankrupt, is subjected to appointment of a receiver and fails to have such receiver removed within sixty (60) days, has any of its property attached and fails to remove such attachment within sixty (60) days, becomes insolvent or for a period of sixty (60) days is unable to pay its debts as the same become due, upon sixty (60) days notice. SECTION XXIII. SECTION 13(c) AGREEMENT. ATE does hereby agree to abide by any arrangements adopted by the CITY pursuant to Section 13(c) of the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as amended, in the performance of its obligations hereunder. SECTION XXIV. INTEREST OF MEMBERS OF CONGRESS. No member of or delegate to the Congress of the United States shall be admitted to any share or part of this contract or to any benefit arising therefrom. SECTION XXV. INTEREST OF PUBLIC. OFFICIALS. No member, officer or employee of any public body, during his tenure, or for one year thereafter, shall have any interest, direct or indirect, in this contract or the benefits thereof. SECTION XXVI. NON-DISCRIMINATION. In connection with the carrying out of this agreement, ATE and TMCL shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, creed, color, sex or national origin. ATE and TMCL will take affirmative action to insure that applicants are employed and that employees are treated during employment without regard to their race, creed, color, sex or national origin. Such action shall include, but not be limited to the following: employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer; recruitment advertising, layoff or termination; rates of pay and other forms of compensation; and selecting or training, including apprenticeships. The applicable provisions of Presidential Executive Order 11375 relating to Equal Employment Opportunity are incorporated by reference herein. The parties hereto recognize that this is an independent contractor relationship and that the CITY shall not have the right to impose its personnel policies on ATE or TMCL. SECTION.XXVII. SEVERABILITY AND INTENT. Should any part of this agreement be declared to be unconstitutional, invalid or beyond the authority of either party to enter into or carry out, such decision will not affect the validity of the remainder of this agreement, which will continue in full force and effect. s This agreement is not intended to be a third party beneficiary contract and confers no rights on anyone other than the CITY and ATE. SECTION XXVIII. ASSIGNMENT. This agreement shall not be assigned, transferred, hypothecated or pledged by ATE without prior written consent by the CITY. SECTION 3aIX. NOTICE. Notice to ATE means notice in writing addressed to the President of ATE and delivered to the office of ATE at Cincinnati, Ohio. Notice to the CITY means notice in writing addressed to the Mayor of the City of Lubbock and delivered to City Hall, Lubbock, Texas 79457. SECTION XXX. GRANT CONTRACT COMPLIANCE. ATE hereby acknowledges and agrees that it shall comply with all terms and conditions of Urban Mass Transportation Administration grant contracts between the United States and the City of Lubbock, the City of Lubbock's applications, assurances, and all other applicable laws and regulations which may apply in carrying out the accomplishment of the programs. ATE MANAGEMENT AND SERVICE COMPANY, INC.: CITY OF LUBBOCK: PRESIDENIN DIRK WEST, MAYOR ATTEST: ATTEST: Secretary Evelyn Gaf ga, City Se re a Treasurer APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Jnj L. Wilson, Transit Coordinator APPROVED AS TO FORM: Do ld G. Vandiver First Asst. City Attorney • RESOLUTION ,E IT RESOLVED iiy `IHE. CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the `,a vor of the-' Cite of Lubbock BE and is hereby authorized and Girccted to execute for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock a Managiaoment Contract between the City of Lubbock and ATE Management and Service Company, Inc., for the management of the Lubbock transit system, attached herewith �•-hich small be spread upon the minutes of the Council and as spread upon the minutes of this Council shall constitute and be a part of this Resolution as if fully copied herein in detail. Passed by the City Council this 23rd day of August ,1979. D RY JEST, MAYOR ATTEST: Evelyn Gaf ga, City S cr t Treasurer APPROVED AS TO FORM: \ 4 Donald G. Vandiver, First Asst. City Attorney Denzel Percilfull, Director of Public Services ANNUAL RIDERSHIP BREAKDOWN ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL FY 1976-77 FY 1977-78 FY 1978-79 REVENUE 731,612 599,022 635,258 TRANSFER 102,480 123,245 128,691 CHARTER 62,180 83,220 74,180 TECH 2,175,009 1,575,172 1,595,712 TOTAL 3,071,281 2,380,659 2,433,841 PROJECTED FY 1979-80 750,000 125,000 87,000 1,710,000 2,672,000 -18- ril } LUBBOCK PUBLIC TRANSIT ADVISORY BOARD This Board was created by Ordinance No. 7276 passed June 24, 1976 NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE TERM APPOINTED EXPIRES Milton Smith 5210 26th 795-7834 3 years 6-24-77 6-24-80 Texas Tech Univ. Box 4130 742-3404 79409 Eunice Stephens 3006 55th 797-2517 3 years 5-25-78 6-24-81 79413 Bill Dean 3816-55th 799-6925 3 years 6-24-79 6-24-82 . Texas Tech Univ. Box 4009 742-3641 79409 Morris E. Wilkes 3402 53rd 797-3814 3 years 7-26-79 6-24-82 KRLB Radio Box 580 745-4500 79408 Maggie Trejo 3013 2nd Place 762-3243 3 years 9-27-79 6-24-82 79417 John C. Owens 3307 57th 1 year 10-25-79 6-24-80 LNB 79413 762-8800 Vera Newsome 2620 40th 792-1732 1 year 11-8-79 6-24-80 Section II - B "LABOR" The provisions of the Davis Bacon Act are not applicable to operating assistance projects. Transit Management Company of Lubbock is the only mass transit carrier in Lubbock. Personnel working for the Transit System are employees of TMCL and ATE, and are employed under the personnel provisions of TMCL. Those employees are independent of any union representation. -12n- SECTION III Section 5 Operating Assistance Applications Application for Federal Assistance Budget Information Form, Part III Authorizing Resolution Applicant Eligibility Documentation and Assurances Exhibit A: Project Budget Exhibit B: Maintenance of Effort Exhibit C: Transit System and Urbanized Area Description Exhibit D: Public Hearing and Standard Certifications Exhibit E: Charter and School Bus Operations Attachment: Letter from cognizant agency to City approving a cost allocation plan I l'f `i !; •S ^.rnv+1 fwlf_ f'r-!:::Jl.r FEDERAL ASSISTANCE 2. APPLI- a. NUH3IR 3.�STATE a: VVWBER N-- --- ---- CANT'S APPU• A, PLICA- TION IrEUTT- 1. T fPE PRE;;P F LICATION b. GATE b. DATE Year :nor.th cay ACTION Et^i'� ;�^e�T� r() CATION 1'fic +north da 19 / NOV F:cR ASSIGIicD 19 ( ;lark ep ❑ 1tJTIEir,1TiON OF ;t4TF1?T (Opt) Leave yroprwtt tax) ❑ EMT OF FEDEPAL ACTIO;i Plank 4. LEGAL APPLICANT/RECIPIENT S. FEDERAL EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NO a. Appiic:rt Name -C i ty of Lubbock 75-6000-590-W b. Organi:aticn Unit Transit Department. e. Street/P.O. Box P.O. Box 2000 & PPP. a. NU,14 BER 12 Io1. 15 !0]7 j d. City Lubbock, e. County ; Lubbock GRAM b. TITLE f. Stat9 Texas Z. ZIP rode: 79457 (From Formula Grants h. Cantr:t Person (Name John L. Wilson Federal catalog) N r telephone No.) 762-641 1 ext . 2380 7. TITLE AND DESCRIPTION OF APPLICANT'S PROJECT S. TYPE OF APPLICANT/RECIPIENT Operating Assistance - Section 5 A -State H-Community Action Agcsy s-inlerstate 1- Higt;r Edc:acional Institution r{ C-Su uWets 1-►nafen Tribe District K-Cti:sr (Spicily): D-County E-City F-S:hoot District r G Purpose District Enter appropriate latter 9. TYPE OF ASSISTANCE A_Eisic Gant D-ine.tance 3--Svpplerc,.W Cmnt E-Other ET:tcr opp,-4- i-Loan pride 10. AREA OF PROJECT IMPACT (Ncmes of ci±its, eountifs, 12. ESTUMATED NUtdl- 12. TYPE OF APPLICATION States, etc.) BER OF PERSONS A-t(ew C-Revislon E-Augnent:.tion City of Lubbock BE -,(TIN^ 25,4�O ;-Renewal D-Continuation Enter appropriate letter 13. PROPOSED FUNDING 14. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS OF: 15. TYPE OF CHANGE (_`-or ISc or TYe) A--Icecurcas:a Goi!xrs F-Ofter (Specify): Velars e: FEU ^A1 548018 .00 a. APPUC4rT b. PrOJECT 1 9 19 C_ ac real Derat'io G-Dacreasa D3ration b. APPLICANT .00 L-=..ancellation t. STATE 00 16. PROJECT START 27. PROJECT DATE ar-r nt day Full 't ATION � Erter cppro- O18 d. LOCAL 54 , .00 19��- L Ilortha priste letter(t) a. OTHER .00 18. ESTIMATED DATE TO Year month day 19. EXISTING FEDERAL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER RE SUWAliiiED TO FEDERAL AGENCY > 19 79 Nov. 1 f. TOTAL r 03 ,00 21). FEDERAL AGENCY TO REC` IVE REQUEST (Name, City, State, EFP eerie) 21. REMARKS ADDED DOT/UMTA Washington, D.C. 20590-0 Yes 1) No 22. a. To the Last of my kncw.ledge and belief, b. If required by 07.iB Cir,.alar t-95 this application was submitted, pursuant to in- No re- Rcapos,e data In this preapplicalion/application are structions therein, to appropriate clearit;hous , and all reap nss are attached: spouse attached THE true end rarrect, the document has been APPLICANT duly sulhorizod by the governing body of ❑ El as a,rlicsnt and the epy!icant will comply (1) THAT je with the atfa:had a_s_ra s a If the assist- (2) ❑ ❑ rn:a is ap;rovod. (3) ❑ ❑ 23. a. TYPED NAME AND TITLE t(R RE a. DATE SIGNED CERTIFYING Year month day r REPRE- SENTATIVE Dirk West, Mayor 19 79 Nov. 20 24. AGENCY NAME ^5. APPLICA- Year month day TION RECEIVED 19 25. ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT 27. ADbtINISTRATIVE OFFICE 28. FEDERAL APPLICATION 1; IDENTIFICATION 29a. ADDRESS 30. FEDERAL GRANT IDENTIFICATION 31. ACTION TAKEN 32. FUNDING Year month day 34. Year month day e. AWARDED 33. ACTION DATE > 19 STARTING DATE 19 a. FEDERAL $ 00 (� b. REJECTED b. APPLICANT .00 35. CONTACT FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMA- 36. Ycar month day TION (Name and telephone number) ENDING t. PMRNED FOR c. STATE .00 DATE 19 d. LOCAL .00 3T. REMARKS ADDED .. ARENDMENT (� d. DEFERRED f e. OTHER .00 L[3 s. E1IT4DF-VVN ❑ Yes ONO f. TOTAL $ .00 3S, e. In taking above action, any comments receiv-d frorn Onaringhcuscs ware con. b. FEDERAL AGENCY A-95 OFFICIAL sidered. If aponcy respoasa Is due under provision. e! Part 1, 01.19 Circu!tr A-S5, (Name and tetcrhon6 no.) FEDERAL AGENCY It has been or is being made. A-95 ACTION 424-101 brANUAKU VQKb4 4;,A ri.Lt 1 UU-lb) Prescribed by GSA, Fedcrel Zdanagemcrt Circv!_r 74-7 PART III — BUDGET INFORMATION Pane 1 OM© NO. 80•R0.106 SECTION A — BUDGET SUMMARY. Grant Program. Function or Activity (a) Fedoral Catalog No. (b) Estimated Unobligated Funds New or Revisod Budget Fodaral (c) Non•Fodoral (d) Fodoral (o) Non•Fedoral (f) Total (91 t•Assistance 20,507 $ $ S 548,018 $ 548,018 $ 1;096,036 2. 3. 4. 5. TOTALS $ $ $ 548,018 $ 548,018 $ 1 ,096,036 SECTION B —.BUDGET CATEGORIES 6. Object Class Categories Grant Program, Function or Activity (t) (2) 13) (4) Total (s) a. Personnel S 30,002 $ $ $ $ 30,002 b. Fringe Benefits 5,644 5,644 c. Travel 1 .400 1 , 400 d. Equipment -0- `- -0- e. Supplies 2,350 2,350 I. Contractual 1 148,371 1 1148,371 g. Construction h.Other _0- 1 10,928 -0- 1 10, 928 i. Total Direct Charges 1 , 298, 695 8 6 j. Indirect Charges 14,411 14 41 1 k. TOTALS' $1 , 313,106 $ $ $ S 1 131 M 06 7. Program I ncomc S 217,070 $ S ' $ S 217,070 PART III — BUDGET INFORMATION Page 2 OMB NO. 00•RO/04 i SECTION C — NON-FEDERAL RESOURCES (e1 GRANT PROGRAM (h) APPLICANT (e1 STATE (d) OTHER SOURCES let TOTALS a. $ 385,869 S. s 162,150 s 548,018 9. 10. 11. 12. TOTALS s 3 s S162,1 5U IS 5146,018 SECTION 0 - FORECASTED CASH NEEDS 13. Federat Total for 1st Year 1st Quartor 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter $ 548,018 S 137 , 00 S 137,004 S 137 , 00 S 137,004 14. Non -Federal 548, 018 .137 , 005 137,005 137,005 • 137 , 005 - 15.TOTAL s 1,09 ,03 s 27 ,009 s 27 ,0 99 S 27 9 S 274,009 SECTION E — BUDGET ESTIMATES OF FEDERAL FUNDS NEEDED FOR BALANCE OF THE PROJECT (a) GRANT PROGRAM FUTURE FUNDING PERIODS (YEARS) (b) FIRST (c) SECOND idt THIRD iol FOURTH 1 G. N/A $ S S $ 17. is. 19. 20, TOTALS S Is S SECTION F — OTHER BUDGET INFORMATION (Attach additional Shoots A Necetairyl 21. Direct Charges: 22. Indirect Charges: See attached letter from cognizant agency approving 6.46% 23. Remarks: THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF LUBBOCK CITY OF LUBBOCK I, EVELYN GAFFGA, City Secretary -Treasurer for the City of Lubbock, Texas do hereby certify that the attached documents are true and correct, to -wit: RESOLUTION No. 322, passed by the City Council of Lubbock, Texas at its Regular Meeting held November 8, 1979, duly recorded in Minute Book No. 38, Page 689, Item 2306 of the Minutes of City Council dated November 8, 1979; The ATTACHMENTS were on file in this office pursuant to the Notice of Public Hearing appearing October 7, 1979 in the Lubbock Avalanche -Journal and -constitute a portion of our official records. (Seal) TO CERTIFY WHICH, witness my hand and seal of the City of Lubbock, Texas this 19th day of November, 1979. EVELYN GAFFGA City Secretary -Treasurer -25- �j RESOLUTION #322 - 11/8/79 j" !! new • 1 a RESOLUTION ( t0 i RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF AN APPLICATION WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, FOR A GRANT UNDER THE URBAN MASS TRANSPORTATION ACT OF 1964, AS AMENDED. WHEREAS, the Secretary of Transportation is authorized to make grants for mass transportation projects; 1' WHEREAS, the contract for financial assistance will impose certain obliga- tions upon the applicant, including the provision by it of the local share of project costs; WHEREAS, it is required by the U.S. Department of Transportation in accord with the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act 1964, that in connection with the filing of an application for assistance under the Urban Mass Trans- portation Act of 1964, as Amended, the applicant give an assurance that it will comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the U.S. Department of Transportation requirements thereunder; and WHEREAS, it is the goal of the Applicant that minority business enterprise be utilized to the fullest extent possible in connection with this project, and that definitive procedures shall be established and administered to ensure that minority businesses shall have the maximum feasible opportunity to compete for contracts, when procuring construction contracts, supplies,.equipment con- tracts, or consultant and other services: f NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: 1. That the MAYOR is authorized to execute and file an application on behalf of the City of Lubbock with the U.S. Department of Transportation, to aid in the financing of operating assistance projects pursuant to Section 5 of the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as amended, for fiscal year 1979-80. 2. That the MAYOR is authorized to execute and file with such appli- I cations an assurance or any other document required by the U.S. Department of Transportation effectuating the purposes of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. 3. That JOHN L. WILSON, Transit Coordinator, is authorized to furnish such additional information as the U.S. Department of Transportation may require in connection with the application or the project. 4. That the MAYOR is authorized to set forth and execute affirmative minority business policies in connection with the project's procurement needs. 5. That the MAYOR is authorized to execute grant contract agreements on �_ -26- behalf of the City of Lubbock with the U.S. Department of Transportation for aid in the financing of the operating assistance projects. Passed by the City Council this 8th day of November, 1979. RK WEST, MAYOR ATTEST: Evelyn Gaffga, City Sec e r reasurer APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: John L. Wilson, Transit Coordinator APPROVED AS TO FORM: Doh2ld G. Vandiver, First Asst. City Attorney SECTION III APPLICANT ELIGIBILITY DOCUMENTATION AND STANDARD ASSURANCES "The Applicant Eligibility Documentation and Standard Assurances submitted to UMTA on October 27, 1977, as subsequently updated or as updated by the additional material submitted herein, are herein incorporated by reference and made part of this application." The City of Lubbock conforms to the requirements of the Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Section 601 which states: "No person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or acti- vity receiving Federal financial assistance." n0 SECTION III - EXHIBIT A PROJECT BUDGET For the Period: October 1, 1979 to September 30, 1980 Transit Operator: Transit Management Company of Lubbock Designated Recipient: City of Lubbock, Texas (1) a. Operating Expenses Salaries -Permanent Employees $ 45,501 Salaries -Part -Time Employees 8,674 Stability Pay 800 Retirement 3,028 Social Security 3,370 Group Insurance 1,268 Workman's Compensation 170 Motor Vehicle Supplies 350 Minor Tools 50 Office Supplies 1,800 Educational Supplies -0- Photographic Supplies -0- Postage 200 Other Office Supplies 1,750 Maintenance Motor Vehicles 300 Maintenance Office Furniture 100 Maintenance Other Equipment 400 Maintenance Building -0- Utilities Electric 360 Utilities Telephone 960 Professional Services 10,000 Boards & Commiss-ions 900 Advertising & Promotion 27,500 Rent Land 1,000 Liability Insurance 282 Surety Bonds 11 Other Insurance 112,900 Travel, Dues, and Training 1,400 SUB -TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $ 223,07 INDIRECT COSTS (6,46%) $ 14,411 b, Contract Costs Maintenance -Vehicles 225,325 Transportation 679,620 Traffic Promotion 4,040 Ins. & Safety 29,200 General & Administrative 36,320 Taxes & Licenses 48,950 Operating Rents 48,116 Cost of Working Capital 8,000 Management Fee 68,800 SUB -TOTAL CONTRACT COSTS $ 1�14+�371 Total Operating and Contract Costs (2) Less Eliminations: a, Non-Mass.Transportation Expenses Charter b. Other Exclusions UMTA Section 9 - Technical Study (3) Eligible Operating Expenses (4) Less Farebox Revenue (5) Net Project Cost (6) Local Share: City of Lubbock University Student Funds LOCAL SHARE (7) Net Expenses Advanced on -Operations Before Applying UMTA Funds (8) UMTA Funds Requested Prepared by: John L, Wilson Title: Transit Coordinator Date: November 19, 1979 $1,385,856 47,750 25,000 72,750 $ 72,750 (2) $1,313,106 (3) 217,070 $ 217,070 (4) 1,096,036 (5) 385,868 162,150 $ 548,018 (6) $ 548,018 (7) $ 548,018 (8) -In- SECTION III - EXHIBIT B MAINTENANCE OF EFFORT Level of Effort Schedule For the Period: 1 Oct. 1979 through 30 Sept. 80 Transit Operator: Lubbock Transit Designated Recipient: City of Lubbock Based on: Audited Statements or Independent Certifications REstimated Check One XProject Year Project Year-1 Project Year-2 Net Level of Effort for this Period: 385,868 CERTIFICATION: "I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the Level of Effort Schedule for the Project Year 1979-80 is a fair presentation of the amounts of State and local government funds, special purpose tax revenues, auxiliary trans- portation revenues, and other applicable sources of funds applied or ex- pected to be applied against eligible transit operating expenses, as de- fined in UMTA Circular C 9050.1. To the best of my knowledge and under- standing, the projected Net Level of Effort for this period is sufficient to comply with all requirements of Section 5 (f) of the Urban Mass Trans- portation Act of 1964, as amended, and as summarized below: Net LOE, Project Year-2 $ 250,147 (1) Net LOE, Project Year-t $ 285,000 (2) Total, Lines (1) + (2) $ 535,147 (3) I Line (3) $ 267,574 (4) Required MOE Net LOE, Project Year $ 385,868 (5) The amount of Line (5) being greater than or equal to the amount on Line (4), as supported by the accompanying Level of Effort Schedules, certi- fications, and financial statements, I submit that the documentary re- quirements for Section 5 applications with regard to Maintenance of Effort are herewith satisfied. , John/L. Wilson T;6nsit Coordinator �1 DATE: November 19,_1979 LEVEL OF EFFORT SCHEDULE REVENUE CATEGORY TOTAL REVENUE APPLIED TO ELIGIBLE EXPENSES APPLIED TO OTHER THAN ELIGIBLE EXPENSES ITEMIZE OTHER THAN ELIGIBLE EXPENSES: Source Subject to MOE Source NOT Subject to MOE 1 Passenger Fares $- 217,070 $ 217,070 $ ' $ 162,150 $ $ $" $ 162,150 $ $ $ $ $ 1 g a1 T ansit Fares J;{�_Jversit Stud i 1 School Bus Revenues 1 _, 404 Freight Tariffs . t i Charter Service Revenue $ 47,750 $ $ 47,750 406 Auxiliary `, Transportation Revenue I Nontransportation Revenue 8 Taxes Levied by Transit System $ $ $ $ 315',Q54 $ 315,054 $ $ w Local Cash Grants/ emp $rTupbock 30.01 0 Local, Special Fare Assistance 1 State Cash Grants/ - Reimbursements . '2 State Special Fare Assistance .3 Federal Grants/ Reimbursements $ $ $ 30 Contributed Services - City Staff $ 70,814$ $ $ $ .430.01 440 Other Sector Subsidy $ then Sources Currently Applied LTOTAL EACH COLUMN �_ I $ 812,838 $ 385 , 868 $ 379,220 $ 47,750 Net LOE -32- SECTION III - EXHIBIT B MAINTENANCE OF EFFORT Level of Effort Schedule For the Period: i Oct. 1978 through 30 Sept. 79 Check One Transit Operator: Lubbock Transit Project Year X Project Year-1 Project Year-2 Designated Recipient: City of Lubbock Based on: Audited Statements or Independent Certifications X Estimated Net Level of Effort for this Period: $285,000 CERTIFICATION: "I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the Level of Effort Schedule for the Year ending 1978-79 is a fair presentation of the amounts of State and local government funds, special purpose tax revenues, auxiliary trans- portation revenues, and other applicable sources of funds applied, or expect- ed to be applied, against eligible transit operating expenses, as defined in UMTA Circular C 9050.1, based upon estimated and/or unaudited financial state- ments for the subject period. Audited financial statements or other inde- pendent verification of the actual Level of Effort for the subject period are not available at this time. The applicant understands on this basis that UMTA approval of the application for which this Schedule is submitted shall be conditional upon the submission of a revised Level of Effort Schedule based upon audited financial statements or other independent verification of the Level of Effort for the Subject period." J n L. Wilson ransit Coordinator DATE: November 19, 1979 LEVEL OF EFFORT SCHEDULE REVENUE CATEGORY TOTAL REVENUE APPLIED TO ELIGIBLE EXPENSES APPLIED TO OTHER THAN ELIGIBLE EXPENSES ITEMIZE OTHER THAN ELIGIBLE EXPENSES. Source 'Subject to MOE — Source NOT Subject to MOE 1 Passenger Fares $ 195,000 $ 195,000 $ 2 Special Transit Fares University Student Fund ;$ 145,000 $ $ 145,000 $ I-S School Bus Revenues t74 Freight Tariffs $ $ $ 5 Charter Service Revenue $ 53,300 $ $. 53,300 406 Auxiliary Transportation Revenue $ $ $ $ .. 407 Nontransportation Revenue $ $ $ f`8 Taxes Levied by Transit System -, Local Cash Grants/ Reimbursements sty- of n2bback $ 247,953 $ 247,953 $ $ a._ 430-01 0 Local Special Fare Assistance J State Cash Grants/ Reimbursements $ $ $ $ 2 State Special Fare Assistance I3 Federal Grants/ Reimbursements •0 Contributed Services t - Staff 4 0. 01 $ 37,047 $ 37,047 440 Other Sector Subsidy $ $ $ $ her Sources Currently Applied $ $ $ $ TOTAL EACH COLUMN k. 1 $ 678,300 $ 285 , 000 $ 340,000 $ 53,300 Net LOE _34_ PROJECT BUDGET For the Year ending September 30, 1979 Based on Uniform Accounting Principles Prescribed in Circular UMTA C 9050.1 Operating Expenses Operating Expenses 922,160 Management Fee 23,640 Other Insurance 87,920 Contributed Services 37,047 Other Transit Expenses 37,533 $1— 108, 300 Less Eliminations Charter Operations (53,300) $1,055,000 Less Farebox Revenue (1.95,000) NET PROJECT COST $$ 860,000 Local Share City of Lubbock $ 285,000 University Student Funds 145,000 Miscellaneous Income -0- $ 430,000 Net Expenses Advanced on Operations Before Applying UMTA Funds $ 430,000 UMTA FUNDS REQUESTED $ 430,000 SECTION III - EXHIBIT B MAINTENANCE OF EFFORT Level of Effort Schedule For the Period: 1 Oct. 1977 through 30 Sept. 78 Transit Operator: Lubbock Transit i' Designated Recipient: City of Lubbock t, Based on: X Audited Statements or Independent Certifications Estimated Net Level of Effort for this Period: $250,147 CERTIFICATION: Check One Project Year Project Year-1 Y, Project Year-2 "I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the Level of Effort Schedule for the Year ending September 30, 1978 is a fair presentation of the amounts of State and local government funds, special purpose tax re- venues, auxiliary transportation revenues, and other applicable sources of funds applied against eligible transit operating expenses as defined in UMTA Circular C 9050.1, based upon audited financial statements or other independent verifications for the subject period." J n L. Wilson Transit Coordinator DATE: November 19, 1979 _, -36- N LEVEL OF EFFORT SCHEDULE REVENUE CATEGORY TOTAL REVENUE APPLIED TO ELIGIBLE EXPENSES APPLIED TO OTHER THAN ELIGIBLE EXPENSES ITEMIZE OTHER THAN ELIGIBLE EXPENSES: Source Subject to MOE Source NOT Subject to MOE 01 Passenger Fares $ 188,953 188,953 $ '-02 S cial Transit Fares rwq 63 UR $ 133,121 $ 133,121 $ -!��tuent Funds -'-03 School Bus Revenues $ $ 404 Freight Tariffs $ $ 65 -Charter Service Revenue $ 44,56o 44,560 406 Auxiliary Rnsvottation Revenue ising 150 $ 194 150 $ '194 $ M i sce 1 i anu 407 Nontransportation Revenue $ $ -38 Taxes Levied by Transit System Local Cash Grants/ Reimbursements City Lubbet-k- 222,606 $222,606 of '0 Local Special Fare Assistance ,.I State Cash Grants/ Reimbursements $ $ $ $ 2 State Special Fare Assistance 3 Federal Grants/ Reimbursements $ $ $ "10 Contributed Services I- Ctty Staff 430,01 $ 2�7 1 97 $ 27,19-7 440 Other Sector Subsidy her Sources Currently Applied TOTAL EACH COLUMN $ 616-1781 $250r . 142 Net LOE 322 ?,074 $ 44, 560 -17- PROJECT BUDGET For the Year ending September 30, 1978 Based on Uniform Accounting Principles Prescribed in Circular UMTA C 9050.1 Operating Expenses Operating Expenses 805,30 Management Fee ,155 Other Insurance 12 01, 330 Contributed Services 277 Other Transit Expenses ,,19197 $1,000,0 9 Less Eliminations Charter Operations (44,560) $ 955,489 Less Farebox Revenue (188,953) NET PROJECT COST $7766,536" City of Lubbock $249,803 University Student Funds 133,121 Miscellaneous Income 194 Auxilta.ry Transportation. 150 $ 383 , 2fi8 Net Expenses Advanced on Operations Before Applying UMTA Funds $ 3$3,26$ UMTA FUNDS REQUESTED $ 383,268 SECTION III - EXHBIIT C TRANSIT SYSTEM AND URBANIZED AREA DESCRIPTION The Transit System and Urbanized Area Descriptive Information submitted to UMTA on October 27, 1977, as subsequently updated or as updated by the additional material submitted herein, accurately describes the transit system and the urbanized area associated with this project and are herein incorporated by reference and made part of this application. The experimental S-Tech Route was discountined November 11, 1977 after 2 1/2 months of service due to an accute lack of ridership. SECTION III - EXHIBIT D PUBLIC HEARING AND STANDARD CERTIFICATIONS THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF LUBBOCK Before me Ma ri I yn Pie rce a Notary Public in and for Lubbock County, Texas on this day personally appeared J. C. Rickman+ Business Manalser of the Southwestern Newspa- pers Corporation, publishers of the Lubbock Avalanche -Journal —. Morning, Evening and Sunday, who being by me duly sworn did depose and say that said newspaper has been published continuous) f r ore than fifty-two weeks pprior to the first insertion of this Lea l Not ice - 271 word C�61t Pet word - $1A.66 No. 612399 at Lubbock County, Texas and the attached print- ed copy of the Notice is a true copy of the original and was printed in the Lubbock Avalanche-J urnal on thefollo�ing4ates - October 7 and 2-6 9 1979. (City of Lubbock B ess Manager LUBBOCK AVALANCHE -JOURNAL Southwestern Newspapers Corporation [ Subscribed and sworn to before me this 31s tday of October MARILYN PIERCE My COMP✓ISSiON EXPIRES FEB. 1, 1980 Notary Public in and for Lubbock County+ Texas -40- t_ 19 79 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RE: FY 19800peratingAssistance Notice Is hereby given that a pub- lic hearing will be held by the City Of Lubbock in the City Council Chambers on November 8, 1979, at 10:00 A.M. for the purpose of consi. dering a project for which Federal Operating Assistance under Sec. tion 5 of the Urban Mass Transpor- tation Act of 11144 as amended, Is being sought, generally described as follows: The City Of Lubbock is seeking 11,061,623 (1530,812 Federal, S530,- 813 local) for transportation serv- Ices in the Lubbock urbanized area provided by Transit Management Company of Lubbock from October 1, 1979 to September 3% 1980. j No persons, families, or business.' as will be displaced by this project. There will be no significant envl• ronmentai impact upon the ur4an service area. The project is in conformance with transportation planning in the area and Is consistent with the adopted programming of projects; in the Transportation Improve- ment Program. The City of Lubbock. will partici• Pat* In the vehicle pool system servicing the needs of the elderly and handicapped and half fare on all regular transit' routes. Transit Management Company of Lubbock provides the Incidental Charter service In the Lubbock urbanized area. At the hearing, the City of Lub. bock will afford an opportunity for interested peons or agencies to 1 be heard with rersspect to the social, environmental, and economic as. pects of the project. Interested per• sons may submit orally or in writ • j Ing evidence and recommendations with respect to said project. A copy of the application and the!. Transportation Improvement Pro• gram for the area is currently available for public inspection in the City Secretarys Office at City 01 Lubboc tary.k, Evelyn Gaffga, City Secre THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF LUBBOCK Before me Zuella Wheeler a Notary Public in and for Lubbock County, Texas on this day personally appeared Norman L. Williamson of Publication Service Company, publishers of the West Texas Times, weekly newspaper, who being by me duly sworn did depose and say that said newspaper has been published continuously for more than fifty-two weeks prior to the first insertion of this _____Nntire of HPnrina No. at Lubbock County, Texas and the attached printed copy of the is a true copy of the original and was printed in the West Texas Times on the following dates: o.t. 10, ?4' 19:z9 WEST TEXAS TIMES Publication Service Company Subscribed and sworn to before me this 31 day of Oct. 19 79 ZUELLA WHEELER Notary Public in and for Lubbock County, Texas i My Commission Expires June 1, 1979 -41 T NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RE: FY 1980 Operating Assistance. Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the City of Lubbock in the City Council Chmbers . on November 8, 1989, at 10:00 A.M. for the purpose of considering a project for which Federal Operating ' Assistance under Section 5 of the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as amended, is being sought, generally described as follows: - The City of Lubbock is seeking $1,061,625 ($530,812 Federal, $530,-: 813 local) for transportation services in the Lubbock urbanized area provided by Transit Management Company of Lubbock from October 1, 1979 to September 30,1980. No persons,. families, or businesses will be displaced by this project. There will be no significant environmental impact upon the urban service area. The project is in conformance with transportation planning in the area and is consistent with the adopted programming of projects in the Transportation Improvement Pro- gram. The City of Lubbock will participate in the vehicle pool system servicing the needs of the elderly and,, handicapped, and halt fare on all regular transit routes. Transit Management Company of Lubbock provides the incidental charter service in the Lubbock urbanized area. At the hearing, the City of Lubbock will I afford an opportunity for interested persons or agencies to be heard with respect to the social, environmental, and economic as- ; pects of the project. Interested persons may submit orally or in writing. evidence and ` recommenda- tions with respect to said project. A copy of the application and the Transportation Improvement Pro- gram for the area is currently available for public inspection in the City Secretary's Office at City of Lubbock, Evelyn Gaffga, City Secretary. —42— THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF LUBBOCK Before me Zuaga T,rheeja. a Notary Public in and for Lubbock County, Texas on this day personally appeared Ne,,�- iiilia�x�son of Publication Service Company, publishers of the West Texas Times, weekly newspaper, who being by me duly sworn did depose and say that said newspaper has been published continuously for more than fifty-two weeks prior to the first insertion of thisi�„ No. at Lubbock County, exas and the attached printed copy of the is a true copy of the original and was printed in the West Texas Times on the following dates: Oe 10, 24, 1979 WEST TEXAS TIMES Publication Service Company Subscribed and sworn to before me this 31 day of Oct. 19 79 ZUELLA WHEELER Notary Public in and for Lubbock County, Texas My Commission Expires June 1, 1979 -43- NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RE: FY 1W Operating Assistance. Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the City of Lubbock in the City Council Chmbers on November 8, 1989, at 10..00 A.M. for the purpose of considering a project for which Federal Operating Assistance under Section 5 of the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964. as amended, is being sought, generally described as follows: The City of Lubbock is seeking $1,061,625 ($530,812 Federal, $530,- 813 local) for transportation services in the Lubbock urbanized area Provided by Transit Management Company of Lubbock from October 1, 1979 to September 30, 1980. No persons, families, or businesses . will be displaced by this project. There will be no significant environmental impact upon the urban service area. The project is in conformance with . transportation planning in the area . and is consistent with the adopted Programming of projects in the Transportation Improvement Pro- gram. The City of Lubbock will Participate in the vehicle pool system servicing the needs of the elderly and .: handicapped, and half fare on all regular transit routes. Transit Management Company of Lubbock Provides the incidental charter service in the Lubbock urbanized area. At the hearing, the City of Lubbock will afford an opportunity for interested persons or agencies to be heard with respect to the social, environmental, and economic as- Pects of the project. Interested ` Persons may submit orally or in writing evidence and recommenda- tions with respect to said project. A copy of the application and the Transportation Improvement Pro- gram for the area is currently available for public inspection in the City Secretarys Office at City of Lubbock, Evelyn Gaffga, City Secretary. "the newspaper of today Your weekly community !_ with ideas and ideals newspaper with YOU, for the 80's and beyond" the people, in mind Aj �C Y 506 East 23rd St. (806) 762.3612 P.O. Box 2553 Lubbock, Texas 79404 Lubbock, Texas 79408 The State of Texas County of Lubbock Before me, �.`h q ,. /� str 2 // a notery public in and for Lubbock County, Texas, personally appeared before me, r<,, C'( a 'J'so " Managing Editor of KATHBOB and ASSOCIATES, publishers of the "Lubbock Digest", weekly newspaper, who being by me duly sworn did dispose and say that said newspaper has been published continually for more than 2 GvS prior to the p �--- insertion of this op" ti �; s Q,ST� Nc c , R v y words @ 150 per word for f y3 � c x a , yG, ckj VOL. 3N,f NO. No,yr at Lubbock County, Texas and the attached printed copy of original and was printed in the "Lubbock Digest" on the following; dates; OCT, «7t Managing Editor — Lubbock Digest, Weekly Newspaper KATHBOB and ASSOCIATES Subscribed and sworn before me this & ,z,, day of ] „U , 1979. Charles Terrell Notary Public in and for Lubbock County, Texas My Commission Expires - 3o —45— "�rDirtt#e� #c� �ree�ant, Justice, ttn?t �2�uttli#g" Lubbock Digest October 11, 1979 Notice Of Public Hearing Re FY 1980 Operating Alsistance Notice is hereby given The City of Lubbock will . r that a public hearing wilt be participate in the vehicle ' held by the City of Lubbock in the Council pool system servicing the .City Chambers. on November 8, needs of the elderly and handicapped, and hall fare ' 1979, at 10:00 A. M. for the on all regular transit routes. purpose of considering a project for which . Federal Transit Management Company of Lubbockprovides.- Operating Assistance under the incidental ; Section of the Urban Mass charter ` service in the Transportation Act of 1964; Lubbock urbanized area. as amended, is beingsought, A t the hearing, the City of ''Lubbock- generay'described as ' ll will afford an ' follows. opportunity for interested The City of Lubbock is ' persons or agencies to be seeking $1,061,625 (S530, heard with respect to the 812 Federal, $530,813 local) : social, environmental, . and for :transportation services in the Lubbock urbanized economic aspects . of 'ffie project. Interested persons area provided by Transit Management. Company of may submit orally. or in writing evidence and Lubbock from October 1, , recommendations x ith 1979 to September 30, 1980. respect to said project, No persons, families, or A copy of the application businesses will be displaced and the Transportation by this project. There will be . Improvement Program for s no significant environmen- the area is currently tat impact upon the urban-,s..available for, pablic service area. • inspection -in the. City The project is- in Secretary, s Office at Clty.of conformance with transpor- Lubbock; - Evelyn Gaffga, tation planning in the area City Secretary. and is consistent with the adopted programming of P. O. Box 2000 projects in the Transporta- Lubbock, Texas 79457 tion Improvement Program. ,, -46- Nov. 5, 1979 The State of Texas Couty of Lubbock 1 Before me, Roberto Delgado, a notary, public in and for Lubbock, personally appeared before me, Bidal Aguero, managing editor of Amigo Publications, publishers of E1 Editor, a weekly newspaper, who being by me duly sworn, idd dispose and say that said newspaper has been published continually for more than 52 weeks prior to the first insertion of these two legal notices containgtrig 524 words at 10� per word for a total of $52.40 in two editions Vol II-Ros. 47 and 51 for a total amount of $52.40 published in Lubbock and the attached printed copies of notices is the true copy of original that was printed in El Editor on the dates Oct. 5 and Nov. 2. aidaAguerd Subscribed and sworn before me hits 5th_ day of Nov. 1979. d-e-.,� i" . _'& " J7a Roberto Delgado Notary Public My commission expires Feb. 2, 1980 1" _47_ Amigo Publications • 1638 Main • Lubbock, Texas 79401 • Phone 806-763-3841 • Bidal Aguero, President ------------- 4 ................................................. - — ------------­---- --------- ----- --- .. � ___ -.:: ......... ­_­ - ------ F i Nov. 5, 1979 The State of Texas Couty of Lubbock 98fore me, Roberto Delgado, a notary public in and for Lubbock, personally appeared before me, Bidal Aguero, managing editor of Amigo Publications, publishers of El Editor, a weekly newspaper, who being by me duly sworn, idd dispose and say that said newspaper has been published continually for more than 52 weeks prior to the first insertion of these two legal notices containglig 524 words at 10t per word for a total of $52.40 in two editions Vol II Nos. 47 and 51 for a total amount of $52.40 published in Lubbock and the attached printed copies of notices is the true copy of original that was printed in El Editor on the dates Oct. 5 and Nov. 2. 41, /Z --,�7- al gue o IX Subscribed and sworn before me this 5th day of Nov. 1979 Roberto Delgado Notary Public Nay commission expires Feb. 2, 1980 -a8- Amigo Publications • 1638 Main • Lubbock, Texas 79401 • Phone 806-763-3841 • Bidal Aguero, President -------------------------------------------------------_..........._..---------.-..-......--..-..-.--------------- .------------ ----------......... -- ---- -- - .-.. - :..:-------------------......--------------- r, . El Editor, November 2, 1979 'Aviso do Audiencia PuKlica-- ` rema: Aslstencia Operativa ara el arlo fiscal 1980. Se le hace saber at publico que habra una audiencia pu- blica en la camara de diputa- dos de esta ciudad de Lub- bock, *ef dia 8 de Noviembre, 1979, Alas 10:00 de la matia- na, con el fin de considerar un proyepto para el cuai se requiere la asistencia federal bajo la. seccibn 5, del Acta de Transportacibn Urbana en Masa. Este proposito que se, busca, --_ es descrito on • la forma sigulente• .,. —1 La ciudad de Lubbock, re- quiere adquirir la suma de $1,081,625 ($530,812 en fon- dos federales y. $530,813 on fondos locales) para servicios de. transportaci6n en el area urbanizada de la ciudad de. Lubbock y proveida por la compafiia de manejamiento de transito de Lubbock, (Tran- sit Management Company) desde_la fecha 1rp. de Octu- bre, 1979 hasty ei 30 de Septiembre, 1980. , l.a cd. de Lubbock, partici- �ara en el sistema de vehicu- os de seruicio, que supien la_. necesidades de transporta- cl6nr a los- .ancianos a Inca- pacitados y cobrara la mitad del costo en sus rutas de regimen. 4 _ - I. -- En.dicha audjencia,..la cd.- de Lubbock, proveera "una oportunidad,. para que toda persona interesada,. , p repre- sentante de alguna agencia, sean oidas, con respecto al aspecto social, ambientai o economico de este proyecto. Toda persona interesada, puede dar evidencia oral o por escrlto-, sobre sus reco- mendaciones, sobre este pro- yecto. Cualquier interesado(a) puede adquirir una copia de este programa en la oficina de la secretaria de la, ciudad (City Secretary's Office). Evelyn Gaffga - City Secretary r 1.n El Editor, November 2, 1979 Aviso de Audiericia Publics' Tema: Asistencia . Operativa Para el afio fiscal 1980. • Se le hace saber al publico. que habra una audiencia pu; blica en la Camara de diputa- dos de esta ciudad de Lub- bock, er dla 8 de Noviembee, 1979, Alas 10:00 de la matia- na, con el fin de considerar, un proyecto para el cuai se requiere la asistencia federal'- bajo la secci6n 51 del Acta de Transportac16h Urbana en Masa. Este proposito que se busca, _ es descrito en , la forma sigutente: _, • • ,. ` ` '- La ciudad de Lubbock, re- quiere adquirir la suma de $1,081,625 ($530,812 en fon- dos federates y $530,813 en fondos locales) para servicios de transportaci6n en el area urbanizada de la ciudad de. Lubbock y. proveida. por I la compatlta de. manejamiento de transito de Lubbock, (Tran- sit Management Company) desde _ la fecha fro de Octu bred 1979 hasta el 30 de Septiembre, 1980. La cd. de Lubbock, partici- ppara en el sistema de vehicu- los de servicio., qua supien la necesidades _ de transports ci6n a los ancianos a inca- pacttados'.y cobrara la mitad del costo.., en sus rutas -.de` .regimen En dacha audiencia, la cd. de Lubbock, proveera una oportunidad, para. que toda persona interesada, o repre sentante de alguna agencia, sean oidas, con respecto al aspecto social, ambientai o economico de este proyecto.` Toda persona interesada, puede dar evidencia oral o por escrito; . sobre sus reco- mendaciones, sobre este pro- yecto. Cualquier interesado(a) puede adquirlr una copia de este programs en la oficina de la secretaria de la ciudad (City Secretary's Office). Evelyn Gaffga City Secretary -50- E( Editor Oct- 5, 1979 Notice of Public Hearing RE: FY 1980 Operating Assistance . Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the City of Lubbock in the City Council Chambers on November 8, 1979, -at -10:00 a.m. for the: purpose of con- sidering a project for which Federal Operating Assistance under Section 5 of the Urban Mass .Transportation ' Act of 1964, as amended, Is_ being `sought, generally "described' as follows:, The 'City of Lubbock" a' seeking $1,061,625 ($530,812 Federal, $530,813- local) ,for transportation services in :the .: Lubbock urbanized Area provi-' ded by Transit Management Company of Lubbock from 'Octoberl, 1979 to September 30, 1980. . No persons, families, - or businesses will be displaced ' by this: project. -There will be no significant ..environmental Impact -upon the urban ser- vice area. _ The project is in confor- mance with transportation planning in the area and ' is consistent with the adopted programming of, projects in the Transportation ;. Improve= .ment Program.: - w'; The City. of Lubbock, -will participate in the vehicle pool. - system servicing the needs of ; the . elderly . ,and '.handi- capped, and half fare` on --all regular transit routes. Transit Management -Company.: - -of-. Lubbock provides the ' incl dental charter service In the Lubbock urbanized area. At the hearing, the City of, Lubbock will afford an oppor- Aunity forAnterested. persons nor agencies to be heard with �,r"e6p66C`to the social; 'envi ronmehtai, and economic*4s- ipectt.of the project. Interest-` :ed.persons may submit orally or in writing evidence and re--., commendations with respect to said project. A copy of the appilcatlon and the . Transportation Im- provement Program, for the area is currently available for public inspection in the City Secretary's Office at City of Lubbock, Evelyn Gaffga, City Secretary. E(Edltor Oct. 5, 1979 Notice of Public Hbarino RE: FY 1980 Operating Assistance Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held' by the City of Lubbock, In the City Council - Chambers on November 8,r'1979, at 10:00, a.m. for the. purpose of con-� sidering a project for ° which _ Federal Operating Assistance, under Section 5 of the Urban Mass Transportation 'Act of 1964, as amended, Is being sought, - generally described as follows:: The City of Lubbock Is seeking $1,061,625 ($530,812 Federal, $M,813 local) for transportation services. In the Lubbock urbanized area provi- ded by Transit Management Comp4ny'.of Lubbock from October 10979 to September, 30,1980. No persons, families, or businesses will be displaced by this project. There will be no significant environmental Impact upon the urban ser- vice area. The project Is. In. conforT.- mance with'. transportation planning .in'the area ,and is consistent with the adopted programmingof projects In the Transportation , Improve- ment Program., . The: City:- of " Lubbock, will participate in the vehicle pool. - system servicing the needs of . the elderly and handi- capped, and, half fare'- on all: regular transit: routes.*. Transit Managementi Company- of; Lubbock 'provides the ' fncl-�- dental charter service In the Lubbock urbanized areaw:'­­_ �', At the hearing, the City of Lubbock wil ' l.afford an oppor- tunity for Interested 'persons or agencies to be heard With respect to the social*, envf-� ronmental, and economic -as-' pects of the project. Interest-,, ed persons may submit orally-, or In writing evidence and re- commendations with respect to said project. A copy of the application and the Transportation im- provement ProgrbLm for the area Is currently available for, public Inspection. In the City Secretary's Office at City of Lubbock, Evelyn Gaffga, City Secretary. rn. THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF LUBBOCK CITY OF LUBBOCK I, LISA BRIMHALL, Secretary, Transit Department, City of Lubbock, Texas, hereby certify that the attached transcription is true and correct; that I personally transcribed the material from the recording made at the Regular City Council held on November 8, 1979, designated as Agenda Item #24; and that said recording is on file in the Office of the City Secretary, Room 206, City Hall, Lubbock, Texas. LI A BRIMHAL Secretary Transit Department I, EVELYN GAFFGA, City Secretary -Treasurer of the City of Lubbock, Texas hereby certify that the above affiant, Lisa Brimhall, Secretary, Transit Department, appeared before me and affirmed that she personally transcribed the attached document from the recording referenced above. TO CERTIFY WHICH, witness my hand and seal of the City of Lubbock this 19th day of November,'1979. (Seal) EVELYN GA GA City Secretary-Treasur PUBLIC HEARING TRANSCRIPT ITEM 24 - LUBBOCK CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 8, 1979 MAYOR WEST: "At this time, we will open the Public Hearing for the purpose of condisering the project for which Federal Operating Assistance under Section 5 of the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964 as Amended is being sought. Who will speak? Denzel, may we hear from you on this subject and then we'll have comments from anyone here who would like to speak to this." DENZEL PERCIFULL: "Mayor, just as a matter of explanation, this is a re- quired Public Hearing for the Operating Assistance that the City does receive for the operating expense of our transit system." MAYOR WEST: "0.K. Any questions for Mr. Percifull on this from anybody?" CAROLYN JORDAN: "I do understand we've got a letter from GMC saying they won't hold us liable for changes." DENZEL PERCIFULL: "Now, I would want to point out for the record, that we need to make a point to separate the Hearings on Operating Assistance which is Item 24, and then the buses which is Item 26." MAYOR WEST: "O.K." DENZEL PERCIFULL: "Let's just make the distinction so that they're not one in the same Hearing for UMTA's records." LARRY CUNNINGHAM: "24isjust the Operating Assistance Grant of which we (CITY MANAGER) pay a portion of the cost." CAROLYN JORDAN: "So that's all people are supposed to be testifying about right now." DENZEL PERCIFULL: "Right; Exactly. If anyone has any comments they'd like to make,..." MAYOR WEST: "Yes, we'll hear from anyone that would like to speak to this. Hearing no one, I will close the Hearing." -r,4— NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RE: FY 1980 Operating Assistance Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the City of Lubbock in the City Council Chambers on November 8, 1979, at 10:00 A.M. for the purpose of considering a project for which Federal Operating Assistance under Section 5 of the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as amended, is being sought, generally described as follows: The City of Lubbock is seeking $1,061,625 ($530,812 Federal, $530:s813 -local) for transportation services in the Lubbock urbanized area provided by Transit Management Company of Lubbock from October 1,1979 to September 30, 1980. No persons, families, or businesses will be displaced by this project. There will be no significant environmental impact upon the urban service area. The project is in conformance with transportation planning in the area and is consistent with the adopted programming of projects in the Transporta- tion Improvement Program. The City of Lubbock will participate in the vehicle pool system servicing the needs of the elderly and handicapped, and half fare on all regular transit routes. Transit.Management Company of Lubbock provides the incidental charter service in the Lubbock urbanized area. At the hearing, the City of Lubbock will afford an opportunity for interested persons or agencies to be heard with respect tothe social, environmental, and economic aspects of the project. Interested persons may submit orally or in writing evidence and recommendations with respect to said project. A copy of the application and the Transportation Improvement Program for the area is currently available for public inspection in the City Secretary's Office at City of Lubbock, Evelyn Gaffga, City Secretary. _rc_ SECTION III - EXHIBIT D Standard Certifications The City of Lubbock HEREBY CERTIFIES THAT, in the development of this application for a Mass Transportation Operating Assistance Grant under the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as amended, it: 1. Has afforded opportunity for public hearings pursuant to adequate prior notice, and has held such hearing, in accor- dance with the requirements set forth by the Urban Mass Transportation Administration. 2. Has considered the economic and social effects of this project and its impact on the environment, including requirements under the Clean Air Act, the Federal Water Pollution Control Act and other applicable Federal environmental statutes, and its consistency with goals and objectives of such urban planning as has been promul- gated by the community. 3. Has found that this project is consistent with official plans for the comprehensive development of the urban area. 4. Has found the project is made in the best overall public interest taking into consideration the need for fast, safe, and efficient transportation, public services, and conser- vation of environmental and natural resources and the cost of eliminating or minimizing any adverse effects. i/ Y- 79 Date City of Lubbock By:P06&A7 West Mayor -56�- SECTION III - EXHIBIT E CHARTER AND SCHOOL BUS OPERATIONS A. CHARTER BUS OPERATIONS "The mass transportation operator to be assisted under this project does not engage in charter bus operations outside its transit service area and/or did not derive more than $15,000 from charter bus operations during its more recently completed fiscal year. Therefore, the project requirements of 49 CFR 604 do not apply to this project." B. SCHOOL BUS OPERATIONS "The mass transportation operator to be assisted under this project does not engage in school bus operations exclusively for the transportation of students and school personnel. Therefore, the requirements of 49 CRF 605 do not apply to this project." As of October 1, 1979 the City of Lubbock Transit Department was approved for a cost allocation plan. The following letter and documentation verifies that plan. OCT 12 1979 Mr. Larry Cunningham,.City Manager City of Lubbock Attention - Mr. Wayne Covey P. 0. Box 2000 Lubbock, Texas 79457 Dear Mr. Cunningham: DATE FILING REF: this replaces Negotiation Agreement not applicable - initial agreement. Pursuant to Federal Management Circular 74-4, The Department of Housing and Urban Development approves the central service costs cited in this agreement. This approval is subject to the conditions contained in Section III. SECTION I: Costs Distributed Through Central Service Cost Allocation Plan The central service costs listed in Exhibit A, attached,are approved on a fixed with carry -forward basis for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1980 and may be included as part of the costs of the departments indicated in Exhibit A for further allocation to Federal grants and contracts per formed by the respective departments. SECTION II: Costs Distributed Through Billing Mechanisms In addition to the costs distributed through cost allocations cited in Section I, the costs of the general services listed below may be billed to user departments. Office of General Services 1. Automatic Data Processing 2. Reproduction 3. Communication Motor Pool 1. Automobiles 2. Buses 3. Trucks Charges for the above services shall be billed in accordance with rates established by the locality as described in its Central Service Cost Allocation Plan. Department indirect cost rate proposals must clearly identify those costs that have been distributed through billing mechanisms as well as costs included in Section I of this Agreement. SECTION III A. LIMITATIONS: Use of the amounts contained in this agreement are subject to any statutory or administrative limitations and when ultimately allocated �_ <L Gv41 G C/c T 2 to individual grants or contracts through the indirect cost rates of each "local department", are applicable only to the extent that the funds are available. Acceptance of the amounts agreed to herein is predicted on the conditions: (1) that no costs other than those incurred by the locality were included for distribution in its local -wide cost allocation plan as finally accepted and that such costs are legal obligations of the locality and --allowable under the governing cost principles, (2) that similar types of costs have been accorded consistent accounting treatment, (3) that the information provided by the State/locality which was used as the basis for acceptance of the amounts or rates agreed to herein is not subsequently found to be materially incomplete or inaccurate. B. CHANGES: If fixed or predetermined amounts are contained in this agree- ment, they are based on the organizational structure and the accounting system in effect at the time the plan was prepared and the agreement was negotiated. These amounts are subject to modification if changes are made in the organizational structure or in the method of accounting for costs which affect the amount of reimbursement resulting from use of the amounts. The authorized representative of the responsible negotiation agency must be notified of such changes prior to their effective date. Failure to provide this notification may result in subsequent cost disallowances. .C. FIXED AMOUNTS: If fixed amounts are contained in this agreement, they are based on an estimate of the costs that will be incurred during the period to which the amounts apply. When the actual costs for such period are de- termined, adjustments will be made in a subsequent negotiation to compensate for the differences between the costs used to establish the fixed amounts and the actual costs. D. BILLED COSTS: Charges for the services cited in Section II will be billed in accordance with rates established by the Locality and recordad on the books of the operating department responsible for providing the services. Such charges will be based on the actual, allowable costs, as defined in FMC 74-4, incurred by the operating department, responsible for providing the services. Variances resulting from differences between billed allowable costs and the actual allowable costs for a particular accounting period will be compensated for by adjusting the rates in a subsequent ac- counting period. E. NOTIFICATION TO FEDERAL AGENCIES: Copies of this document may be provided to other Federal Agencies as a means of notifying them of the agree- ment contained herein. F. SPECIAL REMARKS: None. 3 BY THE LOCALITY Name Ci-Y ,,146�Xl Title Date By the Cognizant Negotiation Agency on behalf of the Federal Government Department of Housing & Urban Development Agency Jane Russell Name Director, Community Planning & Deyelopmer Title OCT 979 Date Negotiated by V. A. Stites Telephone: (214) 767-8322 Totals From Pg. 35 Ra to = A c B = 349,670 5, 0�9,9-99 6.46% CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS INDIRECT COST RATE PROPOSAL Public Services For the Year Ended September 30, 1979 Computation of Indirect Cost Rate Exclusions & Expenditures Expenditures Indirect For All Not Allowed Cost Other Purposes $2,416,179 $349,670 $5,409,999 (A) (B) Total cR 17C RhR of direct cost less exclusions and expenditures not allowed. rage 3D CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS INDIRECT COST RATE PROPOSAL Public Services For The Year Ended September 30, 1979 Cost Classifications Exclusions & Expenditures Expenditures Indirect For All Other Not Allowed Cost Purposes Total Activity Public Services Adm. $ 850 $ 50,749 $ $ 51,599 Health 148,657 47,571 852,355 1,048,583 Property Management 49,463 49,463 Animal Shelter 10,450 15,875 175,921 202,246 Transit 12,800 17,298 260,501 290,599 Sanitation 256,000 24,995 2,052,-994 2,333,989 Streets 245,760 24,836 1,608,671 1,879,267 Building Use - City Hall 176 176 Building Use - 1010 9th 199 199 Building Use - 1001 Texas 158 158 Building Use - All Other 7,507 7,507 Building Maintenance 3,066 3,066 Utilities 2,289 2,289 Grant Activity UMTA TX-09-0101 20,000 20,000 UMTA TX-05-4050 348,684 81,316 430,000 Community Development 593,515 99,089 692,6o4 Community Services 259,152 259,152 Revenue Sharing 750,000 750,000 Central Services City Manager 19,234 19,234 City Secretary 5,614 5,614 Microfilm 3,500 3,500 Internal Safety 10,784 10,784 Public Information 8,946 8,946 Finance Administration 12,699 12,699 Accounting & Reporting 24,511 24,511 Data Processing 13,262 13,262 Personnel 28,381 28,381 Purchasing 9,973 9,973 Payroll 3,065 3,065 Communications 14,982 14,982 TOTAL $ 2,416,179 $349,670 $5,409,999 $ 8,175,848 a